frannyfernana · 4 years
Letter to 2020
Dear 2020,
I’ve grown to hate our relationship and you’re not over yet. It’s only been six months since our relationship started and I’m pretty sure you have a lot more in store for the remainder of the year. I’ve never been on an extreme high then an extreme low so quick and so suddenly. Although it is because of you, I’m prepared for any other extreme situations you have to throw at me since I’ve never thought I would get through some of them. Aside from the fact that you’ve been pushing and pulling me in all sorts of ways, you have definitely given everyone a better time to learn more about the world. Unfortunately, it took everyone - and myself - this long and several more tragedies for us to bring awareness to events that have been taking place for a while and to fight for changes in the world. I’m glad you made things better but I don’t think I can take this anymore.
2020, it’s been rough and too exposing but certainly needed. I’d say you have a bittersweet personality, yeah I said it. This isn’t a love letter after all, sadly. You made me experience good things like hanging out and going to dance rehearsals with friends, buying take out and eating with family, picnics and out of the blue you decide to throw parent lectures after each visit outside the house. Then you bombard me with post-secondary emails when I’m trying to figure out if I want to follow through with my choreographer dream and even then you don't give me enough time to create a secure future plan. You also ruined other people's lives by taking their privilege to be physically close to someone by starting social distancing protocols and making it difficult for small business owners to keep afloat. And you know that I learn better in-person than I do online. 2020, you made it difficult for me. Too difficult to the point where I don’t even know what to do. I’m stuck in major dilemmas with no simpler or better way to deal with them.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried to stay optimistic about us but you keep dragging me down with you. You don’t even try to listen to me or anyone! Communication is important to me and the truth is important to you. I thought the two would work great together but you’re too blunt for me and not compassionate about my feelings - or others. I always talk about others because those actions can reflect how good of a parent you can be for our kids. I thought you were it for me until you started dragging me down with you. Yes as a significant other I’m obliged to lift you up but you don’t reciprocate or make any effort to make our relationship work. You’re too negative and bold for me, there's an imbalance between our personalities. I don’t know what it is though, you seem to enjoy other people’s misery and that’s not how I work.
I’m sorry 2020 but it’s time we move on and find our own better years. You were good to me at times but not enough for me to support whatever is between us. I hope you find a better time for you to meet someone new. We just aren’t compatible. Sorry.
Best Wishes,
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frannyfernana · 4 years
English ISU Part II
https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLuaZDJ0cA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link This post is from an Asian artist who lives in America and the art represents anti-racism. I’ve noticed in multiple posts saying the same phrase, that “we bleed the same colour” and this artist's work embodies exactly that. If we bleed the same colour, why must we be treated differently? What makes someone’s appearance determine their future opportunities when some of us aren’t even aware of what we’re capable of in our own futures. Dehumanizing/taking away someone’s chances - or their life - for their colour, that they have no control over, is absurd. Using bad stereotypes that occurred in past events to generalize the whole group isn’t reliable and judgemental. https://twitter.com/thatsnogreg/status/1270386355126894594?s=20 This tweet’s purpose was to express the efforts of a video game company bringing awareness to the injustices of black’s lives. The game company Bungie, are the creators of a famous game titled Destiny and took advantage of their fame to educate more people of everything that’s occurring in the world. I found this interesting because this post mentions that this day was supposed to be the game reveal of one of their newest games that they’ve been working on. The fact that they took the time to create a live message that honours black lives and provides sources to donate and sign up, not only influences their fans/followers to do the same but shows how important human rights/equalities are instead of games. https://twitter.com/Erictrum/status/1270264745464156166?s=20 Another tweet that shows the peaceful protests and the need to be heard/noticed by the government. Recently, Donald Trump had the White House fenced for presumably his safety from possible mishaps and protesters began to create the fence into a memorial wall. Before seeing this post, I saw another tweet that said “#blacklivesmatter is fighting for equality and not revenge” and I agreed. These posts drew my attention because they share how the protestors mean no harm but to be listened to. I thought that these posts were an important reminder that all we need is change, not a war and for change to take place we must listen and learn from one another’s experiences. https://twitter.com/gigglygukk/status/1267543887905783810?s=20 This post shares a video of the same footage but when the news uses this footage, they cut it earlier than it ends. This would catch anyone's attention because of how disturbing it is; how the news media has the most viewers but alters the truth and reality of the whole situation. It’s part of the reason why people have doubts in the media AND in social justice movements because there’s two choices to believe, rather than just one. In response to this post, it teaches me to do my own research on both sides so that I get a full understanding of the whole situation. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUDsteAPAX/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link As a dancer, everyone knows that movement is used to portray or tell a story and in this case, I’ve interpreted that these dancers are portraying a way to stop injustices. The song repeats the phrase “have mercy” (it’s the title as well) and I thought that it makes sense because, aside from that fact that there’s a white person and a coloured person dancing together, it portrays the unity and togetherness we need to fight injustices. Having mercy towards each other, letting down our guards to see the real issues. While watching, I’ve observed that as the dance progresses they both reach for each other but are hesitant to because they’ve been known to have silent wars. Eventually they hold each other and move effortlessly as one and raise their fists at the same time to signify the fight for change. https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_qV-UFm3M/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link This post is from Calgary, Alberta and I thought that this was interesting because the protests aren’t only occurring in the United States but everywhere else in the world. It’s very impactful to see that there are millions o
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frannyfernana · 4 years
English ISU - Option 2
“A riot is the language of the unheard.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
Is violence the appropriate response to social injustice? Is violence an effective and just method to achieve equality and eliminate racism and police brutality?
