foxandwolf-xiv · 4 years
The Forest Children Present: The Breakers Brawl
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The Forest Children is a traditional Keeper of the Moon community located on Mateus but is open to anyone on the Crystal datacentre. More information about the community including how to join the discord can be found here. Our events are open to anyone over the age of 18 ic and ooc who wish to learn more about Keeper of the Moon culture or simply wish to enjoy the festivities, no matter their race.
This moon, we will be honoring Rhalgr, Breaker of Worlds, and God of Destruction. To celebrate we will be hosting The Breakers Brawl, an unarmed brawling competition. No magic and no weapons are allowed. The event is open to all miqo'te from traditional clans or tribes and one representative from each tribe or clan can participate. Spectators from all races are welcome to come and watch our competitors as long as they remain respectful. Eight spots are available for competitors and sign-ups are first-come, first-serve. We will also have several prizes available to our lucky winners including:
First Prize: Choice of Dalamascan Shirt or one (1) piece of Southern Seas attire Second Prize: Hunting Hawk Third Prize: Road Sparrow Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth: A shout out and thank you for participating.
Event Date: August 29th 2020 Event Start Time: 5 PM Pacific/7 PM Central/ 8 PM Eastern Event Location: Southern Thanalan (x 17.5, y 40.3) Server: Mateus Server
If you are interested in signing up, please make sure to read our rules here and fill out our sign up form here. Combat scores on during the event will be available here for those interested. Please feel free to contact our admins Nhym Nswala (Nhym#1263) or Mik'a Nswala (kosmic#1837) on ig or on discord if you have any further questions.
@mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp @mateusrpcalendar @ffxiv-crystal-rp @crystal-rp-ffxiv
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foxandwolf-xiv · 5 years
.:The Suiren Temple:.
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└ About 
Suiren Temple is a quiet shrine located in Shirogane that pays homage to the kami <name pending due to RP>. Here the disciples are led through lessons of archery, literature, music and Geomancy to serve the balance between the Kami and the Peoples of the East. The efforts of the temple include the Suiren House, and the Suiren Clinic as well. All three of which are supported in bulk by the coffers of the reclusive Lord Playwright of Kugane - Bai Biming - at present.
The Temple’s Guard is a small martial unit dedicated to protecting the temple grounds and disciples from physical threats to the territory, or in pre-empting threats to the temple. They have their own unique training regiment but also report upwards to the Head Priest(s).
Wards of Suiren Temple often fill in varying roles and don’t all exactly fall into the category of workers. They can be patients of the clinic, occupants of the house, or workers that fill in varying staff roles the guard and the disciples don’t typically fall into. They can be children, or even adults too. Granted not all workers must be wards of Suiren Temple. Some can have their own lives and homes beyond the Temple’s grounds.
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└ History
Suiren Temple has only recently sprang back to life. For the longest time it was a shrine abandoned by the Kami with no new one to call its home, leading to an imbalance.
It was just being watched over by the Young Lord Bai as part of the lands acquired in a large purchase by the late Lord Bai. It was the Young Lord’s intent to turn it into a home for a new performance theater, but when he had a Geomancer inspect the grounds it was found the omens all pointed to the idea that one day the Temple would be blessed with the presence of a new Kami.
A whole cycle later, Mori Toya would see to the finish to his own personal trial. Taiyou - the one who occupied the Toya shrine - was freed from the control of a malevolent onmyouji. Afterwards the troublesome fish decided to cause trouble by merging with Shiorei of Nasu Shrine. Thus led to the formation of a new Kami from the combination of both the great sun-eating Koi and the trouble making Kyuubi mistress. Thus him and Hokusai Ashikaga had to seek a new home for the nascent goddess as Nasu shrine was no longer fitting.
Now the temple is opening anew with the support of the Young Lord Bai as the primary contributor, and its fledgling goddess.
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└ Mission
To serve the balance between the Kami and the Peoples of the East.
This means exactly as it states. When things are out of sorts in the natural order, the Suiren shrine’s job is to investigate and find a means to return balance. Whether it is an imbalance created by man, or by extraordinary forces. They see to this mission through action as well as education.
The disciples, ward, and followers of the shrine are taught of a path of living in harmony with all things and maintaining that harmony. Never is the power of the Kami forced upon them, nor is the will of man forced upon the Kami.
