foreign-drea · 8 years
"Careful with the eggs".... "Where are my eggs?" Yeah, they're at the bottom of the basket. 😒
One time an elderly couple got mad because the bread I put on top of their eggs was going to crush the eggs
Error 404: Logic Not Found. -Abby
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foreign-drea · 8 years
i love my place of work but it is SO hard to fire people. i mean its good for the most part because i dont get anxious about being fired for little things but some of my coworkers are so, so lazy and terrible at their jobs, and i and the other handful of good coworkers have to pick up the slack. our managers cant do anything about it either; its a corporate thing
*Edit deleted my comment because I realized it might bring the drama jerks out of the wordworks. -Abby
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foreign-drea · 8 years
when ppl swipe their card before i'm even done scanning.... 😑 like hoe wyd
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foreign-drea · 8 years
Today my mom texted me and asked me to pick up a few things while I was on my break (I work at a grocery store). She asked me to get some coffee creamer and I didn’t know what kind she wanted so I called her, and In the middle of our conversation while I have a shitload of other products in my hands and a phone between my shoulder and ear (and a sweatshirt that isn’t part of my uniform, our uniforms are blue and my sweatshirt was bright pink), a customer taps me on the shoulder and says “do you work here? I want to know if you have any more deer park 24 pk. waters in back?” I knew we didn’t, so I told my mom to hold on a minute and I told the customer this and she goes “well if you advertise something on sale you should have it in stock”, so I told her she could substitute another brand, and she goes “well aren’t you going to show me where it is” and I didn’t want to be rude so I said “if you go to the customer service desk they’ll be happy to help you” because you know, I was on lunch, clearly not working on the clock. She asked me where the desk was and I gave her verbal directions, and she says “can’t you just walk me up there?” so as politely as I could, I said “Ma'am, I’m on lunch, I have to do some personal shopping” and she goes “well you don’t have to be rude about it”
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foreign-drea · 8 years
*customer gives me reusable bag* "Make sure to put the heavy stuff on the bottom." GEE WILLIKERS THANKS FOR TELLING ME. I ALMOST PUT THIS WHOLE SACK OF ORANGES ON TOP OF YOUR BREAD.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
I was a customer in this situation but I work retail. I sat down at a table in a food court at our mall during lunch time so it was super busy. The table was a little dirty because a lady literally just stood up from eating. I asked if she was done and when she said yes I put my food down. I noticed there were crumbs from some previous people so I decided to take a napkin from my stack and just throw them away. A couple ladies sitting at the table adjacent to me say “hun just throw them on the floor. That’s what they do anyways.” My response was, “it’s not a big deal it only takes a couple seconds.” “Well if you see a lady she’s walking around make her clean it. She needs to do her job anyways.” “I’m sure she’s doing her best, it’s the lunch time rush and literally every table is full. She can’t clean while other people are eating there.” “Oh you’re just too nice. No they don’t do anything they’re lazy” “No, I see her working, she’s cleaning the floors and waiting for tables to clear so she can clean. So stop. It’s not her fault every table is full. At least you don’t have to clean it.”
That shut her up. I hate people like that so much. Don’t strike up a conversation with me and attempt to shit on retail workers or the people cleaning. I will cut you down without a second thought.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
How customers think: oh you close at 9? Good job I got here at 8:58!! -_-
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foreign-drea · 8 years
I never realized how incredibly dense and unobservant most people are until I worked in a grocery store. I once had a woman ask me, I shit you not, "Do you guys sell cookies?" WHILE STANDING DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE COOKIE AISLE.
It is truly amazing how many dumb questions are asked. There is in fact a such thing as a stupid question.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
Re: Wages/"How do ya'll in America survive????": We don't. I've been working the same retail job for 3 years. I'm the most experienced worker in the store. I make $9/hour. I'm lucky my parents are letting me live at home rent-free, because I have to pay $330 in student loans every month, and that eats up basically all my income. Plus I can only get up to 22 hours/week because the company doesn't want more full-time workers than they absolutely need so they don't have to pay for benefits.
