foraevermore · 2 years
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  LONG LIVE THE             Red Queen  Stolen by the claws of Death, taking her last breath            from her delicate and ailing body
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foraevermore · 2 years
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    LONG LIVE THE            White King Killed at the Battle of the Fallen Knights
#♔〡The just king – ( ed )
#❤ 〡The Broken Board War – ( arc )
#❥ – ( edits )
#❥ – ( in memoriam )
#❥ – The White Kingdom
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foraevermore · 2 years
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LONG LIVE THE           Red King  Killed in his throne by the Queen of Hearts,           where he resides in everlasting slumber.
#♚〡The lawful king – ( ed )#❥ – ( in memoriam )#❥ – The Red Kingdom#❥ – ( edits )#❤ 〡The Broken Board War – ( arc )
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foraevermore · 2 years
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Wonderland was once a world ever one admired in awe: unique, glorious, a place like no other. A land of so beautiful and bizarre landscapes that defy imagination, its citizens some dare say mad, some others kind-hearted and welcoming.
Ruled by justice, Wonderland was set in harmony amongst its realm thanks to the alliances settled up within domain between The House of Cards – where the four Courts resided in a interior alliance to maintain the order and unity in the bordering cities– and the Kingdom of the Knights where the higher authorities the White and Red Kingdoms had settled up two more: between themselves and one with the House.
But as every bright side has its darkness, conflicts and battles came to destroy the peace. After Alice Liddell fell down the Rabbit Hole and she came to face the Queen of Hearts getting dragged into a trial for a stolen tart, the little girl left the nation upside down and a furious Queen of Hearts to complain with the House elected council.
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foraevermore · 2 years
    LONG LIVE THE             Red Queen  Stolen by the claws of Death, taking her last breath            from her delicate and ailing body
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foraevermore · 2 years
♔〡The just king – ( ed ) ♚〡The lawful king – ( ed ) ♕〡 ♛〡
♠ ♣ ♦
↬ ─
〡 ❛
❤ 〡The First War – ( arc ) ❤ 〡The Broken Board War – ( arc ) ❤ 〡The Heart’s Empire rises – ( arc )  ❛ ┋ The Battle of the Fallen Knights – ( ba )
graphics aesthetics events drabbles moodboards aesthetics one shot tales relationships ships  ❥ – ( ships ) ❥ – ( edits ) ❥ – ( relationships ) ❥ – ( in memoriam ) ❥  – ( graphics ) ❥  a land beyond imagination ─ ( aesthetics ) ❥ – ( events ) ❥ one shot – ( tales )
❥ – The Red Kingdom ❥ – The White Kingdom
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foraevermore · 2 years
She was a lucky Queen, she mused as she looked at her King talking to loyal servant at her side. Her eyes were lost in his face, in his Porte, the way he handled the matters of Wonderland so easily. She knew she should be paying attention as it was also her Kingdom to rule, but she couldn't help staring at him. Annabelle Mia Claressa Alehkine White had grown up in the golden prime of Wonderland. J
John Grey 
Wonderlanders were known for their hospitality, some could say madness as well, why they were mad... Everyone's mad in there. Out of all mad people, there was one that truthfully wasn't mad from the beginning. John Grey was a lonesome man, known for walking through the streets of Wonderland with his head down. His homeland was going through changes and so he thought: Why shouldn't I change too? This brings us to the Tea House, a place where emotions could be found so they said. Mesmerized by the arrange of feelings one could take instead of your own John gave in. A mix of self- confidence mixed with Pink Nectar, feelings enough to make his self- steem  high and to feel like a winner, popular amongst those that drank tea like him. People knew him, trade with him and all seemed perfect... But with time and bottles, John became an addict. After a crisis, John was sent to the Hospital of Dreams where he was placed within room 412B with only a table and a bed as furniture. As all addictions have a consequences when trying to quit, Doctor noticed John started to talk while he tapped his fingertips on the table. At first they thought it was to himself, but then they realized in fact he began hearing voices. Poor John, he needed attention, to be popular like before and so he got imaginary friends to combat the loneliness he once had so long ago. They thought with time they'd go away, but this never happened. At last what the Doctors told him  was to face his addictions, one day he'd be able to move on. John was sent to the Tea House, under the watch of Hatter, who wasn't so pleased but did it anyway. 
