fotoarchivos · 6 years
Pierre Liebaert was born in 1990 in Mons (BE). He graduated from Art High School "Le 75" in Brussels. His work was exhibited during festivals and also by museum institutions. His series “Macquenoise” was published by the Belgian publisher “Le Caillou Bleu”. The book was considered by the American website “Photo-Eye” as one of the best 26 of the year 2013. The projects led by Pierre Lieabert are often a long term immersion that consumes him. Most of them are photographic but some like "Free Now” is an installation made with a film, some images, music, recordings and texts. It was rewarded by the “Grand Prix du Jury” at the “Boutographies” festival and also by the “New Generation Prize” of the PHmuseum. The film, as a standalone part, was shown in many international film festivals. His new projects make him sink into the magmatic bowels of Naples and into the monasteries darkness, where carnival creatures are nestled in the mountains.       Pierre Liebaert is fascinated by those moments when tragedy becomes bright. The mystical voices of the castratos, the intensity of Caravage’s masterpieces, the intransigence of the Flemish Primitives, the operas of G.F Haendel, the “Hustlers” series by P.L di Corcia, the universality and symbolism of carnival characters, the humid perfume of a worm-eaten wood or a mushroom bed, the procession decorum, the flagellants piety, eyes full of fear and our organs vulnerability are different pieces he wants to gather.    (https://www.modern-blocks.com/en/photographers/pierre-liebaert)
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fotoarchivos · 6 years
El poder, sea cual sea, por ser violencia no mira nunca: si mirara un minuto más (un minuto de más) perdería su esencia de poder. El artista, por su parte, se detiene y mira largamente.
Barthes, a propósito del cine de Antonioni)
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fotoarchivos · 7 years
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fotoarchivos · 7 years
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fotoarchivos · 7 years
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La fotógrafa norteamericana propone su visi?n de la p?rdida de la inocencia y el tr?nsito a la edad adulta.La preadolescencia es el momento de la vida que Paauwe escoge para sus obras.
"Utilizando a jovencitas como tema principal, distribuidas en forma de retablo, mi prop?sito es deslizarme por el cambiante y entrelazado mundo de los recuerdos de la infancia y su impacto en la etapa adulta". Son palabras de la fot?grafa norteamericana, residente en Australia, Deborah Paauwe
Concretamente la serie  titulada "Slumber party", es una reflexi?n sobre la p?rdida de la inocencia, vista no como un hecho temible, sino, en opini?n de la autora, como "el necesario y seductor precio que uno paga por convertirse en adulto".
Las im?genes de Paauwe son retratos despojados de la identidad personal de las modelos, de las que s?lo se ven partes aisladas del conjunto, a fin de sugerir el tr?nsito hacia la edad adulta y el adi?s a la inocencia, "una p?rdida tan llorada como secretamente deseada", a juicio de la fot?grafa de Pennsylvania.
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fotoarchivos · 7 years
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