formyzoe · 2 years
i love you <33
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formyzoe · 2 years
to my soulmate ღ,
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i never thought i would be so lucky to have someone like you as my best friend. someone who's patient, understanding, who never judges me, who understands me. i can't stress enough how much of an incredible friend you are to me, and i'll never stop telling you it. there is nobody else in this world who i'd make love letters for, who i'd tell all of my secrets to, who i could go to with anything and know i'd never be judged.
i know in the past people have told you bad (and wrong) things about the type of friend you are, and i can only tell you how wrong they are. you are not judgemental, you're protective. and i absolutely adore it. it makes me feel safe knowing i have someone who will protect me from anything, stand up for me when nobody else will, and tell me when somebody is doing me wrongly and help me realise it.
and i hate myself everyday for the fact that i didn't realise it sooner. something i regret everyday is the fall out we had, but i do think it's made us stronger today. to know now we won't let something stupid separate us, we will only support each other no matter what. i will always regret the things i have said to you in the past, and unfortunately i can't take those back but i hope you know today that i never meant any of them. i'll never ever ever take this friendship for granted, and i will never lose you again. i genuinely cannot imagine my life without you, if we hadn't sorted things between us i doubt i'd be here today. you are the one thing that keeps me going and gets me through the days.
it makes me angry that there are people in the past, and present, who don't or haven't appreciated you. those cunts never deserved you, and if i ever see any of them whilst i'm up i hope you know it's on sight. *fists*. i hate them all so much with so much passion, they never deserved to even have you around them.
i'd like to also just say that you are so sexy it's unreal. you are absolutely beautiful, and i can't deal with the fact that you don't always see it. if you could see the way i look at you, it's how jimin looks at jungkook. it's not only your looks, though. your personality tops it all. your quick wit, your sarcasm and sense of humour i adore. how passionate you are about things you love, how creative you are, the way you listen to music all of the time. i love the little things like your handwriting, how you are with your pets, how you are with piper etc. (damn i really sound like i'm in love with you, well its true i am).
i believe more than anything you are my soulmate. my literal other half. because i have never loved a person the way i love you it's just different. i could talk about it for hours. kinda spooky i'm writing this three days before you're here but right now you're reading this beside me eek. but anyway.
i wish i could be rich and buy you everything you ever wanted and live forever with you in a big mansion. like all the most expensive bracelets and necklaces and heels and rings and dresses and cars and just get married and live together happily. that's the dream, and i hope in the next couple of years we can live together, too. i know we will.
i can't express how excited i am that you're going to be here, and for longer too! and then also us getting the train back up, then the bus to your house again. i can't. i'm so excited. i wish i didn't have work but at least when it gets stressful i can just think that you'll be here soon and then i'll be fine.
if you'd have told me a couple years ago we'd be seeing each other every month from now on i would have said you were crazy. the future looks bright because i picture it with you. living together, going for breakfast and you being there when we both get home from work. i like to think of it happening here, but it's all down to whether you'd be willing to move this far. we can visit your family often and stay there when we have breaks from work. ordering in food and having movie nights in our living room, or if we have a cute garden in the summer we can go out there and have picnics.
normally i hate summer, but now i can't wait knowing i'll be with you a lot. reading on the grass whilst sunbathing, picnics and days at the beach. normally, when i was close with daisy i'd avoid doing all these things or even going out in summer because i'm seriously insecure in summer clothes. but i can see myself being so comfortable in cute summer dresses i have always wanted to wear. and swimming in the sea!! i love the sea, i wish i lived closer to the beach because i love it so much, and i just can't wait to spend summer with you.
okay now i need to talk about your wedding day. i swear i will do my best to make it your dream day and make it perfect. i will (try) to remain calm, but i'm not making any promises. i may freak out but i swear i will do my best. and to your future husband, you can show him this for who ever he may be in the future, that if he doesn't cry when you walk down the isle i will personally have such a bone to pick with him and as maid of honour i will not hesitate to restart the day so he can try again. if it's jungkook i doubt he'll have any problem crying because i can see that man being a mess. if it's joshua, i'm going to show you a specific photo that you need to recreate in order for me to be happy. and they also need to know i'm not happy about this and i wish it was me marrying you but i think i'll get over it. as long as i have jimin i'll be able to overcome the sadness, anyone else i can't see it happening so.
i'd also like to say that i am so fucking proud of you. i have seen you grow from a girl with no self confidence and constantly thinking and talking badly about herself, not seeing her own beauty, into a confident, strong woman with confidence and sexiness and i just love that. it makes me so happy to see how much you've grown and i am just so proud of you.
i'm proud of you for sticking through college for as long as you did, staying in a place you weren't happy. i'm proud of you for cutting off that group of friends that were awful to you. i'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself. i'm proud of you for making it through each day. i'm proud of you for speaking up when you disagree with something. i am just so so so so proud of you.
(writing this on the train home) i miss you already it's ridiculous, which is how i know that we are soulmates because if we weren't, we wouldn't feel like this after ten literal minutes. you are my other half, it's like i don't feel like myself anymore when you aren't here, and even though it feels shitty now, it is amazing because in a couple weeks you'll be back. we can get all dressed up and go for a nice meal and the cinema for v day. then doing our hair too! so so excited, i cannot wait.
i'm literally so in love with you and our friendship. i could go on about it for hours. i cherish you and us so much, i genuinely will do everything in my power over the years to make sure it will always stay this way. i will never EVER let anyone, or anything come in between our friendship. i don't care who it is, i will not allow it to happen.
i love you, so fucking much, and thank you for being my best friend,
from jodi (your wife) ღ
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formyzoe · 2 years
i can’t wait to see you on sunday
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formyzoe · 2 years
i bet you look sexy rn. i love you so much it hurts.
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