forensicastronomer · 2 years
The Conservationist Manifesto
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The Earth, Mother Nature, our environment, our home-it does not matter what you call it, our world needs our help to preserve it. Sometimes we may take for granted our home here on Earth. We may not think our actions can make a difference. I am here to tell you everyone's actions, no matter how small, do indeed make a difference. It is important to reuse, reduce, and recycle, as we have been told so many times. Recycling reduces trash in landfills, allowing items to live again as repurposed goods. Reusing items and reducing our consumption of certain items, especially those in plastic or Styrofoam contains can help the landfills and the greenhouse gas increase. It is also important to limit our emissions, carpooling, walking, or bicycling are also great options.
For myself, I have always been a lover of nature. From a young age, my grandparents took me all over the state, to all kinds of state parks, the Everglades, and preserves. Nature was embedded into me. Learning about the animals, seeing the plants and vegetation, tasting a strawberry straight from its bush, all of these things made me love nature and made me realize we all need to help ensure it thrives. I want my children to grow up in a world where we do not have to worry about the environment, where coral bleaching and forest destruction is a notion of the past.
My first post, the Representative Work, portrays Alice looking into a pond. Alice is surrounded by nature, but there is a whole other world underneath her that she has no idea about. One day she enters into the other side and discovers a wonderland. I feel like this is how nature is. We still have so much to discover, especially in places like the rainforest and in Antarctica. Once you see part of nature, the desire to see more just overcomes you. Never stop exploring!
For my Abstract Image assignment, it depicts the strength of a woman, a mother. Mother Nature is strong, she does not play by any rules. She can be kind, but as we have seen firsthand, she can also be cruel. The image has points and sharp edges, like the intense weather conditions she can bring on, but also has soft features, like the flowers and beauty she brings as well. I believe Mother Nature gets more and more brutal the more we destroy the environment and add to global warming. A woman, just like any person, must be shown love, compassion, and understanding to really thrive. Mother Nature is no different.
Fire Dance in my Public Art post, displays a bright, bold sculpture in a park. The swirls and bold lines are intense, much like the intensity of nature. Many say the world is almost on fire due to rising temperature, global warming, and melting of glaciers. We must do our part to help stop the temperature of the Earth from rising too quickly. A very important reason to be a conservationist and be aware.
My musical theme was the four seasons. Mother Nature's beauty is seen in all the seasons. The cycle of winter, spring, summer, and fall are like the seasons of life. Sometimes life may be cold, and our present may be bleak. Then new life begins, or a new chapter in our lives, just like spring. We see the hope, we feel the joy of rebirth! Summer comes as a carefree time, a time of rest, relaxation. Often as children we experience times like this, although we want time to speed up! Fall is a quieter time, a time to begin something new. The new schoolyear begins and we prepare for winter's arrival. Again, conservation plays a critical role here. Global warming can alter the seasons, creating drastic temperatures.
In my assignment for Photographer's Eye, again I have mainly photographs of nature. Freshly fallen snow, a dog playing in the snow, the beauty of winter is showcased. Then, Mother Nature's canvas, the leaves of fall are shown. The sky, the trees, the beach, the rainbow, all of the beauty of nature can be seen. The beauty and the wonder of nature needs to be preserved and cared for for future generations to enjoy!
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
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Wassily Kandinsky, Composition VI, 1913
Space, time, all comes together in a single moment. Colors, waves, shapes, morphing into one. The great oblivion, the wonder, the rapture. Aware, so fully aware, unlike any other time before. Pure bliss, pure elation. No escape, no return, no concern. Nothing matters, we are complete, we are at total peace. The rainbows, the galaxies, and the cosmos all combine with our energy, our being. How everything seems clear! All the pieces of ourselves, all the pieces of the universe fusing as one. One giant fusion, one giant world. We are one with everything, a piece of the puzzle. Realization! Ah, realization!
