forest-call · 5 years
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forest-call · 5 years
*passionately thinks about story instead of writing it*
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forest-call · 5 years
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
— Stephen R. Covey
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forest-call · 5 years
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Why are we silent???
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forest-call · 5 years
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Johannesburg by  elsa bleda
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forest-call · 5 years
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Art nouveau flower shop, Brussels
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forest-call · 5 years
“You need people in your life that are further along than you, people that are more experienced, people that are out of your league. You need to be exposed to new levels so that you can go to new levels.”
— Joel Osteen (via amargedom)
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forest-call · 5 years
stop telling people who have abusive parents to “just leave” after they turn 18!!!!!!! it’s not that fucking simple!!!!!!!!!
i’ve been an adult for two years now and i STILL live in this hell hole. you know why? CONTROL. you can’t just walk out of the house and never look back like they do on tv. it doesn’t work that way. you take documents with you (that, if your parents are anything like mine, are locked up tight in a safe), you have to have enough money and a stable job and a place to go (which most victims are unable to get jobs due to mental/physical health or parent control), you have to move all your things out of their name (phone, car, etc). the list goes on. don’t you dare tell an adult victim that they’re just “not helping themselves”. i’m tired of hearing it.
adult victims of abusive parents: your abuse is still valid and i promise you there are those of us who understand and care.
(and before you try and pull the “here’s some suggestions” shit, my doctor has already met with a social worker with me. i’m stuck here for the time being. thanks for your concern but fuck off.)
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forest-call · 5 years
How do I politely ask someone to slam me against a wall and make out with me
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forest-call · 5 years
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forest-call · 5 years
i wonder what kind of kinks he has
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forest-call · 5 years
“Who could’ve thought I’d get you”
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forest-call · 5 years
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forest-call · 5 years
Friends not food. 🌱🐮❤
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forest-call · 5 years
It is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere! Even more good news is that the bee population has actually been climbing back up and they have been doing very well this year so far!
Which means you are more likely to see an increase of honeybee activity! Especially if you live near any open fields, orchards, or even just a lot of flowering plants!
When a new queen is born into a hive and becomes mature, she takes a lot of workers with her to find a new hive! But the queens are somewhat fat and not very strong fliers! So they stop and rest while scouts find a new spot for a hive! This is called swarming and looks something like this!
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This is NOT a hive! If you see this behavior in bees, rest assured that they will likely be gone within the next few days once they find a spot for their hive! They don’t want to be there any more than you want them to be!
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Sometimes they pick very inconvenient spots to swarm and understandably you want them gone as soon as possible! Luckily there is a humane way if removing them is your only option!
Call your local apiaries (beekeepers) and ask what options they have for humane swarm removal! Many pest control companies also have a humane option to transport a swarm to an apiary!
(About apiaries: Kept bees are actually very healthy and well taken care of and their contribution actually made a great impact in restoring the honeybee population!)
Remember to be good to our hard working little sisters! Don’t panic if you see a swarm, they will be gone before you know it!
And if I catch you hurting a swarm… bees will be the least of your problems!
-Captain Planet
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forest-call · 5 years
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forest-call · 5 years
“It is awful to want to go away and to want to go nowhere.”
— Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath (via books-n-quotes)
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