foughtfears · 8 years
talk to me abt how much you love mary macdonald // an anon . ;-]
specific to @foughtfears, formerly @priideful
    It’s hard to capture how important Mary MacDonald is to Lily. In a lot of ways, she’s Lily’s OPPOSITE; yes a muggleborn, but a not very talented witch, someone who’s angry and bitter and constantly fighting, except when it comes to fighting the big war. Then she hides while Lily steps up to fight. 
They were friends, constant supports, people who could understand each other better than their dormmates understood them. Someone who got the jokes and the references, who knew how it felt to be told ‘Hey you’re not to bad for a Muggleborn’ and that wasn’t really a compliment. They found refugee in each other, and a home when their families were less than hospitable. 
Their closeness fades after graduation, when Mary goes into hiding, but that doesn’t mean the feelings faded.  Honestly, it’s Mary that Lily fights for first. For Mary and those others who can’t fight for themselves, for whatever reason. Lily didn’t want to fight; unlike James and Sirius, she wasn’t chomping at the bit to join the Order right out of school because she understood the fight in ways they couldn’t imagine. In ways the Order frankly overlooked completely, being composed mostly of Pure and Halfbloods. Lily fought for the Muggleborns everyone else said they were fighting for but didn’t know at all. 
And yeah, Lily ultimately dies without a clue about where Mary lives or if she’s still alive, and it takes months for Mary to find out about her best friend’s death, but Lily Evans Potter fought her war for Mary MacDonald. 
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foughtfears · 8 years
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                                                 SCREW   THAT.
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foughtfears · 8 years
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                                                 SCREW   THAT.
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foughtfears · 8 years
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                                                 SCREW   THAT.
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foughtfears · 8 years
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                                                 SCREW   THAT.
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foughtfears · 8 years
nancy wh•eler blog is abOUT TO DRROOOOPPPPPPP
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foughtfears · 8 years
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sometimes i remember how skeevy it was when my old instructor mentioned once his desire to be like a ‘father figure’ to me bc he knew how i’d grown up w/ a single mom and at the time i was like ok ... i guess that’s ... nice ... but now i’m just like ???? that was inappropriate, outta line, get outta my face !!
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foughtfears · 8 years
also .... consider this while i’m gone .... someone make a steve ..... and a mike ....  ( :-]]] i love joyce but .... consider @darkcstsky​ )
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foughtfears · 8 years
i must sleep but !! i’ve been a little busy w/ friends and work simultaneously so i haven’t had much chance to catch up on drafts. now, i’m focused on booting up nancy wh*eler from strang•r things so !! i will be sparse in activity for a little bit. i heard i might have a big shoot this weekend too so !! lol !! ahhhhh save me
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foughtfears · 8 years
“It’s cake, how difficult can it be?”
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                       ‘ clearly, very !! ’ she gestures to the ingredients, strewn about in a haphazard mess. ‘ we’ve got THREE HOURS before lils gets here & we’re on step negative one, james. maybe we ought to go store-bought this year .... ’ in an attempt to wholly act out the part of disappointed party-planner, mary leans her head in her elbow, unknowing just of where she’s placing herself until -- ah ! there she goes, slipping just enough to nail her nose right on the edge of the counter. nothing serious, just a dull little pain, but it’s enough to convince her of defeat even further. ‘ this operation is DOOMED . ’
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foughtfears · 8 years
Non-romantic fluff starters
“Here, I saved some for you. Try it?”
“I just really need a hug right now…”
“You. Me. Movie marathon. Get all the snacks you can carry.”
“Join me in the blanket fort. We play until dawn.”
“It’s cake, how difficult can it be?”
“Sure, it *looks* safe, but watch what happens when I do this.”
“I had a nightmare… can you stay up with me?”
“We’re going to have to raid the neighbors if you want more pillows to turn this into a Pillow Fortress Castle.”
“This would look so cute on you!”
“Okay, but if you turn the lights off for this playthrough, I’m not being held accountable for anything I do when spooked.”
“I said we could share a blanket, but if you put your cold feet on me *one more time*…”
“You’ve been working too hard and I’m calling a Netflix intervention. Not taking no for an answer.”
“I’ve got a gallon of ice cream and if you don’t get a spoon my tummyache will be all your fault.”
“Fight me. Pillow fight. And by fight I mean cuddle.”
“My hand is cold. Unless we find somewhere to stop soon, it’s going up your back.”
“Oh my god, just pet my hair already.”
“After that movie you’re staying for a sleepover. I know you don’t want to go home and sleep alone anyway.”
“Is there a reason you’re gnawing on me?”
“C'mon, I need a Player 2.”
“I bet you can’t make it all the way through the movie without screaming at it.”
“If you put that in the microwave uncovered I swear I will beat you to death with a plastic spoon.”
“What was that flavor of cake you liked? I need to know because reasons.”
“When we get that house you’re handling the spiders.”
“Going to the mall alone is boring. Besides, I need someone to tell me how great I look in all the clothes I try on.”
“It’s not MY fault you scream like a schoolgirl on a rollercoaster.”
“It’s an arcade, do you need more reasons to go?”
“Please tell me why you were napping in my freshly dried blankets *while they’re still in the dryer*.”
“Can we please take cheesy best friend pictures in that photo booth? I promise to keep silly faces to a minimum.”
“I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.”
“C'mon, with anyone else this would be too weird.”
“I hate this game so much. Here’s a link, you should totally play it.”
“I take no responsibility for any smells you may or may not encounter from this point forward.”
“Okay, but consider that if you don’t watch this show with me, I’ll still rant to you just as much about the feels it gives me.”
“If anyone turns that fan off again I swear someone’s going to bleed.”
“Help me, the computer’s making sad beeps again. Make it happy, please.”
“I have in front of me: One DVD, seven remote controls, and an entertainment center. This will be a voyage of discovery.”
“If I die, you get my cat. So make sure I live through this.”
“I need someone to cling to in the haunted house, and you’re it.”
“Yeah, but you’re *my* nerd.”
“The remote is two feet thataway and I don’t feel like moving. We’re stuck with this.”
“You are aware this was the worst idea ever and you’re lucky you’re my best friend, or else I’d leave you alone to deal with this.”
“I’d say sorry my mom tried to adopt you again, but it was kind of my idea.”
“There is a perfectly good reason I’m eating these mini marshmallows right out of the package, I’m certain of it. Probably.”
“Okay but hear me out: Fluffy. Sharks.”
“Please keep your sick away from me and get better soon. I made you soup.”
“That sounds like a bad idea. I’m in.”
“If you don’t come up and sing with me, I will sing and point at you. The entire. Time.”
“We made a pact based on SpongeBob jokes, you can’t back out now.”
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foughtfears · 8 years
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       ‘not helping mary!’
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foughtfears · 8 years
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        ‘ ladies, ladies .... please .. ’
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foughtfears · 8 years
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the suggestion of both is very valid but idk why i just !! i don’t like having multiple characters from the same fandom, because i just tend to get weird about writing with duplicates and like !! i wanna interact w/ everyone if i make one of them so :-[[ also they’re so cute i wanna make a single muse blog for one of them,....
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foughtfears · 8 years
i have REALLY great urls for the bOTH Of them i hATE my se LF !!
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foughtfears · 8 years
okay !! question ... help me out, pls :-]]]]              nancy or eleven ?
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foughtfears · 8 years
i just finished str*nger things and i’m .....wtf......
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