.:The Structure of the Temple:.
Often the Temple as a whole will receive requests to help the people of Doma, and it will be determined which sections will best assist it. A possession case is likely to go to the Shrine, while one involving an outbreak may go to the Clinic. The House on the other hand will deal in things like running a kitchen to feed those in need, or take up tasks related to charity work. It is often from the House’s efforts that potential disciples, new guards, and other promising staff for the Temple are accumulated.
└ Suiren Shrine
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The heart of Suiren Temple.
It is watched over by the two head priests Mori Toya, and Hokusai Ashikaga.
The Suiren Shrine is the heart of Suiren Temple, and has been recently revived to house the fledgling Kami they brought back with them from the Ruby Sea. It’s regime for training includes a balance of archery, literature, music, geomancy, and Doman arcanistry. The duties of the shrine are to work to maintain balance between the people of Doma, the Kami, and other extraordinary entities such as youkai. Typically they will put members of the Guard and Disciples to the task, in extreme cases the head priests will be in attendance to these efforts as well.
└ Suiren Clinic
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A free clinic associated with Suiren Temple.
It is ran by Mashuel Fuchsenier and Mitsue Torioi at present.
Those who work for the clinic will fall into several roles if they chose to work there. Disciples in the healing arts also help the facility, and learn what they can of herbal remedies and aetheric healing from the full time staff. Some of the Suiren Wards may also be part of the Temple’s life and staff because they are receiving extended care from the clinic.
The Clinic is located on the Temple grounds in Shirogane in one of the private rooms. A Gridania location also exists in the Lavender Beds in the Apartments at Ward #4 Apartment # xx.
└ Suiren House
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A home for the wards and disciples of Suiren Temple.
Those who come to live at Suiren house are either students of the Temple, Wards that have gained Suiren’s sanctuary, or Temple Guards residing in the common areas. It is managed by the Temple staff who make sure that the occupants keep to their schedules and lessons.
There is no solid location just yet for it, but the common rooms that are considered to be part of its structure are reachable at the Temple house location in Shirogane.
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└ Roles
Head Priest(s) <GM / Co-GM>
The primary leader(s) / owner(s) of Suiren Temple.
Guard Captain(s) <Officer>
The one(s) in charge of leading the Guard and organizing their training regime.
Quartermaster(s) <Officer>
The one(s) in charge of the quarters, supplies, and logistics of Suiren Temple.
Officer Alt(s)
OOC only rank for the top three Officer-specific ranks to put on their alts regardless of their position, unless said position falls into one of those top three items.
Instructor(s) <Sub-Officer>
No fresh recruited members will receive this rank right out of the Initiate rank.
Will need to prove themselves through running IC content for the FC.
Can include helping run/staff public facing events.
Temple Guard(s) <Members / Senior Members>
Members of this rank are martially / stealth inclined.
Are in charge of the temple’s protection including those who receive its shelter.
Disciple(s) <Members / Senior Members>
Members of this rank are students of the Temple.
Together with capable Wards they take care of the Temple’s chores.
Ward(s) <Members / Senior Members>
Members of this rank are those receiving shelter / aid from the Temple.
Together with Disciples they take care of the Temple’s chores.
Initiate(s) <New Recruits / Trial Period>
New Member Rank.
Helps denote the member as being in their trial period.
Once they clear the first 30 days and the tasks, they go up to their intended role.
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foxandwolf-xiv · 5 years
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Aramitama Vault is now open for recruitment. A heavy RP based FC of yokai hunters, story driven and looking to fill it’s ranks. We’re looking for hunters, shrine/vault attendants, onymouji, and home operations staff. 
Events will be held at EST/EDT (Usually 7pm-11pm). This FC is on the Balmung Server.
Please send me a message if you’re interested or have questions! (Being in the FC is not required to take part in the FC’s plot/story, we have a discord and Linkshell to accommodate.)
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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Mob bosses.
And thieves.
The underworld has long played host to diverse flavors of unsavory characters, and the network known as the Ebonguard is no different. Its members hide in plain sight, distinguishable only by the telltale black linkpearls that connect them. They live the high life in Ul’dah and hide away in the darkest corners of the Black Shroud. They sail the seas around Vylbrand. Some have even haunt the shadows of far-away lands, the linkpearls carried to their hands by happy accident or sad circumstance.
