foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
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Post TF, large puppy is very excited about all the attention it gets :3
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
Ran into an "everything was better in my day" old guy today who was genuinely shocked to learn that he was in his teen years before his mother was allowed a bank account without a man's permission
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
Ran into an "everything was better in my day" old guy today who was genuinely shocked to learn that he was in his teen years before his mother was allowed a bank account without a man's permission
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
the thing about the pokeball is that it IS kind of the perfect object for "cool critter capturing and fighting game" by nature of combining a gachapon ball with baseball pitching, in a way that is visually satisfying to use and easy to understand. and imo every creature capturing game thats tried to make "totally not pokeballs" that ive seen has done a rough job cause it's an incredibly difficult standard to beat
which is all to say the concept of a pokeball should just be ripped from nintendo's hands and put in the public domain so we can just cut out the middle man
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
No fucking way I found my little rubber fetus
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
As a trans girl, there are two ways I wish to be perceived by society
1: sweet lady who wouldn't hurt a fly and is kind to all
2:I could snap your neck with a snap of my fingers.
Porque no los dos?
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
Rent control is on the ballot for California voters this November.
I uh, get that tumblr isn't exactly sorted by geography, but this is a huge deal.
It's a huge deal even for people who don't expect to be personally affected by it -- rent control is a protection against the poorest people living in a city being forced out, and that's just bad for everyone. When you have a city where only medium well off to rich people live, you get their service employees coming in from a suburb an hour and a half away (blech) or else you get people stacked three to a room. Or people holding down a job or three while trying to earn enough to get off the street or, well, out of their parents' place or away from the abusive partner they can't afford to break up with. Point is, a lack of housing that people can just keep living in at the same price, means a lot of bad things for society, and we probably aren't going to socialize housing within the next ten years but maybe we can get rent control back.
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
Just remembered that by completing the puzzles in portal you're actively having sex with glados. That was crazy
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foxgirlpuddle · 5 hours
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foxgirlpuddle · 6 hours
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foxgirlpuddle · 6 hours
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foxgirlpuddle · 6 hours
Back in 2017 I signed up for one of the Cards Against Humanity sillies and did their Cards Against Humanity Saves America. Basically they were like fuck Tr*mp and his border wall and used the funds from the campaign to buy land and to make all 150,000 contributors part owners of said land across the US/Mexico border.
It was fun and silly and I got a little certificate.
Today I got an email that Elon Musk illegally annexed that land for SpaceX and that CAH are suing him over it. So possibly I’ll get like $100 if they manage to win a lawsuit and stick it to Musk. It’s like even more bang for my original buck.
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foxgirlpuddle · 6 hours
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