forenon · 6 years
Long time no ... blog
Long time no … blog. Time fly too fast that it completely changes my habit of note what I think about or what I want to share about … in English. I have to say that I am very lucky signed to Sunny’s class and made friends with lots of interesting people. Now we rarely hangout cause of turning different paths, but we all have the same hobby – learning English.
There are more than 3 times I skipped the meeting, but I still want to connect with them and speak English, so I am planing for meeting them once a month at least. Sometimes, I think if I don’t do things related to English, I will forget it soon.
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forenon · 6 years
You don’t need to be smart, you need someone who can accept your stupidity.
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Caption: Straw hat team is a great example for this blog ^^
Within 4 or 5 days, I made a lot mistakes. I was so worried about how people think of me after this. But today, I asked my brother to help me deal with it. I thought he would call me stupid. But he didn’t. And then my problem became our problem. I don’t know, it’s still here but I just feel better because there is someone with me.
I think my life will be better if it’s just me in this world. Live far from family, use my own money and then they don’t have to worry about me. In ENoN #4: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, I chose this qoute: “We are all naked. We have nothing to lose, so why don’t you follow your heart”. In my friends’ eyes, I was a strong person to think that I have nothing to loose. In fact, I’m not. I’m always scared to do everything, and this qoute is an encouragement for me.
I’m not afraid of working hard or staying poor. I even think of death since I was in secondary school. No special reason, just feel like I’m so bad to live. But I continue living as a member of my family, until now. That’s why everytime I make one more mistake, I feel nervous as they will think I’m useless or troublesome. I know they won’t but I cannot escape from that guilty feeling. 
Life is so great that it gives you a lot of chances to produce mistakes. What should we do then? You can run, you can hide, you can just ignore them.But if you chose to face them, don’t forget to find someone who can stand by your side. That person will laugh when you fail, tell you what you did wrong, but never give up believing you. They will make you feel like you’re naked and have nothing to lose because they never leave you. They will help you to follow your heart because if you don’t, what else can you do?
I want a person like that, and I also try to be that person to someone.
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forenon · 6 years
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Lund University is offering free online writing courses. This course aims to give you an understanding of the conventions of academic writing in English and to teach you the components and benefits of what is called process writing.
Acquiring good academic research and writing skills early on is essential for your success both at university and in your professional life. The course will start on March 5, 2018.
Course At A Glance
Subject: Writing in English
Institution: Lund University and Coursera
Languages: English
Price: Free
Certificate Available: Yes
Session: Course Starts on March 5, 2018
About This Course
Acquiring good academic research and writing skills early on is essential for your success both at university and in your professional life.
Learning Outcomes
This course aims:
To give you an understanding of the conventions of academic writing in English and to teach you the components and benefits of what is called process writing.
To help you to put together your own “toolbox” of academic writing skills, as well as to give you a chance to test out these tools and to reflect on your own development as a writer.
To encourage reflection on discipline specific conventions; although the course deals with generic skills, you will be able to apply these generic skills to meet the particular needs of your own discipline.
Course Format
The course consists of four modules:
Writing in English at university: An introduction
Structuring your text and conveying your argument
Using sources in academic writing
The writer’s toolbox: Editing and proofreading
In each module you will find video lectures and reading assignments and assignments, such as quizzes, reflective self-assessment questions, as well as some peer review exercises in which you will have an opportunity to interact with other students taking the course.
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forenon · 6 years
Dear friends, who love spirit science, there is a worth channel to subscribe
So here is the link for you, who wants to explore the entire spiriturial world. I follow this channel for a long time ago. There are many many useful information about love, learn, health, universe, energy, human kind, the inner, the self, god, etc. Go search for your interested topics. 
Some lessons I like to share in that channel:
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forenon · 6 years
Job job
I found a group that relates to my career and follow it. First of all, I don’t really interest to that group because I have to do lots of stuff but then, I change and read of its status. I can see how the world moving in that group and they discuss real things they are working on daily. I can observe the things they do are exactly the same as mine. What a connection. Then I decide that I am going to go down and take it very seriously. I comment in every post that I know and have opinion. I don’t wait for a like or a comment, but want to improve my skill of discussing. A few mins ago, one of admins of that group, he requested me and I accepted to be his friend :v ok. Let’s count it the first brick of notification. I will give my ideas more and enhance my skill more 
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forenon · 6 years
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A sketch I made in the first year at university. Uhm I just accidentally find out my old notebook while looking for another. Kinda mad as it make me feel like I’ve forgotten my habit for 2 years. So I’m drawing something now :)) 
I said it before that I really love drawing since I was a little girl. I made a lot of dreams about my future career. And none of them come true now :) But I know that I was serious with my ignorant thoughts. I always remind myself to keep it in mind, and bring it to life when I have a chance. The dream when I get older is a house near a river; I’ll grow a garden, have a kitten or a dog and bla bla... :))) A stupid dream again ^^ 
P/s: Anyway, we should focus on our plan now :)) See you soon on Monday ^^
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forenon · 6 years
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I watched Erin Brockovich (2000, it’s kinda old but still good). I love Julia Robert. She is an intellegent, charming and well-acting. I love watching all of her movies. Pretty Woman, Notting Hill, Eat pray love, Mirror Mirror, ect. I search for information and start to enjoy selected movie.
