frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
i wish i could get on more, but the format of tumblr now bothers me SO much...
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
psa; i am not above completely rewriting a reply. if my reply takes our thread in a direction u dont want it to go in, or if u just can’t work with it, or if you just want a few details changed, please tell me and i will rewrite it or edit it so it works for you. i will not be hurt or offended, i will be happy ur comfortable enough w me as a partner to say something.  
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
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The contact continued a little longer than was necessary, and Corey felt himself wanting to feel the warmth from the Carter’s fingers. He didn’t dare remove the gloves, though. What lay beneath was too ugly, too private; usually he wouldn’t care, but the gentle vibe coming off the other man somehow drove him to conceal it.  The way Carter laughed had Corey curling his toes in his boots slightly and the corners of his mouth perked up in a genuine smile. “No favourite place, no.” The breezeless air held the smoke ring he puffed from full lips, and he stared at it until it dissipated. “Why, do you want to strike fear into my heart?” He shot a cheeky grin. 
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“Well, no--” he started, evident backtracking ensuing. He didn’t want to give the wrong idea, no, of course not... “It wasn’t the goal... but I wasn’t worried about it, either...” A smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth again, and he seemed to ease, ever so slightly. How he ran himself into a tizzy, sometimes.
“I know of a place, a few blocks down. We can walk from here... Y’know, if that’s fine... It’s a little run down, but... uh... it’s quiet.”
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
▼ rcptilia:
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For a long moment, Fish says nothing. He just stares, passively, gaze flickering to the metal stamp, and back to the stranger.
Then, a knowing grin nearly splits his face in half.
“Man, you’ve got balls. Didn’t think anyone could swipe it out from under that shithead’s nose. Del Perro heights, right?”
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           He finally breathed, he didn’t sense too much danger here.            “Yeah. Del Perro. Pretty dense over there... Tough work...”
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
▼ rcptilia:
[ frecklemaniac ]
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“…Sweet ride. Must’ve cost a fortune.”
         Shit. Ah, he’s been noticed, hasn’t he?          He looks up from the metal stamp.
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        And clears his throat-- “...Sure did.”
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
         It’s not like Shawn never stole a car,         and the guy somewhat amused him,         so while he wasn’t buying it AT ALL,         he could play along.
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“…okay, we can go with that. If you   lost your keys though, well, I’m an   expert at finding things, as well as   dealing with…other car trouble.   You want me to help?”
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        “What? No, no, I don’t... I’m a mechanic. A, uh, forgetful mechanic. I don’t need help.” Eye contact has been officially lost. He’s just focusing on wiring the damn thing. “I lost my keys at the bar last night,” well, at least it was a decent lie.
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
tumblr why would you make things like this. jesus christ. wreck me.
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
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Corey gave a smile and let the silence hang for a moment, fidgeting from foot to foot for a moment. “Say, uh, I’m Corey by the way.” He extended a hand, elegantly gloved in black leather. “Do you… you know, drink? I mean… would you like to drink… go for a drink, with me?” Cocking his blonde head and stumbling over his sentences, his pale cheeks grew slightly pink, certain he’d blown his chance if there ever was one.
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      “Carter,” he said, quietly, and gently grasped the luxe hand held out to him for a sturdy shake. If his name had been spoken any louder it would have sounded too eager, a lion who’d been waiting to pounce for too long.          His fingers plucked a very, very lucky item from his teeth, but instead of a puff of smoke, giggles bellowed out behind it. “I guess I’m really not, you know, striking fear into your heart, huh...” Speckles hid a pink flush spreading across them,  “Sure, sure... You seem like... you’d have a favorite place, but if you don’t-- you know, mmm...”
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
▼ psych-as-in-gotcha:
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          “Of course not. Nothing is ever as it seems.                 So…what is it?”
          “This is my car, and well,”
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           “I lost my... my keys... I'm not stealing it. I'll pinky swear, if you need me to...?”
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
i’m here? i’m alive. i live. hello. i swear i havent been dead on carter entirely i’ve been developing him 24/7
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
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⚖ Dexter loved nerds. He especially loved how they instantly had something to talk about the moment that connection was made, and speaking as someone who talked too much about very little half the time, it was a relief.
“Not a collector so much, just a fan. I pick up this and that when I’ve got the time and the cash.” he grinned.  “It’s gotta be the Hulk for me. He’s the man. You?” ⚖
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        He wasn’t much into the Avengers, he was more into vampires and werewolves, stuff like Twilight and Teen Wolf. But he knew enough about it to continue the conversation, and, well, he did have a favorite...
       “Hawkeye... He’s just, uh, the underdog.”
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
my kik is frecklemania, and I would totally love to talk to anyone over it, rp, whatever!! just add me tbh.
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
▼ ofsiin:
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       “ This guy’s an idiot, as long as it looks like the damn thing and doesn’t        sound like it’s going to fall to pieces immediately then it’s fine. Plus, I         haven’t got too much cash on me right now, this is kind of my b i g score, “
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         “Sure, I get you, I think... So... Bodywork, right? I’m thinking of ripping the shell off of a dupe... You know, messing with it a bit, get it to fit.... It’ll look a little blocky, but it’ll almost look the same...”
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
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“Oh, I’d say you looked far too organized for that. Here.” the sarcasm was there but gentled by the polite tone his accent carried, and the wink he shot the other. Corey lit his own cigarette with the battered Zippo from his pocket before guiding the flame to the end of the other’s cigarette, catching eye contact and smiling shyly. “They’ll never let you down, Zippos. I love mine.”
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         “Oh,” he was a little taken off guard by the other lighting it for him, but perfectly content. A little smile turned up the corners of his mouth, but not so much to drop the prize piece. “Huh... I’ve got a few bic ones here and there. They’re... They’re not very reliable, but is anything from a gas station...?” A little chuckle punctuated his sentence-- surely, he felt like a bit nervous, but what was new? Slowly, he pulled his hand from his pocket, placing it below the shoulder on his other arm.
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
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“Oh gosh, no, don’t worry about it.” the Englishman beamed. “It’s not a problem. It’s my day off, actually. Would you like a cigarette?” Corey offered the box to the other, intrigued by the other’s gentle way of speaking. He didn’t meet many people like that in his line of work.
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          Long, wide fingers carefully pulled one out of the box, as if he were being careful not to touch the rest, and he began digging around in his pocket for a lighter. “Oh? Thank you... Would you believe it if I said I had just, uh, ha... run out?” He asked because it was a lie-- but no farsighted man in his right mind would turn down a conversation piece with a friendly, attractive male. 
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
                                   saying that i love him but i know I’m gonna leave him.                           ( indie michael de santa and trevor philips from grand theft auto v ) 
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frecklemaniac-blog · 9 years
▼ dexective
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⚖”Not to worry, sir, I’m sure this’ll all come to light in a couple of days. Always does.” Dexter was exhausted, a long shift and a nasty case riding his back like the devil, but his face brightened when the other mentioned his little accessory. “Oh, this? Yeah, I’ve got the whole set individually too.”⚖
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        “The whole set? Pretty cool... Are you...” it’s not that he never knew what to say, he just never knew how to say it. Simple sentences gave him trouble, especially when he was trying to act dumb about a pressing matter. “Are you a collector? Or just... You just... Like it... Ah, who’s your favorite?”
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