 -Wake me from my nightmare;
 Verses In the addiction (past)NightmareAwakenings (main verse)Before Alice's arrival: John has gone through hell and back with his addiction for tea, taken out from the hospital of Dreams he comes to live with Hatter with the purpose of facing his demons. The Tea Shop is opened for sells and trades, and John's job isn't the best nor the worst. He takes care of the Shop while Hatter is away and Dormouse is sleeping. Just keeping an eye on it. He can't help but see himself a mirror of his past when he sees the other Wonderlanders but oh... The taste is so good, the feel is a thrill and the temptation is closer... After Alice's Arrival:John feels free for once and for all, somewhat because the Tea House becomes a chaos. Greedy Wonderlanders are going through the overcoming need of tea but there is no more. Alice brought the Casino down where the tea was produced and so... He felt free. He still hears his voices, by now he assumes they won't go away. hatter is told the tea House will be restored,
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foraevermore · 2 years
Looking-Glass To the hat man, this mirror is the representation of LOSS. To the Queen of Hearts it was the start of a new Era, the Rise of the Heart's Empire, a reign like none; but to Hatter it brought nothing but pain and regret. It is the reason why he lost his family, if the mirror hadn't fallen in the Queen's claws she wouldn't have employed his father to create the Wonder Tea, alongside the Carpenter and the Walrus, until he took his life and his mother wouldn't have been taken away to replace him in the job. Later on, the fight with his brother. On the other side, it hurt a lot seeing Alice cross the Looking-Glass to leave Wonderland, perhaps forever, and leaving him behind. He was aware her place wasn't there and he was to accept it, after all he'd found the place he belonged to was his own (until he later follows her in the series right?) 
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foraevermore · 2 years
Where was John while Alice came to wonderland?What does he like to do with his spare time? There is the Queen of hearts, the Red King (deceased), the White Queen (hidden), the Queen and King of clubs, the Queen and King of spades, the Queen and King of diamonds. There was a war just after Alice came to wonderland, the queen of hearts remained in the throne. The other kings and queens decided to remain inferior to the bloodiest queen, and the hearts brought some of the workers/soldiers they had as a signal of shame to work for them. Why are there clubs and suits/spades in Wonderland? There's the Pool of tears: Connects the Underground and the forest of Wabe the Forest of Wabe:the kingdom of the knights The White Rabbit OrganizationUnderground:Tea HouseThe Great library The Hearts palace:The hearts casinoThe main 'castle' where the looking glass isTweedle dee and Tweedle Dums torture chamber The eye room (the eye of shame) The hospital of dreams _____________Duchess house _____________huge mushrooms Tags:{Wonderland:{underground:{Hearts palace:{forest of Wabe: Alice Hamilton Carol Hamilton R Hamilton Queen of hearts Winston King of hearts Jack Frederick hearts David Hatter Mad March Eric Rowan Nikolas Ratty Duchess 10 club 9 club Duck Owl Dodo Bill the lizard * White rabbit agent white Important. Spoiler free. There is a few facts that you must know about the story. The Alice of Legend: Alice Liddell is the original Alice of Legend. Robert Hamilton was just another oyster in the group the White Rabbit Organization brought to the Queen. The fact that his daughter is called Alice is just a coincidence. She is confused with the Alice of Legend, but as she said she's Just Alice. thing that Alice Hamilton goes to Wonderland and gets confused with the Alice of Legend because of the name and What makes a Hatter.   Timeline Two families joining.  The journey of a million cups begins with a sip. Mother Father Nik is required by the Queen | the broken clock Erik is required by the Queen | the assassin within Nik is dead | the handles stopped / froze The mourning Their mother is taken and they never see her again Hatter blames march and their dad for the loss of both their parents     March feels the blame but buries it. March goes for hatter to convince him March goes after the Hatter to run the Tea Shop hatter refuses and they fight, wounds him. The Queen cuts his head off Hatter as a refugee goes to hide and is found by the Resistance. They know his story and take him to the Great Library. offer him a deal. Hatter goes to the Queen and as she need someone to run the Shop forgives his fault and hires him. He knows a bit of the place thanks to his dad but now he'll run it as he was taught, and be a double agent. [done] Wonderlands decay timeline Alice Liddell and her adventures: The golden haired girl. -> hence the Alice of Legend The First War:       (Lasts 50-80 years)       the Alliance broke         The red knights help and they are half over.         the White Queen and king said          To keep the white army for        future        The rabbit holes gone The Second War         red and whites vrs hearts         W Queen escape   The Hearts Empire rises         The search for the Queen         The discover of the pearls         The walrus        building of the Casino         The great library's breakdown         The resistance         The tea house Notes: Hearts wanted to feel the good but not the bad
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foraevermore · 2 years
Back to life HERE
avalon & hatter HERE
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foraevermore · 2 years
fairest queen of all
the just king
ev. the broken board war
battle of the fallen nights. - battle
the lawful king -
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foraevermore · 2 years
MARY ELIZABETH WAS YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL, features undoubtedly inherited from her mother. It was no surprise that after years of praising her only child the girl wouldn’t grow vain and capricious.