But this is not a story about accident or circumstance.
This is a story about greed and men.
Modus Operandi is a collaborative campaign-style story arc that Ebonguard is hoping to kick off in late September to early October 2019. Focused on the intrigue aspect of criminal RP, one of the major goals of this story arc is to interweave major DMed plot events with organic story-building and character development via social RP, freeform investigation, and RP/writing prompts.
The other major goal of Modus Operandi is to raise the stakes for the Ebonguard, presenting a real possibility of participating members getting apprehended and punished for crimes that they commit over the course of the arc. To that end:
We are seeking individuals and groups interested in collaborating with us for this plot. These individuals and groups will work closely with Ebonguard’s team to ensure that everyone gets to contribute something to the story and to ensure internal consistency.
For all of the following, an operating presence, ideally primary operating presence, in Eorzea is required. Special preference will be given to groups and individuals that operate out of Ul’dah IC. General preference will be given to groups over individuals because of ease of organization.
Trading companies, banks, businesses, or other organizations or affluent individuals in possession of valuable goods regardless of legality. These groups/individuals will be responsible for ‘setting the stage’ and providing the Ebonguard team(s) with obstacles to overcome during their heists. They will also either work with or against law enforcement, depending on their alignment. Due to the fact that we can only organize so much and have it remain a coherent story, there will be a maximum of two of these “marks,” so we will be vetting them to ensure that they’re a good fit for the story of Modus Operandi. (Note: we aren’t really looking to steal dangerous magical artifacts or anything. Think more along the lines of invaluable art, jewels, or cold hard cash.)  
Law enforcement, such as Immortal Flames, Brass Blades, freelance private investigators, bounty hunters, and lawful-aligned mercenaries. These characters will form the primary antagonistic force for Modus Operandi and will likely get the most action with regards to freeform investigation. Freelancers may be hired by the “marks,” but the premise of their operation is that they are acting in accordance with proper law enforcement authorities. They are expected to bear in mind the fact that the crimes that will be committed over the course of the Modus Operandi main story will probably not be that severe.  
The story’s exact details are loose because we hope to tailor the heists of Modus Operandi to the sorts of groups we’ll be working with to tell the story. Here are the details we do know, though:
It will be lore-strict and pretty limited in scale/scope. As cool as it would be to steal the crown of the Sultana, we aren’t there yet. Maybe another time.
A few major things will get shaken up for Ebonguard on an IC level, so both the network and the characters within will have to adapt.
The main story is structured in three acts. Some major story beats have been planned already, while others are left open so that they can be tailored to the characters and groups involved.
OOC communication is key, especially in situations like Modus Operandi where two player factions will be pitted against each other. 
Crime RP isn’t fun without consequences, so participants of all factions are expected to accept the consequences for their character’s actions. Tying in with the above, though, this doesn’t mean that criminal characters can just be permadeathed without player consent.
Ebonguard is a primarily NA-based RP group, and while we would love to include EU players in Modus Operandi, accommodating them may not always be possible. We ask that players bear in mind schedule and timezone restrictions when expressing interest in participating in this story arc.
If you’re interested in participating in Modus Operandi or have any questions, then please contact @ebonguardls via our contact page or DM @corvvii. 
Because Modus Operandi will run long after the world visit feature is implemented, we welcome the prospect of collaborating with groups from across the Crystal datacenter!
(Ebonguard itself is located on Balmung.)
Please note that Ebonguard and associated ventures are not associated and does not condone real-life criminal activities. Activities engaged in or discussed by Ebonguard or associated ventures are strictly fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
tagging for visibility: @balmungrp @mooglemeet @crystalxivrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp @ffxiv-balmung-rp
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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((website/menu here: https://tinyurl.com/CCornDusk ))
The Capricious Cornucopia has it’s grand opening THIS THURSDAY!
A safe haven for those looking to forget troubles or get a pick me up to start trouble elsewhere, the capricious eatery has many a delight! (Or plight.) It features food and drinks, ranging from the sweet and safe to the deceptive recreations hidden behind the dusk menu. The doors are open to many a traveler whether it’s business or food!
The first five people to sign up for a “black card”, which opens access to the dusk menu, get a Dusk Sample Box! (must be 18+ IC) You get to choose one of three versions:
Dusk Sweets Sample: Contains box of five catnip fudge, bag of 10 lolipops (Petal and Dollop) and a 45mL sample of Red Sap Syrup!
