frankierdm · 4 years
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     eyeing her sister as she moves , blair finds herself tensing up . almost on alert . and that made her sad . the fact that the whole atmosphere of the house has turned the siblings so bad on each other , you can’t even trust them with a civil conversation . through the years , blair has brushed it off as a demntfort’s thing , trying to differentiate herself from everyone , going as far as to dye her hair blonde , but at the end of the day , they were all the same – just a handful of people trying to figure out life in the eye of a storm . “ but you thought about it . “ she tests frankie , eyes narrowing slightly before they roll , a little grin playing on the corners of her mouth . blair will always have a soft spot for frankie , although denying the existence of the thing - and the brunette’s sarcasm will forever be entertaining for her little sister . “ dead and buried . “ she decides to be sincere . “ but i think this is the first ex i actually ended up on good terms with .. not that there’s so much to compare . “ she muses . blair had numerous suitors , all with short expectancy – but actual , genuine relationships , she could count on her fingers . 
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truth be told , frankie had nothing against her sister . in fact the two of them were probably more alike than they would like to admit and maybe that’s what put them on constant edge with each other . like they had to adjust to each others presence every time they were to have a conversation . eventually , sometimes anyway , they eased up . “ well it is eerily quiet in this .. home , without you . ” she drags the word ‘home’ out , well knowing neither of them particularly thought of the manor as home , not in the typical sense . she pulls herself up on the counter , making herself comfortable and at least trying to manifest a chill vibe . “ you’re not even the least upset ? ” she wonders , grin appearing on her lips at blair’s last set of words . neither of them had much luck with love . while blair actually had exes , frankie couldn’t seem to keep a man around long enough for that to even be a thing . “ they’ve probably been raised to expect some trophy wife . ” and trophy wives were the last thing you were getting from the demontfort girls .
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frankierdm · 4 years
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       sebastian’s mind was a complicated thing , between childhood and family traumas , and his god complex , it’s quite unknown , even to him , how exactly it works . his constant supporting of his father and his ideology often landed him on everyone’s most hated list , but somehow that wasn’t the same for frankie’s case .” oh yeah , i’m always giving the best ideas aren’t i? ” seb asked rhetorically, not even knowing how he got himself into this , but he didn’t exactly mind , it was finally time for the two of them to catch up anyway. “ what is that supposed to mean? ” he chuckled “ does someone want to murder me too? ”
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“ oh absolutely , i don’t know how you do it . ” she teases , ever so subtly complimenting herself while she was at it . someone had to do it . she slowly raises a brow at him , like she knew more than she was letting on . “ i mean , from my understanding you have managed to find your way on a lot of people’s shit list . ” she shrugs as she beckons him to follow . “ but lets not talk about murder . ” she lets out a light laugh , it just felt weird even joking about it . she enters the entryway and puts on a pair of nike’s and a light jacket . “ you driving ? ”
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frankierdm · 4 years
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    a snarky remark by a voice blair could never ignore . her eyes move to eye the intruder , and blair finds none other than frankie standing there , judging all her life-decision . not surprised , she rolls her eyes . “ well , i love to take after mom . what can i tell you ? “ she offers , a fake grin plastered on her face as she closes the door with a swift move , and turns to move closer to the kitchen isle . “ two actually , and you’ve already managed to find me . charming . “ she offers another jab , hand placing the heavy bottle on the marble surface . “ i didn’t look forward to my arrival as well , franks , don’t worry . “ the little nickname blair would call her older sister in their childhood years was now deprived from any warmth and love it used to once radiate . “ how have you guys been , by the way ? “ blair asks with fabricated curiosity in her words , chin set to rest in the palm of her hand . 