It was obvious, the way she stares at herself in the mirror, pinching her cheeks here and there to give them a little color. Oh pale skin, how she cursed it only to take back her words at how pretty she looked. She wanted to be glorified, adored as she had been throughout her childhood. Cards running all over to get mommy’s little girl the toy she wanted – the one that became the most boring thing after playing with it for about ten minutes–.
A smirk makes its way on her lips, she’s finally perfect. Just in time to turn at the knocking  at her door.
     “Peaches?” Winston Heart peers out from behind the doorframe, his handsome face lights up at the Queen’s countenance. “Are you ready? It’s time” he continues as he steps into the room, the place full of elegancy and expensive belongings, walking all the way to behind his precious wife. There was love in his eyes every time he stared at her and Mary Elizabeth beams in excitement throwing herself in his arms.
   “It’s time!” she exclaims, her hands hold onto Winston’s arms, so excited for what’s to come.
All the years of planning finally put in place, all those years of lessons from her mother, about power, pride… and REVENGE. There’s a glint of deviousness shimmering in her eyes, so dark and alluring, as she leans to kiss her husband. First lovingly, then it deepens into passion and Winston is left to marvel within the show of affection and believe it true: there’s nothing he won’t do for that woman… Even if he thinks it b a d.
                                                      ● ● ●
The Council is seated, within the House of Cards Conference Room in the Headquarters location. It is a large chamber, with the respective flags that held the  symbols of the Courts all around: Diamonds, Spades, Clubs and Hearts.
The building is split in four instances, one per Court, in which a good amount of individuals are seated under their respective retinue. There’s murmurs and conversation within each group, the monthly gathering to make sure the alliances and the laws within the cities and corteges are being held, to keep harmony within the land and avoid any other tragedy… Like years ago had happened.
There’s every King and Queen, alongside their vassals and counsels, every one… but the Hearts.
   “Are we to begin?” asks the King of Spades, whom features are strong as his voice, losing patience for there are other matters to take care of at his kingdom.
   “We would, if there wasn’t a Court missing” comes the reply from the Queen of Diamond’s lips. She finds it amusing, the carelessness of the Hearts at the royal duties, as far as she knows the Heart’s Court had been seen as a joke, a harmless joke, whom didn’t stand out too much to be cared for, but all of themhad to bear and comply the Council’s rules for the sake of Wonderland’s sake.
There’s a tinkering sound and all the eyes rise to meet the source of it, the doors are opening to reveal Mary Elizabeth and Winston enter the place pompously, followed by their entourage that walk over to take place at their seats.
     “We are here” Mary Elizabeth states, letting soft whispers and mumblings from the ladies and gentlemen to disrupt the brief silence.
           It was time.
   “Finally, we can proceed. Silence in the room!” the main counsel announces, he’s been sent from the Knights’ Kingdom, the maintain neutrality amongst the Courts, a small man with funny countenance, but strict and impartial personality.
          “If there’s no… inconvenience, we would like to start” The Queen of Hearts rises in her place, followed by Winston; as to which the counsel blinks a couple of times and nods giving them the word. The rest of the Courts grow uneasy, irritated by the interruption of the red-headed but say nothing further.
    Mary steps out of her place, chin lifted up with a smug smile plastered in her expression, she looks at every single face in the room keeping a daring gaze in her eyes before the smile turns into a mocking smirk.
   “Let’s go back in time, shall we? Long ago, we saw ourselves invaded by agirl, that caused so many troubles in our land. I bet you remember her, don’t you?” she asks, her gaze meeting every King and Queen then, touring from puzzled faces to confused ones. “This place, wouldn’t be as it is if it wasn’t for her. Did she do us any good?… Or harmed us? By tearing a whole place apart I would say, the second choice fits better.”