Violence is not an appropriate response to social justice but when voices are forced to be silent and not listened to for far too long, a riot only shows how ignorant a system is. In this case it is the oppressing system against the community of the people of colour. Violence is not appropriate for either side - the oppressing system or the voices that want to be heard - even if it’s to prove a point or ensure the safety of the community.
As you may know, there are multiple examples of oppression and unnecessary aggression from the police departments that are currently taking place today - not only in the United States - during peaceful protests. After watching multiple videos and reading firsthand experiences about participating in the peaceful protests, violence from the police department (aka arresting and tackling protesters) only emphasizes the fact that they’re trying to silence the protesters' voices. “Protesters” that inflict harm towards those who aren’t supporting them give the police department (but of course not all police officers are not like this) AND media another reason to not support the protests. Violence is not an effective or just method to solve inequality, racism and police brutality. Violence from the system (government) or the voices (the protesters) make it difficult for anyone to understand each other and will eventually lead to more complications and aggravation.
If we were to understand Martin Luther’s quote, a riot reveals how tired a group/population is from not being listened to and when anyone is not listened to, they’re not given the attention they need and/or want. Thus to get attention, unfortunately violence is brought to the table because it raises the most awareness and questions. Then once we’re in a position of questioning the riot, we share something in common with the rioters: we both want answers. The rioters fight to question the ignorance and we question why this riot is taking place and hopefully we begin to learn new things. I’m not supporting the violence the riot brings nor am I trying to validate the purpose of the riots but I’m trying to understand both sides of the argument.
I think that the appropriate response to social injustice is to listen to one another’s troubles and eventually some of us will unite to help bring justice for one another. Listening undoubtedly lets us educate ourselves from others and gives us the opportunity to understand the differences and their perspectives. When a large group chooses to fight and continues to bring awareness to an issue(s) will impact the rest of the population that is not aware or not educated. Unity is threatening because it entails a large group of people who share and understand the same information to use against those outside of it. Standing together without violence expresses that we’re giving each other a chance to speak without force, to achieve a solution without harm, and a definite way of changing the society.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Nutritional Psychiatry Article
Nutritional Psychiatry 
1. Write down 5 things you learned from this article. 
i) a proper diet can assist the reduction of depression and anxiety disorders
ii) depression affects the whole-body
iii) having and imbalanced amount of omega-3 than omega-6 is one of the causes to mental-health problems and many other problems
vi) omega-6 is found in poultry and eggs
v) the American food palette increases the risk of immune system dysfunction and damage to both the brain and body
2. Make a list of 10 healthy foods you eat regularly.
Brown rice, apples, cucumbers, chicken, beef, pork, bananas, salmon, beans and eggs.
3. Make a list of 5 unhealthy foods you eat regularly.
Popeyes or Jollibee, chips, cake pops, hash browns and cookies.
4. In your opinion, what is the link between diet and mental health (nutritional psychiatry)? Write 200 words here and use ideas from the article if you wish. 
The link between diet and mental health is food. In other words, I agree with the article. I’ve learnt in fitness, biology and kinesiology that our nutrition is just as important as keeping active. Working out daily won’t do much if you’re not fueling your body with the right nutrition because to keep it simple, your body takes whatever you give it and tries it’s best to work with it. Giving your body unhealthy food doesn’t only lack the necessary nutrition your body requires but your body begins to increase production and inevitably causes imbalance to your internal systems overall. Understanding this concept, ingesting healthy material allows for our internal systems to work efficiently and last longer throughout our lives, especially our mental health. We know that diet has the ability to change our bodies, either gaining weight or losing weight but this idea can also be applied to our brains. Not change the weight of our brain but the chemicals/fluids our brain releases will fluctuate and mental illnesses or disorders can begin from this. When our brains fluctuate in production of hormones, we begin to lack several hormones that are needed to keep a stable mental health. The link is food because it’s our fuel and using the best fuel allows for our overall body health to be sustainable with the addition of keeping our mental health stable as well.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
First Stanza
This stanza puts emphasis on the dark, contrasting colour of the blackbird. It is not necessarily the only moving thing - let alone only its eye - the colour of their feathers make the blackbirds stand out against the snow. 
- The bird is so small but was used with a large-scale setting; it gave me the interpretation that even though the blackbird is quite small, it’s movements can still be seen from far away.