I chose the abstract painting by Wassily Kandinsky, Composition VI, 1913. It reminded me of the nebulas in space and I have always thought that heaven must resemble the nebulas, with their bright colors and beautiful, mysterious ambiance. This painting seems like it has clouds and all kinds of items coming together as one. The bright colors, strong lines, and varying shapes all add to the painting and to its resemblance to space and the great beyond. The work is mystical, the shapes and lines do not create definite pictures, so the mind must decide what it sees within the painting. The deep colors bring up feelings of wonder and amazement. It is joyful and hopeful. The piece seems complete, even though the lines and curves are all different, they unify in a beautiful way. I love abstract pieces for this reason, everyone can interpret their own way.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Not Seen on TV
Three Transitions by Peter Campus begins with him walking into the view of the camera, with his back facing the audience. A slice from scissors appears on the back of his coat, with his hand emerging. Peter appears to be made of paper, as he emerges from the torn area of his jacket. He then goes back inside the cut. The original version of himself goes into the wall, as the secondary version of himself fully emerges and climbs out. He then tapes up the hole in the wall. There is a transparent effect on his body, as you can see both versions of himself taping up the wall. We then transition to Peter rubbing his face, starting at the forehead. As he rubs, his skin seems to be removed, revealing another image of himself underneath. Eventually, the entire top layer is removed, and we see the same image of Peter underneath. The way the images are layered give a split, 3-D effect, making it seem as though the first layer of skin was hollow, with the second face lingering underneath. The last portion of the video shows Peter holding a paper mirror, in which he looks into it and begins to light it on fire. The flames not only burn from the outside, they burn from the inside with his reflection also lighting the paper on fire. Eventually, the image is completely burned as he holds onto the remnants.
The moving images do not have a set story, but allow for the audience to interpret it in their own way. The video seems to be addressing how humans are composed of many layers. We may feel we know how other people are, but really there are many different layers to everyone. People can be hiding their true emotions or personality under the main "top layer." Sometimes we can "cut through" the layers and get to the real person underneath. We can also take away the mask so to speak, as when Peter rubs away the top layer of his face to expose the other version of himself underneath. Other times we may have to use more extreme measures, like when he burns his image and appears to start anew. Certain points in our lives require a rebirth, a need for us to reinvent ourselves and adapt to our new situations.
This piece was visually interesting, with many different visual effects presented. Optical illusions and editing helped the audience perceive the different layers of Peter through the video. Sounds effects were used throughout the video as well, to help the scenes come to life.
The piece is much different than what we know on standard television. This video art is open to interpretation. There is no set storyline. When we watch television, we can let our mind go, we often do not have to interpret the meaning, we are given a story and characters and everything is explained. Video art makes us look into ourselves for meaning.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Tragedy Scripted and Staged
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Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1
The scene opens with two men digging a grave. They discuss if the burial will be a Christian one, since the woman who died committed suicide by drowning herself. Hamlet and Horatio enter at a distance, observing the gravediggers. One of the gravediggers begins to sing, and Hamlet finds this offensive, as the man must be so desensitized that it does not bother him to dig graves for the dead in a cemetery. Hamlet approaches the man and the gravedigger intentionally lies and talks in riddles. Hamlet is handed the skull of Yorick, a jester he knew from his youth. He is saddened and goes on to discuss how all humans will eventually become bones and dust, returning to the earth. The funeral procession emerges, and Hamlet eventually realizes that it is Ophelia who has died. Laertes emerges and is upset that his sister is not being given the full burial rites, since it appears her death was a suicide. He jumps in the grave and holds her, as he weeps. Hamlet begins to argue with Laertes, stating he loved her the most and hurts the most from her death. Hamlet lists all the situations he would endure to mourn her death, including being buried alive with her and eating a crocodile. After Hamlet departs, Claudius assures Laertes that their problems will soon be over, insinuating an end to Hamlet.
