foundingmoms · 3 years
Marci’s Picture Problem
What’s In This Episode:
Have you ever updated your customers too soon?
You know the ones. The folks that have hired you to do a job for them and well before you’ve finished it, you give them an update that gets you into hot water? Marci Brennan certainly knows. She shares her big business blunder that taught her, and will teach you, what not to do the next time you wanna update your clients on your progress.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
Girl Gone Rogue
What’s In This Episode:
When someone in your business goes rogue, what do you do about it?
It’s one thing to invite someone into your world to work with you and it ends up being a bad fit. But it’s an altogether different thing when someone that’s responsible for your business decides to do something you never even anticipated…EVER…at all…anywhere…anytime. Oh, and this true tale involves none other than God Himself. He once showed up in Jill’s business in a very mysterious way and it’s not at all in the way that you’d think.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
What’s In This Episode:
How can you tell if the person who’s offered to help your business isn’t gonna help your business?
It’s time to spill the tea about a woman who promised to help Jill and then didn’t. She lied. Except she didn’t mean it…so does that make it a lie? Jill highlights the very simple conundrum that we all find ourselves facing when we think someone didn’t tell us the truth: is it their mistake, or is it ours?
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The New Year Reality
What’s In This Episode:
Are you ready to take on all of the tasks that 2022 is already demanding of you?
Before you dive into all of the work that’s piled up, it’d be a good idea to figure out if you’re even ready for all the things that you’ve tasked yourself with. Why rush into business-building madness when you can examine what, exactly, is gonna work best for YOU?
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
Happy, Merry, Good
What’s In This Episode:
Is it really the end of the year already? How’d we get here so fast?
In this time of reflection, and celebration, and egg nog, Jill wraps up the year for you in some gorgeous Hanukkah paper with a big Christmas bow, adds a few Kwanzaa streamers and pairs it with Festivus-flavored egg nog because…well…’tis the season.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
Dorothy’s Marketing Mystery
What’s In This Episode:
How much do you really know about your customers and clients?
This week’s big business blunder is thanks to Dorothy Kolb who bravely goes where so few entrepreneurs go, admitting she knew so much about finance when she launched her business that she forgot all about the whole going-and-getting-customers thing. Find out how understanding your customers deeeeeeeply can really change the game for your business.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The Funding Question, Pt. 2
What’s In This Episode:
Remember back in January of this year how Jill talked about going and getting the big bucks to scale The Founding Moms fast and furiously in The Funding Question, Pt. 1? 
A LOT has happened since then. This week Jill closes out her thoughts about all of the funding stuff that entrepreneurs chase after when they begin to learn about angel investors and crowdfunding options and accelerators, oh my. She’s got a lot to say about fundraising for your business and what direction you should take.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The Conference Debt Debacle
What’s In This Episode:
Has anyone ever signed you up for something without your knowledge? 
Sounds like a really basic oversight that should never happen to anyone. Then there's Jill, who shares her story about the time a woman meant well but ended up putting her company into debt for thousands of dollars. Find out what happened and how she avoided a major lawsuit.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
Jordan’s Dancing Dilemma
What’s In This Episode:
How, exactly, do you get out of a bad situation with a customer or client when you’re in the middle of said situation?
This week’s big business blunder features MyMovementality’s Jordan Wentz who tells her scary story about that one time she was on tour overseas and it wasn’t going so well because she was promised some pretty basic things but management couldn’t get its act together and…well, it unfolds like a movie…only this was her reality, and not one that you ever wanna find yourself in.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The Measuring Stick Question
What’s In This Episode:
When the going gets tough, how can we entrepreneurs rest assured that we’ll be alright?
The media, our colleagues, and even our parents can make us feel pretty badly about how we’re doing as we grow our businesses. If we don’t grow them faster stronger smarter better, those insecurities can really start to pile up. So do you have a firm grasp on how you’re measuring your own success? It might be time to make sure that you’re using the right measuring stick.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The Backfiring Mantra
What’s In This Episode:
How often do you think about how you do the things you do to run your business?
We don’t often take a close, hard look at how we run our businesses. Maybe some things used to go well. Perhaps a couple of things might be popping right now. But is everything working exactly the way it should, or are you continuing to run your business the way you’ve always done it? 
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The Pony Up Predicament
What’s In This Episode:
Why do companies agree to pay us and then try to back out of it when it’s too late? 
Small businesses are taken advantage of all the time. There’s a whole host of reasons that companies decide they don’t need to pony up and the loss falls squarely onto YOU…the entrepreneur that has more to lose than they do. It’s unfair, uncalled for, and something that we may have more power in undoing than we realize.  
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The Hormonal Imbalance
What’s In This Episode:
Hormones. Who need them? 
And yet, those little chemical messengers mess with our systems all the time. They affect our moods. They affect our work output. We can’t escape them, and they carry on rain or shine depending on the day, the time, and the client. So why aren’t we talking about it more often? Let’s explore why our hormones are out to get us and more importantly, what we can do about them.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
User Error
What’s In This Episode:
What happens to you when folks can’t find things on your website?
Do you go to a dark place? Blame it on the rain? Wonder why you ever bothered to build a website in the first place? Jill wants you to really think about all those users who stop by and can’t do the things you want them to do. It might be your fault. It might be their fault. It might be Mark Zuckerberg’s fault. How can we founders handle this one a bit better than we often do?
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
Larissa's Hourly Rate Warning
#71 - What’s In This Episode:
There are graphic designers who’ll create your logo for $5. You can find accountants who’ll crunch numbers for $10 an hour. What about lawyers that charge $35 per hour?
Meet Bold City Legal’s Larissa Bodniowycz. She’s an attorney who launched her firm with incredibly low rates because she thought she’d grow her clientele easily that way. You can probably guess how that worked out for her...but the root of her big business blunder? It may feel a bit too familiar.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
Real Talk
What’s In This Episode:
Some people will do anything to appear smarter than they really are. 
In this day and age of audio and video media, it’s very easy to edit out the things you don’t know, cut together the things that you do know, and make the world believe that you’re a genius. Why can’t we stop all the cutting and pasting and filtering and tweaking and just let it all hang out?
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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foundingmoms · 3 years
The Empathic Entrepreneur Issue
What’s In This Episode:
Do you avoid conflict at all costs? 
Soooooo many of us are conflict avoidant. When it comes to running your business, I’d bet that you’re more avoidant than you even realize. We don’t like friction. We want things to go smoothly, and some of us will do anything to skip ahead past the upsets and misunderstandings to pretend that everything is ok 24/7. But when you’re feeling stuck and missing out on making real progress with your company, it might be time to examine what’s going on under the hood.
Jill Salzman turns the mundane into inspiration and transforms the impossible into the achievable. Through defying expectations and breaking the rules, she succeeds in inspiring entrepreneurs to figure out what works for them by using meaningful action to create positive results. Jill is the author of The Best Business Book In The World* (according to my mom) and the Amazon best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. She’s shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu among others, and professed her love of Eddie Vedder in her TEDx talk on 11/11/11. She hosts the top-rated entertaining business podcast, Why Are We Shouting?, a question she asks herself daily. CNNMoney calls her a “mommy mogul.” MSN Live says she’s a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love.” Forbes rated her a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer and voted The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs. When she's not speaking to audiences in patterned leggings or podcasting from her basement, she fruitlessly tries to convince her daughters that cassette tapes actually existed.
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