frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
"Okay, but I am not going to promise that I am listening to you..”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“I know that, dingus. Also, fuck off about Frankie..alright?”
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“I’m finding this stuff out for us not your wannabe girlfriend.”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“Then why is he so fucking impatient? Dex and I do what we can.” Mykie dipped her tortilla chip in the extra cup of the hot salsa. She made sure she was eating properly because usually when she was with Dexter they were pretty messy. “Bullsh-” Mykie quickly stopped mid curse word. “That's a lie. One day off a week is not enough. You know that.” She then opened up her bowl, and started to mix everything together. “I'm a nice person?”
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Originally posted by screamingsomewhere
“I’m sure he realizes it’s not easy, Mykie.” Frankie said, taking another bite of the food the young woman had brought to her. “I don’t work that much.” She lied and sucked in her bottom lip. “Why do you bring me food and stuff?” She asked, she was grateful but she wanted the girl to just say it.
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“I know...but Fred is going to have to know that It’s not easy. I will have some details to you both by tomorrow. I promise.” Mykie nodded hoping by this time Dexter was going to text her with details.  “I bet you are. You work so much...I know you forget to eat sometimes.” She set down her bag of food which was also Chipotle and tore open the bag. “I’m always willing to join.” 
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“Fred’s going to start thinking you’re useless if I don’t give him something, Mykie.” Frankie answered, frowning slightly at the younger woman but taking the food anyway. “I’m starved.” She continued dramatically. “Do you want to join me? Oh, and thank you.”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“I’m interested...and Frankie will be too.”
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“So, you’re never gonna guess what dirt I just dug up…”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“Not yet but I am super close! Dexter is still working on the new details.” Mykie sighed knowing that Frankie was going to be upset with her about not having anything new. “I brought you lunch. Chipotle.” She held up the bag with a smile. 
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Originally posted by screamsource
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“Please tell me you’ve got something I want to hear.”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“They were the only rich family that I could think of right now.” Oliver shrugged as he as he sucked on the mint. He didn't like it and he was actually looking for a trash can to spit it out in. “I didn't even know that about Walmart. I guess you learn something new every day, right?” He smiled and walked around the living room. When he finally found a trash can he spit the mint right out of his mouth. “That was gross. It tasted like I was sucking on Listerine.” He shook his head. “You're doing it again, Remi.” Oliver chuckled. “I wouldn't care if you were a drag queen. If it is what you enjoyed to do...I'd support you. I would support you with anything except if you were like a rapist or something.” He said as he was looking through all of the candy picking out the ones that he wanted. “But what if I die? You would miss me...”
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Remi set his jaw. He knew that Oliver was kidding and he wasn’t going to cry over it – he never did – but he was offended, still. He tilted his head a little and nodded, “I know how much money my family is worth. We’re only outdone by the Waltons, as in the family that started Wal-Mart, so, yes, we are wealthier than the Kardashians and I find it laughable that you would even compare us to them.” He shrugged away from Oliver’s touch, rolling his eyes. “Fashion is fashion, no, I’m not into drag, and, if I was, I wouldn’t tell you.” He continued. He probably wouldn’t even tell himself. His family would be so angry with him if he was into drag. He had a hard enough time keeping the truth about his sexuality ambiguous. “Oliver, if you get diabetes from eating all this candy that you are putting into this bag, then it’s your fault, not mine. You need to learn some self control.”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“Yes...and I don't know how about you put your hand down there and find out?” Frankie was grinning and  he knew that he was getting aroused. He just wanted to feel Dina's touch. “Lot's of things....fucking on stage. Shit like that.” He chuckled at himself because he knew he sounded ridiculous.
“Mm… you’re so welcome.” Dina answered, figuring ‘fuck it’ and tossing off her wig. Now she was in the drag get up with all the makeup but no wig. She knew, however, that Frankie didn’t care. “Is that so? Are you hard right now?” She asked, palm running down his abdomen to the hem of his jeans. “What do you dream about?”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“I know you’re joking because you’re plate is empty. Asshole.” Oliver smiled as he looked around to see if he could see his boss around. He sat down at the table Remi was sitting at,”Thanks...that means a lot, Rem. Even though I should have been promoted a long time ago.”
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“No, I said I wanted to sue the chef because this is the worst excuse for chicken piccata that I’ve ever seen.” Remi teased with a smile. “You’re doing well, I’m happy for you.”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
Frankie rolled his eyes when Josh mentioned the drag queens that also wanted to have sex with him. He also had a smile on his face because he liked the attention. “I can't help that I am so good looking..you know.” He smiled and put his arm around Josh as they walked out of the club. “Yeah, my house is fine. It's right down the street.” He it up a cigarette. “So...are you going to be in or out of drag for this?”
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“All right! I said I was sorry, and I didn’t mean to be an asshole.” Josh answered, trying not to laugh because he thought it was funny that Frankie was so sensitive about his real name. “I’m talking about Nicky, who else would I be talking about? But also Boo and Hera and the others.” There was an entire gaggle of queens that were interested in Frankie and they all knew he knew it. He smiled as Frankie came over to him, “All right, let’s go, then.” He followed the taller man out of the club and to his car. “We going to your house?”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“Yeah we should..but doesn't that cost a lot of money to do?” Oliver asked between kisses and groaned softly when he felt Dylan grab him. “You don't think so? It's mostly you that starts the arguments!” He was smiling hoping that this wouldn't turn into one. “Who did you just look at like that? Who are you texting? Who did you blink at?” He mocked and couldn't help but laugh at himself. He knew Dylan wouldn't find it that amusing as he did. “I agree, and I want to keep it that way...at least until we fuck.” He grinned. “Unless you want angry sex I'm up for that as well.” He began to drive towards Dylan's house. “Yeah...more privacy.”
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“Right, exactly that. We should probably copyright it.” He joked, kissing Oliver again. The time he spent with the taller male was always time he enjoyed. He pressed against Ollie again and gave him a squeeze. “Keep telling yourself that, Ollie.” He answered, standing on tiptoes to nip at the other male’s collar bone. “I don’t feel like arguing right now because we’re… well, having a good time.” He laughed then made a face. “That’s so weird Oliver… I should try it sometime.” He grabbed Oliver’s hand then let it go, getting into the younger man’s car as soon as the doors were unlocked. “I take it you wanna come to my place right?”
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Originally posted by joshhutcheron
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
“You better not. Especially since you have no reason to be mad at me in the first place.” Sam smiled as he bit his bottom lip slowly as he felt Freddie's hand feel lower down his body. He closed his eyes and kissed him back slowly, and stopped when Freddie made the comment about him being emotional. “Seriously?” He pulled away. “You need to watch what you say! I wasn't being emotional.”
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Freddie kissed Sammy’s lips willingly, his hand trailing down the younger man’s bare chest. “It’s a’right. I’m not gonna hold a fuckin’ grudge against ya or anyf’in.” he answered, his hand creeping lower. “I know you get emotional it’s a’right, love.” He whispered, kissing Sam again. “Let’s just forget about it, yeah?”
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frankieandco-blog1 · 8 years
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Ansel Elgort and Joe Jonas on snapchat.
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