franqula · 9 years
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The first few seconds of my Undertale animation… (it will be a video later when completely finished…I hope) ummm (>///<) This is how I imagine this scene from the game! It’s totally not canon!! This is just my personal taste… (I still hate drawing backgrounds (〃´ノω`〃)…)
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franqula · 9 years
Star Wars special edition book cases 
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franqula · 9 years
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franqula · 9 years
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franqula · 9 years
Being Otherkin is not about ‘Being Otherkin’
                 aka: It’s not about labels or trends
Now with a title like that a few of you must be at least a little curious as to what that statement means, or how and to what cause that statement makes any sense. Well if that’s the case, you are in luck then, because that’s exactly what this post is going to be about. So tuck in those tails, wings, or what have you, take a seat and read along to find out~
What is Otherkin anyway?
Yes, let’s start with the simplest of need to know information for this topic: the definition of otherkin. Individuals who believe that they are non-human on a non-physical level is the basic idea. That means none of which believe they are actually physically anything other than human, only identifying as such in a purely spiritual or psychological way.(if anyone thinks otherwise, please leave and seek help) Otherkin is an umbrella term that is not known when to have actually been coined, but has been a known concept from the early 1990’s. However, it most likely predates that as a phenomenally world-wide belief.  Not all non-human identifiers necessarily fit it or want to, keep that in mind, but otherkin is a shared belief and mindset of many. Whether someone labels themself as such is up to them.  
What about Therians?
As was mentioned, otherkin is an umbrella term which therianthropy fits neatly under, given it holds the same basic concept. Unlike otherkin however, it is less an umbrella term and more specific and limited. Therians are individuals who only identify as non-human animals based on earth. One can range from being an ant to a zebra, including extinct animals like dinosaurs so long as it is a creature that existed on earth. So in short, a therian can be an otherkin, but an otherkin can usually not be a therian. Otherkin generally identify as mythical, or fantastic things that do not exist from this world and as such can not fit the definition of therian. Although sometimes individuals refer to themselves as neither and go by theriomythic.
Theriomythic is essentially the same as otherkin, just different terminology. It follows the same concept as such, that being an individual who identifies as non-human, either spiritually or psychologically, but is limited to mythical creatures. 
So moving on from definitions…
Labels, Terms, what’s the Deal?
Let’s clarify, in the world of labels it is not about picking and choosing in most any situation, or at least it shouldn’t be. An individual generally feels or believes in something before finding a word for it; it is something that they just simply were without a need for a word. Labels are created however, to group up with individuals sharing the same traits/beliefs/etc.  When a label is created, it is made with a definition, it follows a specific detail that defines what that trait/belief/etc is. Other people who find it and immediately start to hear someone else describing their exact feelings now don’t feel so alone, they see that there are others out there just like them and are able to connect and share what they have in common. It’s not about the label, its about common interest.  
So what’s the point then?
Being otherkin, isn’t about being otherkin, it’s about being yourself and being able to share that with others who are the same. It’s not about stumbling onto the term and suddenly getting the inclination that it’s “cool” and you want to be a part of it. Nor is it about being “special” or “one of a kind”. In truth, it’s not about being unique, it’s about sharing something common with someone who feels the same. Most of us who fit under the term otherkin, knew what we were or had feelings before ever even learning about it.   Otherkin isn’t just a label to us, it’s who we are and an important aspect of our inner lives. Don’t treat it as a trend or make it to be something that it is not, don’t take a word we use to define our beliefs and trash it.. We aren’t otherkin for the sake of being otherkin, it’s just who we are. Otherkin isn’t about labels. Most of us didn’t go searching for a label to call ourselves, we just happened on it, happened on a community of like minded people. We didn’t come to the conclusion of adding kin at the end of everything we were, but that was the definition it had come to be known. It’s not about being kin or how many kintypes someone has , it’s about what we believe we are or were. The word kin has been so overused and misused to a point it sounds silly, or like a game. In sentences like “my kins are this” or “I’m kin with that” it just sounds like a goofy trend. It’s not about being otherkin, it’s about what you wholeheartedly believe you are, not something to be treated like a trendy add on. 
You are that being first, it’s what you are, not your “kins”. If that’s how you are treating it though, you probably aren’t otherkin. It’s more than a word or even a belief to many of us, it’s who we are, and something we can’t change.  Otherkin is not a trend.
