freakstylebjd · 6 years
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Whoop whoop! Snatch is finished and for sale here: https://freakstyleart.com/product/snatch/
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
Another attempt to show the test, since apparently it wasn’t possible to view my last post. Sorry for that! 
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
I’ve been quiet for qui--te some time, but that’s because I was busy finishing this beast of a sculpture. Remind me to never do octopus arms again @_@. Anyway, I got me a a turning platform-thingy. And of course I had to try it. This is just a test-vid and I have no idea how much Facebook butchered the quality. But you got an idea. And hey! It’s proof I’m not dead yet.
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
Because we all need to see pretty things.  And I absolutely want to build this beauty.
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
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I’ve been going to a painting course, mostly to get my mother to do something I knew she’d like to do. Thing is, this woman has been traditionally schooled and to her, painting is a craft everybody is able to learn. Doesn’t matter if you know how to draw or not.  Well, she just proved it! This is my first result, and I don’t know how to draw a straight line to save my life. So, if you live in eastern part of The Netherlands, go visit Marian Merk (https://www.facebook.com/marian.merk.3)
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
Finally! Twisted is finally for sale. Check out the link here: https://freakstyleart.com/product/twisted/
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
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With so much attention drawn towards recasters and their counterfeits this week, I wanted to show you guys some dolls from my own collections. All originals, no counterfeits.  To those who think: “I could never afford one of those”. I’ve always had to live on a tiny budget. My first dolls were bought with money from a side-job when I was a student taking part in some very demanding classes. Our first day at school, we were greeted with these words: “Say goodbye to your social life”. They weren’t bluffing XD. After that, I became ill. Without the ability to work, my income is way below minimum wage and it will stay that way. Still, I’m able to buy the materials I need for sculpting AND get the dolls I want, by selling stuff when I have the energy. All it takes is discipline and patience. And time. I’ve had to save up for months, or years. But the pride I feel when I finally open the box with the doll inside that took me so long to get is unlike anything. If I’m able to get original dolls - with my funky head and stubborn body - so can you. Stealing is for children; let’s be an adult. Have some pride. dolls: Volks madoka on Dollstown 15y girl body Volks Swd Lucas Gomidoll Iru-HS on Dollstown 7y boy body
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
But gaiz, recasts are totes fine, yo. No stealing at all.  Fuck this guy.
So in recent news, it’s seems like the recast situation just got 100x worse….
I saw on @puffypuffers insta with screen caps from a Dollfie Dream FB group that Luo, one of the top recasters in China, is now in the process of filing for trademark of various BJD companies to own their trademark.
Which means that those companies he’s filing for to “own” were to sell in China, from Taobao to even doll shows, they could face legal actions and could never sell in China again. The list of companies that have been effected and having pending trademark is already extensive, companies that aren’t even in China such as Dollshe, Fairyland, Iplehouse, Soom, Lily at, Marina Byockova, Peaks Woods, DOLK, Bambicrony, Cocoriang, and so much more, he’s also even added trademarks in the US for. Luo has every intention of chasing out the “competition” of the companies themselves so he can sell freely with no repercussions.
(Full list of companies he’s filing for in China: http://m.tmsearch.cn/search/?keywords=罗礼贵&stype=sqr )
(Source for US trademarks: https://www.trademarkia.com/company-luo-ligui-4866177-page-1-2 )
Here’s the screen caps from the group of what’s going on.
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With him doing this, he’s literally eliminating the companies that he recast from, so will probably be a point where you no longer be able buy originally cast of those companies doll, but you’re only be able to buy cheap resin copies because those companies will eventually shut down due to losing a part of the market they sell to
I don’t know how else more to say that the recast situation just gone past ignoring now, because this gone from bad to beyond worse.
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
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The bronze casters I’ve hired have trouble getting a good cast of my statue, because it’s too detailed. And these guys are specialized in sculpted jewelry and the like, you know... small detailed stuff. So, in case they break down in tears and refuse to do anything else, I’m looking into alternatives that I could cast myself. Like bonded marble: Marble dust mixed in resin. The purist artist is probably going to scream when hearing this, because it’s FAKE SHIT, but hey! A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. (and I kind of like experimenting.
