foreveratemu · 6 months
As soon as Yugi agreed, Atemu let him go and took off!
"Catch me if you can!" His baritone voice chuckled as he disappeared.
"Yugi sure has been enjoying April Fools today." Atemu chuckles not wanting to admit he too has. "Life couldn't be any better." He walks cautiously around the corner to the kitchen, as his partner has been sneaking around all day booping him.
@mutogamingco mentioned
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foreveratemu · 6 months
Before you knew it, Atemu had grabbed Yugi's hand and spun him in a circle, wrapping his arms around his waist, resting his chin on Yugi's shoulder.
"If you can find me one last time, I will take your shop hours for the rest of the week." Atemu whispered into Yugi's ear softly.
"But if you can't, let's say in the next hour..." He paused thinking of a punishment. "...you are on cooking duty for a week. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at least two desserts."
"Yugi sure has been enjoying April Fools today." Atemu chuckles not wanting to admit he too has. "Life couldn't be any better." He walks cautiously around the corner to the kitchen, as his partner has been sneaking around all day booping him.
@mutogamingco mentioned
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foreveratemu · 6 months
Atemu blinked a couple times as he was once again caught off guard. "You would think by now I would figure out your next move." He smirked, playing games has always been a favorite of his as well.
"Now can you predict mine?"
"Yugi sure has been enjoying April Fools today." Atemu chuckles not wanting to admit he too has. "Life couldn't be any better." He walks cautiously around the corner to the kitchen, as his partner has been sneaking around all day booping him.
@mutogamingco mentioned
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foreveratemu · 6 months
"Yugi sure has been enjoying April Fools today." Atemu chuckles not wanting to admit he too has. "Life couldn't be any better." He walks cautiously around the corner to the kitchen, as his partner has been sneaking around all day booping him.
@mutogamingco mentioned
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foreveratemu · 1 year
Say hello to the biggest surprise that has ever happened to me!!!
I not only got pregnant again, surprise #1, but surprise #2 is that I naturally conceived TWINS!!!!
Born @ 32 weeks 1 day, so 8 weeks early, with 26 days in the NICU, and me going on extended maternity leave from work...I would like to introduce to you guys...
Delilah Faye & Fynn Daniel 💜💙
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Life is crazy and I feel like my roller coaster won't let me off! Like seriously I am wanting to go to another ride, heck let me go ah some games, get me off this THING!
But anyway....I am not back like I used to be, probably won't be for a long time. I am in survival mode just keeping these two littles alive ..let alone myself sane 😵‍💫 but you know to always send me something, or check in on me, and I will answer when I can. Also I will randomly get on and like everyone's post cause I can!
Love you all!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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foreveratemu · 2 years
Dude I thought the same thing! Ughhh seriously what is wrong with me??? I made this happen...it's all my fault!
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It's not like Atemu gone and away from her for a long period of time is reminding her of anything NOOOOOO WHY WOULD YOU BE THINKING THAT
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foreveratemu · 2 years
Atemu blinked a little surprised but not fully.
"You know I can actually see you pull this one off!" He looked his husband up and down. "Yeah, I...I believe you will look amazing!"
“I found a costume! This is gonna be fun.”
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foreveratemu · 2 years
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"You owe me at least dinner for being gone from me- for being away for so long." And no she's not suggesting it because she knows you like cooking YOU SHUT UP.
After she makes sure no one is around...
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"I missed you. I'm glad you're here, Atem."
Atemu went wide eyed! "Hikari please, don't cry!" He put a hand on her shoulder. "I am so sorry for being gone so long. Please don't cry, you'll make me cry, and we don't want that now do we?" One tear went down his cheek. He smiled through it, cause he was happy to be back, to see his old friends again.
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foreveratemu · 2 years
"And what, may I ask, are you going to be my love?"
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"I found a costume! This is gonna be fun."
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foreveratemu · 2 years
He couldn't help but laugh! She always knew how to make him smile!
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"I have missed you too Hikari!" "As well as you Meguru."
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foreveratemu · 2 years
"Thought so..."
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"You know I only want to protect you. Keep you out of harm's way. Especially from certain things..." He glared into the dark, nothing there, yet he felt watched.
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foreveratemu · 2 years
"Who me?"
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foreveratemu · 4 years
Atemu sighed. "I wish we could change the past. I wish there was a way to redo it all." He kept his head down. "I'm sorry too..."
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foreveratemu · 4 years
"Miss me, Pharaoh~?"
"Do I miss you? No." Atemu huffed under his breath. "I miss the old you. The one who I know is inside, fighting to break free." He refused to look at Hikari.
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foreveratemu · 5 years
Tackle hugs the mun bc eff you she can. Congrats~
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I am the unexpected victim in this!! HAHA! Thank you so much! I also love hugs so please tackle me XD
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foreveratemu · 5 years
A certain little sister has come to see her brother! Masika finally has the chance to relax for now.
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Atemu grinned ear to ear. “Masika!!” He hugged his little sister close. “How are you doing!? I haven’t seen you in forever.” He chuckled as he looked her over. She seemed to grow every time he saw her again.
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foreveratemu · 5 years
Atemu was cutting some potatoes up, he heard Khon, but needed to work on dinner. He wasn’t trying to ignore him, knowing his son was okay, he continued working on prepping food.
That was until he heard...
He stopped mid cut and put the knife down, turning to look at Khon, sitting in the high chair. “Did you just say? You did didn’t you?” Within two steps, he was next to him, picking him up. “Oh my gosh Khon! You finally said dada!” Tears in his eyes, he hugged his son close, peppering kisses on his cheek and head.
Khonsu toddled around the house, looking for his Daddy. He stayed home with him and he was very hungry. They should have already had food! The thing on the stove didn't look like it did when Daddy made food. He managed to get inside his parents' room, and somehow knew his daddy was in the closet. Khon plopped down near the door, letting out a string of audible gurgles and sounds. (Let's see how a younger Khon works)
Atemu heard the tiny feet coming into his room and chuckled when he heard Khonsu just outside the closet door. “You found me.” He appeared quickly and reached for his son, tossing him slightly in the air and bringing him back to kiss his neck in a ticklish style. “Are you getting hungry? I am making something a tad different for lunch. Since the weather is cooling down, I’m going to start making more soups and stews.” He held Khonsu around his waist and closed the closet door before heading to the kitchen.
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