Second Stanza
From this source, I learnt that there are distinguishable species of blackbirds. Blackbirds that are red-winged, blackbirds that are yellow-headed and all black blackbirds. It’d make sense that there are three minds, since each species have a certain mindset. Each species consists of the same blackbird mindset but with several differences, similar to their slight differences in appearance.
I had come up with the idea that the blackbird represents how a brain works. Birds can be either busy flying around or calmly sitting. If there’s too much movement, it’s very hard to focus/concentrate but there are times where your mind is still and your thoughts aren’t intrusive. 
Third Stanza
Pantomime was given a definition of “a dramatic entertainment,” so I’d visualized blackbirds soaring freely and happily with the whirlwinds that autumn brings. Appreciated the gentle winds, assisting the blackbird to fly further or faster before it hibernates during winter, where it cannot fly without fear. Understanding that the blackbird's life depends on flying, to survive and if it does not fly enough to collect food for the winter, it may not survive. 
With this, I thought that the blackbird represented the concept of enjoying the concept. 
Fourth Stanza
From the same source given previously, males and females of the blackbird family do not have a set colour to decipher their gender. I thought that it was appropriate for the author to say “A man and a woman are one” because you’re not able to tell them apart. 
It also gave me the idea that blackbirds are a symbol for differences because since the colours of the birds do not determine their gender, males are allowed to have women like stereotypes and vice versa.
The blackbird symbolizes unity.
Fifth Stanza
I interpreted that this stanza is expressing how the blackbird sings is equally as beautiful as immediate change or the process of change or the result of change.
I’ve gotten this idea from this article where they interpret that “inflection” versus “innuendos” is being direct versus indirect. Then I began to create me own analysis that inflection is direct change (because “to inflect” is to bring upon and result in personal change) and innuendo is the process of change (because an innuendo is a remark thus making us think about what’s mentioned and deciding to change from it or not). While listening to the hour long video of the blackbird singing, I agreed to the interpretation because change can occur immediately or gradually. The way how the blackbird sings, the pitch changes either drastically or gradually.
Sixth Stanza
I thought that the blackbird expressed determination and worry. We all have our own internal battles and most times, others won’t even notice it. I thought that although it’s internal, you can still identify if someone is off or not having that great of a day or experiencing something negative from the outside. In this case, the blackbirds fly across the window, back and forth because maybe it needs to create a safer nest or gather more food for their young. Flying in and out of the nest to make sure their young ones are safe; determined for their safety and worried if they’ll survive. 
Seventh Stanza
I was quite confused about who “men of Haddam” were but what I’ve collected is that Haddam had a history of many profits. 
I think that “thin men of Haddam” was a way of describing today’s society using history. Today, many still strive for money to show off success or have become fond of money since it gives us the opportunity of leisure and pleasure.
The blackbird is a symbol of women’s upbringing. We all know that in the past, women were not considered as people and did not have the ability to vote. In comparison to now, women aren’t afraid of standing up for themselves and doing jobs that were once restricted to do. Although these improvements are still - unfortunately - difficult to achieve, I think that the author is emphasizing that fact of this generation. 
A blackbird is considered small and difficult to see because of its colour. This can be used towards how women are seen in the past and sometimes even now, women are perceived as not as interesting and weak. The blackbird represents potential and empowerment of women because the author is placing the birds around the women like the animals have a natural sense of something special. 
Eighth Stanza
Adding onto the blackbird's appearance, the colour black makes them mysterious and difficult to see. I connected this with God or a higher being because to everyone at some point of their lives, this person/being is mysterious and unseen. 
“Inescapable rhythms” gave me the idea of the circle of life and how there’s not really a way of breaking it. The blackbird would be the symbol of God/a higher being because the phrase, “The blackbird is involved in what I know,” supported the idea of how the omnipotent being(s) are somewhat incorporated into our lives. 
Ninth Stanza
This stanza continues upon my previous idea (circle of life).
Instead of this being the whole circle of life, I thought this stanza had represented the unfortunate reality of life. The blackbird is either the good times or the bad times: they come and they go.
Another concept, similar to the one above, the idea is that the circles are infinite because there is no ledge. The blackbird can embody an inconvenience that has impacted our lives greatly or a misfortunate event. The blackbird can’t stay at its nest forever or it won’t be prepared to fly or ready for the winter, eventually it has to leave to survive. Adding this analysis to my interpretation, the bad times may feel like it lasts forever but it will end eventually.
Tenth Stanza 
This stanza made me think of freedom.
Freedom is the best feeling when you’re trapped for a long period of time. “Even the bawds of euphony would cry out sharply,” I translated this that this experience/event was extremely positive that even the most pleasing thing to hear cannot even compare to it. With this in mind, I concluded that the blackbirds represent letting go of a grudge. When holding a grudge, one would feel stuck and/or not progressing in life because this grudge takes place in the past and when reminded of it, you’re taken back to that same time. When one finally lets go of that grudge, the feeling is ecstatic because this person can now progress in life without that grudge getting in the way. 
