freczeyourbrain · 4 years
meg enjoyed watching other’s reactions to her or things she said.  she liked to get a rise out of people or get under their skin.  this was different; jd was good at keeping his cool, except for his anger.  when his gaze finally met hers, one brow cocked, her lips pursed to one side.  “trust me.  helping me won’t help you get into heaven.”  sometimes she felt like she was living in hell.  “why not?  do you think your bad outweighs your good that much?”
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BEING WEAK, ADMITTING WEAKNESS, was a hard thing for jd to do...his father drilled into him at a young age to be a man, and ‘men didn’t cry when things got rough’. so he put up walls as thick as cement, and kept on pushing forward, never looking back. “while you may be angelic at times...i don’t think there’s ever going to be a spot for me in heaven. i don’t know if i even believe in it, i think when we die it’s....done.” he admitted with a shrug, fingers carding through his hair before chuckling under his breath, “good? my life has been bad decision after bad decision, i’m not hardwired for good. trust me, if you knew the shit i did, you probably wouldn’t be hanging out with me alone.”
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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MINA BIT THE inside of her cheek, the blush on her face heating up again as he spoke. “oh, you made that committment a long time ago, buddy. no backtracking now.” her tongue jutted from her lips as she paused, brow quirking as he asked if she wanted to shot gun. and then he mentioned them kissing a few times. and she found herself unable to speak, his finger curving under her chin. the look on her face a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. and then he inhaled, lips opening to transfer the smoke. the most innocent of actions. but her body couldn’t help but respond, and as she inhaled in, she had to remind herself he wasn’t kissing her again. 
this wasn’t some smooth move he was making. no, this was melchior being high and sweet, right? hand reflexively reaching for the joint, she took a long pull, fingers reaching out and gently bringing his lips back to hers, passing the smoke to him now. and yet, it wasn’t enough. didn’t feel like…enough. frustration reared it’s ugly head as she took a few breaths before finding the small ashtray near by and setting the joint down. clumsily climbing back to him, the blonde found herself reaching across his lap, knees at his. “fuck me, melchior.” lips breathlessly crashed against his without another word. she was tired of dancing around this. tired of passing things off as they were frustrated or drunk. she didn’t know how he really felt, but she was sure how she did. and right now, in that moment…that’s all that mattered to her. 
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“I WOULDN’T DREAM of backtracking, life wouldn’t be the same without you in it, i lost you once and i don’t intend on that happening again.” the male admitted with every drop of honesty lacing his voice, a gentle smile matching up with his words. his gaze scanned her face as he watched her expression whilst lifting her chin, fingers lingering against her smooth skin as his tongue skimmed along his bottom lip. she didn’t protest, which he took as a sign of agreement to his offer, and he took a long drag before leaning forward to ghost his lips against hers. easily, the smoke filtered from his body to slip into hers in an intimate inhale. this closeness was enough to make his body buzz from a mixture of two highs, one from the drug and one from mina, and his hand slipped to gently rest against the curve of her neck. 
AND HE THOUGHT THAT would be it, a moment and then it passed, but then she took the joint and mirrored his previous efforts, shotgunning it back into his mouth before he smiled a bit as their lips touched for that short moment in passing. leaning back, he hummed before blowing the transferred smoke back into the air as his head lulled back. however, he heard movement to find mina crawling towards him, eyes shimmering as she reached him and then uttered those sinful words in a command that had him almost at her mercy. he was too weak, time and time again resisting his urges to the point that he was breaking in her hands the minute she crashed her lips into his. a soft sigh pushing through his nose, his hands came up to cup the sides of her face, not letting her slip away again. it was a needy kiss, begging almost in the way he leaned forward to ease her down onto the piles of blankets in this fort they’d created. like they were in their own world, time stood still as he let his hands wander down her body to toy with her shirt, “you....are you sure? because i can’t, i can’t stop myself again. i’m fucking weak for you, mina.”
