freak-yoongi · 10 years
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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click through for full size; please credit jalmotaesseo-scans if editing! Do not repost without permission!
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
"You are adorable."
Yoongi had heard those words quite a lot, but usually they were coming from... you know, people who were older, or women.  Or Junsu.  Probably mostly Junsu, actually.  Coming from Chen, they made his cheeks go pink, and he felt a little unsure of himself.
"Is that a good thing?" he asked, scratching his ear as he looked up at Chen.  He hoped it was a good thing.  Chen was nice.  He had a kind of cat-like smile and a soft demeanor that skittish people like Yoongi could really appreciate.  "I hope it is.  It is when Junsu hyung says it..."
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
"You are adorable."
When the young boy looked up and met the woman's eyes, his own widened and a smile lit up his face.
"You're the kitty noona!" he said excitedly, almost reaching to touch her arm.  He stopped himself though - it was rude to touch people without permission, after all.  He settled for just looking at her.  "You're a really pretty noona, too!  Your eyes are really neat."
He'd completely forgotten the fact that she'd called him adorable.  How could he respond to that, anyway?  She was much more adorable than he was!
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
"I like when you smile."
The words brought a bright grin to Yoongi's face and a soft pink hue to his cheeks.  He clasped his hands behind his back, bouncing a little on the balls of his feet as he resisted the urge to hug Junsu.  He knew his hyung didn't like being touched.
"I like when you smile too, hyung!  You have a pretty smile."  He tilted his head.  "I'll smile all the time if it makes you happy."
He liked making Junsu hyung happy.  Hyung had done so much for him, it was the least he could do.
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
"Storm is coming."
Yoongi blinked slowly, biting his lip.  Just that word by itself made him slightly apprehensive.  Storm.  It didn't sound all that nice.  It sounded a bit on the scary side, honestly.
"That means it's going to rain, right?" he mumbled softly, eyes as downcast as the sky.  "But... with the other stuff.  The thunder and lightning and wind and all that?"
He wanted to see rain, but the other things sounded bad. He pouted and reached back to touch his wing tracks.  What if he got scared and his wings popped out?  He looked at Sandara, wibbling a little.  "If I get scared, can I stay near you?"
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
Human Experience #21 | Open
The sun had just come up.  Yoongi rubbed his eyes, a quiet yawn throwing his mouth wide open as he stretched like a sleepy cat that walked along the edge of the camp grounds.  He was tired, and the internal clock that had ruled his body with an iron fist was insistently declaring that it was bedtime, but he had something that he had to do.
His freedom was already days old, had been days old by the time he'd arrived here.  Yoongi had walked through grass countless times already, feeling its softness beneath his bare feet... but he hadn't had time to truly experience it.  The thought had happened upon him hours ago, and Yoongi had impatiently waited for his chance.
There was a wide patch of grass settled just beyond the borders of the campgrounds, circled by trees.  The boy stood on the edge, toes curling gently, before he stepped into it.  Morning dew had fallen, leaving a cool, wet sheen on his skin as he walked a quiet, wide circle around the edge of the patch; as he completed the round, he stopped and allowed himself to fall backwards, back pressing to the ground as he laid in the grass and just breathed.
It felt so nice.  Everything smelled like morning, like bright promises of new days and earth and pink and orange on the horizon.  He closed his eyes and rolled himself back and forth a few times before coming to a rest on his belly, cheek pressed against the grass beneath him, arms and legs splayed out like a giant starfish as his clothing soaked up the cool dew.
Who knew the ground could smell so good?
0 notes
freak-yoongi · 10 years
Send for my muse's reaction
"I adore you."
"You are adorable."
"I'll protect you with my life."
"I wish you would notice me and maybe develop feelings for me."
"Storm is coming."
"You are cute but we're not going to be a thing."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Give me a sign!"
"I want to be your friend."
"I need you."
"I hate you!"
"Get over it."
"That was rude."
"I'm trying to flirt with you, okay?"
"You are my enemy."
"I like when you smile."
NOTE: reblog only if you will actually respond to ALL asks sent your way. No ignoring people! Para responses (8+ sentences) are preferred but not required.