Eleventh Stanza
I interpreted that this person is afraid of flying because I had over analyzed that this person “rode over Connecticut” in a “glass coach” which I had assumed was a helicopter. This fear that piercing the man is flying like a blackbird would and this understanding that he has of them is something he does not support. 
Possibly the blackbird is a symbol of a past memory that reminds the man of a time of grief. 
Twelfth Stanza
This article shared that blackbird’s migrate south-west during the winter.
Using this information, I know that water flows in the same direction as wind. Therefore the blackbirds are on the move because winter is on its way. 
I agree that this helped the interpretation because the river is always flowing and the birds are always busy when they need to be.
Thirteenth Stanza
The blackbird in this stanza symbolizes rest and peace.
From previous interpretations, the blackbird is busy all year round until winter comes. They hibernate and eat at their leisure after all their hard work. 
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Tumblr media
when you’re bored during quarantine
have a nice day guys :))
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Legend - Big Questions Answered
1. Should we trust the government?
In my novel, Legend, I do find it very interesting how there are poor sectors and then a normal city. The book defines that poor sectors are the regions of Los Angeles that consist of poor families. June and Day both hint about how the Republic (aka the government) is a little skeptical. Day found numbers printed on the metal structures established beneath buildings, specifically located in the poor sectors. “Something red in the dirt beside the daisies catches my eye. … It’s a number, just like Tess and I had seen by the bank of the lake,” this quote is from Day and at this moment he was under his family’s porch. These two locations were in poor sectors and Day later finds the same font style written on a door in a Republic building with the number, zero. After this, he then asks a question, “What if it’s no accident when anyone gets it?” Later on, Day introduces the idea that the Republic is conducting the plagues in the poor sectors. This reminded me of all the conspiracy theories of how the coronavirus was manmade and it had leaked from a failed experiment. June’s brother, Metias reveals the true nature of the plague in the novel, this of which proved Day’s theory of the plagues and the Republic. A well-known doctor publishes videos on youtube about the “truth of covid” and he states that some medical professionals had attempted to reveal to the public but was threatened by the government to take the video down. In the novel, June’s parents had died from an “accident”; Metias told June that their father - used to work for the Republic’s lab research - wanted to step down from his job because he wasn’t happy with how they were using his research. Since their father knew too much, the Republic planned an “accident” to occur the day after they let him resign.
2. Are people bad or are people good and do bad things?
To answer this question, we will have to use perception. We can be deceived by our perception in society with advertisements, shows and movies. Until we take initiative to explore the truth of society’s opinion, our perception on that same topic can change. In the novel, Day is labelled as “wanted by the Republic” precisely, but not a “dangerous criminal.” Although he is labelled this, why is he being such an inconvenience? The Republic earned their trust of the city, similar to the government with us however, Day isn’t really a bad guy. In the view of the poor sectors, he is a hero because the Republic isn’t treating them fairly in terms of vaccines for the plagues. “I know you rich folks have it easy - new plague vaccinations every year and whatever meds you need.” With the support of June’s father’s research, the new vaccinations are made when they find a victim with a new strain of the plague. In conclusion using the poor sectors as experiments to help the rich. Using this, Day isn’t a bad person but a good person given a bad reputation by the Republic. This reminded me of Mariah Carey because she was also given a bad reputation for performing for dictators and this of course had changed others' view on her. Media had completely disregarded the fact that she contributes to Make a Wish foundation and helped establish an organization that helps open opportunities to children for their futures. In this case, Mariah Carey would be an addition to good people who do bad things. 
3. Do the officials abuse their power?
Legend challenges this question multiple times and most of the time, the answer is yes officials do abuse their power. With power comes responsibility and is also accompanied with trust. It is understandable to trust a system that is made up of elected officials but put officials aside and they’re still human, mistakes can still be made. However in my opinion, a professional official should own up to their mistakes and show that they’re truly making a change to fix it but of course, it’s always difficult when the truth can possibly start a revolution. I’ve previously mentioned that the Republic was conducting the plagues and they had also killed June’s parents and her brother. This was to avoid the opportunity of them revealing the truth about the Republic; they could have threatened them but that can only do so much. In the novel, June reminisces on memories of Metias, “‘Chian screamed at me to shoot her… and I listened.’ … ‘Few people ever kill for the right reasons, June,’ … ‘Most do it for the wrong reasons. I just hope you never have to be in either category.’” Chian is one of the official Trial enforcers and Metias was his assistant at the time. When any students fail their Trial, they’re sent to “labour camps” which really means to kill them on behalf of the government. I’ll use Donald Trump as an example, we all know the famous phrase “a small loan of a million dollars” that has been made as memes. From some research, he ended up actually getting $60.7 million dollars to create his real estate company and if not repaid, it adds up to $140 million dollars. I understand that his father was one of the richest men on the planet but he should’ve at least started small then built on top of that. If he’s so rich, he’d be able to supply himself better because he’d be paying off for his small business and in return saving money to update his company. That money could have been used for other things like cancer research and COVID-19’s vaccine research.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Legend - Letter to June
Dear June, 
I have so many questions and I have secrets to tell you about that you may not be aware of. Day isn’t who you think he is and there’s a reason why your brother died. You know Metias; he’s smart and you know for certain that he wouldn’t have hesitated to shoot Day. Or at least try to injure him to take him in. But Metias did and why? He’s been meaning to tell you something and maybe it links with how he died. I’m writing this letter to you because I’m Metias’ friend. He hasn’t mentioned me around you because he didn’t want you exposing my name to the Republic. How much can you trust me? Well, I mailed you because you can’t trace it like you can online. Metias told me all about his hacking expertise and literally listed cons about sending messages online. So I decided to follow his advice and mail this letter because I know how much you look up to your brother. 