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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       maureen was the complete opposite to moritz, and maybe that was part of the reason they kept one and other entertained when they were together. “ i love the way you say you ‘ like to think ’ when the reality is that you know, ” the boy responded, a low sort of chuckle erupting from his lips as he reached out, taking the bottle from the counter and taking a long sip. “ see, there’s the know-it-all attitude i was used to. ” he shook his head in a playful motion. “ what does real fun entail ? ” sure, his voice was gruff and low, but moritz wasn’t entirely away from his social awkwardness when he’d had a drink. in fact, he was genuinely asking, considering all possibilities in his hazy state other than the obvious one. 
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       THERE WAS SOMETHING effortlessly charming about moritz, the awkward way he carried himself really attracted her to him, it was safe to say she had a type. so she let a little smile tug on the corner of her lips, head lulling to the side as he cat-like eyes scanned over his face, “maybe so, but i still like to hear it time to time, it really....strokes my ego, you know?” and she smirked at the emphasize of her word choice before watching him take a large swig of the bottle he grabbed. at the question of her offer, maureen reached into her shirt to pull out two little blue pills, “pick me ups.” she informed him with a giggle, pushing up on her toes to whisper near his ear, “ecstacy, if you want to get technical. promise it’s nothing sketchy, it just makes you feel really...really good.” 
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
           ❝  NO DOUBT ABOUT IT !  you’re looking positively scrumptious today ,  no lie ,  ❞  &  while amber wasn’t one to give away compliments like that ,  rizzo was a bit of an exception .  she was one of the actress’s  few  friends ,  after all !  taking one of the other girl’s shopping bags in her hand ,  she followed the brunette towards the car ,  free hand brushing blonde locks back while a smile rested on amber’s face .  ❝  oh ,  i totally get that ,  although i bet you could  take down  those karens in a second !  they’re so annoying though ,  avoiding them is the best thing anyone can do ,  ❞  she acknowledged ,  rolling her eyes at the thought of the women in question .  ❝  oh ,  i was  fabric shopping !  i have a costume in mind  &  since i want it done by a professional designer ,  the sooner the better !  what are you gonna be this year ,  riz ?  ❞
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“AS IF YOU SHOULD ever expect anything less, i wouldn’t be caught dead looking like anything less than a treat.” she countered with a smirk, shooting her blonde friend a little wiggle of her brows before laughing a little under her breath. amber was a dear friend, much like sharpay the two connected after her high school days, so while they weren’t the original pack she rolled with...she was more than happy to welcome them into her squad with open arms. “oh i would take them down with a swift one-two, no doubt. but luckily, i didn’t run into any of them today.” rizzo explained with a little scrunch of her nose before popping her trunk to her little red sports car, humming a bit before raising a brows over to her friend, “okay you totally have to spill, i’m having mine hand-made because i won’t be caught dead in some party city get up. i want to be blondie from sucker punch, a totally underrated kick-ass girl power movie. your turn, i’m sure it’s going to be great and i promise to keep it under wraps.”
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
Of all the people Georg had expected to run across at this particular moment, Melchior Gabor was not one of them. In fact, there was a moment or two when he could just squint at what was clearly a hallucination. Eventually, he pushed his glasses up his nose and nodded ever so slightly. “Melchior.”  The single word was said stiffly, with just the barest hint of uncertainty; it was the old ‘I’ve been called on in class and have no idea how I’m supposed to answer this question’ tone that Melchi probably remembered pretty well. “I…I’m doing very well, thank you. How. How are you doing? Mate?”
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IT WAS LIKE GEORG HAD almost thought he was seeing things, which made melchior wonder how much the man had to drink or if maybe he just couldn’t believe his eyes. either way, he offered him that famous charismatic gabor smile, “that’s my name, don’t get so excited.” the therapist couldn’t help but joke, hoping to lighten the stormy mood brewing over an old friend’s head, he knew that tone fairly well from schoolyard days before he was shipped away. it wasn’t a tone melchior could pull off, if he tried, it’d come across condescending he was sure given the fact he rebelled far too often for his own good back then. “you know you don’t have to lie to me, mate. but i’m alright, just got done with work, figured i could use a few drinks.” melchior explained as he loosened the tie around his neck, which he hated wearing but he got why he had to, “what are you drinking, georg? i have the next round.” he assured him with a nod, lifting a hand to easily flag down the bartender.
