freakyx-666 · 2 years
Eddie Munson's fans being mean to people who cosplay as him. You're literally the type of person Eddie despised. The type of person who would make fun of someone that doesn't have a "normal" hobbie. Don't come here saying that you would be his friend acting like this
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freakyx-666 · 2 years
Here's some of my so great art (Its really not that good)
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
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this is so great. fuck toxic masculinity. we need something like this stateside (x) | follow @this-is-life-actually
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
I drew Marvin the magnificent UwU @therealjacksepticeye
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
LGBT+ books by authors of color
For those of us tired of LGBT+ romance always being featured between white characters, or from the perspective of white characters, here’s a list of LGBT+ novels by authors of color centered on characters of color.
Thank you so much @percyannabcth​ for your recs! ♡
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz: a beautiful mlm coming of age story between two brown latino boys. Personally, one of my favorite books (young adult).
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia: first of a series set in fantasy Latin America with a main couple compromised of brown wlw (young adult).
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: enemies-to-lovers time travel fantasy novel featuring wlwoc (adult).
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan: I’ll admit, this one wasn’t my cup of tea, but I’m more the exception to the rule. Fantasy with main asian wlw. Heavy rape and abuse tw (young adult).
It’s Not Like It’s a Secret by Misa Sugiura: contemporary novel with a japanese protagonist that falls in love with a latina girl (young adult). 
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie Mclemore: not a mlm or wlw story, but one with a latina protagonist and a love interest that’s a Pakistani trans boy (young adult).
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera: borrowing elements from both sci-fi and contemporary, this is a story about the hardships a Puerto Rican boy from the Bronx has with coming on his own. Suicide and homophobia tw (young adult)
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong: beautiful novel that tackles a lot of themes, including coming to terms with being LGBT+, from the point of view of an Asian man (adult). 
Tell Me Again How A Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan: coming of age contemporary novel about a persian girl that falls in love with one of her friends (young adult).
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender: contemporary novel in a high-school setting about a black trans boy learning to navigate the dificulties that are put in his path due to his identity. Transphobia tw (young adult).
Hurricane Child by Kacen Callender and Kheryn Callender: a tale of magical realism about a girl whose luck was sealed when she was born on the dreaded day of a hurricane (middle grade).
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera: Juliet, a Puerto Rican lesbian, moves out of her family’s home and leaves to explore what her identity means both for herself and for those around her (new adult).
Ash by Malinda Lo: a wlw retelling of Cinderella with a girl of color as a protagonist and a very quick, entertaining read (young adult).
A Line in the Dark by Malinda Lo: a contemporary novel where the main character, an asian girl called Jess Wong, used to being on the sidelines, becomes the protagonist of her own story as she falls in love with her best friend (young adult). 
Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann: Alice, an asexual black girl, learns to navigate her sexuality and how the perception of others affects her (or not) after a break up with her girlfriend and the start of adult life (adult).
Seven Tears at High Tide by C. B. Lee: Kevin Luong, an asian-american guy, asks the ocean for one summer where he can find love - and a selkie boy hears his pleading and seeks him out, willing to give him exactly that (young adult).
Not Your Sidekick by C. B. Lee: an intern girl with no powers at a superhero school starts getting notes from a mysterious person that goes by “M”. Bisexual main character, and the sequel includes a trans boy on the main cast, both people of color (young adult).
The Wicker King by K. Ancrum: prepare for your heart to be torn out by this not-quite psychological thriller about two boys in a codependent relationship that must learn to cope with their less-than-ideal circumstances, and their also less-than-ideal dynamic. Read the book’s description for potential trigger warnings (young adult).
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo: a series of short tales that tells the stories of british black women through different years, including the those of lgbt+ women (adult).
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson: when a girl’s attempt to get a scolarship to the college of her dreams falls through, her only choice if she wants her life to keep going on the path she’s set for herself is to become prom queen. It’s just too bad that the competition is so cute (young adult).
Final Draft by Riley Redgate: an 18 year old writer, who happens to be a plus-size pansexual ecuatorian girl, learns the perils of adulthood and gains life experience in this extremely relatable contemporary novel (young adult).
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera: a heart-wrenching novel about two boys that meet up to live the entirety of their life in a day - a day which happens to be their last. (death tw) (young adult).
Adaptation by Malinda Lo: when strange events turn the American government into a paranoid mess, Reese wakes up with a month of her life gone from her memories. This time, as our main character finds herself pulled in two directions, the love triangle is bisexual (young adult).
The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum: a slow-burn, slow-paced romance between two women that will leave the reader bewildered and feeling like they have a new understanding of life, with a touch of sci-fi (young adult).
She of the Mountains by Vivek Shraya: an illustrated novel that touches on gender, sexuality and a re-imagining of Hindu mythology (adult).