Dusk Potions Sample: Contains one of each potion. (With the exception of the viruses and Keepers Key!)
Dusk Delight Sample: Contains three four hour Stroper Pills, a 100mL small bottle of Fae Draught, one bag of each tea and a sample pint of Milkroot Milk!
Don’t want to be a black card member but still want opening celebrations? For the 21st only, we’ll have a buy one, get one free deal to bust that sweet tooth!
We hope to see you there!!
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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                                 . - Yamata No Orochi - .
                            - Lounge / Restaurant / Yakuza front -
                                     -\ Shirogane ward 8 plot 4 /-
                                             -:: BALMUNG ::-
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The Yamata No Orochi is an establishment located within the Yabogenki estate. Under the ownership of D’ata Yabogenki the restaurant and lounge aims to treat it’s guests & patrons to the finer things of Hingan society from fine cuisine to finer hospitality and pleasures. But not all is what it seems behind the scenes, as the restaurant is only a front of the business behind closed doors. Dealing in everything from political sabotage to assassinations and kidnapping you’ll find the Yomi No Kuni ruled by a mysterious yakuza prince under the alias of Loki Usagi.
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—————————————-Yamata No Orochi—————————————–
// These roles will be for people wanting to staff and work our planned events \
⚫ Cooks                            ⚫ Waiter/ Waitress                       ⚫ Bartenders
⚫ Merchants                     ⚫ Travellers                                   ⚫ Appraisers
⚫ Animal experts              ⚫ Hunters / Butchers                    ⚫ Translators
—————————————— Yomi No Kuni——————————————–
// These roles are for our more in-house and other company connections plots \
⚫ Thieves                         ⚫ Sellswords                                 ⚫ Assassins
⚫ City-state Guards          ⚫ Voidesent specialists                 ⚫ Mages
⚫  Decryptors                    ⚫  Blackmarket dealers                ⚫  Field Medics 
Disclaimer: Members are welcome to be part of both with the same OC.
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                              Application Link: > HERE< !!  
Contact information can be found at the bottom of the application.
You can also join our open Discord!  > Here <!  
Guests and Patrons welcome! Please be sure to read the rules.
And reach us here on this blog, our ask box and messages are open to all.
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
Suiren Temple <-Ren->
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[ 18+ RP FC + LS][ Discord + Tumblr ][ Shiro Med House ] 
“Peaceful is the Way guided by the Kami, and through their wisdom we tend that path.“ 
Suiren Temple seeks those wishing to live peacefully, and seek a life in service to helping others. Be it a ward in need of shelter, a disciple learning the temple’s ways, or a hand to help protect the shrine, it’s Kami, and those who would call it home. 
[ Learn more @ http://suiren-temple.tumblr.com/ or tell with questions and/or for application ]
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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Mob bosses.
And thieves.
The underworld has long played host to diverse flavors of unsavory characters, and the network known as the Ebonguard is no different. Its members hide in plain sight, distinguishable only by the telltale black linkpearls that connect them. They live the high life in Ul’dah and hide away in the darkest corners of the Black Shroud. They sail the seas around Vylbrand. Some have even haunt the shadows of far-away lands, the linkpearls carried to their hands by happy accident or sad circumstance.
But this is not a story about accident or circumstance.
This is a story about greed and men.
Modus Operandi is a collaborative campaign-style story arc that Ebonguard is hoping to kick off in late September to early October 2019. Focused on the intrigue aspect of criminal RP, one of the major goals of this story arc is to interweave major DMed plot events with organic story-building and character development via social RP, freeform investigation, and RP/writing prompts.
The other major goal of Modus Operandi is to raise the stakes for the Ebonguard, presenting a real possibility of participating members getting apprehended and punished for crimes that they commit over the course of the arc. To that end:
We are seeking individuals and groups interested in collaborating with us for this plot. These individuals and groups will work closely with Ebonguard’s team to ensure that everyone gets to contribute something to the story and to ensure internal consistency.
For all of the following, an operating presence, ideally primary operating presence, in Eorzea is required. Special preference will be given to groups and individuals that operate out of Ul’dah IC. General preference will be given to groups over individuals because of ease of organization.