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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          WHEN THE GIRL returned the compliment, aliz laughed gently as she nodded her head once as a form of gratitude. girls had to stand up for each other, and be uplifting. so she greatly appreciated this moment shared between the two of them. as she continued talking about kenickie, aliz leaned her hip against the other’s car, arms crossing in front of her chest. clearly, there was something there between this girl – betty – and kenickie. aliz found it hard to believe the guy was capable of serious emotions but maybe this girl was the one for him. and if that was so, well, then they both deserved to be happy together. “ why hasn’t it worked out so far ? “, the woman wondere, head tilting to the side in a curious manner. if they were high school sweethearts, they kept orbitting back to one another despite having seen each other at their worst… clearly these two were far more than just friends with benefits. she seemed to care about him, and aliz assumed the same could be said of kenickie. where did it go wrong, then ? “ the dude was a jerk. we had sex and suddenly he thought i was his property. “, the girl explained with obvious dismay on her features. though betty’s next comment caused a chuckle to escape aliz’s lips. “ yeah – i think we’re on the same page with this one, then. “, winking at her.
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        RIZZO WAS VERY MUCH all for girl power, hell she had her own little squad back in the day that went as far as making matching jackets one year. her dream for her bar was to name all the signature cocktails after her best gal pals, needless to say, she was ride or die for those she held nearest and dearest to her heart. however, one of the people she held near and dear to her heart was kenickie, even with who intolerable he could be from time to time. “just the usual fights, we can get sort of...intense. he can be a real ass sometimes and, i’m going to be honest, i’m not all sunshine and rainbows myself.” and she scrunched her nose at the mere thought of being one of those pillowy soft girls, it almost made her sick to think about. “oh yuck, yeah, he can go fuck himself with a nailgun.” there she went, being a little brash and graphic, but she shrugged her shoulders as she flicked her dark locks over her shoulder, “sometimes i wish guys just wouldn’t talk sometimes, it would make life so much easier when it came to tolerating some of them.”
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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           “ A HALLOWEEN BIRTHDAY huh ? sounds like the dream. now you can have dress-up birthday parties without having to explain yourself for it. “, eben replied with a smirk still toying at her lips. clearly, she was just messing with him a bit because something told her the mechanic could take it. with her thumb, she tapped the butt of the cigarette between her fingers gently, causing the ashes to fall to the floor before she brought the cig back to her lips. “ right – if our time to go will come, regardless of whether we smoke or not. “, she commented with a nod before taking a drag once again. while eben did not particularly like smoking, it was a terribly nasty habit she simply could not seem to shake. and maybe, her desire to quit just wasn’t big enough for her attempts to be successful. his laugh was quite contagious, causing the girl’s lips to curl up even further as she shook her head and let go of the smoke she had been holding in. “ right, right – haven’t found the one. “, the girl summarized, eyebrows arching up as she quickly took another drag. love was a sensitive subject for her, one she much rather avoided because well, she hadn’t been the luckiest in it. his subtle invitation to a ride made her head tilt to the side, smoke once again leaving her lips. “ i would actually like that, yeah. “, she confirmed, not wanting to sound too eager. but any chance of a ride on a motorcycle like the guy’s sure was one eben did not want to pass up on.