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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5/∞ gifs of barefaced!yoongi
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
Yoongi understood family, in theory.  It had been discussed in front of him before - a mother, father, and children were the nuclear family, while beyond that there were other relations like grandfather, uncle, et cetera.  He wasn't quite sure where all of the other titles fit, but the idea of being involved in a family of any kind... Junsu was giving him yet another warm, safe, wonderful thing.  Because families protected each other, cared for one another.  Families, in Yoongi's limited experience with the term, were the best.
"I like it," he whispered, his wings giving a slight shiver.  A name of his own, and a family.  These were things only real people had.  He bit his lip and closed his eyes as he felt Junsu against his back.  "Will... will they like me?  Is it really okay for me to stay?"
He'd found it.  Yoongi's breath caught in his chest at the announcement and he clenched his fingers a little tighter in his shirt.  He had found the warm spot.  Which meant that... soon it could be out, and maybe he'd be safe.  He listened intently to Junsu as he explained what the circus was...  it sounded extraordinary.  It was the exact opposite of everything Icarus - no, he reminded himself, Yoongi- had ever experienced.
A place that existed just to make others smile?  He'd never even been able to imagine.  A lady who danced with animals!  That sounded like the most fun of all.  He was trying to picture that, trying to figure out which animals she could have around her, when Junsu moved into his wing track.  The scalpel was cold at first, but a warm stinging soon erased that and Yoongi's eyes squeezed shut a little tighter as he pressed his lips together.  It wasn't bad, not anywhere near what he'd felt before in his short life, but... he'd learned to expect so much worse to follow.
"I don't know how to do anything," he murmured, voice small and a bit wobbly.  What could he possibly do to make people smile?  He didn't even really have a handle on most regular human actions, much less performances...  "I'd like to make people smile, but... I don't know how."
Junsu wasn't hurting him nearly as much as the other people had when they'd operated on him while he was awake.  They'd done it often, to repair and strengthen things in his back, and it had been excruciating.  He wasn't sure if it was because of the fact that it was such a minor 'procedure' in comparison to most he'd been through, or if Junsu was just being a lot kinder with him.  Either way, only the very softest whimper of pain escaped him as the man worked.  He could endure this little bit though, if it meant being free.
When Angels Meet - Yoongi x Junsu
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
The boy sat where he was, fingers still clutched around his feet absently as he watched Junsu.  The suggestion of a name, a real name, for him... warmth rushed through him, and he immediately felt safer.  Putting distance between himself and the people looking for him, even if it was only by way of a name, made him feel that much better.
"Yoon...gi."  Something that shines.  Brightness, like the sun reflecting on water?  Like the stars and moon that had helped him navigate through trees in the night?  Not the sterile, bleak fluorescence he'd been brought up in, surely.  He repeated it a few more times, head tilting slightly even as Junsu brushed his dirty hair from his face.  He liked the way this name felt in his mouth.  It felt warm and sweet and nice, especially the way Junsu said it.  "I can be Yoongi now?  I don't have to be Icarus anymore?"
His eyes followed Junsu, all the inquisitiveness of a five year old child in his gaze, and he froze up a bit at the sight of gloves and tools.  Those things only ever meant hurt.  Bad hurt.  It took a moment of him reminding himself that Junsu meant no harm, that Junsu had done nothing but help him, before his breathing returned and he spoke, albeit rather shakily, over his shoulder.
"It's on this side," he murmured, touching his left shoulder.  His small wings stretched up and away, pushing open the spaces in his back as far as they could without being in the way.  "It's in where my wing comes out."
He didn't know how to explain it any better.  The warm spot was up inside his back, at least three to four inches in, though he had no knowledge of measurement to share that information.  All he knew was that it was warm, and it burned hotter when they were closer.  It hurt when they found him, like it was trying to sear its way out of him.  He curled his fingers of his right hand into the torn edges of his shirt at his shoulder and closed his eyes, the fingers of his left doing the same as he gripped his right sleeve tightly.  He had been through things like this enough to know that it would be helpful if he were still.
Being still meant less pain for him.
"...what is a 'circus'?"  Junsu had told him to talk, but talking was very difficult when there were so many questions to be asked.  He knew so very little.  Until three days ago, he hadn't even seen the sun before.
When Angels Meet - Yoongi x Junsu
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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© Marshmallow | Do not edit.
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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SULYNN | Do not edit
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freak-yoongi · 10 years
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bare faced Suga
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