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Dance Moms Season 7 Finale Recap 1. Jill and Kendall had to miss a competition. 2. Cheryl had asked Reagan and her mother Julie Martin to join the team. 3. The mothers got into an argument with Reagan's mother who was just waiting for her daughter to be given a chance and so they yelled until the other mothers decided to leave Julie by herself. 4. Reagan, Kalani and Camryn got a solo dance. 5. Kalani got upset when she got pulled from the group dance. 6. The judges gave the group routine first place. 7. Camryn's solo won first place. 8. Kalani performed at Nationals with a bum ankle and then collapsed offstage after performing the dance. 9. Th girls won first place in group. 10. Kalani tied with second place.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 25 Recap 1. Jill and the other mothers of the older girls welcomed Cheryl Burke as their new coach this week. 2. Nia and Chloe got the first duet and Kendall and Camryn got the second duet. 3. The moms got rowdy and Cheryl came out to tell them they were being too loud. 4. Cheryl told the mother's to shut their mouths. 5. Cheryl met with the moms and the girls and explained to them that their children are insecure. 6. The ALDC group dance paid tribute to Abby with their first performance. 7. Kendall and Camryn won first place for their duet. 8. The ALDC ladies took 2nd place in the group dance. 9. The Dance Academy Moms pressured Cheryl. 10. Cheryl agreed to return next week.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 24 Recap 1. Abby gave her team a pep talk, letting them know that their performances at this competition might be the legacy she leaves. 2. Ashlee pointed out the lack of Irreplaceables' solos. 3. Ashlee complained of feeling sick to her stomach and was relieved that Brynn wasn't involved in the Irreplaceables' group dance. 4. Elliana' solo took first place. 5. Lilliana's solo took second place. 6. The Irreplaceables' group routine took second place.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 23 Recap 1. The Irreplaceables met with a new dance instructor. 2. Kendall, Chloe and the other girls started rehearsing their burlesque routine. 3. Yolanda was at the ALDC and called Camille and left a voice mail telling her that all the moms want her and her daughter out. 4. Abby told the moms that she needed to leave to find a boy to add to the group routine that they haven't even worked on yet. 5. Kendall and Kalani both got solos. 6. Ashley told Camille that Holly and the others don't want her there. 7. Christi pushed Yolanda while they were at the bar. 8. Abby gave her girls a pep talk telling them that they can beat the other team.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 22 Recap 1. Chloe continued to dance with MDP, landing her first feature role in years. 2. Abby spotted Christi sitting several rows back and immediately got up and left as Christi commented that Abby is a "flight risk." 3. MDP won the group round. 4. Holly, Jill and Kira officially quit the ALDC. 5. Ashlee and Abby both found the other moms talking about why she would go back to the ALDC. 6. The other mothers called Ashlee a traitor. 7. Maesi' solo won third place.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 21 Recap
1. Abby said Laurieann couldn’t teach kids, that she came up with crap routines, and that she had a losing streak under Abby’s studio’s name. 2. Jamie snapped at the mini moms for trying to sabotage her daughter. 3. Kalani stepped into the leadership role and came up with a choreography. 4. Some of the girls didn’t want to dance with a team because they didn’t want to have learn something new and felt they could win on their own. 5. Chloe performed for the first time in front of Abby in two years.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 20 Recap 1. Kalani & Nia performed a duet. 2. Kendall & Brynn performed a duet. 3. Laurieann accused the Moms of being disrespectful. 4. Camille forgot to pack Camryn's dress. 5. Kira called out Camille for always making excuses for Camryn. 6. Brynn & Kendall's duet earned second place. 7. Kalani & Camryn's duet came in first place. 8. The group dance came in third place.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 19 Recap 1. Laurieann assigned solos to Kalani and Brynn. 2. Yolanda urged her daughter to explain to Laurieann just how much she understands the transgender struggle. 3. Yolanda physically attacked Stacey, putting both her hands around the woman's neck. 4. Kalani' solo came in second place. 5. Brynn's solo was a bust. 6. The group routine came in second place.
