fractured-blog1 · 6 years
find me now here after 4 months of hiatus.
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fractured-blog1 · 6 years
SHINee has helped me through the death of my mother, SHINee has brought me to my best friend. SHINee has been the reason for so many good things in my life. For 10 years they were by my side. And I was on their side. Today one bright star of them left. 
Words won’t express what had shattered today within me. I still can’t even believe it. It’s still a little nightmare with the hope to wake up to a better world.
Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun. You have been a star and an angel who brought a lot of happiness into my life. I wish you would have felt the same and has suffered less. Please, I pray and hope that you are in a better place now. Depression is a devil we have to fight together. Keep that always in mind. Keep an eye on those around you. 
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
Miss you...
...miss you too. /sneaks around once in a while; caughs/ ♡♡♡
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
Honestly, I could whine now how unfair I’ve been treated here or how many people treated me like shit. I could whine how some have ruined my muses and my account. I could... and it still wouldn’t bring my happiness back that I used to have when I wrote. It’s like in the past weeks someone has stolen the most precious thing I used to have and this was writing. So, for now, I will take a Hiatus. Undefined. Maybe I’ll come back. Maybe not. Maybe not here. Maybe here. But for now I can’t write even one word down and it’s not fair to any of my partners to let them wait or write down the worst bullshit.
Thank you for everyone that was kind enough to endure me & to write with me. You are probably the reason why I stayed for so long heh. c:
bye bye & maybe see you soon. 
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
( calling for: taeyong / the virtue of charity @fractured​ )
it’s that one regular customer that always catches his attention, always sitting all by his lonesome at a corner booth of the restaurant. blood-red bracelets mar the once pristine skin of a delicate wrist. terry sees them peeking through sleeves just long enough to count as a cry for help, albeit a subtle one - quiet and uncertain, from all the ugly demons that uses their vice grip as an invisible chokehold. 
there’s no way out, they say.
terry likes to think otherwise.
( an escapist, truly. )
mania has always tempted him to throw aside his apron and tray, sit and talk with customers his deluded mind think intriguing enough for a conversation. (in which case, that would be any and all customers.) but it’s the way lackluster hues meet his own now-dull honey brown whenever he serves his orders that sends a sharp twinge in his chest. terry’s own wrist starts itching, a reminder that he himself isn’t free from the restless shadows that claw their way from the inside out.
does he have the right?
( regardless. )
“hey, handsome,” he starts playfully, slipping into the seat across from, what he likes to consider, a good acquaintance. "looks like you could use some company.”
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» FRACTURED ! — He usually hid them. No, he hid them all the time. The fine lines across his wrists that told a story that no one was interested in, that no one should now. Though, it was almost inevitable that his sleeves would slide upwards or that he needed to wear shirts during warm days.           Sitting in one of his favorite places the virtue let his thoughts wander. As usual. It wasn't like he had planned his life like this. It was that this thing was slowly breaking him apart and he couldn't do anything against it. No doctor would help him against those depressions. Well, a doctor would call it depression but Taeyong knew it wasn't this. It wasn't depression. It was the virtue of charity that slowly broke him down. The gaze of his dark hues flickered down to his wrists. One day it would be the last cut for sure.           The raven haired male flinched the moment a voice echoed through the silence of his thoughts and a rather confused expression colored his face and he eventually looked at the young man across his table. He knew that the other worked here – though they have never talked aside from the usual taking order. Even the term the stranger used confused him. Automatically he tugged his arms further into the sleeves and a warm simper dusted his plump rosy lips. “Do I?” He asked back with a soundless laughter that made his body tremble. “Is it that pathetic that I'm here all the time by myself?” He shook his head before he leaned back into the seat, gaze sliding away from the other in sheer caution.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
chimxrical ( Hailey ):
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“Really? Then you must be in a lot of pain.” She felt her eyes go wide. She wondered if the other was alright from all of the things she probably had to do. Cheering that the other agreed she nodded her head. “Can I paint your nails ombre?” She asked eagerly. 