When I watched the staging of the scene, it brought the words to life. The entire scene has dark lighting and is set in the cemetery. The open grave is the main object on stage, insinuating its importance. The actors playing the gravediggers were more sarcastic and blunt than I had envisioned by just reading the scene. I see that they have no respect for the dead, especially those that have died via suicide. When Hamlet confronts the gravedigger, he lies initially , then talks in riddles. He throws the skulls around as if they have no significance, as if they were not once a living person. In the staging, you can see the emotion when Hamlet holds the skull of Yorick. He cared for the jester and fondly remembers how he was cared for by him. You can see how Hamlet gets lost in thought when he begins to discuss how everyone, even leaders and the rich, will one day be turned to dust. Laertes's emotion is extreme, in the staging you can see the grief and the sadness, as the actor yells and cries about the death of Ophelia. Hamlet seems to be crazed with grief as he lists extreme measures he would take to mourn her death. Claudius seems to secretly be plotting the death of Hamlet. I feel Hamlet is being pushed to his limits emotionally, so he appears crazed. After all that has happened to Hamlet, he is still intelligent, clever, and strong, but his responses are becoming extreme.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Anatomy of a Scene
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Being John Malkovich is a bizarre comedy that is unlike any movie I have seen before. The film follows the story of struggling puppeteer Craig, his girlfriend Lotte, and his coworker/love interest Maxine. Craig takes a job as a file clerk in an eccentric business which is fittingly located on floor 7 1/2, which is a bizarre, shortened floor. Craig discovers a hidden door behind a filing cabinet, which is actually a portal into actor John Malkovich's mind. Once through the portal, a person is able to experience life as John Malkovich. Eventually, Craig and Maxine turn the experience into a business, charging people to enter the portal. Lotte eventually falls in love with Maxine, along with Craig. Craig discovers he can control John Malkovich, like one of his puppets. He lives as John for many years, with Maxine as his girlfriend, until a group of people who inhibit other people's minds in order to live forever take Maxine hostage. Craig eventually leaves the mind of John, while the others take over. Craig attempts to reenter, but gets stuck in the subconscious forever. The movie made sure to have many bizarre scenarios, strange music, and settings. The shots are wide for scenes where the setting is important, for example, when people exit Malkovich's mind they are dropped near the turnpike, so the camera sets up a wide shot. Mid-range shots are useful for narrowing the scene to include only the important people or situations occurring. A good example is when Craig locks Lotte in the chimpanzee's cage, the camera narrows to show the cage and the immediate surroundings. Close up shots are used frequently, especially when portraying what people "see" when they become John Malkovich. The lighting of the movie also contributed to the bizarre nature of the film. The tunnel to Malkovich's mind was dark and mysterious. The office building was strange and had a dim lighting with a muted color scheme. The cuts of the film helped piece together the story. As someone crawled through the portal, the shot seems to follow them, then cuts to black. Then a telescope-type shot is used, as if to portray looking through the eyes of John. Then the shot cuts out briefly again, as we see the individual dumped from the sky when the experience is over.
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The Shawshank Redemption is a compelling drama that follows the story of a Andry Dufresne, a man convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover. He was sentenced to life in prison at Shawshank prison. Along the way, we meet other inmates, learn their stories and view interactions between fellow inmates and guards. The movie does a great job of invoking emotion in its viewers. We begin to develop an emotional connection with the characters. One of the most emotional parts of the movie comes when Brooks, one of the oldest inmates, is released on parole after fifty years. By this point he is institutionalized and cannot function in the real world. He ends up committing suicide in a very emotional set of scenes. The scenes within the prison are dim and colorless, adding to the serious and dark nature of the film. There are; however, some comedic parts mixed is as well, such as when Andy hijacks the warden's office and plays beautiful opera music through the intercom system.
