frcsia · 3 years
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HAN SO HEE X LUCKY CHOUETTE 21’ Winter, The Joy of Frills
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frcsia · 3 years
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“I feel like I should be offended, but okay, that’s fair. I don’t exactly strike anyone as a rebel, I’m sure,” she teased. “But okay, five more minutes, you got it,” she agreed, grinning. “Well, let’s see, I have Theories of Social Order and also Victimology before noon even hits. Remind me again why I chose to be a Criminology major, like it matters? Sure, it looks good to have a nice degree when you’re trying to be a lawyer but in the end, the major you had before law school doesn’t honestly matter all too much.” 
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“Oh no, not that! I meant that you’re super responsible and smart to not skip a class in your life. I’m sure you do though. I wouldn’t know because I’ve never seen you skipped.” Covering her face with her palm, immediately sitting up after what she said might’ve offended the other. “Don’t worry, I’m up now.” A huge yawn escapes her lips with a little stretch of her arms. “Hm, I think it make sense that it matters. You’ve got the edge when you’ve finally reached law proper. Also, you wouldn’t have a hard time at it since you’ve already took classes that are aligned with it.”
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frcsia · 3 years
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“  you  better  be  careful  saying  all  these  nice  things  to  me  or  you  might  be  next  on  my  list  ,  i’ve  got  a  bit  of  a  slutty  rep  around  these  parts  ,  ”  at  first  she  had  been  offended  by  the  rumours  that  surrounded  her  since  jewel  and  cass’  split  but  now  she  was  finding  it  entertaining  .  “  a  pass  or  fail  ?  like  an  MOT  for  lovers  ?  ”  she’s  amused  by  freesia  ,  loves  the  things  that  leave  her  lips  and  the  way  they  sound  because  it’s  so  easy  to  talk  like  this  ,  go  back  and  forth  about  thigns  that  don’t  really  matter  .  her  hand  drops  away  ,  “  well  ,  you’ve  got  time  to  decide  .  you  know  what  they  say  and  all  ,  the  right  one  is  out  there  ,  you  just  haven’t  met  them  yet  .  i  mean  ,  unless  you  have  .  you’re  not  keeping  a  secret  romance  from  me  ,  are  you  ?  ”
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“Not that I would make you stop though. Everyone has their own dark side. And, I just wanna see you happy with a nice hunk you dragged from somewhere. Actually, scratch that! I’m manifesting you’ll find a man that will commit to every part of you, and not run off to the hills or somewhere else.”  Either she believed the rumours that circulated all about her or not, she knew Cecilya still had some good in her no matter how she’s done all these things, thinking that she’s in a state of living her best life. “Something like that...” Shrugging with a smile spread across her features, “Uhhh... Hm... I wouldn’t see it as a secret, but there is someone... And that’s all you’re going to get from me.”
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frcsia · 3 years
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“You know, the last time I cuddle with someone, it went in a direction that I didn’t see coming so it’s nice to actually have a platonic cuddling session.” Victoria turned their head  to look at the other with a smile. “You’re arms are always welcomed for me? What if it’s like 3 in the morning? I honestly don’t think you would want to hear, it not really something to get think about anymore, I’ve decided I can only have friends from now on and that’s it. If you see me starting to like someone again, please push me off this damn ship.”
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“Really? It’s probably because I’m the most wholesome person you’ve ever met and I keep it just as platonic as we are, so I got that covered whenever you are in dire need. Not unless you’ve got yourself someone super special that could replace me, because that’ll eventually make me sad.” She matched her smile as she put a few strands away from their face, behind their ear. “Three in the morning? What could possibly happen at 3 in the morning for you? Although, I don’t think I have a choice if you did. Also, I think you put yourself down too much. There’s nothing wrong with liking someone. In fact, I would actually cheer you on for that.”
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frcsia · 3 years
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𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂.𝙴𝚇𝙴   :    im   ??? 𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂.𝙴𝚇𝙴   :    why   are   you   not   surprised    ?? 𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂.𝙴𝚇𝙴   :    surely   ,   that’s   a  lie
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FREESH.C: i thought i’d see you there... FREESH.C: i’m serious. u did missed A LOT. FREESH.C: we could’ve took pics together. :(
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frcsia · 3 years
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     “oh-” link was surprised. it was so rare anyone actually spoke to him, much less a stranger. “i, uh… i always get a black coffee with chocolate in it. it’s not that exciting, though.”
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“Hm... I’m not even sure either. I usually just get an iced americano.... But are you willing to go out of your comfort zone and try something new though?” Giving him a look, showing him the menu. “It’s either a simple one with a weird name or the complicated looking one with a simple name. Take your pick?”