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» FRACTURED ! — Nana nodded slowly, carrying all the color she had at home to the middle of the room. It was the best to sit on the floor after all- “Of course. Can you do it?” She asked curiously whilst she settled down on the floor. Honestly, most of the time Nana let someone else do her nails. Of course. So she wasn't really talented with it.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
itgotwxrse ( Eunhye ):
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She should have pushed him away and rejected his touch. But she felt so weak. She couldn’t say no to him even now. The only time she had was when she was leaving him and he begged her to stay. Eun-Hye made no effort to stop him from pulling her closer, instead pressing her face onto his shirt and taking in a deep breath. His scent flooded her senses and she closed her eyes, a calm falling over her. Her hand resting on his chest, tracing small, senseless patterns. Her eyes grew heavy, listening to his breathing was putting her to sleep and soon that is exactly what she did. Sleep.
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» FRACTURED ! — His head nuzzled into her hair, arms wrapped around her slender body and he brushed the palms of his hands over her back. He had fought for so long to fall asleep but now that she was with him, and after the flutter of his heart was gone, he felt how his eyelids became heavy suddenly and slowly. He breathed in and out. She was like his sleeping pill and even though he tried to fight for a while against it because he wanted to savor the moment – in the end, he drifted off into a peaceful and calm sleep.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
fckxillusion ( James ):
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               James is only pausing when he heard the male’s words. Of course, he should be used to hearing such things. The tall male had been told that countless times before. He had heard it most of life and yet he still doesn’t know how to feel. It is something that he will never get used to hearing, even now. Letting out a small chuckle his tan cheeks are now a red color. Giving a small head shake as he mumbled out a thanks to him. “Uh– Thanks.” He mumbles while he gives a small smile. He isn’t sure what he should say about any of this. Because even though it was a nice compliment he always felt awkward. “You know, so are you– I mean just look at you” He mumbled before he turned away shaking his head some. “You’re beautiful, like seriously.” He comments now looking away. Not very sure what to say now that he had spoken those words.
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» FRACTURED ! — Those words that fell over Minkyu's lips were never meant to be a compliment. Of course not. This was his way to voice out pure hate and envy. But of course, everyone would still see those words as a compliment. The thanks heard from the other turned his forehead into deep wrinkles with a frown. He was annoyed but the deadly sin of envy reminded himself that humans were much simpler and that he would take it as a compliment after all. The frown made way for a soft simper whilst his dark eyes watched the red dusted cheeks. He was a liar. He knew he was a liar. His gaze brushed over his own body towards his feet before he shrugged his shoulders. “Thank you.” He breathed eventually out even though he knew the other was nothing but lying. Everyone was always better looking than him. Prettier, taller, more beautiful. He breathed out and his head slowly tilted to the side. “Are you done with your shooting or is this just a break?” He eventually asked, lower lip slightly pursed out.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
gcholdtrops ( Minho ):
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       duo shared one thing in common, which was the delicious taste of blood   ——   minho even enjoying flesh but, blood was also enough for the ghoul; it was a question about what taste buds got used to. ever since he had met someone with such interests as himself, let alone, a woman who made a 360-degree turn of personality whenever the beast inside of her got released. which you could say, minho seemed to forever aim for   —   it was a bit unfair to tease someone with his own blood but, the way he could see her expression change when blood got vivid for the both of them, the creature already knew that he had her right where he wanted her to be; under his control and his only, which was perhaps a bit possessive but, that was what happened when a ghoul finally granted a taste of somebody. they were theirs and if others tried to feed off of them, a fight would be initiated without any shame or holding back in inflicting pain to the same kind as himself.