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
Never mind my self-pitying, I got him! On layaway, but I got him! Lucky number 13 years of waiting XD.
OMG, A BJD I’ve been looking for since 2005, without result, is now for sale.  And of course… I’m low on funds. The dollfie-fates are cruel indeed. Darn you, Kanon! *shakes fist*
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
OMG, A BJD I’ve been looking for since 2005, without result, is now for sale.  And of course... I’m low on funds. The dollfie-fates are cruel indeed. Darn you, Kanon! *shakes fist*
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freakstylebjd · 6 years
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Arms Lots of arms! And now I’m dead. I think. 
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freakstylebjd · 7 years
Nice, I wasn’t able to watch my own post, because it might contain ‘offensive content’. If this is offensive, Tumblr, I’m sure you think bunnies are the scariest animals alive.
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Pretty much.
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freakstylebjd · 7 years
If you thought that sculptors were done once the clay comes out of the oven... Nope.  I’m currently finishing the wax model of my two-headed torso that I need to make the mold for bronze casting. Fixing errors, cracks, details that got lost in the process. That should take about a week. After that, it’s back to the caster, wait for them to get me a good bronze and look over this statue to fix mistakes and details that got lost etc. Only after that will it be time for the last phase: Patination (coloring).  That last phase will be done by someone else. I’m very prone to allergies and since coloring involves strong chemicals, I’m not going to take the risk. 
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freakstylebjd · 7 years
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I didn’t like the mouth of my octopus, so I started over. Also, I finished the hair. Yay! And since the picture is much bigger than the actual figure, I can see little errors that I need to fix. YAY! Anyway, just some pictures to proof to you guys, I ain’t dead.
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freakstylebjd · 7 years
How do you guys celebrate New Year’s Eve?
So, now that we’re groggy and blissfully remembering yesterday’s celebration, I was curious what new year’s traditions are common in your country, or region. My day was spent making and eating oliebollen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliebol), and  apple beignets (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appelbeignet#/media/File:Appelbeignets.jpg), waiting for everyone to fire fireworks when the clock strikes 12.  In the mean time, we did something that isn’t common in the Netherlands, only in the east, where I live: Carbide shooting. Unlike shown in the video here, we only used two milk churns, and not all the bangs were quite this loud, but that’s mostly because we’re not as skilled; you need to give the water and carbide mixture some time, and make sure that the soccer ball is firmly lodged. By the end of the afternoon, we sure got the hang of it, though XD:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBbvoGV3ZRY And then on january 1st, the kids will visit neigbours, wishing them a happy new year and getting a candy bag in return. Something we call ‘New Year’s Earnings’. This is also a tradition specific to where I live.
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freakstylebjd · 7 years
Travelers Discussion (spoilers... duh)
Spoilers... . . . . . . . Spoilers So, although I really love the show, there is this minor scene in the second series that bugged me. Kathryn just found out she is pregnant, and with her marriage in shambles, she tells Mac that she doesn’t know if she’s going to keep the child and that it is her choice and hers alone. Mac responds with something akin to ‘sure, you’re right’.  And that bugged me. Yes, it is the socially acceptable way to respond to such a thing and you will get bonus points for being so ‘relevant in today’s discussion’. But Mac comes from a future where having children is harder than throwing a rocket at the moon. This point gets underlined even more by the scenes where 001 explains his feelings when learned he was going to be a father.  Mac is full on vegan, because he believes that killing living beings for their meat and keeping them in barns to use their milk, eggs etc is evil. To him, life is precious. So precious that he is trying to convince his wife to go vegan too.  Someone like him, with his background would not respond so casually to the idea of abortion and how he (as the father) has no say in the decision. It’s completely out of character! I’m not saying that the tv-show should’ve started a pro-abortion vs pro-life discussion right there, because then they’d be digging a huge hole. I’m saying that they shouldn’t have written that scene in the first place. 
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