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frcsia · 3 years
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she  was  a  little  surprised  but  her  eyes  dance  with  delight  ,  seeing  freesia  only  ever  bringing  her  sheer  happiness  .  when  she  opens  the  compact  ,  there’s  a  little  bit  of  a  wicked  glint  ,  “  i  didn’t  know  you  were  a  bad  girl  ,  choi  ,  “  she  teases  with  glee  ,  stepping  closer  ,  “  i’m  in  if  you  promise  not  to  tell  ,  i  wouldn’t  normally  ,  “  she  instills  ,  a  level  of  trust  existing  there  .
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“Well, I’ve lived away from my mother’s grip, so I got to experience the darker side of things.” Shrugged as she brought the joint to her lips, lighter igniting the shorter end of the stick. She sat back with her elbows against the floor deck and a good puff before looking at her. “As would I, and don’t worry about it. No one’s going to know.”
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frcsia · 3 years
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          ↳         𝐹𝐿𝐴𝑆𝐻𝐵𝐴𝐶𝐾    ,
although  queens  was  where  cassidy  was  from  ,  he  knew  all  of  new  york  like  the  back  of  his  hand  .  the  perks  of  growing  up  in  new  york  and  being  able  to  go  out  on  his  own  ever  since  a  young  age  .  he’d  do  anything  to  get  out  of  his  house  back  home  and  usually  that  involved  exploring  more  sections  of  the  city  .  it  also  helped  that  he  moved  all  around  the  city  of  new  york  well  growing  up  .  he  knew  a  bunch  of  areas  relatively  well  .  which  was  exactly  why  when  the  opportunity  presented  itself  to  drag  freesia  around  the  city  ,  he’d  never  say  no  .  sure  to  take  her  on  a  million  little  adventures  when  she  was  there  .     ⏤     his  roommate  ,  jesse  ,  had  been  out  at  work  as  they  got  to  his  apartment  .  cass  grabbing  himself  and  freesia  a  drink  from  the  refrigerator  before  walking  over  to  where  she  was  .  glancing  down  at  the  records  .   “   what  can  i  say  ?  i  am  but  a  cliché  .  but  c’mon  ,  you  can’t  go  wrong  with  vinyl  .   “   he  smiled  ,  letting  out  a   ‘ hmm   ‘   as  he  reached  down  and  pulled  out  jeff  buckley’s  grace  album  .   “   it’s  hard  to  pick  but  jeff  had  always  been  my  inspiration  .  it  never  fails  me  .   “   cass  said  ,  handing  her  the  record  .
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                                                f l a s h b a c k ;
“I totally disagree. It’s actually quite nice. Vinyl really has it’s charm, yeah.” Her own slender fingers plucked through his vinyl collection, looking at labels of every artist she had come across. When he pulled out his favourite album, a perplexed expression passed across her own features, trying to rack her brain for the said artist. “You might not believe me, but I’ve never heard of Jeff Buckley.” She started off as she gently unwrapped the album, scanned through the contents before she laid it down on his record player, needle on rim. The whole atmosphere began to embrace the rock music as his speakers blasted out the first song on the list. She tried to listen with a nod towards him, whilst she sauntered around his apartment for more interesting things to do. “Again, very Silva. Very cool. Would you not believe me if I said I’d been dreaming of an apartment exactly like this and live the rest of my life here in New York?”
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frcsia · 3 years
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                                                 f l a s h b a c k ;
They had been on a roll of fun lately; exploring his hometown with tourist-y spots they’ve gone through, ate the best new york bagels she’s ever had, whilst hopping onto roofs to another until they ended up on his apartment. “It’s just as expected from Silva.” Looking around, the first thing that caught her eye was his music record collection. “Ooh. Interesting mix you got here. What’s your fave?” @ofsilvas​
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frcsia · 3 years
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“Hey C?” She never thought she’d find her friend at the deck at this hour, thinking she needed a friend as urgent as now. Bringing out her compact out that hid her special joints, in the mood for toking. “Do you? It’s a different kind... Y-You don't have to, if you don't.” @cecilyaxo​
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frcsia · 3 years
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frcsia · 3 years
⚠︎ ⠀⠀˖ 𓂃 ⠀⠀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫  𝐟𝐨𝐫 ⠀꒷꒦ ⠀ ▸ ⠀ @seasstarts······ ⸼
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𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂.𝙴𝚇𝙴   :    i   wasn’t   able   to   show   up   for   halloween   because   i   had   an   important   call   but 𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙴𝚂.𝙴𝚇𝙴    :    here   was   supposed   to   be   my   outfit   that   night   .
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FREESH.C: of course that’s your excuse. i’m not even surprised. FREESH.C: you missed a lot though. 