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        “AND UNDER A FULL MOON too, it’s a total cliche of spooky occurrences but...it’s fine. i don’t typically celebrate anyways, so there’s parties to go to regardless.” and it was the truth, because jd wasn’t exactly fond of his birthday, a gentle reminder of growing up and things never being a childhood most had. after his mother passed, his father all but forgot jd even existed unless he needed something. whether that was helping pay rent, making dinner, he basically was all on his own once she was gone. “bingo, death doesn’t discriminate. so might as well live while we’re young, you know?” he noted with a nod, taking another drag himself as if to seal the deal, letting the smoke fill his lungs in a comforting way he’d grown to know for almost a decade now. “do you believe in that shit, the whole soulmate thing? ” he asked, not particularly in a judgemental way, but more so out of genuine curiosity. finishing off his cigarette now, he dropped it to the ground to squish under the toe of his boots. “i’m not really a relationship sort of dude, i had a girlfriend in high school and haven’t really dated since. and before you ask, i don’t really want to get into it. i just like to hear other people’s takes because everyone has this being fucking idea of what love is...i think love is a big bunch of bullshit most days.” jd wasn’t sure why he was so talkative, maybe he was just in a good mood, or maybe it was because the girl’s vibes were something he connected with but either way he raised a brow at her.  a smile slowly spread across his lips as he nodded his head, “cool, promise i’m a great driver, got a clean record and shit so...hop on.” and he patted the back of the bike as he hopped on and slipped his helmet over his head, jd would never not offer a pretty girl to go for a ride, it usually worked out for him in the end anyways plus he loved showing off his bike.
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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           “ I DO, AND i am convinced you will find that balance sooner or later. one day, everything will just fall right into place without you having to put any thought into it. “, wendy reassured her brother – perhaps she was too much of a dreamer compared to his rationality. but the eldest darling liked to believe that things would eventually always work out. even when you aren’t consciously trying to make everything right, all the time. john was far more logical and organised. but maybe they needed each other to help see that the world wasn’t completely rational, nor was it all at the hands of fate. maybe the darlings were each other’s balance. “ the whole family is already very proud of you, john. don’t ever doubt that. “, wendy commented with a wink and a squeeze of his hands after he squeezed hers. a giggle escaped wendy’s brims when john recalled some of their fondest memories together. “ of course – those trips were amazing. “, she confirmed with a nod and a smile firmly plastered on her features. “ but you’re right – the nicest memories are the ones that resulted from small, simple moments in time but that stuck with you nonetheless. “. their trip down memory lane sort of came to a halt, though, at the subject of michael. “ it is… i just don’t think we should pry too much, or try to get him to confess whatever is on his mind. i’m scared that it would have the opposite effect. if he comes to us, it should probably be on his own terms. “.
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       “THAT’S THE GOAL, i just have to stay focused on my goals and soon enough everything will work it’s way out...it has to.” and he flashed her a smile for good measure, because he was determined to accomplish the things he set his mind to, john had always been a rather focused young man anyways. there’s a small sigh leaving his lips, nodding his head a bit at his sister’s words, “no, i know, i know. i just want to keep up the good work, you know, stay on the course.” he explained, motioning straight out with his hand for emphasis, the last thing he wanted to do was let anyone down, but especially not his family. a smile spread across his lips, wendy and him typically saw eye to eye on a large variety of subjects, so her confirming his favorite memories wasn’t all that much of a super, “right, like the time i almost lost an eye when were were pretend sword fighting.” he joked with a little nudge of his elbow over to her, a playful expression crossing his face as he tossed the rag back onto it’s place on the counter, “exactly, us trying to wiggle in might only make him shut us out more it’s just a little bit hard for me to step back if he’s going through a hard time. but, i’ll do whatever i have to as long as it helps him.”