A wink to Winston, and a tap to her lips in fake thoughtfulness before she starts to wander the place and continue.
   “We should have punished her, perhaps… Cut off her head?” A collective gasp in the room rose “But, we didn’t. My mother came to this place, with reasonable arguments, asked for justice and what did you do?
       Nothing, but humiliate her. You called her vain and presumptuous, mocked her for being defeated by a little girl. Selfish, for over-looking Wonderland’s sanity, yes, you were restoring this House after it crumbled down. But she wanted explanations and saving this land from that little monster that did nothing but create chaos every where she went.”
The House of Cards had crumbled down back then when Mary Elizabeth was just a little girl, the whole land had heard the news; but beyond that, the rumors that gossiping tongues spread had attained to ignite the Queen of Heart’s fury, she had filled Mary’s head with lies and feelings of vengeance, teaching her how a ruler should be: determined to rule a land with iron-fist. Nothing like these Kings and Queens did, they were weak. All of them were useless.
And as years passed by Mary Elizabeth had been taught about strategies, about war and battles, how to win territories and whatever knowledge was useful to be a Queen, an all-mighty Queen.  
“You ignored her… And all these years, she did nothing but comply the laws because she had to. A ruler she was and will always be, her heritage is not lost, sirs and ladies, there is a true Queen amongst us.
                                I… Mary Elizabeth Constance Devillious Heart,                                     declare war upon the rest of the Courts”
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foraevermore · 2 years
Stills, the oohs the aahs, the healing drops, the passions, the thrills, and see how joy and awe and lust  can all be turned to pills.
Pink Nectar
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foraevermore · 2 years
ana 2
The presence of her furrowed expression makes that cheeky smile turn to a more understanding one.  Well, it was worth the try, was it not? It was very clear he wouldn’t get an embrace but having her there is enough. More than enough really, for he feels completely at ease leaving his usual paranoia aside whenever Ana is beside him.  The mere questions catches his breath, what hasn’t he been doing lately. Risking his head a couple of times, more maybe, by then but anything to survive in the land. If Hatter hadn’t learn how to be careful, he’d be dead so long ago.          He looks around the place, checking once, twice, that there is no nosey people around. The warm cups are now in his hands, pacing nearer to her he offers the tea with a wiggle of his brows. “Here you go…”
      “Why, I’ve been going through the land making a business or two. I found this pile of worthy books, Ratty gave them to me –he gives anything to me for a bottle– and I went to offer them to Dodo… alongside the weapons I got within the Black Market.” he sips, pausing at the brim of his cup.
His mind rummages through the pieces and bits of information, until the names to the Oyster books are found. “The Art of War by some guy named Sun Tzu” he begins, what kind of name was that? Who was he to judge though? Hatter? OR anyone in the land to be honest… Dodo, Duck.. but to the Wonderlander all their names seem normal, hence the well-known author’s alias feels funny at his tongue. “And The Prince, by another machiavellianman of sorts… They belonged to an oyster, I believe. A full backpack of books in his possession at the time of his abduction.”     THIS is the precise moment in which it hits him, he can’t quite remember telling her how Wonderland worked, at least not within the Casino’s walls and that the tea they wereenjoying was an outcome of it. What would she think about it? He was not a saint, that was a fact, but her opinion of him has a heavy weight and importance to the tea-seller.     Now said tea has turned bitter to his palate, leaving the cup on its saucer and the latter on his desk, the hat man pushes it away from his sight turning his attention to Ana as he continues to explain, hopefully away from the previous slip of his tongue. “Any wisdom-filled item here is banished, hence the Queen’s urge to find the Great Library to destroy it, if she finds that, she tracks down her foes… including me.” The last part he leans closer to whisper warily of the hearing walls.
