forestofschwarzwald · 9 months
"Confidence is not 'They will like me'. Confidence is 'I will be fine if they don't.'" - Unknown
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forestofschwarzwald · 9 months
"It's not the future you're afraid of. It's repeating the past that makes you feel anxious." - Unknown
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forestofschwarzwald · 9 months
"Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on." - Unknown
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forestofschwarzwald · 10 months
"Don’t believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate." - Unknown
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forestofschwarzwald · 11 months
How to Stay on Top of Life when you Feel Depressed
1. Acknowledge how you feel, and accept that this is going to be a more challenging day.
2. Commit to doing the absolute essentials but don’t push yourself to do everything.
3. Prioritize what’s important. For example, if you have a report that has to be submitted, then decide to work on that. However, if it is something that can wait, set it aside for now.
4. Work through your to-do list in small chunks of time – making sure you get plenty of breaks.
5. Tell someone who will understand. We need to get support when we’re feeling low.
6. Be wise in your use of social media. It may be good to deactivate your facebook account, or to switch off your phone to protect yourself from images and comments that leaves you feeling worse.
7. Make sure you leave the house and get a change of scenery.
8. Deliberately invest in some form of self-care - but make sure it is something that you know will help your mood. And remember that tomorrow is another day.
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forestofschwarzwald · 2 years
10 Things that can Wreck your Life
1. Not living in the moment. Always wishing you were somewhere else, doing something different with other people.
2. Blaming your problems on your past. Although the past affects us, it need not define us. We can choose, decide and act – and take control of our lives. Don’t let the heartache from the past define who you become.
3. Running away from problems. It’s crazy just to bury your head in the sand and act like things are fine when you’re dealing with a mess. Face reality, take action, and work to turn life round.
4. Being ungrateful. Being thankful sets you free in your heart and mind. It inspires all that’s good - and, also, oils relationships. But an ungrateful person will wear others down. It destroys your spirit, so you feel sad and depressed.
5. Being angry and bitter. Refusing to forgive, and bearing grudges against others, will slowly poison your life and your personality. It’s much better to release them and to focus, instead, on living a happy and fulfilling life.
6. Letting your expectations rule your life. Life rarely goes smoothly and according to plan – and people disappoint us and let us down. Accepting this is normal takes some tension out of life.
7. Disrespecting yourself and others. Every single person deserves respect, and every single person is fighting their own battle. So focus on being kind, understanding and forgiving.
8. Neglecting important relationship. A relationship that’s built on unconditional love – where a person accepts us for who and what we are
– is truly a gift and is worth fighting for. Don’t take it for granted
– recognise that it’s a gift.
9. Loving people who are bad for us. Not every person will build into your life. Be aware of those who who’ll use you, or who want to bring you down, or who want to hurt you, or destroy your confidence.
10. Never taking risks. If you always play it safe, you’ll find you end up going nowhere. You must be ready to take risks - or you will miss so much in life.
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forestofschwarzwald · 2 years
Was having a discussion about fic with a friend and needed to make this. Please enjoy.
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forestofschwarzwald · 2 years
Selfshipping is not a competition. You don't need to have a better ship that anyone else, it's purely for your own enjoyment so your ships fit you perfectly, that's the point! That's why it's called a SELF-ship. And that's totally okay. Fitting your ship perfectly to you doesn't change the f/o you ship with, they're not OOC, they're how they are with you. How they are with anyone else is completely irrelevant because the other person is not *you*. So your fantasies and imagination for them are completely valid. There is simply no comparison with anyone else 💜
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forestofschwarzwald · 2 years
“Comparison is an act of violence against the self.”
— Iyanla Vanzant
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
I'm looking at all of you 👁️👁️
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Guys I mean fictional bf don't come at me-
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
Effective Study Tips
1. Start early. Don’t leave studying to the last minute as cramming doesn’t really work. Preparing well in advance leaves you with time to ask questions and review topics you don’t fully understand.
2. Plan and organise your study time. Decide what you will do, in what order, and by what date.
3. Have an area that you designate specifically for studying. Don’t do anything else there. Keep all your notes, textbooks, materials etc in that area.
4. Study something each day – but allow yourself one whole day off a week. That way, you stay on top of your work without feeling bogged down and overwhelmed.
5. Make your own notes; rewrite material you’ve studied using your own words. Doing that, will help to consolidate your learning.
6. Cover up material you’re studying and try to summarise it, or to paraphrase it.
7. Don’t review material you know already. Assign your time to work that you still find challenging.
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
“You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
— Brian Tracy
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
How to be More Honest in Relationships
1. Notice the other person’s moods, and choose a time when they seem to be more comfortable and relaxed.
2. Pay attention to timing. Choose a time when they are unrushed, aren’t under pressure, or following a tight schedule.
3. Remind yourself that your views, opinions, wishes, rights and feelings are important.
4. Expect there to be some pauses, or for things NOT to go exactly as you hope. That’s just normal in all relationships. It doesn’t indicate there’s a problem.
5. Listen to your heart. Follow your intuition. Don’t only listen to the spoken words. Listen and respond to the energy and emotions behind the words.
6. Don’t jump to conclusions or let negative assumptions stop you from hearing what the other has to say – or to twist their words or their intentions in some way.
7. Speak your truth calmly and respectfully – and remember that you matter and deserve to have a voice.
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
“Please be patient with me. Sometimes when I’m quiet it’s because I need to figure myself out. It’s not because I don’t want to talk. Sometimes there are no words for my thoughts.”
— Kamla Bolanos
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
“The caterpillar grows wings during a season of isolation. Remember that when you feel alone.”
— Mandy Hale
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
“If you look back only at your mistakes, you’d think you were an idiot. If you look back only at your wiser choices, you’d think you were infallible. But if you look back on everything, you realize you’re a human being who has been through a lot, grown a lot, is always still learning, and improving as time goes by.”
— Doe Zantamata
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forestofschwarzwald · 3 years
“I crave space. It charges my batteries. It helps me breathe. Being around people can be so exhausting, because most of them love to take and barely know how to give - except for a rare few.”
— Katie Kacvinsky
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