formulapookie · 21 minutes
huh, turns out i was never getting fired, just getting a permanent contract and a 500 pound raise
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formulapookie · 1 hour
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formulapookie · 2 hours
but that’s not gonna stop me
i know diggia has tony effe in his sex playlist
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formulapookie · 4 hours
ma poi dai ma che figura di merda
To add shame to our already ridicule government, yesterday two members of the parliament hit each other in the parliament.
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formulapookie · 4 hours
dipinto perfetto dell’italia ora
To add shame to our already ridicule government, yesterday two members of the parliament hit each other in the parliament.
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formulapookie · 4 hours
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formulapookie · 4 hours
che bella l'atletica w l'atletica non amate anche voi l'atletica
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formulapookie · 4 hours
io sto impazzendo non capisco più niente
We are all thinking Bezz to Aprilia, but what if it is actually Diggia to Aprilia?
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formulapookie · 6 hours
VR46 Academy as Different Colombian Foods
Brought to you by my month-long craving for arroz con coco
First off:
Franco Morbidelli as Ajiaco
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A classic
I have this every time at at my grandma's house and eat like three helpings
It's not a particularly complicated soup but you can customize it by adding some shredded chicken, suero, or avocado to taste
Definitely up at the top of the list of popular colombian foods, the few colombian restaurants I've found abroad always have it
A no miss dish you literally cannot go wrong with ajiaco
Pecco Bagnaia as an Arepa
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Inspires very strong feelings in people
Colombians and Venezuelans are always fighting about who created the arepa (the answer is both of them because there's two distinct types but both are too stubborn to admit it)
Also one of our more popular dishes
You can put pretty much anything on one, but let's face it it tastes best when you stick to the classics
Andrea Migno as Arroz con Coco
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A coast staple
Reminds me of summer and vacation and everything good in the world
Can be made with Coca Cola for added sweetness and it's to die for
Can be a bit particular if you're not used to the sweet taste but most people I've introduced it to have loved it
I could and would eat an entire cauldron of it and never get sick
Luca Marini as Chocolate Caliente con Queso
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Often overshadowed by its more popular and worldknown counterpart: regular hot chocolate
A lot of people doubt it and say it can't be good (it can)
Has gotten me a lot of funny looks
Mostly found in the more mountainous, colder areas, particularly in Bogotá where people tend to be more serious
You've got to time the temperature of the chocolate to when you put in the cheese for Peak Melt (TM)
Tastes even better if you add a little bit of cinnamon
Underrated fav
Celestino Vietti as Patacones
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Another food that reminds me off summer
Can often be overlooked because they tend to be a side or a between meal snack but they deserve all the praise
Versatile and not fussy, you can put so many topping on it and they all taste good
Popular, but never given the credit it deserves
Marco Bezzecchi as Mazorca Callejera
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Always attached to some other fun activity (concert, game, walking around with friends)
Usually made on a shopping cart grill on the side of the street
Not fancy or complicated but sooooo delicious
It can, however, be very hit or miss
It will either be the best thing you've had all week or you will get a stomach ache that will make you regret your life choices
Valentino Rossi as an Arepa de Huevo
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These things are so finicky i swear to god
Didn't seal it 100%? great, the egg is now floating around in the oil instead of inside the arepa, first fry slightly too long? too bad, it's too crispy to open without breaking, your dough not 100% right? it never formed a bubble in the first fry and now you can't fit the egg in
When done right taste like heaven on earth
Very, very hard to find abroad because no one has the courage to attempt them
The few that do will never be quite as good as the ones in Colombia
A unique treasure that can never be completely replicated
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formulapookie · 6 hours
Iannone might actually come back…
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formulapookie · 17 hours
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dormire insieme"
uccio?? 🤨🤨🤨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Stavano parlando del ritiro di vale e fa "eh era difficile, cioè dopo vent'anni passati a dormire insieme.... (pausa) nel motorhome"
CIOÈ 😭😭😭
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formulapookie · 19 hours
meno di favi e anima eh
Scusatemi un attimo ma da quand'è che st3pny fa musica cosa mi sono persa
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formulapookie · 20 hours
favij crush della VITA
io innamorata di lui da quando l’ho visto la prima volta che sembrava nutrirsi di aria e sigarette
l’amore della mia vitaaaaaa
Scusatemi un attimo ma da quand'è che st3pny fa musica cosa mi sono persa
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formulapookie · 20 hours
mi spiace continuo a preferire anima
Scusatemi un attimo ma da quand'è che st3pny fa musica cosa mi sono persa
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formulapookie · 20 hours
mmmm i could take him
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formulapookie · 20 hours
hello i am uneducated af what is migbabol
oh de at all I didn’t know about its existence either before joining motogpblr, it’s a podcast where Andrea Migno (Mig) invites riders (and most recently Uccio for…whatever reason) to talk about racing and personal life as a rider
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formulapookie · 22 hours
paghiamo assieme un sicario e lo facciamo fuori
I’m afraid uccio will say something about marc in migbabol
Anon I hope you know this is how I got the news.
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