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frankie rolls her eyes as she steps inside the kitchen , a room which had seen many arguments through it’s time . it was like a common ground for demontfort arguments . otherwise they typically managed to avoid each other in the big manor . “ i’m not attacking you , blair . ” she states almost with irritation . it was hard not to sound like she was when blair assumed the worst from her it seemed . “ well you know how to make an entrance . ” she reminds her sister although a snarky remark about following the smell of desperation and running away from your problems laid right at the tip of her tongue but then she was reminded that would be a little hypocritical . “ i didn’t say that . ” she defends with a sigh , moving to lean against the kitchen isle just slightly . “ crying ourselves to sleep every night . ” she says , words dripping in sarcasm . “ how’s your relationship ? ”
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frankierdm · 4 years
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frankierdm · 4 years
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    sebastian wouldn’t be surprised if he saw blair with another guy even right in this very moment , the two of them hardly spent any time together , so it makes you wonder how did this whole relationship thing looked real. but between faking a relationship with blair and hooking up with strangers , it seemed like golden boy forgot about his friend , it’s not like he had many , so the least he could’ve done was cherishing the little he has . “ i swear it was never on purpose .” seb reassured . “ i’ll make it up to you .” he said , and in fact he meant it . even though he probably would never say it out loud , he left a bit guilty , just a little . “ well depends , are you cooking? i’m bit scared you might want to poison me. ” 
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she shrugs , truth be told she never really understood the inner workings of sebastian . obviously everyone had their opinions of him , and while she could understand some of them she just always felt like there was more to him than just being a carbon copy of his father . not that he’d yet to truly show her that side but she was determined . “ happens to the best of us . ” she muses , she couldn’t actually be mad at him for that . she shoots him a grin , “ good . then no , i’m not cooking . you’re taking me to brunch , seb . what a great idea . ” she tells him like he himself had just come up with such an amazing suggestion . “ besides i’m hardly the one you should be worried about . ”
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frankierdm · 4 years
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      aspen has proved itself magical , turning blair into more spiritually elevated being . she even smiled at the air hostess and hugged the butler on her way in , but once further into the house – her smile seemed to sorrow down , green eyes go over the familiar walls . dumping her suitcases at the door , since quite frankly , they were not her problem anymore , she starts walking towards the kitchen with the same annoyed , yet bratty look on her eyes . it seemed like the demontfort manor fishes out your worst qualities . highening herself on her toes to the highest shelf , fingers barely touching the champagne flute , she gives up with a groan . “ who in the hell put the glasses so high up there ? “ she yells more to herself than anyone else , hand slamming onto the wooden door . defeated and irritated , she takes a swig from the already opened champagne bottle . 
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the demontfort manor had been so quiet while blair had been away in aspen , as soon as frankie heard someone yelling again she knew the peace was over . reluctantly she made her way to the kitchen to see what the fuck her sister was up to this time . having a vague idea about what she’d been yelling exactly . “ maybe they put them there to keep you from drinking your problems away , blair . ” she suggests , shrugging casually but her face tells that she’s so not surprised . she definitely wasn’t impressed either . “ i mean , have you even been back for five minutes ? . ”
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frankierdm · 4 years
this is a little starter call , so like this if you want one from frankie (or julian rly) and if we haven’t plotted i’ll come slither in to your ims , real quick !
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frankierdm · 4 years
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       usually , when normal people break up with their partner , would feel some kind of negative emotion , whether it be sadness , anger or even disappointment , breaking up with someone is rarely a positive thing , however in this case , just like blair said , breaking up was one of their best mutual decisions . “ i’m sure blair would have a tough time trying to forget me , but i’m sure she’ll manage somehow . ” sebastian joked . of course , maybe the right thing to do was to pretend that he was heartbroken a bit just so people wouldn’t suspect that their whole relationship was a scheme , but since everything was over that wouldn’t exactly matter. “ the honeymoon phase happened a long time ago . ” seb replied. “ what do you mean i ditched you , i would never. ”
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“ surely you’ll see her with a boy on each arm next weekend . i never knew her to waste time . ” she shrugs , lips break into a smile at just how little heartbroken he himself seemed . brows furrow at his words . “ well sebastian lennox , i don’t think anything stopped you from coming to see me . so i do feel a little ditched . ” she teases , leaning against a doorframe . in all honesty she had so many things she wanted to say and or ask him , in any normal case she would . but nothing about sebastian and his involment with either her or her sister felt normal to her . “ you hungry ? ”
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frankierdm · 4 years
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       after barging in the demontfort mansion as if it was his own , talking trough everything he needed to know with blair , the two decided it was best for them to end things . finally , sebastian was a free man ( not that he wasn’t even while dating her ) , but there was no reason to hide stuff anymore . however , even though the house was quite big , seb didn’t quite think through his actions , yelling at blair probably wasn’t the brightest idea he had ever had , since it probably caught the attention of everyone who was in the house , including frankie who he bumped into right as he was about to leave . “ don’t worry i’m no burglar , i won’t steal anything .” seb joked . “ you’re good at hiding frankie , haven’t seen you in a while. ” @frankierdm​
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frankie was as everyone born and bred in monterey was , nosey beyond belief . so naturally when she heard yelling around the mansion , which was usually too quiet for her liking , she had to investigate . quietely making her way towards the living room she took the liberty to eavesdrop a little , given they made it hard not to . as she heard his footstep coming towards her she quickly made herself look busy with her phone . nothing unusual to see here . “ except the pieces of blair’s broken heart ? ” she offers , maybe a tad dramatic since it was clear there was nothing really in it . “ wouldn’t wanna interrupt your honeymoon phase . besides i’m a busy bee . ” she shrugs as she steps closer , a half smile on her lips “ i haven’t been hiding either , i think rather , you ditched me . ”
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frankierdm · 4 years
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hii everyone , i’m (ac) wilding and bringing my second child frankie to y’all . she is a restless soul and she will run from all her problems without thinking twice . literally flee the country . 