So, Metias and Day. They’re not working together but Metias wishes he had. As I said before, we both know that Metias would’ve shot Day so he wouldn’t get away and if Day never killed anyone that would get in his way, why would Day kill your brother? It doesn’t make sense. Day may be the Republic’s “Most Wanted” but have you ever asked why he causes such an inconvenience to the Republic? What’s his purpose in doing such events? You AND Day are the only way for you to stop the Republic, it might sound ridiculous but it’s true. You MUST NOT show that you’re making an alliance with him because the Republic will make the both of you disappear, however long it takes and… whatever it takes. They’ll make everything seem like an “accident.” Also, read Metias’s journals. He couldn’t have used those entries for simply jotting down memories of his life. I hope you get this letter before it’s too late.
Don’t trust the Republic.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Positive (Things) for COVID-19
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Legend - Big Questions
1. Should we trust the government?
2. Do the leaders we follow promote more good than bad? 
3. How much of the truth can we handle?
4. Are people bad or are people good and do bad things?
5. Is the government doing enough?
6. Do the officials abuse their power?
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frannyfernana · 4 years
A Smile to Remember (responses)
1. The themes I noticed in the poem were: seeking hope, being trapped, mental illness, patience, finding happiness, and change. These themes helped me understand the poem because Charles started off with the fishes being in a fish bowl. He mentioned that “they went around and around” and I thought that it was a representation of being trapped because the goldfish have nowhere else to go. Henry’s mother, I believe, was a humanized example of the goldfish; trapped but still swimming as if there’s hope to see something different after swimming in the same environment. Mental illness was a theme because Henry’s father “couldn’t defeat what was attacking him” so he would beat Henry’s mother as a way to relieve that issue. Understanding that Henry’s father would beat Henry’s mother two or three times a week could possibly express that his issue could be a psychological one. It’s a reoccurring statement and from this I would assume that it has taken place for a long time. With this, I had also interpreted that the mother had been patient with the father because she had the opportunity to leave him but she nevers does. In addition to the fact that she probably knew that all the father’s beatings were from his mental illness. Although Charles makes it clear that Henry’s mother isn’t happy while she tells Henry to be happy, I previously said that she continues to seek hope like the goldfish in the bowl.  The last three lines gave me this idea because I know that Henry’s mother hopes that one day Henry’s father will not beat her and the third last line says exactly that. Instead of taking out his problems on her, he decided to take it out on the dead fishes and she began to smile. Yes this doesn’t mean that the father will stop beating the mother but I thought it was a representation of change. The father took out his rage on the fishes because he finally realized what he was causing.
2. I definitely do agree with this poem because it can be difficult to find happiness if you’re trapped in a place for a long time and gradually lose hope. Being a negative environment can influence yourself to think differently since you’re surrounded by it so much, for so long. But with patience, you will eventually see change and things that will make you happy aside from the fact that it’s a slow and painful process. 
3. “She was right: it’s better to be happy if you can be,” I like this quote because it was one the most straight forward lines of the poem. It’s bittersweet since the whole poem is quite upsetting and dark, which fits the theme of the poem. 
“Because he couldn’t defeat what was attacking him,” the choice of words in these lines were, in my opinion, amazing because this is relevant to fighting mental illnesses and living with them. I would understand that it’s difficult to fight because it’s all in your head and you can’t really control anything you’re thinking.
I love that the poem inexplicably speaks about persistence. The beatings of the father had got to the mother but she stays hoping even if it means to fake it to her son. 
5. I could relate to the poem now, as in having to be stuck at home because of this pandemic. It’s difficult to find hope when the news is full of negative events and/or information, such as finding out that we will be staying home for quite longer. In such a negative space, you’d want to leave but we know that it’s best to stay home. I get bored and I wanna go out; seeing friends through a screen isn’t the same. But I’m trying my best to be patient because I know that eventually we will see our friends and families again; we will be even more loving and cherish every moment. That’s what I’ll be doing at least. It’s what I’m learning to do and realizing I should have done more of it. 
