Me and Dave didn't start out this way. We had a mutual friend gigi that tried to play us against each other bc we were her 2 best clients and with us together sshe made a lot less bc we were happy and not spending so much on her services so she had a friend seek him out and took good care of the girl for it...they were suddenly best friends while shannon worked til 7pm mon-fri. he still loved her but was insecure and already full of resentment and pain from losing his mother' he was mean to her but he still did sweet things like go buy her chocolate and surprise her so even tho he was mean and didn't work much and she was freshly sober she felt he really loved her. But the more he got away with the more he wanted to see what elde. he slept with at least 25 women the first 2yrs. he had to start fights with shannon to go do these things but needed to make sure she'd come back bc now he thinks they have to be together so he'd whoop her ass and call her names for hrs on end and why she put up with it idk..but he again wanted to see how far he could take it before she left or killed herself. and he told her many times she should just endd it. she did. he moved on to shannon's ex husband's girl. told her all about it then pretended he didn't and same with her sister. he cried with shannon for 2hrs on a hotel floor & to this day he just pretends he didn't. Tells shannon she caught him multiple times. the beating and the confession was all in her mind. yep..so now shannon has lost her sister..mother..and now he turns the lady with the her kids..her family. and so now she has no one and you know what dave did about it? he publically humiliates her bc it's all her fault. now he admits that's ridiculous & I suppose he pretending to be sorry but how if you're is vibratring with ways to humiliate her as he's apologizes.has over 50 fake accts. shannon read a message between michelle & dave joking about running out of names to use. michelle is very jealous of even shannon's kids so she emflamed his sense of morals entitlement issues already there. so if you knew him you don't know him now. shannon has ptsd worst then troops over seas & probably just as many scars. its not fair that he devoites his time to making her pay..she 1ce him why he does this to her. he replied, "bc you let me" pray for me
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Like I give af about hurting ppl let alone a 10yr old girl!? Did my sister really say this after threatening to kill my daughter's pet? And pretending she could beat my ass!? Fake af! No one cares Michelle Hrosar! I'm making fun bc I'm bored! Like I would waste gas or a dragon. Lol
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Tina you really didn't catch on that dave sklenchar is a fag?? He moved in with a gay man who only helps young boys for sex. And then bragged about being his favorite & got so jealous that John picked a new kid so he outted them when he caught them in the basement! I even caught him sneaking around with Justin on Facebook!! Like he was just another one of you guys!! And talks so sweet to him, sweeter then he ever was to us!! You should run. He does hate you. He told me I was just like you a million times bc he thinks if he was with you 1ce everything you did after that was only to hurt him. He actually thinks our normal life decisions are about hurting him! He even hates & calls Danielle a slut. And after finding you..Michelle..kayla..amber & my boss Vivian & my friend Lisa he actually thinks this post is unfair to him. He will try to destroy me over this but I got a no contact order & after everything he put me thru & bragged about doing to me & shared my every private moment of pain & humiliation just to make prostitutes & my sister laugh is this unfair to him? No! He kept me around bc he knew it kept you all competing for him. Plz get out of my life. And Kayla since I seen you're to messenge my sister about my post plz let her know that I will be in my own place by next wk & when I come for her there's no mommy or cops that will come fast enough to save her from the ass whooping that she deserves! And after threatening to kill my daughters pet I don't think they'll come anyway bc they think she's sick. The cops were disgusted that she wanted to kill an innocent animal bc she's was called a thief for stealing my shit & a whore bc she slept with her sisters boyfriend. They said so what if you did call that whore names..she deserves it.
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Not your enemy & too busy moving on to care. Excuse yourself off my page so my real man & I can enjoy the app!! 😘
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This is the actual Shannon..not Dave! I just found this acct last night. I do not want dave in anyway! I left him!! He cheats with anything that moves. I have found shit in fat girl panties & many nasty hors in this inbox. Sorry if he uses me to make you think you're competing for him but you're not competing with me or even each other including his 1st love Tina. If I wanted to compete I'd make sure Tina's husband seen their messages. I only want to beat my sister's ass bc she washed my hair after he shattered my shoulder..after I told my sister he strangles me so often & do hard & with such evil in his eyes I'm scared one of these times he won't stop & he never did. I have paid for the shit Tina has done..Michelle has done & he has straight told me he's just comfortable beating me. I have had to beg for my life. He has real issues. Especially over Tina. He has told me how messed up your childhood was then still said you were such a whore you needed sex so bad you let your pool get you off while he watched from the window. He actually has a lot of anger toward you & you should be scared bc he actually thinks he has to hurt you & me. His daughter hasn't been around in almost a year bc she watched him beat me bc he didn't like the face I made when I woke up..hit my 18yr old daughter that day as well. She later needed to live with him & tried to talk to him about it & how scared she is that he could be such a monster & you know what he told that beautiful little girl? That she should have more sympathy for what he went thru!! Wtf!? She snuck her shit out & never looked back!:We were broke up 8mos at that point & didn't get back together for mos & the sick fuck still tells everyone it's my fault she left. And I still have the 4min vm that he sent the night she told him he scared her. Saying how we were ungrateful & that any woman would be lucky to have such a good man!! He let bills get cut off..we lost 2 houses..he beat me..cheated with everyone he could & his favorite was a life long prostitute. So you see I am not chasing him...you are not on these social media sites hiding from me, he's hiding all of you from each other you dumb sluts! I will never be with him again so the only reason you're kept a secret is bc there's so many of you he needs to keep apart. But I assure you I am not his girl & I never will be. So calm down Kayla Messenger who is sending pics of my children's home bc she thinks I'm her competition. He played all of you.
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Take your cheating ass off my page b4 I send everything to your husband.
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King Princess’s whole story on Ocean’s 8
I’ve seen part of it posted before but the whole thing is great
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