She is bold, determine and clever. When you have no way to turn back, you will do anything to survive. And everything will come after a bunch of effort.
There are two kinds of acting. First, you play different roles in different movies. Secondly, you play every movies in just your real character. She is the second one.  I do watch a lot of films which that concept but I like this movie because of her acting. She does act several movies and every roles she plays, it’s all her real emotion, her real character. Being a mom, a wife, a lawyer cleck, a queen, it’s just all about her.
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forenon · 6 years
A huge success will come to you if you do any small things to get its success daily
Someone said
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forenon · 6 years
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Ngày không còn mẹ or The Preparation is the film I watched today. In-guy is “a 7 years old boy trapped in a 30 years old man’s body”. He was not able to take care of himself. They have lived happy together until his mother was noticed that her time is not last long. She had to prepare for that day and had to teach her son to live independent.  
I cried a lot, indeed. It touches my heart as I recall my parents whom I phone daily but meet 3 times a year...
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forenon · 6 years
3 things I challenge myself from today
1. Go to bed before 1 am. I know it should be 11 pm or sooner, but ...you know it’s hard to change a habit immediately. Partially I feel like most of my energy is active at night. 
2. Until Tet holiday, I want to start writing one or two fictions. I’ve planed for a long time but still hesitate, my bad :’( Maybe I’ll try 1 chapter a week as I’m kinda free now.
3. Address all of my unread books and then save money to buy some new ones, or borrow someone :)) 
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forenon · 6 years
My first biography :v
Yen was born in Vinh Xuan, Vinh Long in 1992, lived with her family in a small house which is located a small distance from school. She loved study but was not interested in school. She usually was founded at the library instead of playing with friends. She fond of books although she was not able to understand the whole great knowledge in the books at her age. Reading always goes with writing, that the way she fell in love with writing and created a numerous of poems and stories since 2000. She even won first-position for writing contests during the school years.
At 18, she studied Business and Management at Can Tho University, which is the best college in Mekong Delta. Instead of Economic, she picked her own suitable subjects to learn herself most of the time learning at college. Besides, she did write some advertising stuffs for Unilever as a freelancer and loved to earn money from writing job since then. Until now, she still doesn’t explain why she could graduated earlier than any of her extraordinary colleagues even though she was not appeared in classes much.
Along the way, she steadily took part in a digital company which marked the first baby step of being a copywriter. She wrote websites’ content, created creative content for different campaigns. Has to switch to lot of tones and fields, from mom’s voice to teenager’s voice, from car to restaurant, she had experience to deal with several dissimilar jobs then. Through 10 months working on the job, founding herself was not fit to a 8-to-5 job, she quitted and run her own business.
She always works on writing, because she supposes that there is nothing she can do better than writing. Starting with some services related to content as websites’ content, she expands it on many other services such as  PR, social contents, viral contents, content marketing, etc. Serving more than 50 SMEs a year, receiving lots of good reviews and being founded by the amount of larger companies, that proves her right decision to follow her passion.
In 2017, together with her friends, a new branch, TELOS was operated to help businesses utilizing and enhancing their brands in terms of visualization. One of the projects named MAM. was went viral which gets a thousand applauses from experts. That event aids to up the name TELOS to 14th on the vietnamese team’s chart of Behance.
Recently, she is on her way to be the best crafted copywriter in town. Still chasing her objective and learning for various bigger things everyday.
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forenon · 6 years
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Let me do it first :v
1. I want to write 500 words a day. Submit it daily. How: list down things want to share, grab one of them to write. Deadline: before 10pm (will go to sleep early)
2. Watch videos or movies or whatever with sub and review it (don’t care how many words it is). How: pick a series movie, how about 
3. Read 1 article a day and share it here with a little bit summary. How: searching something relates to my job, read and share. 
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