freak-daehyun · 10 years
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
Daehyun was surprised at the approach at first, no one had been this friendly with him up until now and that the other threw his arm around his shoulder surely startled him. But he found out that it wasn’t as weird as he thought it would be, so he only shrugged it off, bringing up a hand to show a thumbs up. “And I’m sure if two of us are missing, then the cirque will send out some people to search for us, right? And it’s nice meeting you, Chanyeol. I’m Daehyun, but most people…well actually everyone calls me Dae.” He offered a smile, nodding eagerly and rubbed at his chin. “Well my purpose was to run into some fellow members here, I don’t really know anything about festivals like this. But since we both don’t, we can discover some stuff together! It surely smells amazing around here…” The last words came out in a mumble and he put a hand on his stomach. Food was his weak spot and even if he didn't want to admit it, but the different kinds of food they sold around the place were the things he wanted to check out first. He thought of a way to suggest eating without sounding like the secret glutton he actually was, grinning as he spotted a small both somewhere nearby. “How about we get some food from over there and then we get lost in the crowd? You know, we need some empowerment to be able to walk arond as much as possible.”
A late birthday || Daehyun x Chanyeol
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
Something new | Open
„Come on…freeze already!“
 Daehyun was mumbling to himself while sitting in front of a small stream he found near the cirque. From the moment he joined the cirque, he started to explore the surroundings, searching for a place where he could practice properly and eventually improve his skills. It still was impossible for him to freeze flowing water and a stream was the perfect opportunity to start trying. He almost spent every day sitting there, staring at the water and tried to freeze it. But it never wanted to work. He surely knew that flowing water was way harder, or more likely impossible, to freeze but Daehyun was eager to find out if he could actually make it. No matter how hard he tried or how much he concentrated, it never worked out the way he wanted to.
 And just like any other day, he sat there again, only this time something was different. The boy wanted to try out something new and he decided to dam up some of the water and try to freeze it then. The thought was, to keep the water frozen, even after removing the blockade. He knew well that he had to be fast and that it would get difficult. He leaned forward and put down some branches he collected earlier, building somewhat of a dam and immediately fell back on the ground to close his eyes. “Come on….come on…” he whispered, taking a few deep breaths. After some time, he opened one eye, only slightly to check if he had made some kind of progress. A broad grin tugged at his lips as he spotted a small frozen spot but exactly that caused him to lose focus and it melted in the second he opened his second eye. The boy stared at the water a few moments before he threw his arms in the air, followed by a loud groan. Grumbling, he shielded his eyes with his arms and sighed in a frustrated manner. “It’s impossible….I’m never going to make it…”
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
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Congratulations on your face, Daehyun.
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
Daehyun was overwhelmed with what he saw in front of him. He had never seen anything like this, back home; he was used to empty streets, grey buildings and absolutely no life. But this was different. The festival was full of lights, colors the boy could have never dreamed of and it made him smile. He took his time, taking in what was in front of him, he tried to look at every single tent, every single face; Daehyun didn’t want to miss anything.
 The boy was about to blend into the crowd as he heard a voice calling. At first, he didn’t know if he should have reacted to it, no name was called but at the same time, there was no other person around than him. The boy turned around, narrowing his eyes at the person approaching and smiled as saw that it was a fellow member of the cirque. He didn’t know his name, but his face was familiar, Daehyun had seen him around a few times. ‘This is going better than I expected’, he thought to himself and completely turned around, waiting for the other male to catch up to him. “I was actually searching for other members. Seems like I was lucky.” he said with a soft smile. “I don’t know the streets around here that well, and getting lost together inside of that crowd sounds better than doing it alone, right?” He let out a quiet laugh, nodding towards the festival.
A late birthday || Daehyun x Chanyeol
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
Send for my muse's reaction
"I adore you."
"You are adorable."
"I'll protect you with my life."
"I wish you would notice me and maybe develop feelings for me."
"Storm is coming."
"You are cute but we're not going to be a thing."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Give me a sign!"
"I want to be your friend."
"I need you."
"I hate you!"
"Get over it."
"That was rude."
"I'm trying to flirt with you, okay?"
"You are my enemy."
"I like when you smile."
NOTE: reblog only if you will actually respond to ALL asks sent your way. No ignoring people! Para responses (8+ sentences) are preferred but not required.
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
A late birthday || Open
Daehyun felt uneasy. It sure was his own decision to leave home and join the cirque, but he had forgotten about his upcoming birthday. It was none of his concern; all that had been on his mind was, how his mother would cope him not being with them anymore. He sat down in his tent, holding the small letter that arrived this morning and read through it.
“Dae; It’s been some days since you left us and I know I promised not writing you too soon but it’s your birthday so how can I not? I hope you get the letter at the right time, if not; I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you’re having a good time at the cirque and that people treat you right. I hope you feel accepted like you are supposed to be. Have you met some people yet? I’m sure you at least made one friend over there in Japan. It’s a beautiful country; I heard a lot of stories about it. Make us proud, my son. Grandfather loves you; he wanted me to tell you that. And that he waits for you to come back as an expert in your ability!
I love you, my dear. And I miss you every single day. Happy Birthday!
-Love, Mom.”
  “I miss you too, mum…a lot.”
The boy took a deep breath to calm himself. The letter did in deed not reach him on the exact day but he was oddly glad about it. He rather completely forget about it than being reminded of his first birthday not being at home. His first birthday that he wouldn't spend with his family. And for some kind of reason, Daehyun felt guilty for not being able to say that he did what she hoped him to do. Since the arrived at the cirque, he had met a few people, but only while walking past them. He had no one he turned to yet, he had not a single one to call a friend. But because of his mother’s letter, he felt encouraged. Daehyun wanted to make her proud and he would never achieve that by being the loner he was at the moment. He heard about the summer fest nearby the cirque and that they had a few days off to explore it. Daehyun was certain that other members would visit it as well and this was the perfect opportunity to get to know some of them better. After wiping away the few tears that ran down his cheeks, he put away the letter and left his tent, making his way to the location of the festival.
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freak-daehyun · 10 years
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Daehyun B.A.P 140419 LOE in Chicago
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