His sight go back to the tea, such a waste to leave a cup half filled without enjoying… Despite his obvious dislike towards its production, long fingers reach out for another sip, brim stopping at his lips. That’s what Wonder Tea does, and he knows it perfectly, seeding a constant need and growing that addiction that would ruin you slowly if you let it. Back in the early years of his job, he knew it to the core. “Have you?” he sips “What is it about? Are prince and queens that different from ours in the Oyster’s world?” The hat man was curious now, what if he ever left Wonderland and try a life at the oyster’s?Would he even stand a chance? Mm, better not to find out, after all he’s done a life of his own there. His REPUTATION. “I have..” he smiles warmly, said appearance of curving of lips is becoming recurrent, and it is only because of Ana. What’s worth smiling for in Wonderland lately? In the means of genuine caring smiles? Nothing. He could recognize that emotion seeping from her stare, the one that wonderlanders HAD before a cup of Clear Conscience. It was w o r r y , and despite not liking that he had brought such troublesome feeling upon her, he is grateful.
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foraevermore · 2 years
March extract
Who is she? And why on Wonderland has she piqued his interest?          Something in her aura, in her shadow seems… different. But he can’t          wrap his mind about it and it irritates him to the core. Dark eyes squint,           staring intently at the stranger before him.                      “The shadows are agitated. I think you scared them.”
“WELCOMING?” the words come out of his lips with a slight scoff, “not really, they don’t even bother, but you made them shiver.”
“Serenity, it lasts longer anyway, the thrill to win does for a couple of minutes and then  you begin to wonder what you were celebrating for”
“But NEVER together, mix them and you’ll have one heeeeeell of a headache”
Hatter pauses for a little while, oh yes EXPERIENCE, if she only knew that he had a lot of experience when it came to taste the wonders. At first, it was part of the duties of course, being the boss in the shop and all, he has to make sure their merchandise is good. But then, it became a need, and if he hadn’t stopped, perhaps he would be like his customers downstairs. Yelling, begging for more.                  “Yeah, you could says so” the corners of his lips lift upwards, as he turns with the cups on his hands. “Hell of a headache, I have a lot of more advices towards Wonder tea you know? Also, NEVER on an empty stomach, have you eaten something?”   His smiles grows warmer and wider, noticing the feeling being requited. “I’ve missed you too, hence I need one of those hugs, a big tight one” Now the smile turns to a cheeky playful grin, oh Wonderland knows he’s grown fond of hugs. verona
Were they behind him? David doesn’t know, he casually glances over his shoulder as he runs the fastest he can. This theft of that ball of cheese hadn’t turned out as he had wished, but bloody hell was he hungry. Last time he ate a proper meal he couldn’t even remember, certain that his entrails had a carnage battled eating each other, he chose to take one ball from that man. He had plenty anyway, and was cheeky enough to try and sell them to people in the most expensive way he had thought. For the meantime, Hatter was poor, a RUNAWAY of sorts, hiding from the White Rabbit and his brother, avoiding anything that had to do with the pompous Hearts and their Court. How he loathed them…       Was it safe now? He wonders looking one last time behind him when it came out of the sudden, colliding towards someone he did not see coming. He was running for his own life anyway, not wanting to be beheaded for thievery. There’s unmistakable fear in his features when he turns to see the one he crashed into, and it increases when his back lays against the rough crust of the tree. But this one seems as nervous as him, expression softens and changes within seconds.   “EXCUSE ME, sneaking on people?” the offended huff makes its way out of David’s lips, pushing her hands away from his jacket, his favorite. “Says the one that pushes people against trees! What’s wrong with you to be that jumpy.” he stares with squinted eyes, the ones that drift towards the cheese ball laying over the fallen leaves a meter away from him. His stomach grumbles at the sight.      “Would you mind?” With the same boldness he pushes her away and walks to retrieve what is his, dusting off any dirt from the crafty envelope, –merely a piece of kraft paper held around the cheese however they found fit–.   “Me sneaking on people… Ha, as if you were that important.           I don’t even know who you are!”
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foraevermore · 2 years
Pairing: N/A
plot:  Hatter goes into the Great Library to give Dodo some stuff, meat and cheese. Then he wanders and meets a refugee, whom he develops a friendship with and from then on every time he goes to deliver information or food he gives them something from the outside world, cause going out from the Library is not safe.
Further plot needed. They can either remain friends or develop a relationship STATUS: Closed
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foraevermore · 2 years
Pairing: N/A
plot: John is out of his mind, listening to Alf did not good and he’s out there in the Oyster’s World. He even set up a fire, crazy, psychotic, people thinks he’s a lunatic. Can someone calm him down? Or maybe he’ll get a partner in crime?…
Further plot needed STATUS: Open
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