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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        “ are you shitting me ? you’re definitely shrek and i’m… well, probably gingerbread man or something. i don’t have what it takes to be the lead ogre, i’m loveable sidekick material if anything. ” he grinned though. how they could spend hours and hours talking about shit like this never failed to astound him. though, on the subject of mina, he turned his head a little, acknowledging the way his expression shifted ever so slightly. “ and what do you think that’s down to ? deep feelings ? dare i say… love ? or is it just memories and platonic love ? ” he asked, tilting his head once again as he quirked his brow, gaze darting back to his best friend as they came to a stop. as the relaxed back in the drivers seat, moritz rolled his eyes, stopping the engine. “ you have a whole loaf of attention from me this weekend, then we’ll go back to crumbs so you’d better soak it all up, gabor. ” moritz placed some sunglasses on his face as he unbuckled and climbed out of the car, surveying the camping field ahead of them. there were a few tents scattered about. “ sick. i want a good tent though, none of this small bullshit. ” 
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“YOU KNOW WHAT, you’re so right. you’re more of like....a lord farquad. just lankier and more artsy.” it was a teasing joke as he let out a chuckle at the nonsense, grabbing a joint from his pocket to place between his teeth and light. if they had a bit of a drive, he would enjoy it more a little baked, and he rolled down the window to air it out a bit before sighing a bit at the questions shot his way, “ahhhh, relax with that shit. i think it’s an attachment i have to her, i mean, you don’t forget the first person you really liked. and considering she’s still in my life and we’ve...explored each other. or i’ve explored her a little bit, it’s just hard to not let my mind wander like it used to when we were boys.” he explained with a sigh, nibbling on the inside of his cheek before taking another drag and closing his eyes, “it’s just so fucking complicated.” the boy huffed, breathing out the smoke with a small smile on the corner of his lips, “oh i can’t wait to gobble up all this quality moritz time, trust me.” he said with a nod of his head, ashing his joint out of the window before they arrived at the campsite area, “trust me princess, we will go all glamping for you. i’m sure they have options.” he informed his mate, taking a final drag of his joint before pausing it and storing it back in his jacket pocket for later. 
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
        “ probably ? are you shitting me right now riz ? ” he asked, a frown furrowing into his brow, disbelief at the mere possibility evident in his eyes as he, very briefly, glanced over toward the girl. she knew just how to rile him up. “ you know my dress sense is great. this jacket cost almost as much as my rent. ” kenickie loved a leather jacket and jeans combo. frankly, he didn’t stray too much from that classic look he liked to upkeep, but he knew what he looked good in, or at least, what he’d been told he looked good in. however, the smirk he harboured reappeared just moments later. “ oh c’mon, i tell you about mine. ” he groaned, almost childishly as he swung the car around another corner. “ if i was jealous i wouldn’t want to know. ” part of that was true, but it was predominantly just intrigue. he was going wild under her touch. his jaw tensed and his hands tightened their grip on the wheel. “ i did miss you. ” his voice was quieter now, a little more sincere. the red lights warning him to stop this were beaming bright, sure bad ideas lead to good things, but in their situation he was concerned it’d cause another messy break up even if things started off with the best intentions. “ what’re you doing to me ? ”
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     “i KNOW HOW YOU GET with too many compliments, i already gave you enough brain food for the day, try again tomorrow.” she informed him with a smirk still plastered on her features, enjoying the way he was starting to show some insecurity about getting older. it was something she thought about too, getting older and the things time did to you, but her mom aged well and so did her abuela so...she’s just wishful thinking the gene pool treated her kindly as well. “you pull it off well, so i would say it’s money well spent, although...you could be spending it on getting some real furniture in your space.” the girl teased with a scrunch of her nose, but she had to say, he pulled that classic look off with flying colors. some guys looked like total tools but the minute kenickie put on that leather jacket, and the confidence radiated from him, she couldn’t help but feel the knots in her stomach. “yeah, but do i ASK about yours? nope. but if you really want to know, i’ve hooked up with this guy named nando last week and this girl from the bar a few weeks ago, oh and my neighbor threw a get together and....” smirking, she glanced over at kenickie now with a devious gleam in her eyes, “well, i won’t go into the dirty details.” the last bit was a bit of a fabrication, but still, she studied his face for any reactions before feeling the sharp turn, fingers gripping his thigh a bit before she’d heard that soft tone in his voice when he confirmed he missed her. that tone always made her face soften, it was sincere, and she pursed her lips together at his question before leaning over to press a gentle kiss under his ear, “whatever you want me to.” the girl murmured into his ear before pulling back to give him a little smile, eyes flickering over his face as she felt her heart racing at being close to him again. sure, it’d been maybe a month, but she always found herself falling back into him. and while she knew the answer to his question wasn’t exactly what he’d meant by it intentionally, it was all she could really give him right now because she yearned to be closer.
