frannylestrage · 12 hours
Idk why but I just had to think about teenage Milo and how stressed out he must have been because all his friends were fashion disasters and he couldn't be seen with them anywhere so he always had to either go visit them before they went out to help them plan their outfits or he had to put together something like a pinterest moodboard and send that to them to get the idea of "this is the style for tonight - do not look like a fucking slob I swear to god" across because yes, this is just a casual trip to McDonald's but David if you could stop wearing this one hoodie everywhere that would be great and Asher please, your mcr t-shirt hasn't seen the washing machine in like a month and Darlin' no, you can't just wear your pajamas what the fuck is wrong with you?
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frannylestrage · 4 days
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I want this, look at the way he's holding that pillow. Seth would literally be one of the most amazing cuddlers ever
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frannylestrage · 6 days
Herb Correspondences - S-Z
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Sage - Used for self-purification and cleansing.  Helps grief and loss. Healing and protection also increase wisdom.   Element Air. 
Sandalwood - Burn during protection, healing, and exorcism spells.  Aids luck and success, meditation and divination. Raises a high spiritual vibration. Element Water. 
Skullcap - Aids in love, fidelity and peace.  Increases harmony. Element Water. 
Sea Salt - Use to cleanse crystals and tools.  For purification, grounding and protection.  Supports ritual work. Absorbs negativity and banishes evil.  Element Earth & Water.  
Sheep's Purse - Prosperity, protection and healing. Element Earth. 
Sheep Sorrel - Carry to protect against heart disease. Cleansing and increases luck.  Use in faery magic. Element Earth. 
St. John's Wort - Worn to prevent colds & fevers.  Induces prophetic and romantic dreams. Protects against hexes and black witchcraft.  Increases happiness. Use in Solar Magic. Element Fire. 
Star Anise - Consecration, purification, and happiness.  Use for curse breaking or increasing luck. Burn to increase psychic awareness.   Element Fire.  
Strawberry Leaf - Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Increases love and aids pregnancy. Element Water. 
Sunflower - Energy, protection, and power.  Aids wisdom and brings about wishes.  Use in fertility magic. Element Fire. 
Sweet Cicely - Use during rituals for the dead or dying.  It helps with divination and the contact of the spirit.  It is sacred to the Goddess’ of death. Element Earth. 
Sweetwood - See Cinnamon.   
Tansy - See Agrimony.  
Tarragon - Increases self-confidence.  Use in Dragon magic. Aids healing after abusive situations.   Element Fire. 
Tea Leaves - Use for courage or strength. In tea for increasing lust. Burn leaves to ensure future riches.  Element Air. 
Thistle - See Blessed Thistle.  
Thyme - Attracts loyalty, affection, and love. Increases good luck and psychic power.  Drink tea to aid sleep. Element Air.  
Valerian - Also called Graveyard dust. Aids sleep is calming and is a sedative.  Quietens emotions. Supports protection and love. Element Water. 
Vervain - Strengthen other herbs. Helps, peace, love and happiness.  Burn the leaves to attract wealth and keep your youth. Increases chastity also.  Element Water. 
Verbena - Psychic protection, peace and purification.  Healing and helps depression. Increases beauty and love.  Mind opening and clearing. Ideal use for exams. Element Earth.  
Violet - See Heart’s Ease.  
White Willow Bark - Use in lunar magic.  Reduces negativity and removes evil forces and hexes.  Used for healing spells. Element Water. 
Willow - Used for lunar magic, drawing or strengthening love, healing, and overcoming sadness.  Element Water. 
Witches Grass - Happiness, lust, love, and exorcism. Reverses hexes.  Element Earth.  
Wood Betony - Use for purification, protection, and the expulsion of evil spirits and nightmares.  Draws love in your direction. Element Fire. 
Woodruff - Victory, protection, and money.  Element Air. 
Wormwood - Used to remove anger, stop war, inhibit violent acts, and for protection. Use in clairvoyance, to summon spirits, or to enhance divinatory abilities. Element Earth. 
Yarrow - Healing, calming and increases love. Used in handfasting & weddings.  Increases psychic power and divination. Gives courage when needed. Element Air. 
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frannylestrage · 9 days
the dichotomy between all the series right now kills me.
damn: let's go get fucking hammered at 11am
shaws: i love my mate so much i want to marry them. in fact, let's ALL marry our mates. in fact, let's do it at the same time
solaries: i can't believe william lied to us about the summit. this really reveals more about the inner workings of vampiric politics and raises questions as to how moral one can truly be once granted immortali-
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frannylestrage · 12 days
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frannylestrage · 15 days
(Drops a David headcanon and then leaves)
David is a dry ass texter. That mf uses proper punctuation like his life depends on it. Zero emojis, zero emotion.
Angel: Be home soon!!!!! Love you 💖🫶😌💅🫶
David: I love you too. Drive safe. I’ll see you when you get home.
Ash: gonna be late to the meeting by like 15 minutes :P
David: Okay.
Milo: *Sends picture of Aggro*
David: 👍
His texts are giving 40 year old dad
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frannylestrage · 16 days
if some major traumatic event actually does happen at the double wedding then i need it to be the thing that leads to the manifestation of angel’s powers
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frannylestrage · 23 days
the way fool!david just shifted because he was surprised I KNOW THIS HAPPENED TO CANON ASHER I KNOW
i already post something about asher accidentally shifted infront of babe because they surprised him🤭🤭🤭
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frannylestrage · 24 days
fuck it homebrew boop button. reblog this post to boop the person you reblogged from.