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Abby Lee Miller Prison Update
She has hired an in-prison bodyguard to keep her safe. The bodyguard is getting paid in commissary cash to watch over her cell and make sure that she is not messed with when she is in the TV room desperately surfing the stations to find out information about herself.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 18 Recap 1. Jill thought Christi had doubts about Chloe's ability to perform, so she took it out on her and her daughter. 2. Laurieann revealed Camryn's costume-a leotard covered in muscles and Camille was not a fan. 3. In the MDP dressing room, Christi was balling and complaining about not getting any respect from her old team. 4. Maesi was the first up and forgot some of her choreography. 5. Holly was still irritated that Jamie lied when she told Laurieann that Maesi was the black sheep of the group. 6. Camryn nailed her routine. 7. Chloe approached Kendall backstage and wanted to be friends and they both agreed not to let their mother's attitude influence their relationship. 8. Jill accused Christi of playing the victim. 9. All three ALDC soloists failed to place. 10. Nia asked if Laurieann planned to return and the choreographer revealed that she will return.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 17 Recap 1. Abby decided to go to Europe so they brought in Emmy-award winner dance instructor/choreographer to the Stars, Laurieann Gibson. 2. Nia cried when Laurieann asked for a show of hands to see who feels like Abby has held them back. 3. Laurieann asked everyone if Kendall is lazy. 4. Kendall told Laurieann that she isn't lazy. 5. Laurieann had all of the girls dance individually as she gauges their talents. 6. Nia nabbed a solo. 7. Christi called Holly to tell her that Chloe will be dancing against them this week at the competition. 8. Kalani and the girls went for hot chocolate to talk about the studio without Abby there and Chloe. 9. Christi and Jill got into a public fight about Christi leaving them because she couldn't control, Abby. 10. Jill continued to yell as she entered the building.
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 15 Recap 1. Abby's big reveal was that the dancers would be attending classes two days a week with guest instructors. 2. Abby had two duets planned: one entitled "Ocean's 2" with Elliana and Lilliana, and another with Brynn and Kendall entitled "Each Other." 3. Over the break Lilliana performed in a Sia video for her song "Move Your Body," and mom Stacey couldn't be prouder. 4. Ashlee pulled Brynn aside to see how her daughter felt about the dance routine. 5. Abby told the women that she's determined to be positive and looks at her upcoming incarceration as a little vacation. 6. The moms confronted Abby about her erratic behavior and of abandoning their girls. 7. During Elliana and Lilliana's routine, Stacey couldn't stop pointing out every mistake, which pissed Abby off off since the judges were seated within earshot. 8. Brynn and Kendall got second place and the minis took first. 9. The girls pulled off their first win of the season with "Family Court."
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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 16 Recap 1. Abby had 1 week left until sentencing. 2. Maesi made the top of the pyramid. 3. Kalani and Brynn both got to perform a solo. 4. Kendall got to do the 3rd solo. 5. The rest of the girls got to perform a group number using music from Abby's musician/model friend Jordy. 6. Holly thought the group dance was silly. 7. Kendall's solo was about death and coming back to life. 8. Abby found out that Christi and Chloe were back in LA. 9. Jill and Ashlee fought over their daughters and who had the disadvantage due to Abby's lack of efforts when it came to their solo. 10. Kendall's solo came in 3rd place, Brynn's solo came in 2nd place and Kalani's solo and the group dance came in 1st place.
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Abby Lee Miller's Tell All Details 1. She broke down in tears multiple times while talking about her legacy and her time in prison. 2. She accepted responsibility for her actions, saying: "I'm doing the time. I am taking the blame." 3. The show included footage of her last dinner with friends and the moment she entered the Federal Correctional Institution. 4. She met with a federal prison consultant who eased some of her worries. 5. She met with a Doctor to discuss her action plan for monitoring her health while having limited access to healthy foods.
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Mackenzie Ziegler's The Book of Henry Premiere Outfit 1. Alice + Olivia Patrice A-Line Lace Dress 2. Edie Parker Jean Strawberry Clutch 3. Jeffery Campbell Kristy Ankle-Strap Sandals
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Maddie Ziegler's Book of Henry Premiere Outfit 1. Carolina Herrera Strapless Pleated Ombre Chiffon Cocktail Dress 2. Star Charm Y-Chain Necklace and Turquoise Flower Diamond Stud Earrings all by Jennifer Meyer 3. Jordan Askill Ruby Enamel Heart Ring 4. Jimmy Choo Theresa Ankle Strap Sandals
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