An iconic scene of the movie is towards the end, where we learn Andy has escaped the prison. Over the course of the nineteen years he had been imprisoned, he used his good behavior to gain trust and access to tools and other items needed to orchestrate his escape. Slowly, over ten years, he chisels out a tunnel underneath the prison's sewer system to the outside world. The scene starts out with a mid-range shot showing Morgan Freeman's character Red deep in thought during the night. We then transition into a wide shot of the prisoners being brought out of their cells in the morning for role call and assessment of their cells. One prisoner is unaccounted for, Andy. The camera shifts to a midrange shot of the guards, irritated and running up to the cell. The warden is very angry, many closeup shots are on him. He throws a rock at a poster in Andy's cell and it rips a small hole in it, showing it is hollow behind it. The warden rips off the poster and exposes a tunnel. The camera shifts to show the warden, another guard, and Red looking in. A search is deployed and the camera shifts from a wide angle shot of all those involved in the search to a close up on the found hammer Andy used to tunnel out. We shift to a montage cut, where Red narrates Andy's plan and escape. The camera focuses on Andy, as he navigates the tunnel to the outside world. A pivotal shot is when the camera goes up and focuses down on Andy dancing in the rain after his escape.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Module 10 Discussion: La Jetée
The film La Jetée is unlike any film I have seen before. The still-frame shots of the black and white photographs give the film an eerie, somber feeling. As the film begins, we are shown a picture of a jetty at an airport, with the sounds of planes and opera music playing in the background. These sounds create a serious, almost scary setting. The film's first few minutes start with wide shots to show the airport and its surroundings and incorporate close-up shots, especially of a particular woman. This close-up shot implies she will be important to the story. The wide to mid-range shots also show the fear and shock on the people's faces. The various pictures of destroyed Paris add a sad, desperate feeling to the film. The opera music is frequently played and, along with the bleak nature of the colorless photos, adds to the ominous feeling and helps us relate to the desperation of those living below the city. The scientists appear mad, delusional, and desperate with the expressions on their faces and the scenes of the experimentation. The narrator started using an eerie whisper, which added to the sinister and mysterious feeling. As we travel back in time with the subject, we feel what he felt through the emotions and expressions portrayed on their faces in the photographs. The ending scenes revisit the airport scenes at the beginning of the film. However, now the time traveler is seen. He tries to make it to the woman he loves, but he is shot and killed by one of the scientists involved in this experiment. The ending scenes make one feel sad and upset that he could not find peace. 
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Photographer's Eye
I have always had a love for nature, the sky, and the seasons. I have been fortunate to have traveled and captured the different seasons. I also have been able to access great vantage points. The sky can have so many different looks, from dark and dreary to bright and inviting. There can be many clouds in the sky or none. Rainbows can appear after the storm. Mother nature creates beautiful scenes, from the flowers that bloom to the leaves of the trees changing colors in the fall. Snow can blanket the ground, creating a winter wonderland. The way nature appears is extraordinary, so I chose to share the photographs I have taken of it in various forms.
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"Snow in March"
I love this photograph because it really captures the beauty of a snow fall. I was visiting my mother in western New York March of last year, when I took this photograph of her dog Karhu (which means "bear" in Danish) enjoying the snow. He loves to dig and roll in the snow. There is nothing better than hot cocoa and a fire on days like this!
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"Snow on the Farm"
I took this photograph while visiting my stepbrother's farm in western New York. I liked how the snow fell on the hay bales and how most of the ground is visible. You can also see the wide open space in the background. The snow was falling off and on that day.
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"Mother Nature's Canvas"
This picture was taken in Letchworth State Park in New York. Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons. The colors of the leaves are breathtaking and truly a sight to be cherished. The reds, oranges, and yellows are like a beautiful painting. Mother Nature is an amazing artist!
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"The Joy of Fall"
Another photograph I took at Letchworth Park in New York. I loved the way the trees had all the colors of fall. This park is really lovely if you get the chance to visit it. I also love how the sky is bright but had lots of white cloud coverage.
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"Spring in Florida"
I took this picture at the Edison Home in Fort Myers last April. It was slightly overcast outside but the water was beautiful and the weather was nice.
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"Mrs. Edison's Spring Garden"
I took this photograph of Mrs. Edison's garden at the Edison Home in Fort Myers. The trees, plants, and little pool just encompasses the feeling of spring. It is a very relaxing area!
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"Summer at the Zoo"
I took this photograph a few summers ago at the Naples Zoo. The sky was clear and bright and I love the way the clouds look. I also like the various trees and plants. That is my daughter and my son is out of view in his stroller.
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"Summer view from Allegiant Air"
I took this picture from my window seat as I was flying to New York one summer. The clouds look like you could just jump across them.
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"Summer Vibes"
I took this picture a few years ago on Siesta Key beach. The water was so clear and the sandy was soft. We came on a day where it was not too busy. It was nice to enjoy this beautiful beach, it is one of my favorite beaches!
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"The Beauty of Saint Augustine"
I have a strong love for Saint Augustine. I love the city, love the history and the beautiful scenery. I was walking along the Fort at Saint Augustine when I took this picture of the water.
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"Saint Augustine Beach in the Morning" This photograph was taken from my hotel room on the beach at Saint Augustine. I love how the water just seems to go on forever and all that can be seen is the sand, water, and sky.