The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin: fantasy novel set in an apocalyptic world, with a cast made up mainly of black characters, that includes polyamory in the first book and wlw relationships on the latter ones (adult). Be wary of possible trigger warnings.
Note: all the links redirect to The Storygraph, a Black-owned site currently on Beta! Consider checking it out and giving it your support - it lets you import all of your books and shelves from Goodreads, but unlike Goodreads, it’s not owned and ran by Amazon.
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
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No, not even as a joke. Don’t share it with your friends as a joke either, or make a meme out of it, or anything. I don’t know what the motivation was behind creating this petition – I guess it very well could have been a younger well-meaning Fander who genuinely doesn’t understand how elections work – but regardless of what the intentions were, this is so so so awful and could have so many terrible consequences if it starts gaining traction.
Listen, we all understood why Kanye’s “presidential bid” was harmful, right? This is basically the same thing: right now, every third-party vote is a vote for Tr*mp and, no offense to my American friends, but your country cannot afford to vote Tr*mp back in. The upcoming election needs to be taken seriously now more than ever. 
The fact that this petition is being directed at the Thomas Sanders fandom is extra unsavory. It’s common knowledge that a huge chunk of this fandom is made up of younger people, and as much as I love, cherish, and respect our younger population – heck, I’m a minor myself – the fact is that we’re much more easily influenced, eager to give people the benefit of the doubt, and unfortunately, way too many of us may not know any better.
“But Spec!” I hear you cry. “If this petition is mainly being spread by the younger side of the fandom that doesn’t know any better, what harm could it do? They can’t vote anyway!”
The thing is, if you follow multiple Sanders Sides blogs, you’ll know from all the times you’ve seen the same post on your dash ten times in a row that we spread stuff like wildfire. If enough people aren’t aware of the harmful consequences and start spreading this petition around, then regardless of whether they’re seriously asking for signatures or just spreading it as a joke, one viral post would be all it takes for the mainstream internet to take notice. I cannot stress enough how disastrous that would be. 
The second that this petition catches the attention of the wider public, the US will be at risk of having a repeat version of Kanye’s presidential bid: people with a vote, a terrible sense of humour and no understanding of the consequences may write in Thomas Sanders as a joke, thus effectively wasting a vote that could be used to take Tr*mp out of office.
Oh, and if for whatever reason you’re a Fander that “doesn’t care about politics”, then first of all check your privilege at the very least you could care about Thomas?? He is a real person that could suffer very real harm not only to his brand/reputation, but also his personal safety if this petition thing gets out of hand. A similar thing happened to the author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series when a petition to change the US flag to the face of his fictional character began to gain traction. He was unaffiliated with the petition, but still received honest-to-goodness death threats. We cannot let this happen again.
Sorry if this post makes me sound angry, but it’s because I am. This is absolutely ridiculous. Please signal boost.
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
Stay safe people
Oh this hit all my red flags, I've torn down 3 already just walking Malaya to the park
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
help #ProtectRussianTransLives
currently, there is a russian bill being pushed that will:
- allow sex markers only on birth certificates, thus disallowing trans people from changing their gender marker and forcing those who already have to change theirs back.
- re-label current straight marriages involving a trans person as ‘same-sex’, and as gay marriage is illegal in russia, no more straight couple involving trans folks will be allowed to marry and those that are already married will no longer have their unions recognized by the government.
- birth certificates will be requested at the time of future marriages, disallowing folks who changed their documents after transitioning from getting married, as their birth certificate HAS to indicate their birth sex now.
- no longer recognize gay marriages that were performed outside of russia. some of you may remember similar things happening before gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states - a gay couple could leave their state to get married somewhere where it was legal, but when they returned home, their marriage would not be recognized.
- and couples russia considers ‘same-sex’ - both gay marriages performed outside of russia and straight marriages including a trans person performed in russia - will no longer be able to adopt or otherwise become legal guardians of children.
here’s a carrd on the matter, and twitter threads in english and russian. if you can speak russian, here’s a way to submit a complaint to the state duma.
if nothing else, sign this petition. if you can, donate to this russian lgbtq+ organization. if you have a platform at all, post this information, use the hashtag #ProtectRussianTransLives (as well as #явместестранссообществом and #НетТрансфобнымЗакона), and get this message out to as many people as you possibly can.
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
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I made a thing for @thejoanglebook and @thatsthat24 it's horrible but yeah
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
I'm not Anish Kapoor so I'll reblog
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For those of you who follow the Stuart Semple and Anish Kapoor feud, (which you can read about here) Semple recently had his kickstarter for Black 3.0 100% funded!
Black 3.0 is an updated version to his very popular Black 2.0 which was invented as a way to give the public access to a cheap and effective black that rivals Vantablack, a pigment monoplozied by Anish Kapoor.
(*and no kapoor can’t buy this one either)
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
I made a meme for @therealjacksepticeye
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freakyx-666 · 4 years
So.. @pmseymourva I drew Cyana I hope you like it UwU
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