foxfireglowmod · 7 years
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How on earth would you feed a city of over 200,000 people when the land around you was a swampy lake? Seems like an impossible task, but the Aztec managed it by creating floating gardens known as chinampas, then they farmed them intensively.
These ingenious creations were built up from the lake bed by piling layers of mud, decaying vegetation and reeds. This was a great way of recycling waste from the capital city Tenochtitlan. Each garden was framed and held together by wooden poles bound by reeds and then anchored to the lake floor with finely pruned willow trees. The Aztecs also dredged mud from the base of the canals which both kept the waterways clear and rejuvenate the nutrient levels in the gardens.
A variety of crops were grown, most commonly maize or corn, beans, chillies, squash, tomatoes, edible greens such as quelite and amaranth. Colourful flowers were also grown, essential produce for religious festivals and ceremonies. Each plot was systematically planned, the effective use of seedbeds allowed continuous planting and harvesting of crops.
Between each garden was a canal which enabled canoe transport. Fish and birds populated the water and were an additional source of food. [x]
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(Fact Source) For more facts, follow Ultrafacts
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
IF YOU NEED TO CALL 911 BUT ARE SCARED TO BECAUSE OF SOMEONE IN THE ROOM, dial and ask for a pepperoni pizza. They will ask if you know you’re calling 911. Say yes, and continue pretending you’re making an order. They’ll ask if there’s someone in the room.
You can ask how long it will take for the pizza to get to you, and they will tell you how far away a dispatcher is.
Here is an example video
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
A Guide for Abled People to Stop Being So Fucking Aggravating to Disabled People
1. sickness/disability does not have a “look” 
2. stop assuming - stop assuming things about strangers, colleagues, coworkers, even friends. you never know the whole story i promise
3. unless you’re a very close friend, do not bring it up as casual conversation. nothing is more uncomfortable than being caught off guard having to talk about it.
4. ILLNESS IS NOT INSPIRING HOLY SHIT if i see another “she has ____ and works 60 hours a week!” article with a million “oh how inspiring <3″ comments, i’ll scream
5. if a disabled person says “i can’t do it,” they can’t. they’re not looking for encouragement
6. pls be more aware of the strong link between disability and mental illness. anecdote - i had no idea why i was so severely depressed for the first year of my illness, until an old friend told me “no that’s actually very common.” more likely than not, your disabled friend/coworker/student/whatever is struggling and they need some patience and understanding
7. yoga doesn’t always work
8. doctors only know how to put people in boxes and treat them accordingly. “just go to the doctor!” is about the dumbest thing you can ever say to a disabled person. i promise, they have. they’ve probably been to more doctors than you’ve seen in your life
10. you CAN offer your help in a polite, not-annoyed tone. if a disabled person asks you for help, if you can do it, please do it without complaint or jokes. i used to not be able to lift more than about 20 lbs without it putting me out of commission for the rest of the day - i don’t need shit about how pathetic that is
11. we already feel like huge fucking burdens on our family, friends, and society as a whole. we don’t need the guilt trip
12. if you see a disabled person and your first thought is “oh my god imagine what their parents/spouse/friends go through,” you’re gross and you need to rethink yourself
13. it is literally none of your business what they have, how they go about their life, etc. they do not owe you anything
14. “i hope you get better soon” followed by “wow you’re still sick?” many months later pls pls pls stop. unless you know something someone has is temporary, it’s more than likely chronic/permanent meaning IT DOES NOT GET BETTER
15. “why are you always tired?” it is so. exhausting. being sick and in pain all the time. it’s an unimaginable kind of tired. i can sleep 4 hours or 8 hours or 12 hours and i will still be exhausted
16. chronic illness/disability is literally nothing like the cold, or breaking your hand, or whatever you want to try to compare it to. the difference is that we don’t get better, doctors have no idea what to do with us, and gradually we have to accept it
17. idk just stop being a big fucking bag of dicks
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
That moment when your level of "Functional Adulthood" is achieved by an eight year old.
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
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The man behind the powers. 
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
Concentration camps are opening in Russia.
Do not let us die again, we where left once before because of a part of ourselves we can’t control.
Don’t let is die, don’t ignore our cries.
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
Full time work should entitle someone to enough pay for rent, food, bills, and leisure activities. Full time work for a full life wage. You put in your 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? You should be able to afford the basic shit you need in life, no matter where you work.
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
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I hardly see any heroic posts about Muslims on here, so here you go.
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foxfireglowmod · 7 years
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Fanfiction appreciation post   1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
please reblog this if your blog is safe for asexuals
(an ace safe space)
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
I’m not good at asking for help
But my sister’s developed a rare case of spinal stenosis.
There is no cure but she needs help to find ways that might help her slow it down.
She’s got lots of medical expenses between herself and her kids and she won’t care for herself if she can’t afford it. So I’m asking for some help through a GoFundMe.
I’m the kind of person to work for anything I need so I’m not used to asking for help here but this woman really did raise me and accepted me when I came out. She was the only one in my family to do that. She picked me up from a friend’s house when my parents kicked me out of the house when I came out and let me stay with her.
I’m trying to do commissions to pay my rent and bills– I’d offer those to help her but I’m already super stacked just trying to barely pay for my own living expenses.
She’s paid for my school fees and helped my parents out with rent and money in the past before she fell onto hard times.
So I’m trying to repay her kindness in any way I can. I’ve set up a GoFundMe page, any amount anyone can help with is more than appreciated and even if you can’t afford to pay for anything, please please share this.
I cannot lose my sister.
The GoFundMe page.
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
Let’s not forget to acknowledge Alexandre Dumas this Black History Month
The writer of two of the most well known stories worldwide, The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo was a black man. 
That’s excellence.
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
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I read this earlier today on Facebook. Someone I like shared it.
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
*whispers* You can be mature and respectful and still have a dirty sense of humour.
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
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This guy just had an amazingly heartwarming Q&A with his grandmother about what it was like for her when he came out as trans
Coming out is never easy — and when you’re coming out to someone who’s more than 60 years your senior, there’s more to overcome than in the usual “here, Grandma, let me explain the internet” conversation. But when 11-year-old Gavin Cueto told his grandma that he’s transgender, it was surprisingly smooth sailing. In fact, Nana Elaine puts any tired stereotype about close-minded older folks to shame.
Gifs: Gavin Cueto
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foxfireglowmod · 8 years
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