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"Rainbow after the Storm"
I took this picture in Fort Myers. You can seen the faint double rainbow that appears above the brighter one. Rainbows have always been a symbol of hope. Especially in the difficult times we have faced over the past several years with COVID and now in the aftermath of Ian, a rainbow can give us hope. After a storm, the rainbow comes to offer its beauty and to give us hope.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
My Musical Theme
The theme I chose for my musical theme is the four seasons. Our lives also come in seasons, much like our surroundings. In winter, the environment slows down, many animals hibernate, the sky is dark, leaves die, and the ground is frozen. In spring, the weather heats up, the ice thaws, the animals awake from their hibernation, flowers bloom, and the sky is sunny. In the summer, the weather is hot, the sky is often bright but may have thunderstorms as well, children are on vacation from school, and the general mood is happy and hopeful. Children return to school in the fall, the leaves turn colors as they prepare to fall from the trees, the weather begins to turn cold again, and the animals prepare for their future hibernations. Our lives are very similar. We have times when we are awake, young, and hopeful. We also have times when we encounter troubles or trying circumstances. Eventually, we become older, and our life slows and changes as we enter a new season. I have experienced many seasons already in my life. It sometimes seems like I should be older or have lived many different lives because of all the various trials and seasons I have encountered.
The first musical selection I chose is a classical piece. It is the album "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi. I like this album because the selections are divided into the seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The first few songs about spring have an upbeat, exciting tempo. The songs about summer have a generally slower rhythm but a fast tempo in some sections. The songs about autumn have a medium tempo. The songs about winter have a slow tempo but speed up in random areas. All the selections have consonance and a harmonious melody. The violins are the main instrument heard, and the notes played are pleasing to the ear. The structure of these pieces follows the same format for each season. A similar design helps tie the season portrayed together. The album gives off a specific emotion for each season. Spring seems hopeful and happy; summer seems more relaxed, gentle, and content; autumn has a gentleness mixed with hope; and winter seems more thoughtful, with an almost sad feeling surrounding it.
The second piece I selected is from the rock genre. It is "A Winter's Tale" by Queen. In the song, Freddy Mercury sings about the different images that can be observed during winter. He speaks of the feelings and traditions that can be felt during winter. The tempo of the music is slow, with the lyrics being sung in a faster, louder manner. The difference in the speed and sound level display a bit of dissonance. The melody is pleasing. Various string instruments can be heard in the background, as well as drums. The emotion seems to be thoughtful, the music and lyrics trigger the listener to reminisce and think of their own experience with winter. It does have a bit of a sad feeling associated with it as well.
The third piece I chose is "Wizards in Winter" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra. This is a fusion of rock and classical music. This piece has a different approach to the season of winter. The tempo is fast and exciting. This piece feels like it portrays the excitement of the holidays. It is exclusively instrumental. The melody is harmonious and the piece has consonance. The piano and string instruments mix well. The emotions portrayed are excitement, happiness, and wonder.
The fourth piece I chose is "The Boys of Fall" by Kenny Chesney. This is from the country genre. Chesney sings about the fall as a boy who played football in high school. The song has a slow tempo. The guitar and piano create a tuneful, smooth melody. The instruments and the way the lyrics are sung create a consonance and blend together. The song makes one feel reminiscent of the past, it is a bit of a sad feeling, mixed with an appreciation of the past.
The fifth piece I chose is "Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most" by Ella Fitzgerald. This is a selection from the jazz genre. The tempo is medium. Fitzgerald sings about how spring can be a time of new love for many, but her failures in love in the past have made her hesitant to try again. Very relatable. The piano in the background gives a nice melody that ties in Fitzgerald's smooth voice. It creates a nice harmony. There is consonance in this piece. The emotion is a bit hopeless, small amount of sadness, but also gives off the feeling that it is alright to feel like you need a break to pursue love.