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Legend - Quotes (April 17th)
1) “Then there’s my criminal report.” (quote from Day) - This quote was at the beginning of the novel and it revealed something about one of the characters. When I first read this, I thought that Day was the bad guy but eventually I learnt that the Republic (aka the government) despises him. This quote drew me in to read more and understand why the Republic hated him and how Day had that kind of public figure in the story. 
2) “I failed my own Trial when I was ten. [...] I didn’t get to take anything except the pendant I wore around my neck. I didn’t even get to say good-bye.” (quote from Day) - In a way, this reminded me of the SATs in the U.S. but less harsh. These are tests that are taken to determine what your future path(s) is/are. Although the Trial is much more demeaning than the SATs because Day only failed a test and was taken away from his family. A low score on your SATs only limits you to a few schools with lower ratings.
3) “Somehow, thus has become the closest relationship I have with the other Drake students. I am respected, discussed, gossiped about. Not really talked to.” (quote from June) - I had related this quote to a period in elementary school. Elementary school drama is common in my generation, with this I had friends who became acquaintances from being friends. It wasn’t the best last year of elementary because everyone wanted to graduate as a family and have nothing blocking the friendship between them. That was what I had but I still have some elementary friends and I’m more than happy to have them still.
4) “He looks as tidy as ever, with his perfectly slicked hair and perfectly ironed uniform.” (quote from June) - This quote revealed a few things about June’s brother, Metias. Before this quote June mentions that when Metias came to pick her up, everyone moved out of Metias’s way without having to ask them to. From this, I assumed the Metias was a higher sort of authority because of how others reacted around him and who professionally polished he is. He was the captain of the Republic’s soldiers and I later learnt that he was the only member of June’s family she has left.
5) “I was there the day I failed my Trial, the day I was supposed to die.” (quote from Day) - This quote is significant because June stated that the Republic said that students who fail their Trials are sent to labour camps but Day explicitly said the day he was supposed to die. I found this compelling because two perspectives had said two different outcomes of the same topic. It made me question the Republic and possibly hiding classified information on students who fail their Trials. 
6) “I think of Eden’s face, of the medicine he and John and my mother will need, and of the strange red X with the line through it.” (quote from Day) - This quote showed how much Day cares for his family. The strange red X represents that this family has someone or the whole family has a special strain of the plague. Day mentioned earlier that he has never seen this symbol marked on anyone else’s home in which I would assume had evoked panic and worry. Later on, he risks his life to get cures for his family.
7) “I will hunt you down. I will scour the streets of Los Angeles for you. [...] I make you this promise: your life is mine.” (quote from June) - This quote is significant because it introduces the theme of revenge. Reading back, I noticed that the author chose her words very carefully and that inspires me of her craft. The words “your life is mine” doesn’t only mean that June will kill Metias’s murderer but will most likely torture them. 
8) “‘You can’t trace or tag them online,’ he said. Ironic coming from an expert hacker.” (quote from June) - I find it interesting that the government hires experts of useful skills and trains/encourages them to get better. I’ve watched action movies of agents or soldiers rebelling against the government because they know too much and don’t want to work for whatever they’re hiding. If an expert of any kind rebels against the government, it will be very difficult and yet intriguing on how they outsmart them. 
9) “I take a moment to meet his eyes. In that instant, I realize that he knows exactly who I am.” (quote from Day) - This quote caused me to think about Day’s public figure and how that may have affected the behaviour of his temporary caretaker. Although Day is the most wanted criminal in Los Angeles, others still choose to help him because they don’t mind the inconveniences Day causes for the Republic. I don’t know much about the Republic but I would’ve still helped out of sympathy. 
10) “‘After the first eruptions,’ he said, ‘white volcanic ash rained from the sky for months. The dead and dying were covered in it. So now to wear white is to remember the dead.’” (quote from Metias) - I thought that this change of tradition was very interesting and very thoughtful. I know that white is often seen as a positive colour and I’ve researched that it means the colour of goodness and it may seem misplaced. In my opinion, the funerals won’t look so depressing or sad but rather beautiful and historic. 
11) “This isn’t just a metal structure to hold up the lake’s shores. When I pull away from it and look closer at the metal, I notice symbols carved on its surface. One of these is the Republic’s flag…” (quote from Day) - This quote had stirred up some interest because Day stated that it doesn’t only just hold up the lake’s shores and it was oddly too detailed to leave out. I began to create predictions that it’s just a way of showing what the Republic owns but Day mentioned earlier that gurgling and hissing noises came from it. I became conflicted and made a prediction that this was the Republic’s place of hidden secrets. 