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
imessage // eliza&melchior
eliza: they do support it
eliza: but my sister is also lowkey self centered and wants everything to be about her, so when i'm not around she thinks im abandoning her
melchior: then they should be able to show that and verbalize it to you, because if they aren't, maybe their actions are matching their words.
melchior: she needs to learn to be confident on her own and not blame you for her own problems beneath the surface...maybe explain to her how her saying stuff like that makes you feel?
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
imessage// catherine&john
catherine: whatever you want! it's on me
john: you don't need to pay!! i totally don't mind paying, that's no big deal at all.
john: i think there's a showing of a murder mystery show at the theater for halloween season if you would be interesting in that?!
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
       “ you have a very particular way of being all over the place if that’s the case, riz. ” the girl gave a very vague and empty smile as she climbed into the car, that sort of empty smile that sharpay liked to offer when her thoughts were elsewhere. currently, she was thinking about how to the point she always found her friend to be. however, she snapped out of it quickly, crossing her legs and taking a sip. “ oh god, you’re gonna end up married at this rate, pregnant with twins and then divorced after they’re born. ” the girl shook her locks with vigour. “ has he chased you yet ? at least play him for a while, that’s what he deserves and more importantly, what you deserve. ”
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        “AND YOU LOVE ME regardless, that’s just the way of the world.” and she made a dramatic gesture with her arm before giggling and bringing her drink back up to her lips. taking a sip of the beverage, she hummed in content as her car purred to life, she glanced over to sharpay with a scrunch of her nose, “okay first off, gross. no way in hell am i gonna be carrying two spawns of satan in my hot bod, and also marriage is overrated anyways.” and she rolled her eyes for emphasizes, putting her drink into the cup holder and throwing her ride into reverse, “what about you though, hottie? anyone on your radar as of late? kenickie has some hot friends at the shop he works at...” she explained, nudging sharpay with her arm before heading off to their favorite strip mall area, “and of course i don’t just give it over without making him work for it a bit, where’s the fun in that?!”
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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     SHE WRINKLED her nose at that but giggled regardless, resting the back of her head on rizzo’s lap as she watched her friend look through her phone (which was really a testament of how much she trusted her). not gonna lie, a part of her is a bit worried. whatever she comes up with is bound to put the put the fear of god into this guy, and cower at the thought of ever going near her! but the ‘pink lady’ side of her is very okay with it after what happened, so… not gonna stop her. “aw, come on! don’t judge me. i mean, you like kenickie!” she said, scoffing and playfully rolling her eyes. 'like’ wouldn’t be the word her friend would use out loud, but… yeah. “dicks for brains? rizzo!” she blurted out before bursting into laughter, a hand coming up to press against her mouth to try and muffle it.
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WHILE FRENCHIE WAS ALL sweet and candy kisses, a complete contrast to rizzo’s own brashness, there was this bond that was unbreakable between them. the girl meant a lot to rizzo, they grew up together and even if innocence usually made the dark haired beauty’s nose turn up...with french it was different. whenever kenickie was brought up, the girl raised a thick brow over to her pink haired friend, “like is a strong word, french. besides, he’s hot as hell. this guy...” and she flashed the picture to her yet again with a scrunch of her nose, “total dud, like honestly babe, you could do so much better! let me set you up with someone please! or like, at least get my approval first.” she offered before getting back to work, smirking a bit at the vicious words she wrote as french curled into her lap, making her rake perfectly red manicured fingers through those iconic pink locks, “he needs to be put in his place, obvi. you’ll thank me later. and.....send! he’s old news.” rizzo confirmed, handing the phone back over with a satisfied smile. 