watching how woman’s body, sense and facial expression were all beginning to react upon the thick blood there was seeping from his thumb, slowly trickling down the length of it as well; was such a satisfying view for minho, that he couldn’t help the signature smirk to appear and also how orbs were even turning hungrier for closeness to elaine, such as having his hands roam over curves of her body, to have another taste of her   ——   god, she drove his mind crazy, just by how their previous encounters had escalated.   ❝   how can you call it torture, when your body language is seemingly enjoying all of this   ?   ❞   the male queried with his usual low tone of voice, gaze breaking from hers momentarily to drop down and watch how her hands were curling into the fabric of his shirt, which had him snort out in light amusement. own eyes fell down upon the feeling of her wet muscle dragging over his thumb, which just had him push digit into woman’s mouth, past her cherry-like lips, while eyes returned to meet elaine’s innocent glint in each her hues, which send a shiver down the ghoul’s spine, because how could one manage to hold so much innocence, while drinking off of his blood.   ❝   you’re so beautiful.   ❞   eyebrows knit together as he felt himself craving so much more from woman, so frame pressed closer to her until frames were completely flushed and he was gazing down at her.   ❝   do you wanna go on another adventure with me   —   ?   ❞
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» FRACTURED ! — As if Minho was born to torture her. When she first met him she had thought she had found a toy in him. Another little puppet with the strings entangled in her fingers. She was a young vampiress and so full of confidence that it was already too much for her own good. She was wild and never knew that border that should be there. Though, now she had long learned that the tables had turned. She was the puppet in his hands and her strings were tangled around his fingers and she would always dance the way he wanted her to dance. She had tried to run and yet he would find her again and in the end, she would thankfully lay down in his arms and ask for his needs and desires – so she could fulfill them. How could she fall for such a creature, even more, bloodlust than she could ever be? A soft sound emitted from her throat upon the words he spoke and she whimpered. He was right. She enjoyed all of it – she simply tried to fight against it. She enjoyed his closeness and the taste of his blood. She loved his touch and the way he had her in the palm of his hand. The world could be so cruel and yet so wonderful at the same time.           Her ebony colored and sharp fangs had long grown out whilst her tongue licked slowly over the other's thumb until the digits were pressed into her mouth and she mewled like the obsessed and needy monster she was for him. She sucked on the wound and with each little drop of his thick red blood her desire grew for him. With each passing second, she had herself a little bit less under control and she would forget the place they were, the eyes that could see them in their little bloody play. She had no control over herself. She would never stop tasting him once she had started, though she was aware that Minho would stop her the moment it would get too much. His thumb slipped out of her mouth with a wet sound when their bodies were pressed flush together and thanks for their difference in height her lips were so close to his neck. She could smell, see and hear his blood right away. It was like the cold vampiress could suddenly feel something like heat. She let the tip of her nose brush over his neck and breathed out quietly. “You know I would go with you to hell and back, Minho.” She whispered with a hushed voice as if still something like reservation was left inside of her. “Take me where you want. Do with me what you want. I'm yours as long as you allow me to taste your blood.” She murmured before she pressed her lips against the vain in his neck. She could feel the blood moving underneath the flesh. Oh, she wished for nothing else but his blood and his hands on her bare skin. And with each second her desire grew and the will to stay the innocent and tidy girl she was supposed to be sunk. When she was with him she lost control.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
pleicdes ( Hanu ):
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[ ❈ ]  “Taemin…” The syllables glide along the soft voice that echoes his name, a name uncommon yet fairly normal in contrast to the man that bears it. Everything starts with a name, and although the introduction may have come just a little late, it was better. It gives her an appellation to identify him for – a name to associate the unusual color of his hair, or the certain kind of boldness he exudes, or the eyes that stares deep within. These are the details listed under the given name, and more details to come and to be kept in mind as the day goes along. The shadows from the outside signifies the twilight, a transition of the afternoon to night. An early evening, it seems. A good start, maybe. “Taemin-nim.” Softness caresses the said name as it slips from her tongue, a response to him uttering her name like it was candy to his mouth – sweet and melting. She does the same, subtly, if she can if only to hold his attention and interest while keeping hers as well. The question he posed is as brash and audacious as he has ever been since the beginning, and while it isn’t surprising to hear from the other, Hanu knows how to play this well. Years in this gyobang did impart her technical skills to become someone worthy of giving entertainment to other, but it is of experience and keenness that she learned how to handle such situation. Instinct tells her not to give in, always, but to make him give in. If he does, then maybe she will. Thin fingers playfully pats on her peach tainted cheeks as she once more speaks. “The proper question should be… what are you willing to give to have me?” And perhaps no one has ever told him. Hanu is never easy.