i’ve been keeping a close eye on FRANCESCA RENEE DEMONTFORT lately . by all means , i’ve started to notice the striking resemblance between her and isabelle mathers , but something sparked my interest more . as it turns out - the demontfort family have indeed tried their best to tuck away francesca’s self-indulgent tendencies , but it only seems to bring out her stubbornness more . according to close confidants , on rare occasions , she can be vivacious , last time they saw this side of her was , and i quote - “ON HER TWENTY-THIRD BIRTHDAY” . but most shocking of all , seems to be the fact that ever since i dug deeper in her life , i somehow couldn’t shake the image of TRYING TO UNTANGLE A DELICATE GOLD NECKLACE, WAKING UP IN A NEW CITY, PLUCKING FLOWERS FROM A GARDEN THAT ISN’T YOURS & LAUGHING AT SOMETHING NO ONE ELSE FINDS FUNNY out of my head .
i’m just gonna keep it short and general because who fucking knows anyway . here’s her pinterest !
so francesca , frankie mostly , is as i said a restless child . she is constantly getting new ideas , goals and projects . she rarely finishes any of them as she gets bored or things simply don’t go her way . she hates not being perfect at things from the very start , although that hasn’t always been a problem for her .
growing up she would do competitive sailing , in various classes and what not . it’s probably the biggest commitment of her life and she still to this day enjoys going for a sail , but it’s far from competitive these days just because she’s got too much going on rn and she really can’t pick .
anyway , all of her life she’s basically spent travelling around the world , mostly for sailing like training camps and competitions and what not . then later she just didn’t wanna deal with her family so she simply decided to travel europe thin and also booked some modeling jobs but she never really got invested in that world . don’t get me wrong tho , she’s popping off on instagram but she’s *totally* not that shallow or whatever .
she did actually major in environmental engineering because she decided that she hated everything about her dad’s little oil adventures and now she’s basically back in town to pester him about going green ahsjah.
personality wise she definitely has hints of ‘that bitch’ but since she’s been in a very man dominated sport (sailing) for a lot of her life she’s definitely learned to hold her ground and she can talk so ugly her humor is also rather interesting at times . can swear like it’s her job . has a pretty great bullshit radar , but isn’t that great at bullshitting herself , she’s very honest and straight forward , knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go for it . HATES playing mind games .
very much a ‘yes’ girl . kind of just has the mentality that you need to try everything (almost everything) at least once in your life and so she is usually down for whatever. it’s not that she can’t say no , she just doesn’t wanna . maybe there’s a bit fomo . is flirty alright but it might literally mean nothing to her . although if she does like you she’s not the type to hide it , will barge down your door and ask you out .
is a bit fickle in the way that she never really settles on or for anything , always wants things to keep moving and be exciting , also wants to keep moving herself , probably why she has tried every sport ever , can handle being bored but does not find it healthy nor satisfying.
besides that she’s typically caught with a smile and a friendly attitude . VERY outgoing , a social butterfly . kind of has an obsession with being perfect or seeming perfect , she hates that everyone is starting to see through the cracks in her family and i mean , if the family yacht is suddenly missing . it’s just frankie on the run .
possible connections:
01. EMILY IN PARIS: give me emily x gabriel from emily in paris , because they had me all kinds of soft . basically , they’re close friends however there’s always a flirty undertone and definitely more between them . anyway , at one point they end up sharing a kiss , like an in the heat of the moment sort of thing . enter someone involved with either of them that they don’t wanna hurt but also it’s hard to ignore the feelings between them .
01. JUST RICH BITCHES: pretty self explanatory lmao , just rich bitches being rich bitches . every day is a treat yoself kind of day . enabling each others big spender sides ahas 
02. SITUATIONSHIP/SOMEDAY: could definitely be tied to the first connection , they’re not officially together or anything but they do you know couple stuff and there are definitely some feelings involved too , but they’re just sort of seeing where it all takes them
03. SO CLOSE: exes plot . i guess i was thinking like , maybe they’d struggled for some time and i was thinking frankie might’ve been more committed to the relationship and tried to work things out while he just wasn’t that committed ‘cause idk , maybe he just didn’t really care for it ? or like maybe he was in it for selfish reasons or something ? could also be like an almost sort of thing , where things were getting serious but then the other like bailed , jumped ship , adios frankie.
04. BABY DON’T TALK: so basically, they’re very good friends and probably way too comfortable around each other , and recently frankie has been catching some feelings , her response to this - hook up with him and then it became kind of a regular thing to take the edge off . she’s not planning on ever telling him about her feelings .
05. BAD BLOOD: maybe they used to be super close ? idk could be all the way from childhood, instantly connected but then had a falling out . obviously details to be discussed but it could genuinely be anything . frankie holds grudges like her life depends on it . it could’ve been even the smallest thing and ur muse might even find her ridiculous for it .
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