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
WHILE THIS WAS ALL so new to him, something deeper in him was starting to unfold, almost animalistic in a sense that it was as if his instincts were just naturally coming out. the little motions of his hips, the soft breaths falling from his mouth as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip, eyes half opened as they looked at the girl in front of him still only in her bra. when the pace was picked up, he felt his hand press against the desk behind her a bit, jaw clenching as a moan got stuck in his throat, concentrating on what she was saying to ground him a bit. but that proved hard as her hand slowed down, toying with his sensitive tip that made a whine like sound break through his teeth, “fuck, i don’t care what you do just...don’t stop.” he murmured, posh accent coated with a needy like tone as he looked over her face.
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
             TROY couldn’t help but chuckle as gabriella told him to give himself more credit. he knew he was a bit of a rarity , at least in some sense. you didn’t find many basketball stars turned musical actors. looking back , it was funny to think about. he always thought he was special just because he was good at sports , but gab showed him he was capable of so much more. it wasn’t even just musical theater , either. what they had was special in itself. “ you know i’m teasing, ” he reminded as he nudged her back. “ if there’s anyone who won’t let me forget that , it’s you. ”
           he bit his lip as she continued to scold him for calling himself dumb. he wasn’t try to be self - deprecating , per se. to him , it was an accepted fact. he could be quite stupid , be it lacking in academics or making questionable decisions. it’s just who he was. if anything , it kept things interesting to say the least. “ so long as we can agree you’re the smart one here , not me , i’ll stop. ” he laughed as she suggested he’d be missing her famous pancakes. he nodded. “ okay , fine , maybe i can stay long enough for a short stack. ”
       as he hugged her , he hesitated for a moment. was he making the right decision ? should he really be staying ? before he could talk himself into another spiral , he wrapped his arms around gab in an gentle embrace. he missed this. all of this. it was like a weird sense of normalcy , even if he knew it would probably be gone in the morning. he’d have no choice but to leave questioning if tonight helped fill the void she left or would make her miss even more. however, that was a problem for a hungover troy tomorrow … “ there’s no place i’d feel safer, ” he exhaled as he gave a slightly squeeze. “ you’re my guardian angel , gab. always were , and always will be. ”
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SHE’D ALWAYS BEEN HIS BIGGEST cheerleader, attending all the games she could, yelling at the top of her lungs whenever he was playing well and holding him close after games if they lost (which they rarely did because he was so much greater than he even knew). whether it was on the court or on stage, he gave it his all, a bright light in a beacon of places people sometimes lost hope. “exactly, so keep that nonsense out of here.” she threatened with a soft punch to his good arm that he didn’t fall on, flashing him a sweet smile before tucking some of her dark locks behind her ear. 
GABRIELLA KNEW THAT he could be a bit hard on himself, they both had pressures from their family. his being more athletics based and hers being more academic based, yet they had still found each other, relating on a level that no one else seemingly understood. “i mean, book smart maybe, but i think you have emotional intelligence that you don’t even understand is so brilliant.” the girl gave him another gentle smile, nodding her head with somewhat of a proud expression when he caved, “my mom taught me the recipe she used to do when we had those pancake breakfasts in the theater, so you can’t miss out on that.”
IT FELT GOOD TO HUG him again, to smell that familiar shampoo that he hadn’t changed in years, to sink into his strong frame and just feel the tension leave her body. there was nowhere else that she felt safer than she did when she was with troy, he was her ship in the night when she felt lost, and even if things were a bit complicated right now...they’d find their way through the storm eventually. “good.” the girl whispered into his shoulder, rubbing her hands along his broad shoulders before pulling back to look over his face, “and i’m not going anywhere, i promise. you’re stuck with me, bolton.” she reminded him, cradling his face in her hands with a soft smile, one that would always be reserved for one troy bolton.
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