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» FRACTURED ! — He loved the way his own name rolled over her beautiful lips, the way they curled around the words. She could speak his name like a serenade. Well, his human name. He wondered how his real name would sound with her voice. Oh, each time has their own different charm and this century was just as interesting. He wondered if the name Lucifer was already something common for those humans to fear. If they had heard about the fallen angel that created the darkest and cruelest place on this world. Had his name already reached so far? Though, this question had to stay unanswered for a while. He was not yet ready to reveal the truth. However, he was sure that her beautiful face would look so much prettier with fear coloring it. A soft and airy laughter fell from his lips and he shook his head, let the fair blonde hair fall over his eyes. She wasn't an easy woman. Though, never had Lucifer asked for something easy. That would be boring, wouldn't it? He liked a challenge. He could buy the cheapest and easiest way. But that would make his life so boring. Finger combed through his blonde hair before they fell back into place and he leaned further towards the young woman. His gaze attached to her own. “Everything, Hanu” He whispered softly into her direction, eager to know which words she would answer with.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
astraeignis ( Sloth ):
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「💤」 You are mine. The words echoed in Sloth’s mind, ran around like a swarm of crazed witch across the night sky, screaming and singing, causing fear in the hearts of those who heard them. But the worst part of it all? Greed was right. Sloth never really freed himself from the tight embrace of the other. Physically – perhaps that was true, but no matter what he did, who he met, no matter what happened around him – he would always and forever feel Greed’s hot breath on his skin. It never went away, often causing a fever in the broken being. Life changed, time passed but the remnants of Greed were now a part of Sloth. A part of his nature, his character. A part of his entirety.
Eyes never once leaving the other he saw as little crimson droplets appeared on the other’s hands. There it was – the brutality, the uncontrolled anger. But… but it was not directed at him. There was a spark in Sloth’s mind. The faintest voice of his love for the brother, whispering to him he loves you, look, he’s trying, he’s controlling himself. He heard it and he could see it. He calmed down, his laughter disappearing completely, the only sign that it even happened were his pink-dusted cheeks and two little moist streaks running down his face as at one point tears just fell. He tried to calm down, he fell quiet, he listened. The arches of his brows moved, contorted in a frown of disbelief. More beautiful that Pride? More alluring that Lust? Surely Greed was lying. How could that be? He wanted to ask, there were still so many questions. But the moment his plush lips parted to speak they pressed together again in a think line, Sloth’s eyes widening, he himself shivering and letting out a short, nasal yelp at the sudden elevation of the other’s tone. And he listened, his eyes round again bordering on tears. Greed was saying words that overwhelmed him. The obsession of the elder, the singularity of his wants. The genuine struggle Greed was forcing himself through to wipe Sloth off his mind. And then… then the question. The question that never before was asked. Not that he remembered anyway. And even if – not like this. Not so… so… desperately.
“Greed, you are my brother and I love you. But – You and me… We– How can you say we belong together?” He stopped himself from asking more. He wanted, of course. Why them? Why Sloth and Greed? Why did the other not love someone else. “I never… no!” It was a lie, honestly. He had a weakness for the way Pride was upright, how he looked down on Sloth, how he made Sloth try and gain his acceptance. It was so against the Sin’s nature and yet he found that he pulled to those who made him like that. Perhaps it was the fear that if he remained the way he was, Greed would come searching for him? Somehow… somehow it seemed every choice of his life for the longest time stemmed from his brother’s love for him. “Greed, I don’t think… I’ll…” His voice broke as he forced himself to continue, scared for what he was going to say to the other. But the desperation in Avaritia’s voice just… tore at something deep within him and he felt like a monster. “Your look… I won’t look at you like that… but…” Something was breaking, his chest began hurting, his breath getting shallow. His hands went numb and cold pearls of sweat appeared on his temples. “I… I was unfair–” He himself knew this was a hell hole into which he was leaping. But there was just something, something that pulled him to his Brother. “I…We could… try…” His voice trailed of completely, his own body screaming in panic at what he’d just said. What would Greed do? Was it too much? “Just… there will have to be rules… I… don’t want to push you away…” It felt scary, it felt unreal. Never had he thought he’d say those words and already his instincts were planning an escape should he need one. But he did love Greed and he didn’t want to hurt the brother, no matter how much fear the other’s sheer presence triggered inside him.
