francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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CHILD DREAM KIT is available on my https://patreon.com/Max20 + A mini set available to the “Chair” level patrons!
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Fontenot Fright Night // a Willow Creek Ghost Story Short - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Fontenot Fright Night // a Willow Creek Ghost Story Short - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Fontenot Fright Night // a Willow Creek Ghost Story Short - 1 / 2 / 3
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Fontenot Fright Night // a Willow Creek Ghost Story Short - 1 / 2
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Fontenot Fright Night // a Willow Creek Ghost Story Short - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A cool fog began to creep across the lake and cling to the sun-warmed asphalt, as a low, bright moon cast long shadows in the late hour. Distant cackles of robotic decorations and shrieks of children’s laughter carried on the wind like whispers towards the last house on the row, and as the last of the trick-or-treating stragglers arrived at the gates they found the cracking sidewalk bathed in the warmth of hundreds of humming string lights.
Music drifted softly through the open door, a song a grandparent might call ‘an oldie,’ as figures danced and swayed in the windows, backlit by the violet glow of novelty candles. As the group approached party guests spilled onto the wide veranda to wave and coo at their costumes.
The children filled their bags from a plastic bowl under the watchful eyes of Patchy the Scarecrow, and as their parents marvelled at the effort Francis had gone to this year, they reminded their excited charges to take just one treat.
The group left with a few obligatory pictures taken in front of props that parents desperately hoped were fake, and not something Francis had thrifted on one of his paranormal investigations. They passed under the twinkling canopy with a final wave to Patchy and the party, and were swiftly swallowed up by the night.
Minutes passed until the stillness was broken by heavy footfalls scuffing along the leaf littered sidewalk, and a voice called out to two identical figures on the porch -
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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hi guys!! i have a small treat for you this year!! i put together a small outfit of a dress, gloves and matching jewellery set. i tried to make these kind of neutral themed so you can use them anytime. i hope you like it!!!
marrow jewellery set; a matching set of drop skull earrings and double chain choker. i made the chain for the choker from scratch, so apologies if there are any errors but from my testing it seems to be ok!!! comes in 4 matching swatches with correct LODs and maps.
sheer gloves; a set of sheer gloves, in 3 swatches with correct maps.
serum dress; a bodice drape dress. comes in 10 solid swatches with correct LODs and maps. also tagged for everyday, formal and party.
everything is base game compatible with custom thumbnails. 
i hope you enjoy!!!! 👻✨
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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the cryptids pack
a cc pack i made for halloween because i was so excited for it
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the set includes:
4 bottoms,
4 tops,
a dress,
5 hairs and a hair accessory
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Clayton Weller. Bookworm. Historian. New kid.
Clay wasn't sure what to think of his mom's decision to pack up their entire life and move then to the sleepy town of Willow Creek midway through his senior year of high-school, but seeing her achieve her lifelong dream of running a bookstore makes him sure the change was worth it. 
With the college of his dreams firmly in sight, and two new friends he feels like he's known all his life, Clay's ready to throw himself at whatever the mysterious forces watching over Willow Creek have to offer. 
Here's hoping this time he'll fit in.
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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What can we say about Willow Creek County Coroner/Local medium Francis Eugene Fontenot? 
Well he's a little bit cooky, a lot bit spooky, always has been, always will be.
Adopted as a tot by former WCPD Chief Lionel Fontenot and his mystical wife Dolores, Francis has always been more in tune with the other realm than most. He's dedicated his life to helping the dead, and has a penchant for bringing home all manner of haunted objects to his devoted, despairing husband, Milo. 
Oh, there's also a morgue in his basement.
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Let's start with our spook hunting, grilled cheese obsessed protagonist - Adelaide Fontenot. 
Addie comes from a long line of ooky-spooky women, and she’s been a paranormal buff since she was a little kid, due in part to spending so much time around her psychicly gifted uncle, Francis. With her childhood best friend Julian, and their new friend Clayton, Addie's setting out to capture definitive proof of the paranormal for their Simtube channel - Willow Creek Paranormal.
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francis-e-fontenot · 3 years
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Having tested both twitter and instagram as platforms for sharing the Sims4 rp I’ve been working on I’ve decided I still prefer my good old faithful hellsite, so allow me to introduce you to Willow Creek Ghost Stories: a Sims4 spook hunting weekly rp series!
If you already follow along on twitter or instagram then welcome back, and don’t worry, there’ll be lots of new stuff to enjoy while the lastest pages are being edited! I’ll be updating formating on some of the eariler pages, adding some new ones here and there, and making more character edits and bonus behind the scenes stuff.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy making it!
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