frankiea1998 · 3 years
So hard babysitting this baby chick 
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
Me going into my siblings room to annoy them
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
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“I’m much happier at 53 than I was at 23.” (x)
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
fuck it’s august??? what’s next? 2022???? can’t do this anymore
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
no alcohol in this flask girl this is miso soup
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
mcdonalds gave me the boys toy in my happy meal and ive been transgender ever since
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
A lot of the substances we think of as protection against the supernatural (e.g. salt, silver, garlic) are actually antibacterial, and would have helped stave off infections and illnesses that people once attributed to supernatural influence.
Based on this, I want to see a story where vampires are repelled by hand sanitizer.
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
Parenting is hard
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
mormonism is sooo funny to me because its straight up one of the few Religion Religions that isn’t regarded as a kooky cult despite the fact that it’s like 100% based on a weird racist scam but we all have to play nice and pretend that its real because there’s like a couple million of them living in utah who are very invested in the whole thing 
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
my mom says she’s not a hugger. but when i put my arms around her on a gloomy day or after bad news she’s the last to let go. my dad says he doesn’t want gifts on his birthday, but i see the way his face light up when i get him a card with a nice message and a box full of chocolate anyway. he’s just a kid inside, still. it makes him giddy. my brother never says i love you. but when i tell him “i just need to finish the dishes before i vacuum!” he wordlessly goes to vacuum the entire house before i can, and if he sees me struggle with a wrapper or a jar or a bottle he mutters ‘c’mere’ and opens it for me without even sparing me a glance. the thing is, people love you quietly, and you love them quietly, and the air is buzzing with tiny but grand gestures & once you look for them, you find them everywhere. i think that’s really beautiful.
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
thats just the way the pussy crumbles
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frankiea1998 · 3 years
i know we're all ecstatic that england as a nation lost, but that the three english players who missed their penalty kicks were Black means that racist english fans are about to get a million times more violent. and that is not worth celebrating
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