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» FRACTURED ! — The crystalline tears than ran down his brother's face were so visible for Greed. It was a bright red sign for him. A reminder how much he had easily broken his brother years ago. He wanted to approach him, wanted to wipe away those tears he had caused. He wanted to embrace him and whisper him that he was sorry. That they would be fine. That he would take care of Sloth from now on. But he knew all of this would be nothing but an attack in the eyes of his brother. So he stood rooted in his place. He didn't move besides the urge that was fighting inside of him. One wrong step now could ruin everything for even more years. He was aware of that. He was trying. Though, he knew his trying wouldn't last for an eternity. One day those walls he had created would break down again. It was his nature. He was greedy and he would get what he wanted and needed. No matter with which brutal force.           The silence between them lasted forever. At least this was what it felt like for Greed if he was honest. He wanted to leave but Sloth wouldn't let him. He wanted to approach the other but Sloth didn't want it. What was he supposed to do? Wait and see? That had never been his kind of behavior. He wasn't like sloth. He simply wasn't. Nails digging into the flesh of his palm. Eyes narrowed and yet filled with despair. Why couldn't Sloth just come with him? It would make everything so much easier. Greed wasn't like this if he got he wanted. When he didn't need to fight against his urge. Why couldn't his brother see this? Why? He felt a certain turmoil raise inside of his chest. Lips parted and closed again. Still silence. The gaze of his dark hues flickered down to the floor. He couldn't endure watching those tears anymore. The fear. The pain. Because he knew all of these emotions were directed towards him and no one else. And that – indeed – hurt just as much. Especially if you had only love for the person that wanted so desperately to get away from you.           Finally, the first words fell from the other's lips even though there was nothing but parts of a sentence that came slowly. Lips forming around the words and for the first time ever since he had seen Sloth he felt something like hope bloom inside the rotten chest of his. And the first words that made sense to Greed. That he could agree without hesitation. He knew from the beginning it would have been a battle. He knew he had to fight. And from the beginning, he was ready to fight for his brother. He was ready to let time decide what would happen. As long as he had an answer. And it was the answer he got now. A shaky breath slithered over plump pastel lips and he felt his heart flutter. His body relaxed slightly and fists opening. Just now he felt the stinging pain his flesh that he had caused himself. He swallowed thickly and nodded. Another deep breath. Calm down, Greed. Calm down. He knew now won't be a good time to give up or to give in to his natural side. Sloth made a step forward and he needed to make sure to show him that this was the right way. He needed to make sure that he wouldn't send him backward again. “What... are the rules, Sloth?” He carefully asked whilst he tilted his head to the side and allowed his gaze to flicker back to his own brother. At least the stern and hard expression was gone from his face.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
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final life ( trailer )
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
ddokddokyoung ( Inyoung ):
In turn, Inyoung let her talk. What she thought of marriage could’ve been straight from his mind, if he had ever dug deeper to find out what was the best option for him. She had given up on love, it sounded, and Inyoung didn’t have much hope that he’d ever be swallowed by such tremendous feelings. There had been a type of longing, maybe closer to frustration, that he’d experienced in his teenage years watching first loves and sloppy kisses behind school buildings. He was missing something basic, and wasn’t going to acquire it later on. Luckily even jealousy didn’t struck that strong, and getting over some realisations barely stung.
Basing marriage on friendship was a fresh idea, even sort of exciting. It was something he could’ve done. Inyoung smiled slowly as the woman kept talking.