Trading companies, banks, businesses, or other organizations or affluent individuals in possession of valuable goods regardless of legality. These groups/individuals will be responsible for ‘setting the stage’ and providing the Ebonguard team(s) with obstacles to overcome during their heists. They will also either work with or against law enforcement, depending on their alignment. Due to the fact that we can only organize so much and have it remain a coherent story, there will be a maximum of two of these “marks,” so we will be vetting them to ensure that they’re a good fit for the story of Modus Operandi. (Note: we aren’t really looking to steal dangerous magical artifacts or anything. Think more along the lines of invaluable art, jewels, or cold hard cash.)  
Law enforcement, such as Immortal Flames, Brass Blades, freelance private investigators, bounty hunters, and lawful-aligned mercenaries. These characters will form the primary antagonistic force for Modus Operandi and will likely get the most action with regards to freeform investigation. Freelancers may be hired by the “marks,” but the premise of their operation is that they are acting in accordance with proper law enforcement authorities. They are expected to bear in mind the fact that the crimes that will be committed over the course of the Modus Operandi main story will probably not be that severe.  
The story’s exact details are loose because we hope to tailor the heists of Modus Operandi to the sorts of groups we’ll be working with to tell the story. Here are the details we do know, though:
It will be lore-strict and pretty limited in scale/scope. As cool as it would be to steal the crown of the Sultana, we aren’t there yet. Maybe another time.
A few major things will get shaken up for Ebonguard on an IC level, so both the network and the characters within will have to adapt.
The main story is structured in three acts. Some major story beats have been planned already, while others are left open so that they can be tailored to the characters and groups involved.
OOC communication is key, especially in situations like Modus Operandi where two player factions will be pitted against each other. 
Crime RP isn’t fun without consequences, so participants of all factions are expected to accept the consequences for their character’s actions. Tying in with the above, though, this doesn’t mean that criminal characters can just be permadeathed without player consent.
Ebonguard is a primarily NA-based RP group, and while we would love to include EU players in Modus Operandi, accommodating them may not always be possible. We ask that players bear in mind schedule and timezone restrictions when expressing interest in participating in this story arc.
If you’re interested in participating in Modus Operandi or have any questions, then please contact @ebonguardls via our contact page or DM @corvvii. 
Because Modus Operandi will run long after the world visit feature is implemented, we welcome the prospect of collaborating with groups from across the Crystal datacenter!
(Ebonguard itself is located on Balmung.)
Please note that Ebonguard and associated ventures are not associated and does not condone real-life criminal activities. Activities engaged in or discussed by Ebonguard or associated ventures are strictly fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
tagging for visibility: @balmungrp @mooglemeet @crystalxivrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp @ffxiv-balmung-rp
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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“If you want a good clean fight, look somewhere else. Bring me your dirty tricks and subterfuge.”
The Ruthless Reign begins! Twelve fighters will enter, but only one will reign. Show us what you’re made of! No holds barred, no physical skill or spell school disallowed. 
The one who stands tall at the end shall become our first Ruthless Lord or Ruthless Lady! 
Reap the rewards: free drinks at The Cloak & Dagger and 500,000 gil! 
⸸ Rules and Information
⸸ Contestant Sign-up Form
Poster key art was made by @toxicphox!
Location: The Goblet Ward 11 Plot 51 (Outside) - Balmung Date/Time: Saturday, March 23, 2019 at 6PM PDT / 9PM EDT (Listed as PST/EST on the poster, however Daylight Savings Time takes effect in America on March 10!) 
“May the ruthless reign!”
Please note that Ebonguard and associated ventures are not associated and does not condone real-life criminal activities. Activities engaged in or discussed by Ebonguard or associated ventures are strictly fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
The Ruthless Reign is coordinated by Rhy’sae Galeni, run IC with their alt Katyusha Reign. For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us @ebonguardls! 
tagging for visibility: @balmungrpcalendar @balmungrp @crystalxivrp @ffxiv-balmung-rp @ffxiv-crystal-rp @mooglemeet
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
• Suiren Temple Open Supper / Establishment of Medeh Sube •
<<-Ren->> is offering up two new things to Mateus! Our first is a server event to get the ball rolling on our new free company. The second is a linkshell that will require no FC membership to participate in. Details below!
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.: Suiren Temple Open Supper:.
