forevaafan · 1 month
Girl i don't know which tag it is but whichever one gives me more Til Eternity i want it! ;)
it’s the ‘bamon’ tag :)
“How did things go with Elena?”
Damon had taken a seat on his bed and was flipping through what looked to be one Grams’ journals. He glanced up at her. “Went fine. She said her peace, I said mine. C’est la vie.”
“She wasn’t upset?” Her brow furrowed. “Maybe, when all of this is over, there’ll be more time to work things out.”
Sighing, Damon tossed the journal aside. “What about you and Jeremy?”
Bonnie paused. “What about us?”
“Have you let him down gently yet?”
“We’re complicated.” Under her breath, she muttered, “We always were.”
There was a whoosh of air before Damon appeared behind her, a stoic figure that stared down at her through the mirror. “Do you love him?” he asked, bluntly.
Bonnie blinked. “Of course I love him. He’s my first love.”
“Are you in love with him?”
“Why?” she wondered.
“Don’t side-step the question. Just ask yourself if you’re in love with Jeremy.” He stared at her searchingly. “Should be an easy answer, right? A year has passed here, but not for you. It’s been, what, a day or two to your memory. So, are you in love with Jeremy Gilbert? Does he fan the flames of your witchy little heart? Would you cross oceans and burn buildings and destroy the world to keep him by your side?”
Bonnie whirled around to face him and found him so close that their chest were pressed together. “Is that what love is to you? Chaos and destruction?”
“In the past, yeah.” Damon nodded. “That’s exactly what love was. It was me holding on to a woman with the tips of my fingers, begging her not to let go. It was blood and fire and fighting until my last breath. And even then, hoping I might get a second wind to try a little harder, to prove a little more, that I was worthy.”
Bonnie shook her head. “That’s not what love should be. It shouldn’t be you fighting and trying and desperate. It should be equal and supportive and grounding.”
Damon swallowed tightly. “Is that what Jeremy is for you?”
She squinted, confused. “Why do you care? Why is this so important to you? Why are you being so… so kind to me? Why are you going out of your way to be…”
“To be what?”
“To be different than how I remember you! This isn’t who you were. This you… I don’t know him. Maybe this is who you are with Elena. Maybe this is the man she fell in love with. But the you that I remember… He hated me.”
He shook his head. “I never hated you.”
She scoffed; her eyebrow raised, unconvinced.
“So, we weren’t the best of friends, and you royally pissed me off sometimes,” he admitted. “But I didn’t hate you. I hated that you held me accountable when all I wanted to do was pretend anything I’d ever done wrong had never happened. But as much as I hated that I also appreciated it, because the one thing I always knew I could get from you was honesty. You never bullshitted me, Bon. Not one day in my life. And that might’ve driven me crazy more often than not, but I needed it. I needed it then and I need it now. And so, I’m asking you…” His hands very gently folded around her shoulders and squeezed. “Are you in love with Jeremy?”
if you’d like to read a snippet from my many WIPs, go here for more info.
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forevaafan · 1 year
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I know the pinterest girlies are going to EAT UP every single frame of this scene like the moodboards and couple aesthetics are going to roll in so fast dickkory thank you for your service this was iconic 😩🙏🏻
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forevaafan · 1 year
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Dick & Kory in the end. 💖 💖
I adore flirty, lighthearted Kory but I especially like seeing Dick being so smiley + happy as he’s usually so stoic. They’re just radiating so much joy at this point. 😍  The red balloon was a nice touch as it obviously made them both think about their future daughter. 
DC Titans ep 4x12
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forevaafan · 1 year
I want Cassie and Beau to be together. Their chemistry just seems so natural. The writers are just trying way too hard with the Jenny and Beau thing that it comes off too forced.
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Plus I think Cassie and Beau would be the absolute most beautiful couple lol
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forevaafan · 1 year
Heartbroken that Beau and Cassie aren’t an item on the show. Was really craving the grumpy sunshine relationship.
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Jensen Ackles and Kylie Bunbury on the set of Big Sky [x] 
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forevaafan · 2 years
If you think about it, Dawn, Barbara and Jinx were all plot devices to move DK along. Each relationship revealed how much better Kory is for Dick than the last on all fronts.
Yeah, Dawn didn't seem to get Dick. She always assumed the very worse of him. That he put Joey in harms way on purpose, that he wasn't fit to help Rachel, that he restarted the Titans to stroke his own ego, and finally that he was willing to let Hank die as he played games with Jason. She distrusted him so much she went behind his back and ultimately pulled the trigger that killed Hank. Babs seemed to like the old version of him but she at least figured out they weren't compatible anymore. Jinx was a fling he never trusted. Kory is always the opposite of all these things. Especially in season 2, when you have Dawn berating him and threatening to burn him down, Kory saved him from Deathstroke, supported him after he told the truth about Joey, and tried to break him out of prison.
I think Justin and Faddei were plot devices for DK too. Faddei was forcing Kory into a life she didn't want. Even though she cared about him it was clear he was more loyal to the customs and rules and didn't care about her being unhappy or feeling trapped. Justin just couldn't handle Kory. The minute she mentioned she wasn't human he hesitated and she knew then and there that was never going to work. Dick really just accepts Kory for who she is. He doesn’t ever try forcing any lifestyle on her, he asks her what she wants and respects her choices.
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This got long I'm sorry.
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forevaafan · 2 years
Dick Grayson's happy ending
through the season's we have seen dick want for a better life, but not have the tools or ability to get there in 1x05 when they talk “im still trying to figure it out” - dick. “maybe we can figure it out together.” - kory. THEY DID~!!! they made a family, they are parents and co-partners in the team. they figured it out and together they have been by each others side.
now look at them - having fun
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being co-leaders of their team
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parenting during the hard moments
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forevaafan · 2 years
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TITANS – Lex Luthor (S04E01) ››› Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson / Nightwing ››› Mame-Anna Diop as Koriand'r / Starfire
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forevaafan · 2 years
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"Freedom. Freedom scares me to death, Rose. Or it did until..."
"until now..?"
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forevaafan · 2 years
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'Puppy eyes Belikov' (◕ᴥ◕)
Vampire Academy (2022-)
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forevaafan · 2 years
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forevaafan · 2 years
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forevaafan · 2 years
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DICKKORY in the season 4 Titans trailer!
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forevaafan · 2 years
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I have so many thoughts and feelings! I need to process this!!
Season 4 trailer.
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forevaafan · 2 years
Big Sky season 3 will feature two of the most stupidly beautimous people on television. I need more people to be excited about this! 🤩
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forevaafan · 2 years
let’s talk about the early stages of hyperfixation where you can literally feel your brain getting doses of serotonin because of a show or a movie or a person or a character and mentally you’re like ‘ooooh no’ but it’s like a blackhole you can’t run or escape from so you just gotta ride it out knowing full well the next few months maybe even years are going to be spent mindlessly obsessing over this thing
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forevaafan · 2 years
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ISLA FISHER as April Hoffman in DEFINITELY, MAYBE (2008)
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