“I like how that sounds,” he admitted. “I would imagine this marriage as what you just described. We would become friends, good friends. Go wherever we want, do whatever we want. We’d just share a home, eat our dinner together, gossip, have a marriage picture of us in the entrance…” Inyoung tried to picture it, his eyes squinting and lips pursing the clearer visualization he tried to chase. “But we’d have other relationships. You could have real boyfriends, I could keep on…” What was the correct way to say it? Being promiscuous wasn’t exactly it. Oftentimes it was just platonic kisses or joined hands with friends and strangers, but in relationships those minute things bloated huge and troublesome. “Going here and there?” Inyoung offered a brighter smile to soften his words. “As to who thinks this is a good idea, that’s my grandmother. She cares about my opinion but thinks hers is better.”
Inyoung leant further over the table to point a dish on the menu. “Spicy octopus for starters, my favorite. Are you a picky eater?” he looked up at her curiously, waiting a beat before continuing. “You could order me your favorite foods, and I could order you mine.” 
» FRACTURED ! — It would be easy. At least easier as all the marriage talks she had before. It was ridiculous how many of those candidates thought it was important to remind her of her duties as a wife. And with they had meant nothing else but sex. Sometimes Nana had thought she was caught in the dark age if she was honest. Though, she wouldn't tell him this ridiculous part of her story. To have a friend as a husband was the best that she could ever have.           The young woman nodded her head slowly whilst she listened to his words. “I'm not much one who has boyfriends but in general that would be the basic idea. At least my father would stop complaining.” She mumbled whilst her own thoughts drifted slightly away. Well, it sounded so easy but in the end, it wasn't this easy. Nothing was ever this easy. “Though, it would always include hiding away from filthy reporters. There has to be a downside to everything, right?” If they would pretend to be married they had to make it good. It wasn't like Nana was a start or anything but once in a while, she had filthy reporters and photographers on her feet. Watching her and waiting for a scandal. It would be the perfect little story if someone caught her in the act of betrayer her husband or getting cheated by her husband. A frown appeared on her pale forehead. And would anyone ever take them with the knowledge that they were married? Probably not. Though, Nana never thought she would ever be in a relationship anyway.           Nana shook her head whilst her gaze flickered on the menu. “I'm not. I enjoy eating even though I have to be careful.” She nodded absentmindedly. She was a model. Though she couldn't eat too much in the end but she never gained weight that easily so she wasn't too restricted with her eating manners. “Chicken. Do you like spicy chicken? That would be my favorite.” She explained with a soft laughter and for a moment she even forgot to be nervous around him. That she should be nervous around him. But maybe she had found someone she could trust in the future. Someday.
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
her-mighty-roar ( Ayami ):
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        The frantic edge to her voice made Ayami take a step back before scanning the other woman’s face. She didn’t like the vibe coming off her, it was unsettling and she couldn’t quite place what bothered her beside tone. Who were those sources Livvie spoke of, though, and how did they know about her? That was the main question here. 
        “I can’t assure you you’ll get information,” Ayami said, hoping it might deter Livvie from pursuing a dream translation from her. It was doubtful that it’d stop her, but Ayami tried regardless. “And my translations aren’t always accurate.” An incorrect statement, more often than not they were indeed accurate or if the first analyze was inaccurate the accurate one eventually came to light. 
        If the nightmares were connected to her past, there still was a chance Ayami would have a hard time. And she was going to hate every minute of it because it took away from her personal time.
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» FRACTURED ! — It was rather obvious that the other woman didn't want to help her. Livvie was sure she had her reasons. Everyone had their reasons. And Livvie had her reasons to ask almost desperate for her help. She was her last chance after all. So, of course, if the woman would turn her completely down she would leave. Right away but until that happened she would try her very best.           The slender woman nodded her head slowly. “It's okay. Even if it's incorrect. Even if you don't get out any of my dreams. It's completely fine. It's just a try. Even for myself. I don't want to let myself think that I haven't tried everything.” She explained her words and despite the stern and serious gaze on her face she managed to have.           Livvie was sure her nightmares were glimpses of her past. She was so sure. “It doesn't have to now either. Just.. whenever you have the time for it. I'm sorry that I caught you out.”
