"that's good news....I woudn't want to get badly along with others...I want to be friends with everyone, at least try to anyways."
he sighed. "and....That's nice that some of the clients care....most don't really care for me, I seem to be a bit older than most of the employees here...." he smiled nervously. "I'm surprised that I'm not that old compared to the Boss....that kind of threw me for a loop, I though he'd be older and....not so ...kiddy looking."
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He moved a bit and made room for her, smiling. "Me? Oh, I'm getting along alright....I haven't been here long, but it's not that hard to get settled....but.." he thinks back a bit. "....the clientele that I've been assigned recently.....it's not all that great, leaves a lot to be desired...but, job is a job I guess...." 
"So, I haven't really gotten a chance to say hello to everyone else....are they nice?"
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"Nice." he smiled.
"I don't mine sharing the bath, if you would like to hop in, be my guest."
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His eyes opened lazily to gaze at the one who entered, She was pretty cute, huh? He smiled and stays where he is. "Oh, yeah, sorry....did you want to use it? Maybe share?" he said jokingly. "Sorry, I haven't gotten to know most of the employees here. I'm Hagakure, and you?"
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(Dephco Photography)
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You really were. Last night {most of it anyways} left a bad taste in your mouth and right now, you were bored, scatter brained and restless. You wanted to go introduce yourself to the rest of the house, but right now you're more focused on just relaxing. You decide that maybe a long bath will help, no one has called you in to greet a client so you think that maybe a bath couldn't hurt.
You draw the bath and fill it with oils and aromatic spices. You undress and get in, sinking into it up to your neck. Yeah this should definitely do you some good.
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hot wet boys
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"Huh, oh! No no no, it's real' not a big deal....I was just enjoying the quiet..." he blinked. "Did you knock?? or is that red spot on your forehead the result of you colliding with it?" he smiled and crouched down to become eye level with her.
"What are you even doing up so late, li'l one?"
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Evening in?
  [Her hopes of the room being vacant were promptly dashed to pieces, and she felt her face growing even more red then it already was. What a clumsy idiot she was.]
A-Ah, u-um, I-I’m fine, b-but-
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I-I disturbed y-you didn’t I-?! I-I’m s-sorry…!
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He decided to stay in his Pajamas, it would probably be easier that way. He grabbed a bottle {one of many} of his Massaging oils, he didn't know whether his boss would have something to use as lube so he thought he'd come prepared.
In all honesty, the more Hagakure thought about it, the less turned on he became. He doesn't know if it was the rude remark, the fact that it's haunting hour or the fact that it's his boss he's about to screw. But, he wasn't really feeling it.
He exited his room and headed towards his Employer's office. Not even bothering to knock, he opens the door and lets himself in, shutting it behind him.
".....Un, sorry to have kept you waiting..." He walked to the couch, shoulders slightly tense. "ready?"
fortunetelleryasuhiro has come up to the boss
As monobear reaches his office, he quickly bang his hands on his desk making a annoyed expression. He couldn’t believe he even had to ask a whore to have sex with him. Still, it was not in his words to go unpaid to anyone in the brothel.
Making a small cough, he walked towards his couch and laid his head. He almost couldn’t stand what he was feeling right now. His body was shaking, he was feeling so hot and horny. 
”..T-That guy..b-better not keep me waiting..” He hiss and bite his lower lip. 
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He relaxed as the other removed himself. Making a face when the word 'whore' came up.
He knew what he was, he just didn't need a reminder. He didn't mind his job, but the word could be so demeaning. He nodded. "Alright..I'll-" he was cut off as the threat was made.
"....Course not, Sir. Not a word." he turned and went back into his room to grab a few things. This was going to be an Interesting night.
fortunetelleryasuhiro has come up to the boss
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 ”..T-Thanks” He mutter softly. As he lean towards the other’s, He let out a soft moan and lean towards his shoulder. “..A-Ah that stupid..magic anon..m-making me look so shameful in front of the whores..” he curse himself. “..M-Meet me..at my office..O-Okay?” He force himself to get off the other and make his way towards his office. 
”..A-Also if you tell someone, I’ll cut your head off as well”
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'Idiot?'. God, what did he get himself into. 'You're the idiot' was what he wanted to say, but that would get him fired. 
Hagakure sighed and looked down at the other, trying to tolerate the other's rude remark. "I didn't mean it like that either, Sir." He really had the urge to wiggled out of the other's embrace, but He guessed that would get him in trouble too.
"Well, if you're willing to pay, I don't see why not...Sir."
fortunetelleryasuhiro has come up to the boss
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  ”..A-Are you an idiot..? I didn’t say I want to start a relationship with you..I say I want you to fuck me” His mood was getting worst by each minutes. “There was no rule like that..not that I can remember” He lied. Well, he did remember something about the boss not taking advantage of the whores. But monobear was paying so there was no problem right? 
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The sudden thud caused him to jolt, resulting in him having a sudden small throb in his head. "....." he sighed and got up, walking sluggishly over to the door. "Who is it-" he opened the door "It's an odd hour to-....." he looked down, spotting the girl sitting on the floor. 
"Uhm...why are-" he noticed the small red mark on her face. "Oi, are you alright???" 
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Evening in?
  [She should really try to sleep, but once again Mikan found herself with the nasty urge to wander around despite the knowledge there were things to do tomorrow. So many things to prepare for, and while she counted them on her fingers on her way down the hall, she was hardly paying attention to anything in front of her—
Which meant she had no idea what her foot caught on.]
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With a yelp, she flailed her arms to try and stay on her feet, but with Mikan’s jaw-dropping talent for tripping in the awkwardest positions, her body promptly turned—
and caused her to slam face-first into the nearest door. With a whump she landed on her butt on the floor, pressing a hand to her aching face and whimpering. Just her luck.
Hopefully no one was in there….]
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"....Sir-" he coughed. Well, he certainly was straight forward, how old was this guy anyways?! "Well, Sir, isn't there something against....the Employer paying to use his own staff?? Not that I don't have a problem with it, but don't you?" He Looked down at the other a bit nervously. "....uhm, not that I have a problem, I just don't want to start something...weird?"
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fortunetelleryasuhiro has come up to the boss
  Well, this is a BIT awkward, but you smiled and ..nod. “Oh, of course, who is it? I’m ready to work!”
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“M’name is Leon Kuwata. But feel free to call me Leon. Everyone does anyways.”
"Ah, good to meet you, man." 
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"But, why are you up so late???"
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alreadypastfirstbase replied to your post: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
I’ve heard you in the bedroom. Oh man how wrong they are…
"Hah. Thanks for backing me up, I guess. I don't think we've met, you can call me, Hagakure."
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People who call me a junkie {I am NOT} and think I'm a lazy piece a shit.... 
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Leave me a face in my ask and I’ll tell you:
(◕‿◕✿) — My top 5 favorite bands/musicians
(。♥‿♥。) — If I have a crush
ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) — Something I’ve wanted for a long time
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ — What makes me happy 
(✖╭╮✖) — What makes me sad 
(。・_・。) — Something that is so horrible I wonder why it exists
(⊙_◎) — Something that drives me crazy
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻  —  What angers me the most
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