Treating our belief like a trendy label you can slap on whatever you feel like is appropriating the term. Just because it’s something similar to how you may feel does not mean its the right label to use for yourself.. because as it is, if the definition doesn’t fit you, that probably means it wasn’t made for you.  - Example: I believe in reincarnation, but that doesn’t make me a Buddhist or a Jain. -
Sharing one piece of a belief with something, doesn’t make you a part of it, or give you the right to call yourself by that label. We don’t just pick and choose terms based on what we want or think sounds cool. Either you fit that definition 100% or you simply don’t. You get over it and move on, not overlook it and use the label anyway.
Otherkin is not about Being Otherkin.
In the end labels are only there to give definition to what we believe in. It helps individuals who fit that definition to find others who share that with them. It’s not about labels or trends as was mentioned before, its’ simply about who we are. So when thinking about whether you fit the label or not, really think about it, if it’s not who you are, don’t try to change the term or yourself to fit it. Don’t get hung up on labels, just be yourself and what comes naturally. 
Thanks for reading, -Zaphaera
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franqula · 9 years
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Watch: Isra’s full speech is both brilliant and heartbreaking.
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franqula · 9 years
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827K notes · View notes
franqula · 9 years
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franqula · 9 years
to all the 13 year old girls that follow me
if you think her skirt is cute, tell her
the guy that you have a crush on probably doesn’t take enough showers
liking 1D or taylor swift isn’t embarrassing. dont hide it
draw draw draw! you’ll be happy to have the skill later on
do your homework it’ll help with stress
when you’re overwhelmed you should run. it makes you feel better
don’t start cutting no matter how afraid you are
if that shirt doesn’t fit you it doesn’t matter
hug the people you love
know that your life is weird right now and it will get better
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franqula · 9 years
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franqula · 9 years
What is otherkin?
There really needs to be some way of making sticky posts on Tumblr because this question gets  asked so often. 
Otherkin are people who internally, not physically(!), identify as nonhuman. Yes, we do know that we’re living human lives currently, and that we are physically human.
If that nonhuman being is an earthly animal, like birds, wolves, cats fish, etc. then that person is called a therian. Otherkin who are not therians might identify as anything else, like elves, mermaids, fae, angels and so on. There is also a subset called fickin who identify as fictional characters which may or may not be human. (I don’t have as much experience with fickin, so if you want details there, you’d need to ask them.) 
Different people have different explanations for how such an identification comes about. Some believe it’s a spiritual belief, such as being that thing in a previous life, or incarnation, or any other spiritual explanation you can think of. Some otherkin aren’t into the spiritual explanation and go for something more psychological or neruological. Calling it a coping mechanism seems to be popular right now, but I really don’t see it that way. Coping mechanisms are things you do, not who you are.
Either way, it is not something that is consciously chosen. You don’t choose to be otherkin. You don’t consciously choose your kintype. It’s not roleplaying. It’s not a mental exercise. It’s not pretending. It’s not a phase that you grow out of. You usually see younger kin on tumblr, but that’s not because there aren’t older ones. It’s just that the older ones who are more comfortable and experienced with their identities don’t seek outward validation or advice as often.
Anyway, it is something that is discovered, not made (up). Some otherkin aren’t sure what their kintype is when they start, and that can take time to figure out. They may try on different things to see how they fit. That’s not the same as choosing a type and forcing yourself into it. Like wearing the wrong size shoes, that will rub you the wrong way and eventually you have to abandon it for something else. Discovering the right fit takes a lot of introspection, meditation, honesty and persistence. But once you find it, it doesn’t fade over time. I’ve had the same kintype for twenty years and counting, through good and bad, through highs and lows. Even for otherkin who aren’t spiritual, the journey of finding your true inner self can feel like a spiritual thing, or philosophical at least. 
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franqula · 9 years
wanton: sexually immodest or promiscuous
wonton: a type of dumpling commonly found in Chinese cuisines
492K notes · View notes
franqula · 9 years
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@nightmares-aftershock i answered an anon a while back with the same question “what is genderqueer/genderfluid?”
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franqula · 10 years
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Check out this Dystopian series! Free Kindle download until Jan 5th #Dystopian #download #cityofcrueltyandcopper #cityofriotandruby #rhiannonpaille #incoherentintroverts
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franqula · 10 years
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My Jack-o-lantern of the year # Samhain #stingyjack
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franqula · 10 years
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Woodland Faerie/Elven mask #Samhain
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