12) “Commander Jameson sighs and nods to Thomas. ‘My hands are tired,’ she says. ‘You do the honours.’ ‘Yes ma’am.’ Thomas salutes and steps forward.” (quote from June) - I find it unsettling how some can follow orders no matter how mobid it can be. With context, the Republic’s soldiers are interrogating a spy they caught. I understand that loyalty is very important when serving the military but it’s very disturbing if you don’t know what you’re supporting behind it all.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Legend - Book Response (April 10)
To start off my response on the novel, I’ve read a lot more than I thought I’d read in several days because of how compelling this book is. The book I’m reading is Legend by Marie Lu. I've read much more than what was asked but I couldn’t help myself but to read more. Anyways, a few themes that are shown so far are revenge, infatuation, empathy and determination. I’ve decided to speak about all four themes because this is a book I’d like to share how interesting it has been for me. At first, the storyline is about June who is a young military prodigy that is on a mission of finding the Republic’s (the government’s) most wanted, Day. This boy is introduced as a poor, yet very intelligent teen who rebels against the Republic to acquire plague suppressants or cures for his family. Specifically his little brother Eden, that has a special strain of the plague. 
June was taken out of college and promoted to a position in the military to investigate her brother's death, Metias who was once the captain of the military. Her immediate suspect is Day because he is the most wanted criminal in the Republic but the thing is that the military has no information about Day. Then June chooses to pursue this mission to get revenge for killing the last of her family. In Day’s point of view, he’s in a way getting what he needs and avenging his family by committing all these crimes against the Republic. He does this because not only do the Republic treat his family poorly but they treat all the poor sectors unfairly (such as giving free vaccines to the rich and making the poor pay for them).
The theme infatuation comes into play as June is on her mission disguised as a poor sector kid to possibly find Day, in assumption from the evidence that was found on the same scene of Metias’s death. Day and June have their own opposing opinions of each other but when they finally bump into each other, they don’t exchange names. On a side note, I love that the author chose to tell the story in two perspectives. It gives the readers an opportunity to piece both Day and June’s parts together with the use of dramatic irony. Continuing on, they start to fall for how kind and smart the two are and eventually, one night, they kiss! Shortly after, Day does something that unsettles June and she finally realizes that she just kissed the suspect that she’s been after. 
Empathy is shown throughout the story because each of our main characters have lost a member of their family and they’ve mentioned their losses to each other. The author makes it evident that they both understand the pain that the death of a loved one brings, although they should be enemies. In the book, they even say sorry or give each other condolences. 
Determination is evident from the beginning of the book. Day is portrayed to be the most rebellious teen to prove that the Republic has many flaws and that people who follow them are brainwashed. As you continue to read, Day brags about his many crimes against the Republic. June wants to be the best of the best in the military, just like Metias. Her perfect score on the Trials proves it all because the author clearly states that it’s difficult for a perfect score. June’s determination and extreme focus on catching Day is amazing for even a fifteen year old.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Eulogy To a Hell of a Dame by Charles Bukowski
1. What themes do you notice in the poem - explain how the themes contribute to your understanding of the poem. 
2. Do you agree or disagree with the poem? Explain your thinking. 
3. Jot down and respond to a favourite line or favourite image. What specifically do you like about the poem? Be specific, pay attention to the beautiful words, phrases and language. 
5. Is there any way in which you relate to anything in the poem?
1. The themes I noticed in the poem are: loss of a loved one, grief of losing “the one”, the pointlessness of life and remembrance. These themes assisted me in understanding the poem because the author spoke of a loved one, possibly their soulmate had passed away. From this, I assumed that when one mourns for their soulmate it would be impossible to forget about them. Another theme that helped me understand was the pointlessness of life because the author mentions that Jane committed suicide for the way how life operates - a cycle of living then dying. 
2. I agree with how the author emphasized the grief after the passing of one’s beloved. As the author presents Jane as “the only one,” everyone else and/or everything else probably doesn’t seem as exciting as they used to be. To me, “the only one” is what I would define as a soulmate, a person who you click with and see a “forever” in the future with them. The someone you thought you’d never be able to find. Having to lose them must feel like there’s nothing to live for anymore. Since you’d wake up to “the one” every morning, go to sleep with “the one,” cook meals for two, go grocery shopping together, buying gifts for every special occasion you both have and sharing inside jokes. But now it’s all of that minus the love of your life.
- “some dogs who sleep at night must dream of bones and I remember your bones in flesh.” I liked how the author referred to himself as a dog, not only because I’m a dog lover but simply for the reference of the strength in bond of the relationship. Many of us understand that pet owners always have some kind of strong connection between themselves and their pets. 
- “Rotten memories of a rotten past, and you finally got out by dying.” I really liked how the author emphasized the way Jane lived before she died. The word “rotten” gave me the immediate representation of an unhealthy life. 
- Overall, I like that the poem portrays the life of - what I assumed to be - a widower because it distinctively shows how much he misses Jane and how he’s still in grief 28 years after her death. The poem shows how strong his love is for Jane.