When: 5 March, 6pm CST
Where: Shirogane Ward 16, Plot 58 (To those not able to enter Shirogane yet, feel free to message this blog for a friend teleport!)
IC: While Suiren Shrine has no active Kami at the moment, the other functions of Suiren Temple must continue on, especially that the Clinic is currently manned! To help draw in potential devotees, or possible future wards and disciples, the Suiren Temple will host an open Kitchen for those in need, or just simply curious about Suiren Temple.
OoC: All are welcome. The Temple is a mix of a House, Shrine, and Clinic. This supper will be hosted on the lower level of our FC house. The meal will be of Eastern style.
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.:The Establishment of Medeh Sube:.
When: Ongoing!
Where: Mist Ward 15, Plot 26 (under construction!)
IC: After experiencing and witnessing the trials and tribulations of their kind within Eorzea, a group of Xaela had banded resources together to offer a ‘halfway’ house to those new to the West. Medeh Sube offers temporary lodging, language coaching, reading and writing lessons, and food for those unable to find work.
A project in its infancy, the physical house is still under construction but will soon be a place to shelter those that have nowhere else to go in this change of life.
OoC: Medeh Sube is a linkshell that requires no membership to <<-Ren->> to participate in. This is meant as a stepping stone for those who want to bring their dark-scaled mlems into roleplay and need a viable way for them to learn the culture. Also it is meant to be a place for generous souls to want to help those that need help!
We hope to host small server events to reach out and build our base of helpers and residents.
Contacts: Saranqerel Qalli, Khabataaq Buduga, Mori Toya, Khenbish Buduga, Yesulun Qestir, Khaljar Oronir. In Discord, feel free to contact Bluebird#2389 or message this blog for more information/membership.
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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                                 . - Yamata No Orochi - .
                            - Lounge / Restaurant / Yakuza front -
                                     -\ Shirogane ward 8 plot 4 /-
                                             -:: BALMUNG ::-
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The Yamata No Orochi is an establishment located within the Yabogenki estate. Under the ownership of D’ata Yabogenki the restaurant and lounge aims to treat it’s guests patrons to the finer things of Hingan society from fine cuisine to finer hospitality and pleasures. But not all is what it seems behind the scenes, as the restaurant is only a front of the business behind closed doors. Dealing in everything from political sabotage to assassinations and kidnapping you’ll find the Yomi No Kuni ruled by a mysterious yakuza prince under the alias of Loki Usagi.
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—————————————-Yamata No Orochi—————————————–
// These roles will be for people wanting to staff and work our planned events \
⚫ Cooks                            ⚫ Waiter/ Waitress                       ⚫ Bartenders
⚫ Merchants                     ⚫ Travelers                                   ⚫ Appraisers
⚫ Animal experts              ⚫ Hunters / Butchers                    ⚫ Translators
—————————————— Yomi No Kuni——————————————–
// These roles are for our more in-house and other company connections plots \
⚫ Thieves                         ⚫ Sellswords                                 ⚫ Assassins
⚫ City-state Guards          ⚫ Voidesent specialists                 ⚫ Mages
⚫  Decryptors                    ⚫  Blackmarket dealers                ⚫  Field Medics 
Disclaimer: Members are welcome to be part of both with the same OC.
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                              Application Link: > HERE< !!  
Contact information can be found at the bottom of the application.
You can also join our open Discord!  > Here <!  
Guests and Patrons welcome! Please be sure to read the rules.
And reach us here on this blog, our ask box and messages are open to all.
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
Come celebrate Heavensturn!
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❄️What: The First Annual Heavensturn Fete
❄️When: 9:00 P.M. EST, January 5th, 2019
❄️Where: The Pillars, Balmung Server
Join the Palazzo Aldenard, House de Bayle, and the Ashen Clinic ring in the new turn, Ishgardian style.
For charity, of course. Donations will be collected on behalf of Hestia de Bayle and Elayne Hornwood to design and produce coats for children living in the Brume (All donations made will be IC).
Come dressed in your finest with a date on your arm, or partake in the dance roulette and allow chance to rule your night. Music and refreshments will be provided.
(Many thanks to @progeny-of-the-fury for the flyer)
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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348 notes · View notes
foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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His: smoked salmon and poached eggs on homemade muffins. Fantastic pub brunch!
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foxandwolf-xiv · 6 years
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Free! Dive to the Future - Episode 9
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