frainteso · 1 year
hi! quick note that i finally have a plots page up and i recently updated his profile as well. would love for some of his plots to be taken or to plot with more of you in general, so please like this if you want me to hit you up. hope everyone had a great weekend!
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frainteso · 1 year
so hyper-focused on the client in front of him, eunwoo's comment stirs insoo’s brows to furrow in confusion, his tattoo gun purring softly as it continues to drag slowly along the skin of the slightly-nervous client laying in front of him. "fuck, has it really been that long since we did that one?" time was a blur – one big, long blur of tears and loss and pushing forward with one foot in front of the other, whether he wanted to or not. "i got you. i'm open, uh... ask the receptionist, but i got you.”
after insoo cleans and wraps up his client's tattoo, he stands up shortly after eunwoo, grabbing his iced coffee to take a big gulp. “it’s a surprise, i'll take you over in a second.” he turned to address his client, giving a small nod.
"thanks for stopping in... sir.” this guy was definitely a regular and insoo forgot his name again, for the third or fourth time. “you can pay the rest of what you owe and tip with the receptionist, alright?" he starts walking toward the exit, quickly turning around to add, "and hey! make sure she doesn't try to double-charge you. she's a sneaky little thing, that one. don't let her pretty face fool you." he briefly wiggles his finger at the young woman tending the front desk, who simply scoffs as insoo leaves the shop with eunwoo strolling beside him.
once they get to the surprise location, insoo swiftly pulls out a paperclip from his back pocket, bending it straight before moving close to the door to pick the lock. it takes a concerningly-short amount of time for the lock to click, a big “for lease” sign falling off of the door as he opens it wide for the other to enter. “you first, future owner and ceo.” 
after they walk in, he takes a dramatic, deep breath, wrapping an arm around the other’s shoulders with a satisfied smile on his face. he's excited, invigorated, inspired. “look at this, man. looook at this shit. this is your destiny. like, picture it with me–” he raises his free hand to point around the space, imagining it vividly in his own mind. “a bar stocked full with liquor over there, some naked girls over here, maybe a big-ass jacuzzi over in the middle there…"
@frainteso / one day in 2021
the heat outside is merciless and the impending rain gives the air a muggy feeling. eunwoo is already counting down the days till the end of monsoon season, unable to bear this for any longer than necessary. the mall offers a much welcome refuge, the air conditioning works tirelessly to keep both staff and visitors cool. eunwoo frequents it more than he would like to admit, although not to drop his money at effulgé jewelers or try his luck at xpixels. with too much time on his hands, he has made it his mission to bother insoo at his tattoo shop several times a week. he can only imagine that his employees are sick of him by now, but if they are, they are masters at hiding it. perhaps eunwoo bringing in coffee for everyone every once in a while helps to keep their annoyance at bay. 
in eunwoo’s defense, he truly had not planned to drop by today. at home, a small mountain of paperwork is waiting for him, things to do with the restaurant and his parents, things he had been avoiding for the longest time. things that weigh heavy on him, although he doesn’t like to admit it. but instead of sitting by his small, round table in the kitchen, ripping at his hair and losing his mind just a little, he is now idly spinning in a swivel chair at barracuda, staring at the ceiling. the frappuccino in his hand is basically empty, he is only chewing on ice chunks by now, an occasional lone chocolate chip in the mix. insoo’s drink is still half full, unable to gulp it down as quickly with a tattoo gun in his hand. eunwoo hums along to the song coming out of the dingy portable speaker as insoo finishes up his customer, meticulously applying the second skin over his latest work.
“one of these days you have to give me a retouch,” eunwoo says, running his fingers over the falling icarus on his upper arm, done by insoo a few months back. he slides off the chair and tosses the empty plastic cup into a trash can, unable to sit for even a minute longer. he links his hands behind his back and cracks his spine. “okay, what did you want to show me?”
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frainteso · 1 year
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lee insoo, artist & owner of barracuda inc. / mobile navigation
hi everyone! I'm so happy to be here and looking forward to writing with you. my name is char, she/they pronouns (i genuinely don't have a preference) and est timezone. neurodivergent with adhd that goes stoopid and crazy so apologies in advance if it takes me a while to get back to you!
i haven't roleplayed on tumblr in forever, so forgive me if i seem lost as all hell. i've been wanting to play this particular muse for years now, so i'm excited to finally see him come to life. click under the cut for personality info and a (very rough) bio!
the best word to describe insoo would probably be eccentric. he kind of gives demon but he really can't help it, his upbringing molded him into how he is today
that being said, he's trying to be better and redeem himself from past wrongs. it's hard though when he refuses to change a bulk of his personality and is kinda stuck in his ways LOL but i guess...?
it's more about how he treats people than who he is as a person. like, maybe he would usually blow off plans with someone by acting like he died, but now he'll be honest and just say "yeah, i don't feel like seeing you today, sorry"
he is also the type that your muse would probably see trying to walk up the escalator that goes down or digging in the trash for some undisclosed reasons
idk, he's just really weird and used to be a very dangerous person, but now he's fairly harmless. he's still dealing with dangerous people, though, so it's hard trying not to get sucked back into things
he left home at 16 and started living with a friend's family. it was supposed to be temporary, but they fell in love with him and treated him like their own son
he started auctioning his paintings anonymously because he was a minor, using the simple moniker 'art' and a false age
he saw success rather quickly, the mysteriousness behind his paintings becoming a talking point amongst some of the most renowned critics in the art world
his paintings began selling for way more than they were worth. it was almost a trend for rich people to buy his super minimalistic, expensive paintings just to say that they owned it
(and when i say minimalistic i mean like, a black dot on a white canvas with a question mark underneath that would easily be auctioned off for well over $10,000 USD)
he decided to do something with all of this money, eventually buying barracuda inc
the tattoo + piercing shop is the first thing in his life that he took seriously fr. that includes his family, past relationships, his own life, everything. he cherishes it like it's his son
this is kinda long, i'm sorry but that's all for now! feel free to IM me or ask for my discord (pref) to plot, i would love that! also please excuse any errors i'm rushing this rn. talk to you soon!
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