fortencenitengale · 2 days
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fortencenitengale · 4 days
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send me an ask
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fortencenitengale · 7 days
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horrid little beast that came to mind
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fortencenitengale · 9 days
in the battle of nostalgia vs. gay people vs. thematic story elements nostalgia takes the fucking gold ‼️‼️
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fortencenitengale · 9 days
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fortencenitengale · 10 days
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fortencenitengale · 14 days
We're making Bridget 2.
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fortencenitengale · 20 days
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Venezuelan Miku 🐦✨
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fortencenitengale · 20 days
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I'm from Caracas, Venezuela, so of course I had to draw Caraqueña Miku... who do you think I am? Also, Venezuelans are going through especially shitty times lately after fraudulent elections, ruthless repression of protests, unlawful arrests, and countless other human rights violations; and, most recently, a massive country-wide blackout. So please, keep us in your prayers, and if you see any Venezuelans seeking financial relief that you can help, please assist us if you can.
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fortencenitengale · 20 days
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Venezuelan Miku
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fortencenitengale · 22 days
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Revacholian Miku
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fortencenitengale · 22 days
[Fig. 01 Mikuchondria]
The powerhouse of YOUR cell
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fortencenitengale · 25 days
What is happening in Venezuela?
The current president, Maduro, has the blood of young students in his hands, he's a genocidal freak and saying free palestine is not saving him from hell
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My activism and fight for palestine is not going to turn myself blind by praising someone who's responsible for the exile of 8 MILLION venezuelans and 300 political prisoners who have been tortured in the most inhuman ways
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"the fight of a few is worth the future of many" - neomar lander, a 17-year-old m*rdered by the military forces, he was considered a "t3rrorist" by the nm's regime
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fortencenitengale · 25 days
Update on Venezuela:
They're still taking people and torturing and killing and giving them up to 30 years of prison (yea) for protesting or posting or even having anti dictatorship messages from other people on their phones, or not even for anything they're just taking people to scare them into submission and silence. Hundreds of people are still missing from their families. And some supporters of the regime are selling out their own family members either for money or because they actually believe their bullshit ideology
Millions of Venezuelans outside the country and supporters also protested against the dictatorship we had some wonderful images from them around the world. This right here is Madrid one of the big diasporas of Venezuelans that have left
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Maduro announced he's looking for ways to control or get rid of Instagram and TikTok and demanded people to progressively get rid of Whatsapp bc as they say they are the grounds for terrorism and violent threats to the government.
He also said he wants to build 2 new maximum security prisons to "re-educate" people the other day idk if you missed that.
And on top of that there was a huge storm AND small earthquake in the city of Caracas. I cannot imagine how chaotic and how scared people must be, please keep talking about it and supporting us people are going through horrible times and can't even post or speak up freely we need you. 🇻🇪
(feel free to add venezuelans, tambien les mando mucho apoyo y cariño)
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fortencenitengale · 25 days
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Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela // Torture Center: The Helicoide
(ASK) How can I help Venezuelans?
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fortencenitengale · 25 days
VENEZUELA NEEDS YOUR HELP. READ. REBLOG. EDUCATE. HELP. A lot of things are happening in the world right now. But one thing I don't see receiving enough attention right now is the situation in Venezuela. Nicolás Maduro has just won the Venezuelan election with 51.21% of votes compared with 44.2% going towards his rival Edmundo González Urrutia. Except THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Undeniable election fraud has taken place - anyone within Venezuela knows that Maduro is a ruthless dictator and he was an extremely unpopular candidate. Maduro's victory does not reflect the will of Venezuelan voters. Venezuelan people are getting kidnapped and killed by the military on the streets. And this is just the beginning of Maduro's rule. I am not from Venezuela, but read the messages of friends that are as the situation unfolded.
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Venezuela are on the brink of civil war, being cut off from the world, and are being killed on the streets. One of the people you just read messages from urged me to send this message:
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WHAT YOU CAN DO: - Spread the word. Educate others. Reblog this post. Do research. If anyone can provide additional context and stories, please share. Talk about this on any social media platform you have. I am primarily a Sonic fandom account - I urge that if anyone with a sizeable following in this fandom reads this post, that they please share this in front of their followers. Please ensure this post spreads through the fandom ecosystems. Below is a link to a Twitter post that has artists in the replies that are from Venezuela, if you wish to give any of them financial support:
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Thank you.
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fortencenitengale · 29 days
stranger, potentially a homosexual, noticing my trans flag shoelaces: “i like your shoelaces”
me: “thanks i st-
(internally): no. i will not utter those words. though my heart compels me to, and my lungs push the air to give sound to these wretched incantations, i will not produce those repugnant words so indicative of my person.
-rapped a bomb to them. they are going to explode”
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