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frcsia · 3 years
・✿ 、    𓂃.   𝒔𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝒇𝐨𝐫  ➛   @seasstarts··   ྀ
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               “    you   should   stay   still   if   you   want   this   drawing   to   look   good   .    ”      and   boy   zara   is   not   an   expert   when   it   comes   to   sketching    ,    but   sometimes   she   can   do   it   right   .
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“Okay. You know what’s funny? I’m never good at posing as a sketch model, but I could think of a different way to help pose a person as my model, that is if I’m behind my sketchbook.” She started off, trying not to move as she began scribbling. 
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frcsia · 3 years
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“It’s fine, you don’t have to get up; in fact, let’s just stay in bed and pretend that classes don’t exist today,” Yuri suggested teasingly, as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’m kidding– of course I’m kidding, because I’ve never skipped a class a day in my life, but also, totally valid if you don’t want to move. Early classes should be illegal.” 
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“I figured you’d never skipped a class in your life... But alright. Just give me 5 more minutes and I’ll surely get up.” She yawned as she looked at her sitting on her bed, a tired smiled passed across her features. “What are our classes again?”
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frcsia · 3 years
───     𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅    𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟     ,     𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔    @frcsia·    .
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laying  back  against  the  hard  ground  of  the  ship  ,  cass  didn’t  bother  laying  on  one  of  the  lounge  chairs  .  instead  feeling  like  the  floor  was  a  more  accurate  spot  when  looking  up  at  the  sky  .  it  had  actually  become  a  little  tradition  of  theirs  .  getting  together  ,  laying  back  ,  looking  up  at  the  little  white  specks  in  the  sky  and  talking  about  whatever  might  be  going  on  in  their  lives  .   “   so  ,  you  first ,   “   he  started  ,  looking  over  as  he  waited  for  freesia  to  take  the  spot  next  to  him  .   “   what’s  new  in  the  life  of  freesia  choi  ?   “
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Freesia joined in on him as she lied down with her head in the opposite direction to his; top of her head against his own. It had been awhile since they last met up, way too long since the last time was back in New York when she happened to be visiting. With the stars spread out, twinkling against the dark, night skies, she sighs before responding. “Well, I’ve almost finished my project, so I’m taking a break right now. Called a few people from back home, and they seem to be silly than usual. Hmm... What else? Ooh! Did I mentioned I met my step-brother onboard? We practically carved a pumpkin together. I’m happy we got along surprisingly good.” A smile spread over her features as she moved to face him. “How about Mr. Silva of the West?”
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frcsia · 3 years
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“  i  think  it  was  my  personality  and  not  my  looks  ,  i’m  not  too  offended  ,  ”  she  admits  ,  her  looks  something  she  had  often  relied  on  with  little  substance  .  things  that  had  upset  her  once  were  so  distant  now  she’d  grown  up  and  become  a  real  human  being  with  sense  .  flipping  her  own  phone  over  in  her  hands  ,  “  i  don’t  know  ,  you  have  to  meet  them  to  find  out  but  ,  even  if  they’re  not  good  to  talk  to  ,  at  least  they’re  good  for  a  night  .  nothing  is  forever  baby  girl  ,  ”  she  jokes  with  a  look  full  of  wit  ,  placing  her  hand  on  freesia’s  hair  as  she  twizzles  it  around  her  finger  ,  “  are  you  looking  for  the  one  ?  someone  special  ?  we  can  work  on  that  long  term  and  muscles  for  the  short  .  “
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“Obviously you’re brilliant too, I’m not saying you aren’t. You’re practically likeable, so whomever runs at a different direction than you doesn’t deserve you at all.” She countered, truth dripping in her voice as she emphasized every word said before her. Even how unlikely close they were, she was honestly at awe at how their friendship progressed, thus deemed her friend as the socially likeable person to her. “Well, if the vibe meets, it’s either they are a pass or a fail to me. Even how they bragged about how good they are in sex. It would still be interesting if they have a little substance to them.” Tilting her head with a shrug as she explained, felt Cecilya’s finger fiddling on her raven locks. “Not really specifically looking for the one. It’s just that it has been awhile since I’ve been in a relationship, I don’t know if I’m ready enough for that.”
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frcsia · 3 years
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The brunette continued to hold his can in his hands, taking another long gulp of the energy drink as he watched the other stretch her arms in the air. “I’m sure she is. It’s so different from having two other room-mates. I used to room with two people. That was good fun.”
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“Much more fun than having a single room mate then? I honestly haven’t had more than 2 room mates though...” She responded as she sipped the last drop of her energy drink, energy slowly sinking into her veins. “I feel like I wanted to go for a run. Up for it?”
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