The final piece I chose is "Summertime" by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. This piece is from the rap genre. The tempo is medium to fast. The song talks about activities and the feelings of summertime. It is a time of relaxing and transforming. There is some dissonance, with the beats playing in the background, they seem to clash a bit. It gives off a happy feeling and makes you think of all the great memories of summer.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
The Time Travel Conundrum
It started off as an ordinary day; the alarm went off, the coffee maker started, and I got out of bed. The phone rang, which was unusual this early in the morning. "Hello?" I answered, not fully awake as of yet. "Grayson, this is Tim; I stumbled across something amazing this morning. No time for discussion over the phone. I need you to meet me at my house now!" Tim then hung up abruptly. I finished getting dressed, poured my coffee into a tumbler, got in my car, and headed to Tim's place. Upon entry, I noticed an old-style telephone and a dinosaur bone. "Tim? What is going on? What are all these items?" Tim emerged from the shadows, looking stunned, excited, and energetic. "I did it, Grayson! My time machine is fully functional! I went to the 1930s and the Jurassic period with the dinosaurs!" I replied, "Tim, why would you go alone? What if something went wrong?" Tim did not seem to register my question, only responding, "Where do you want to go?" Eventually, after some thought, I decided to go into the future, the year 3000, to be exact. The buttons were pushed, and suddenly I was in an unrecognizable world. People were dressed in odd fashions that resembled sleek spacesuits. Flying cars zoomed by. There were teleportation tubes where people could teleport instantly to their locations. People were talking to holograms on their watches. I began to think how out of place I must look and walked quickly to a side street to gather myself. There were airports with strange-looking planes that advertised trips being made in minutes to other countries. Rocket ports were also within the city, offering travel to other planets and galaxies. I found my way to one of the rocket ports and grabbed a brochure to take with me. I fumbled with my phone and took pictures to be able to show Tim when I returned in 2022. I returned to the time machine and hit the button, but nothing happened. "Great!" I sarcastically said out loud. I started thinking, surely there must be others who can time travel in the year 3000. I asked a passerby if there was someone who knew how to fix time machines in town. She said yes, there was a man called Stark in the big gray building across the street. I thanked her and ran into the building. I advised Stark of my dilemma, and he was not surprised. "This is the third one this week!" he chuckled. After some tampering and twists of his screwdriver, I was good to go. He also gave me a special space suit, so I would fit in a bit more the next time I came to visit. I thanked him immensely and then was swept away to 2022. I started the day as a regular man, but by the end of the day, I was a time traveler with photographs, an outfit, and a brochure to prove it!
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Poetic License
So early it's still almost dark out.
I'm near the window with coffee,
and the usual early morning stuff
that passes for thought.
When I see the boy and his friend
walking up the road
to deliver the newspaper.
They wear caps and sweaters,
and one boy has a bag over his shoulder.
They are so happy
they aren't saying anything, these boys.
I think if they could, they would take
each other's arm.
It's early in the morning,
and they are doing this thing together.
They come on, slowly.
The sky is taking on light,
though the moon still hangs pale over the water.
Such beauty that for a minute
death and ambition, even love,
doesn't enter into this.
Happiness. It comes on
unexpectedly. And goes beyond, really,
any early morning talk about it.
The above poem is set up as an organic narrative. It speaks about the simplicity of true happiness. Happiness can be obtained from something other than an elaborate place or possessions. In this poem, the narrator discusses the two paper carriers who are happy to be in each others' company and to be doing their job. The narrator paints a picture with the images that are described. The entire scene is described in detail, including the morning sky. The pure happiness observed is not impacted by any other worries or facets of life. Joy can be unexpected, and it is pure. Happiness cannot be defined in one way; it has many different meanings to different people. Happiness can be found in the simplest things, but some people never find true happiness. When happiness is encountered, all the world's worries seem to disappear. All that matters or that is thought about in that exact moment is the feeling of joy and pleasure. Some people spend their entire lives searching for happiness, but it can be found in the simplest of places if one takes the time to appreciate and find pleasure in the basic, pure parts of life. Happiness is obtainable for everyone. It is all around us. The symbol of happiness is the core concept of this poem. The paperboys and the imagery of the new dawn arising point towards the central theme. Each day brings a unique opportunity to find joy and peace in our lives. There does not appear to be consonance; however, there is connotation within the poem. The morning sky, the paper carriers, and the observation all have a deeper meaning. All of these elude to the poem's main idea, which is that happiness is obtainable and can be found unexpectedly.
