Of Redheaded Trcksters and Neverland
You know what I thought about recently that I cannot get off my mind?
Peter Pan and Fred Weasley being pretty similar when you think about it.
Hear me out.
Peter Pan was allegedly inspired by J. M. Barrie’s older brother falling through ince on a frozen pond and drowning. Both Barrie and his mother thought of him as forever a boy, frozen in time. 
After his death Fred is never going to grow up, and will always be frozen at the same age forever. And even so, just like Peter Pan, Fred is an immature, redheaded trickster who I strongly suspect never even wanted to grow up in the first place.
And seriously, can you imagine Fred living in Neverland after his death?
Fighting pirates, flirting with fairies and mermaids, exploring every square inch of the island and finding adventures...
He would love it. I reckon he’d look pretty good in green too. Redheads tend to. And I should know, being a redhead myself.
I’m even thinking of writing a fanfic about this. Let me know if you want me to write it!
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