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
itxxbwon ( Jongup ):
continuation from here for  @fractured  | Jongup & Taeyong
“I don’t believe in words such and to wait and see” Jongup narrowed his eyes to the side. Of thousand and millions of existing words, the male before him just have to say the same words many have said to him. – to wait and see what evidence will unveil for his dead brother who was brutally murdered.  Jongup grab a hold onto the other wrist and tugging on it to distract the other attention from his scared skin. “Waiting are meant for those who want to die, you’re so much more than that..” his eyes looked upon the other, staring into him. ��Our own worst enemy might be our vulnerability but it could also be our greatest weapon..” … “Don’t lose yourself..”
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» FRACTURED ! — The young man gave out a breathy laughter whilst he heard the others almost poetic words. He had no idea what he was talking about. As if he knew what it meant to have an angel, a virtue to be exact, inside of your own body. In a body that couldn't hold the power inside. The power that broke his mind and body so quickly, so easily. Or was it the Virtue's fault because he wanted the body for himself? “You don't know what it's like to have a virtue inside of you. What it means to be a virtue. It's not like I have any control over this. Of myself. Charity can do what he wants with me. I have to wait and see. Because it's his game and his rules.”
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fractured-blog1 · 7 years
pristinvs ( Noah ):
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[ ▲— Intent linger by her frame, observant to every change of her posture: her expression. Noah is not one who gets asked for favors in this manner, if this could even be considered as one. But how could he step down from mentoring someone who seemingly ( desperately ) needed it? It reminded him far too much of the years he had spent behind locked doors: isolated. Helpless. He would not wish such bitter decay upon anyone. After all hatred, anger and grief is what had eaten away at him and left him like this. With his heartless image, ruthless ways and inability to fully let people into his life. He trusts nobody but himself and has spent the past century sleeping with one eye open. Because even the greatest of friends can turn into your greatest foe when you lest expect it. His agreement feels strange. Stranger when she accepts the demands he has uttered. He wonders if she really does know what being indebted to him means. He doubts it. As far as he is aware, his name has only latched itself onto the older vampire circles. Younger ones would not know of the terror that is Kwon Noah, would they?   ❝  I’d say, I didn’t expect you to agree like this. Pleased you did however. Consider yourself taken under my wing then. Any questions will be answered, if there’s trouble, give me a call. When it’s time for me to collect my payment, I’ll make it obvious. ❞ He speaks of it as a business deal. Perhaps to avoid the emotional basis his decision has. After all, Noah has never been a big fan of feeling anything.  
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» FRACTURED ! — She had asked others for the same thing. She had asked vampires to take her under their wing and all of them turned her down. Of course. None of them ever felt a connection with her. None of them had created her and yet the young vampiress had never given up. The feeling of loneliness was too prominent. Too engaging for her to give up on it. Even though she was a predator, a beast, a monster or which name they had for those creatures. She had the need to be with someone, to be part of something. As if the last bit of humanity that was inside of her was screaming for it. As if she couldn't get rid of it. She felt lost and perhaps that was her weakness. Noah was her last chance. One of the last chances to learn and become what she really was. A predator without anything human left inside of her. At least this was the goal for herself.           Hues of a dark color lit suddenly up at the moment he eventually agreed to that little deal. She had reached her goal. She had found someone that would take the job her own master had never done. The person who created her that had left her behind as if she was nothing. Perhaps he didn't even know that she turned, thought that she had died as a human. “Whenever you want to get your payment I'll be willing to give it.” She whispered and bowed slightly down. A rather reserved side of the vampiress. Though, it probably wouldn't take too long for her to bloom up to her usual brazen behavior that was so much louder and with a far more sharper tone in her voice. “Will you tell me how you turned?” She asked carefully the moment she stood straight again. In the end, she still had to get to know so many things about him.
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