The above poem is set up as an organic narrative. I feel it speaks about the simplicity of true happiness. Happiness does not have to be obtained from an elaborate place or from possessions. In this poem, the narrator discusses the two paperboys who are happy just to be in each others' company and to be doing their job. The narrator paints a picture with the images that are described. The entire scene is described in detail, including the morning sky. The pure happiness that is observed is not impacted by any other worries or facets of life. Happiness can be unexpected and it is pure. Happiness cannot be defined in one way, it has many different meanings to different people. Happiness can be found in the simplest things, but some people never find true happiness. When happiness is encountered, all the worries of the world seem to disappear. All that matters or that is thought about in that exact moment is the feeling of joy and pleasure. Some people spend their entire lives searching for happiness, but it really can be found in the simplest of places, if one takes the time to appreciate and find pleasure in the basic, pure parts of life. Happiness is obtainable for everyone. It is all around us. The symbol of happiness is the core concept of this poem. The paperboys and the imagery of the new dawn arising point towards the central theme. Each day brings a new opportunity to find joy and peace in our lives. There does not appear to be consonance; however, there is connotation within the poem.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Architectural Interiors
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I live in a townhouse that is divided into an upstairs and downstairs area. The downstairs contains the living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. The dining room has a sliding glass door that exits onto the back patio. The upstairs contains both bedrooms and a bathroom. The floor plan is open; the bedrooms and living room are the most significant spaces. The kitchen is more closed off, and a distinct bar area is located at the kitchen's entrance. The dining room is large enough for a dining room table to be placed with plenty of space left over. The hallway connecting the living room and dining room acts as a divider for the different areas. Upstairs, the two bedrooms are clearly divided. Both rooms are spacious, with ample room for a bed, dresser, and other items. The area downstairs is bright and welcoming. The ceilings are high, and the walls are white, making the space appear large, bright, and open. A domestic space should have areas for sleeping, a restroom, places to eat, and places to cook. This townhouse has all of those. The townhouse was recently renovated before I moved in, so it is modern and fresh. My development has many other townhomes, so the design is not unique. As my children get older, I feel we are a bit too big for this space.
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Another structure I spend quite a bit of time in is my work. I work in a doctor's office, but I feel our design is optimal. The waiting room is large and open. There are blinds across the front of the waiting room to allow sunlight to make the space bright naturally. Our optical department is on the left of the building. That area is also open and surrounded by displays of eyeglasses. To the right is the check-in area. It is open as well, a large oval area. The back area is individual exam rooms. They are clearly separated. Our doctor's office is at the back of the building, away from the exam rooms. We also have a separate break room. The office needs renovations. This is mainly due to the colors of the paint and carpet. Overall, it is a welcoming, bright structure. It is unique. I have been to the other offices in our corporation, and ours is the most welcoming. The other offices are a bit more separated and closed off. Some also have glass partitions up at check-in, but we do not.
Both of these structures serve different functions, so I enjoy them both. I do not feel cramped or stressed in either one. I spend a lot of time in both and have become very comfortable in both settings. Both structures have a welcoming, open feel. My office is more divided in the back, but that is to serve its function of assessing the patients.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
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The sculpture Fire Dance by David Black is displayed at the entrance of Centennial Park in downtown Fort Myers, Florida. This is a full-round work. The free-flowing nature of jazz music inspired Black after visiting a nighttime jazz festival in the park. The City of Fort Myers sent a mass message to hundreds of artists looking for an art piece that would be displayed in this area. Fire Dance was chosen in 2011, and work began to construct it in January 2012. The official reveal to the public and dedication occurred on March 2, 2012. A real-life fire dancer performed around the statue during the ceremony while music played. The figure is twenty-five feet tall with an open design. Guests to the park are encouraged to walk around and through the artwork. 
Fire Dance embodies the spirit of downtown Fort Myers. It also shares the same elements of jazz music, which helped inspire its design. The statue is complex, bright, spacious, and inviting. It gives the observer a sense of joy, a feeling of pride in the community, and a sense of wonder. This piece also speaks of the intertwining of the various cultures within the community. We may be different, like the different shapes and lengths of the aluminum used in the piece, but we all come together to create something beautiful and unique. Our community is large, like the statue, but somehow we still find a way to blend and come together.