#reasons I still live at home
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foreign-drea · 8 years
I was on my way home from work one evening when I remembered I needed something from the store. I walked in with black pants, a dark blue top, and my clearly visible purse. So I  I was on my way home from work one evening when I remembered I needed something from the store. I walked in with black pants, a dark blue top, and my clearly visible purse. I was pushing around a single cart with my items in it and stopped to look at one of the displays, when I hear this guy talking as loud as possible on his cell phone. He just now came into the store, and didn’t look for anything he needed yet. He stops, politely tells the person he’s speaking with to hold on, looks at me, and says “Water.” So I’m confused because that’s not a complete sentence, I don’t know what he’s talking about, I was minding my own business. I reply with, “excuse me?” He repeats “Water.” But this time with a snappy attitude. It then occurs to me that he’s asking (in the rudest way he can) where the water is located. I tell him I don’t work here. And get this! He actually apologizes with, “I’m sorry, I thought you were an employee.”
That doesn’t make it right. Is that seriously how you treat employees? They’re people too, dammit. Was it so inconvenient to give someone the respect of a full sentence. A simple “excuse me, where is the water?” isn’t unreasonable. No one speaks caveman. I know you speak english. I heard your raunchy conversation from the front door.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
On Co-workers guilt tripping people into taking shifts. I had someone try to guilt me into taking a shift on my birthday that I requested off. Her excuse? "So? You will have another one." "Please! I need to watch my brother." I put my foot down and said no.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
I never realized how incredibly dense and unobservant most people are until I worked in a grocery store. I once had a woman ask me, I shit you not, "Do you guys sell cookies?" WHILE STANDING DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE COOKIE AISLE.
It is truly amazing how many dumb questions are asked. There is in fact a such thing as a stupid question.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
I had a customer ask if she could have her latte at 200 degrees. I told her that for our safety I wasn't allowed to make one so hot. She yelled at me saying it was unacceptable and that she had to have her latte at 200 degrees despite the fact that I could get severely burned.
She should go home and make her own 200 degree latte.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
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foreign-drea · 8 years
I HATE that cashiers and servers and others in retail are expected to be nice to everyone. I hate that were not allowed to stand up for ourselves. I hate that I have to smile and nod to a lady that’s belittling me and my job. I hate that it’s the norm for this industry. I understand it’s customer service but that doesn’t mean I should HAVE to wear a smile. Yes I’ll help you, but I shouldn’t be expected to be a huge ray of sunshine all the time. It’s emotionally exhausting.
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foreign-drea · 8 years
Every year around the holidays, my job sends out collateral for us to put out to let customers know that if you donate $1 to the St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital for Children, you get a $10 off coupon you can use in the month of December. So of course, when on register, we are supposed to ask customers if they would like to donate.
This is an actual conversation with a customer today: Me: “Hello, did you find everything okay?”
Her: “Uh, yeah.”
Me: “Awesome! Would you like to donate just $1 to the St. Jude’s Research Hospital for Children?”
*Note: she is spending over $60 on clothes*
Her: “Uhm, no. If I wanted to waste my money on a charity case, I would have went to Goodwill.”
Me: *completely speechless, continues the transaction silent* Like, really bitch? One, it’s a fucking DOLLAR. JUST ONE. Second, I don’t need your pissy ass fucking attitude. All you have to say is “no thank you” and go on about your day. And last, but not least, what if it was YOUR child? Or someone you knew that was a SICK DYING CHILD WITH CANCER?! Like, it’s MY JOB to *ask* people to donate. Plus, if you’re already spending like $60, what’s one more dollar, really? People like this make me fucking sick to my very core. Bless us all through this tough time working retail this holiday season!
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foreign-drea · 9 years
I work at a certain sandwich shop that I won’t name but you ride it in NYC. Anyway we usually close at 10:00 pm on most nights and usually for the last two hours it’s dead. Now I’m a student so when I get out I usually study before I go to bed so I try to get out at my scheduled time which is 15 mins after we close. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a customer literally walk in at 9:59 and order an ungodly number of sandwiches or they get to the end and get a text saying they need more sandwiches. It’s the worst cause then I have to rewash everything I use and that delays me getting out on time. But what puts the cherry on it is when they say “I’m so sorry I’m coming in late” or “I see you’re trying to leave, this won’t take long”. Like if you were really sorry you wouldn’t come in so late. I have so many other stories too but I’ll save them for another time.
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