5. I’d say I can relate to the author on a smaller level. In my case it would be getting in an argument with my significant other. Both myself and my partner don’t talk when we both get too angry because the argument would only get worse and no one would be listening to each other. I get VERY worried when my partner requires space because my mind dives into the worst cases of “what if she leaves me?” and I start bawling my eyes out. In this period of space between each other, I feel like I’m losing the love of my life every second and the day takes forever to finish - like I’m being tortured. This is similar to when the author says “leaving me with the rotten present” because the moments my significant other is away from me emotionally, I’m left with the rest of the cold reality. In other words, reality is rotten without her.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
The Eighth of September by Pablo Neruda
1. What themes do you notice in the poem? Explain how the themes contribute to your understanding of the poem.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the poem? Explain your thinking.
3. Jot down and respond to a favourite line or favourite image. Be specific, pay attention to beautiful words, phrases and language.
5. Is there any way in which way you relate to anything in the poem?
1. There are multiple themes that I can interpret from this poem but the main theme I’ve interpreted is change. This is the theme I’ve chosen to elaborate on because I had interpreted that at the very start of the poem, that the day is a brimming glass. I thought that this was a great representation of a “big day” planned and from this, the author could be describing how they’re overwhelmed. Continuing on, the author describes how their emotions play out throughout the “big day” then expresses that “a strange door has opened,” and this can be a metaphorical representation of a new opportunity that emerged into their life.
2. Going off of my interpretation, yes I definitely do agree with the author. A big day always stirs up some or all of a person’s emotions, especially if the itinerary requires different responsibilities that contrast the usual daily routine.
3. My favourite lines are “lifted us up in a kiss, so exalted we trembled.” Not only did I like the choice of words but from my understanding of the poem, it holds significant value to me. I’ve translated these two lines into a way of showing that this part of the poem represents that this change isn’t so bad after all.
5. I can actually relate to the whole poem from this weekend. I had an audition for dance school last Saturday which required learning dance routine in the styles ballet, jazz and hip hop. As many know, I’m not experienced in ballet or jazz and obviously I was very nervous about trying something completely outside my range and knowledge of dancing. But after the ballet and jazz sections, I showed my strength in hip hop and I think that I’ve left a great impression of an underdog. Just like the end of the poem, “a strange door opened,” for many opportunities. For my future.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
Crash Response
Ratings of Characters
Name: Detective Graham Likeable Scale: 3 Moral Scale: C
Name: Ria Likeable Scale: 3 Moral Scale: B
Name: Dorri Likeable Scale: 3 Moral Scale: C
Name: Farhad Likeable Scale: 2 Moral Scale: D
Name: Anthony Likeable Scale: 2 Moral Scale: D
Name: Peter Likeable Scale: 4 Moral Scale: C
Name: Jean Likeable Scale: 2 Moral Scale: D
Name: Rick Likeable Scale: 3 Moral Scale: B
Name: Officer John Likeable Scale: 2 Moral Scale: D
Name: Cameron Likeable Scale: 3 Moral Scale: C
Name: Christine Likeable Scale: 2 Moral Scale: C
Name: Daniel Likeable Scale: 5 Moral Scale: B
Name: Officer Tom Likeable Scale: 3 Moral Scale: B
In your opinion, what is this film trying to accomplish? Is it successful in achieving its goal? Use specific examples from the film to support your thinking. 
I think that this film is trying to show that no one is either extremely moral or immoral. This is my assumption because of how the director presented each character throughout the film. All of the characters introductions are great examples but one example that further enforces my statement is Officer John. He was introduced into a film as a cop who takes advantage of his authority. I’m sure that Officer John’s character stood out to many of us because of the fact that he molested Cameron’s girlfriend, Christine as a type of warning/threat. Although as the movie progressed, we learned that he lives with his father to take care of him because John’s father is most notably getting older who needs the care and support of another. This scene personally did not change my moral rating of him BUT to me, this helped me understand that one action cannot define another. Continuing to use Officer John as an example, near the end of the film he chose to save the person he molested when she was about to die from a burst of flames after a car crash. A contrasting example I remember is Daniel. He was introduced as a very loving and wholesome father when he came home to his daughter. Later on in the film, he fixes the foreign shopper owners, lock named Farhad. An argument arose because Daniel wasn’t considerate of the fact that Farhad is foreign and doesn’t have the vocabulary to express his confusion.
I believe that the movie was successful in achieving its goal because the morality scores I gave each character never reached A = very good/moral or E = completely immoral. While watching the movie, the scores/ratings of morality I set for all the characters had varied as I learnt more about them. With Officer John, there was a point in the movie where I had put a moral rating of E because all of his actions and/or intentions only portrayed a very immoral character. However, I changed his rating to D after he saved Christine. The movie clearly points out the fact that no one is perfect or completely wrong since the director presents the past experiences of the characters. As we all know people think, behave and respond according to personal experiences. A great example would be Cameron. Cameron watched his girlfriend get molested and he had no idea what to do because this was all brand new to him. The next time Cameron was he chose to be brave and stand up to himself because he didn’t want to make the same mistake he did the last time.
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frannyfernana · 4 years
we were lost in our minds, running through the fog of confusion and anger.
then we complained out of tiredness that only created a thicker fog,
losing our sight of friendship.
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