The sculpture is in an optimal location. At the entrance to Centennial Park, it is located in the heart of downtown. All ages can enjoy the piece, from young children coming to play at the park to older individuals who walk around the park and enjoy the beautiful Caloosahatchee River in the distance. When I arrived on Wednesday, it was around noon. I saw a family walking around the sculpture at first. Then I saw a businessman come with his lunch to sit on one of the benches around the statue. This diversity was fitting. The sculpture is for everyone of any age, social class, or gender. It is a remarkable piece that truly displays the spirit of Fort Myers. 
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Abstract Images
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Woman by Joan Miró (1934)
This piece attracted me with its various types of visual sensa. The lines are strong and have a purpose, but they are also rounded on the edges to show a degree of softness. The colors are catching to the eye. The colors include bright colors, such as reds and yellows, and muted, soft colors, such as whites and grays. Both the lines and color symbolize the features of a woman, both the strength and softness they exhibit. The texture appears to be mainly smooth but with a different texture on the lower body-like structure in the middle of the painting. The background seems to have a rougher surface. This expresses how a woman can be exposed to the turbulent, gritty world and the pains of childbirth, but she can still be nurturing, gentle, and kind. The space figure takes a moderate amount of space; however, it is surrounded by textured blank space and shapes. The painting has various shapes: circles, a star, ovals, and other large, irregular shapes. I believe the painter is referencing that women are not all the same and that there is not one "standard" a woman can fit into. The light and shadows complement each other. Some parts appear to be darker but also include lighter portions. The volume and mass of the piece make it seem very three-dimensional. The creature looks like you could pick it up; it comes to life and appears genuine.
This piece spoke to me; it embodies what it means to be a woman. Portions of the painting are gentle, rounded, muted, and soft. Other parts are pronounced, aggressive, and assertive. These are all qualities of a woman. There are times to be a gentle caretaker, and there are times to be a warrior. It does a great job of representing the strength of a woman, the determination, and the protective instincts women possess. As a woman, I feel pride when I see this painting. I feel happy and feel motivated. I did not expect to feel emotion from an abstract piece, but I feel so much. I was drawn to the work initially due to its colors and irregular shapes. Upon further analysis, I discovered all kinds of other sensa and characteristics that defined this piece and invoked the emotional responses I am feeling.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
Representative Work
This Alice in Wonderland painting was done by Thomas Kinkade. The image is very bright and depicts a division of two worlds; the "normal" life Alice knows and the hidden world below it. Alice appears carefree, looking into the pond, while the white hare, queen of hearts, and other characters run around and exist in their world. The piece speaks to me because I remain carefree to an extent and happy, even though the world may be out of sorts. I still try to hold onto hope and stay optimistic. Our lives are also like this picture. On the surface, we often display what we want others to see, what we think society approves of. However, we often have another side to us, our personality, that we keep hidden. Some parts of our lives are messier, like the wonderland portion of this painting, that we keep to ourselves or only share with those very close to us. I have experienced my fair share of struggles and encountered the evil "queen of hearts," so to speak, several times in my life. There are experiences I have had that are scary, painful, and tested me; however, I still came out on top, just like Alice in this drawing. The painting also illustrates the divide we have regarding only believing in what we can see, or what we are told to believe, and believing in the impossible, the unseen. It illustrates holding onto childhood curiosity, the wonder of the unknown, and the "what could be." We tend to lose this as we get older, but I wish we could hold onto it. I remember as a child telling my mother I never wanted to grow up, then as a teenager wanting to grow up so badly. I wish we could hold onto our innocence, wonder, and curiosity longer, to believe in the "impossible," and hold onto kindness for as long as we can to fight the hidden wonderlands in our lives.
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forensicastronomer · 2 years
About Me
Hello Everyone!
My name is Sarah and I am in my last semester at FSW. I am working towards my AS in Crime Scene Technology and also my AA in General Studies. My goal is to become a forensic investigator with the medical examiner. I currently work for an optometrist who specializes in neurological and other health issues that affect vision. I have worked there for three years. Prior to this, I worked in urology for many years. I am a single mother of three children, they inspire me to do my best and never give up. I am a native Floridian. In my free time I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I love music, dancing, cooking, and watching movies. I love to travel and experience new locations. I also am a lover of astronomy.
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