foreverblankface · 4 years
Update, he just left. He flew out the window, I think he's all warm now. I named him Charles, to go with my fishes name's, comet and Chili.
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Found this cute moth, he was cold so I brought him inside. He's just chilling.
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foreverblankface · 4 years
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Found this cute moth, he was cold so I brought him inside. He's just chilling.
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foreverblankface · 4 years
I love this so much. Art is good.
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[Reblogging and Reposting are not the same things btw. Reblog away.]
[Chapter 4: Page 3]
Read from the beginning at @suaugonewrong
Tag warnings for the comic and linked under Readmore:
Keep reading
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foreverblankface · 4 years
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This is me in the future. I'll be so mentally drained that I'll have crying schedules. I'll cry for 5 minutes then go back to what I was doing like nothing happened.
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foreverblankface · 4 years
The little eggboy omfg
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foreverblankface · 4 years
I choked on my chocolate milk 😂
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foreverblankface · 4 years
Truest thing I've read all day.
So, the Addict MV came out and it was great! But lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of people split on Valentino. Namely, people complaining why fans hate Val for being a bad person but adore Alastor despite being a bad person. I think I have the reason, but I would like to emphasize that I’m not trying to tell anyone who to like or who to hate. I’m not trying to suede anyone either way. You can love or hate Val. You can love or hate Alastor. I’m not picking sides nor am I forcing anyone to pick a side. I’m just offering my personal analysis and opening a new perspective on the situation.
So, why is Valentino hated? Well, he’s a pimp. He clearly abuses Angel Dust along with the rest of his workers. He forces himself on them, whether they like it or not. It’s also implied that he keeps them on substances in order for them to keep doing what he wants.
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Now, what makes Alastor a bad person? Well, he’s a serial killer and cannibal. Being a deal-maker, he’s manipulative on some level. But it’s also implied that he has some kind of moral code, as twisted as it might be.
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Both seem pretty bad, right? It may seem logical to hate Alastor just as much as Valentino because of their sins, right? Yet, the majority of people love Alastor and hate Val. Why is this?
Well, I think it’s because of what their sins are. Valentino is an abuser, and I think more people can relate to being abused in some sense and have an easier time empathizing with Angel (and any of Val’s workers) because they either have been in that situation, or know someone who’s been in that situation. Pimps are a very real and scary thing and abuse is something that people (including myself) experience.
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Not to mention, we see how Angel Dust (one of Val’s victims) responds to his abuse. He’s in shambles. Broken. Unhappy when he’s not on some kind of high. Valentino wrecked him and we clearly see that. When we witness the victim’s point of view, we can easily call out Valentino on how terrible he is since we’ve seen the ending result of his abuse.
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“But serial killers are just as scary and real”, I hear you say. And yes, they are, but how many people do you know who have been personally attacked by a serial killer? My guess is either very few, or not at all. Yes, we hear stories of serial killers running amok ever so often. But they’re not as common, ergo, harder to picture yourself in the position of being the victim of a serial killer such as Alastor.
Now, we haven’t exactly seen a victim of Alastor’s yet and what their point of view is as far as the end result of his deeds go. The only real implied ‘victims’ of Alastor’s deal-making are Niffty and Husk. And they seem fine. Yes, it may be an inconvenience when he summons them for something, but they don’t really seem resentful of him (aside from Husk, but I would chalk that up to his ‘fuck off’ attitude, not a result of Alastor’s manipulation).
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Also, what does Alastor do when Husk refuses to do what Alastor asks of him? He offers him compensation in the form of something he knows Husk likes. In this case, cheap booze in return for working at the hotel.
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What does Valentino do when Angel refuses to do what Valentino asks of him? He physically forces him to do it anyway.
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Also, Valentino is supposed to be pictured as a main antagonist, while Alastor is more implied to be a protagonist or at the very least morally grey.
Anyway, that’s my two cents on this situation. Again, I’m not trying to convince people one way or another. You can like or hate any character you wish, It’s none of my business. I can see why people like Valentino, and I can see why people hate Alastor.
Feel free to offer your own rebuttal, or correct me if you think there’s some kind of error in my analysis (respectfully of course). Thank you for listening!
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foreverblankface · 4 years
I may or may not have figured out where Markiplier lives.
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foreverblankface · 4 years
So you know how a person's favourite character represents them as a person? And there's that one super innocent friend who loves the bad guy? Im that friend. I need help.
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