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frannylestrage · 24 days
fuck it homebrew boop button. reblog this post to boop the person you reblogged from.
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frannylestrage · 24 days
guys every time I think about the double wedding I get so excited but also so scared because I’m so convinced something bad will happen
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frannylestrage · 24 days
Milo and Sweetheart who have kids that gained both their abilities
Imagine dilf! dad!Milo getting pounced on by one of his children whose in their shifted form but invisible
He play wrestles with them regardless if they're shifted or not
Invisible fur all over the couch, becomes visible when they're in their human form
Milo and Sweetheart take turns to vacuum the couch at least once a month
"Wish my fur went invisible..." (he's pouting with the loud 'VMMMM' of the vacuum in the background)
"Milo, you're jealous over fur?" (Sweetheart's there for moral support)
"Yes! That's so cool!" (He's just overjoyed and Sweetheart is looking at him with the proudest smile ever)
Marie loves her grandpups, she always somehow sniffs them out if they're hiding and playing together in hide and seek
Stealth x Shifters pups who have near all white/grey coats, rare if they're not
Milo and Sweetheart with triplets, 2 girls and 1 boy; the boy has a white coat but the sisters have brown like Milo, they all have Sweetheart's eyes in both forms
Milo and Sweetheart who tattooed their kids' first shift paw prints on their shoulders (hc from a post I saw a long while ago, sorry idk who it's originally from!!)
Their kids WON in the genetic jackpot I don't make the rules
The entire pack was in awe of the pups' abilities because nothing like that had ever happened, pack wide party commences, even the Keaton pack was invited and some members of the Solaire Clan (that the pack liked lmao)
When the kids grew up, one of the girls has a smaller wolf like Milo and he's raised her to never let that bother her like it did to him before Sweetheart came in the picture
Sweetheart got Milo to let Colm see the kids and when Colm came over, Milo was glaring daggers at him the entire time, just wary over his dad and protective over his kids
C - "These are yours, Milo?"
M - "They're ours, who else's they'd be?"
The kids love to chase each other in the forest, going invisible and then trying to guess where they are by pouncing
Ash might've tried to join in once... miraculously only hurt a paw when he misjudged where a pup was and sprained his paw when he landed
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frannylestrage · 24 days
Charlie after being found by Alphonse behind those tires
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frannylestrage · 29 days
I don't know what to post so I am just going to say hi.
Okay that's it.
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frannylestrage · 1 month
hey so like
hi, you. yeah im talking to you. You like my stuff from time to time and reblog once and a while, and I always recognize you in my notes. we’ve never talked, maybe you dont like to say much or you’re nervous or something. it’s okay, whatever it is. 
I see you. you mean a lot to me. sometimes when I’m having a hard day, I’ll notice your name once again in my notifs and it makes me smile. im not kidding.
I don’t care if you’re a “ghost” follower or you send me asks all the time. i see you and I love you so much, genuinely and truly. you are really important to me. 
thank you. thank you for being there. <3
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frannylestrage · 1 month
Candle Color Meaning
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🖤Black: protection, binding, banishing negativity, grief, secrets, endings, loss, cursing and hexing magick
🩶Grey: stability, concentration, neutrality, reserve, balance, adaptability, flexibility
🤍White: all propose color, cleansing and uncrossing, healing, purification, spirituality, higher-self, innocence, illumination, balancing, hope, protection, new beginning, peace, harmony
❤Red: love, seduction, passion, anger, strength, courage, charisma, survival, change, power, curse work, lust, sex magick
🩷Pink: self-love, companionship, affection, spiritual healing, kindness, beauty, femininity, marriage, sensuality, children, healing abuse
🧡Orange: business, creativity, justice, ambition, opportunity, attraction, abundance, confidence, energy, celebration, goals, success
💙Blue: peace, communication, expression, forgiveness, traveling, protection, truth, sleep, patience, trust, pregnancy
💛Yellow: joy, abundance, intelligence, reason, learning, memory, inspiration, imagination, friendships, sun magick
💚Green: growth, wealth, fertility, business, healing, nature, balance, luck, longevity
💜Purple: intuition, decadence, authority, wisdom, knowledge, influence, psychic abilities, devotion, enlightenment, overcoming fears, addiction, independence, spirituality
🤎Brown: earth magick, home, animal magick, family, stability, endurance, grounding, solidarity, strength, hard work
♡Gold: wealth, inner-strength, self-realization, sun, masculinity, abundance, happiness, overcoming addiction, luxury
♡Silver: intelligence, memory, moon magick, divination, money, femininity, fertility, hidden potential, success, awareness, wisdom, psychic powers
keep in mind that different cultures have different meanings for each colors. Use what correspondences fit you and your craft!
tip jar
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frannylestrage · 1 month
The best thing you can do as a witch is READ. READ EVERYTHING.
The Library's non-fiction section is your sacred treasure trove of knowledge. And where we all love our witchy area in the Dewey decimal system, branch out.
Alternative Medicine and healing
Cook books and culinary
Crafting guides
There it's so much more to be learned. Devour knowledge. Take notes. Be a lifelong learner.
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