fr-aita · 2 years
Closing this blog because nobody uses it <3 thx 4 the memories
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fr-aita · 2 years
AITA if I look out for the website vulnerablities just to report it to staff so it will not get exploited before it gets fixed?
As in for why I ask this, I feel like an AH just because I care about security too much but I am not a certificated white hat hacker.
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fr-aita · 2 years
WIBTA if i send my share of DTDAY after 4 months ? i just got caught up with work and didnt have the time
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fr-aita · 2 years
Finally finished a breeding project. Decided to sell the parent for fodder, but it was snapped up as a perma and I want to keep the current parent names for this finished project as that's part of the project. WIBTA messaging the new owner and politely asking if they plan on renaming the dragon (as it's a funky fantasy ass name, I'll admit it) so I know whether I need to breed another generation for this project or nah?
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fr-aita · 2 years
Finally finished a breeding project. Decided to sell the parent for fodder, but it was snapped up as a perma and I want to keep the current parent names for this finished project as that's part of the project. WIBTA messaging the new owner and politely asking if they plan on renaming the dragon (as it's a funky fantasy ass name, I'll admit it) so I know whether I need to breed another generation for this project or nah?
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fr-aita · 2 years
AITA if, despite it being in my hatchery's rules, I refuse to budge on 'no haggling', even with affiliates? Context: An affiliate is asking for a hatchling but says they don't have the funds necessary to an exact. They get a 20% discount just for being an affiliate and instead offered a trade saying 'I could sell a hatchling of their's instead' which could leave me at a net loss, and with the funds they say they had, they should have more than enough to buy one of the hatchlings they wanted.
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fr-aita · 2 years
i have 98 research notes wibta if i sent them all to my friend
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fr-aita · 2 years
AITA if, despite it being in my hatchery's rules, I refuse to budge on 'no haggling', even with affiliates? Context: An affiliate is asking for a hatchling but says they don't have the funds necessary to an exact. They get a 20% discount just for being an affiliate and instead offered a trade saying 'I could sell a hatchling of their's instead' which could leave me at a net loss, and with the funds they say they had, they should have more than enough to buy one of the hatchlings they wanted.
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fr-aita · 2 years
AITA if I've blocked a few people because they constantly post on free art threads in Creative Corner? There're three in particular I can't stand because it's like they're constantly hounding for free art. They otherwise seem nice, but I'm getting really sick of seeing their UNs pop up everywhere in there and I feel petty for wanting to not interact with them because of that.
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fr-aita · 2 years
So, this one time I rented a nest and the user said they could hatch on a specific date. They ended up missing an incubation, but we worked out that I could send another pair over and they'd provide a boon of fertility for free. The thing is, I ended up making a joke somewhere along the lines of "dang looks like this ended up being a bigger problem for you than me" to say it's no big deal, mistakes happen, but looking back on it, was that a dick move considering they were down several hundred gems then from purchasing a boon?
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fr-aita · 2 years
wibta if i made the lore behind a dragon i bought off the ah that he was abandoned by his parents before coming to my clan?? might be a silly question, but i’ve seen players complain when others buy their dragons and make their parents out to be neglectful and. i don’t wanna be insulting! i don’t have anything against the dragon’s og owner, i’m not gonna include any names or anything and i’ve kinda disconnected my dragon from his og parents but- im worried it’ll still come off as an insult 🙃
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fr-aita · 2 years
Would I be the asshole if I added a charge for not using the order form in my art shop? It would probably just be like 5 gems, I just want to discourage not using it because it makes it WAY harder for me to tell what the person even wants (even if they include the info the order form asks for, something about the format of my order form makes it so much easier to understand) People not using it comes up enough that I'm desperate :/
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fr-aita · 2 years
A certain user asked for one of my dragons, so I sent them a CR with the dragon attached with a message saying I would take treasure or gems and what the price would be in each. They responded to the message saying they'd pay in treasure, then did not add the treasure. I left them a response telling them I would accept when they added the payment, thinking they had either forgotten or were collecting the funds but would add them soon. Nothing for days. Then, they message me saying they (1/?)
Part 2 Part 3
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fr-aita · 2 years
additionally want a SECOND dragon. I told them I would send that dragon over after they bought the first and politely reminded them the dragon was waiting. Instead of responding, they ghosted me. Now I see they’re on the forums doing the same thing to other people, asking for dragons, agreeing on how much to pay… then I click the dragon and it’s still on the original owner’s profile with a pending CR. They haven’t picked up any of them. I just have a feeling this person is wasting all our (2/3)
Part 1 Part 3
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fr-aita · 2 years
time; after all, if they needed a few days to pick up the funds, they could say so, but they haven’t, definitely not to me and it seems like not to anyone else either. Honestly… how long do I have to wait before it’s acceptable to tell them I won’t be selling them my dragon? It feels like I need to give them a week, but I know in my gut they won’t pay, and hatchlings from this couple are in high demand. I could easily find buyers elsewhere who actually communicate (3/3)
Part 1 Part 2
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fr-aita · 2 years
aita for not trusting the judgement of half the commenters here but being unwilling to add my 2c off anon? (probably yes)
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fr-aita · 2 years
AiTA? I’m in a similar position from the other guy, I made a art thread offering free dragon badges, I have completely lost interest in the thread and have no inspiration tho. Should I just cancel them or tough it out past the last few orders then close? - Ma from nature
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