One Foot in the Grave
You are the one and only human janitor at the Mega PizzaPlex. Those bots can clean the floors good, but they can't reach every corner or every shelf. Not to mention how some parents have started to complain that the mostly faceless bots scare their children.
It's not like this place pays well or the work is any fun but who are you to turn down a job when you really need the money? Not too much is expected of you, and you really don't have any other co-workers so this job seems like it would be easy enough. One thing that you know will bother you are those damn robots. Giant nearly 8ft glamrock robots isn't company you really wish to have.
Glamrock Freddy/ Reader, Montgonery Gator/Reader, Disabled reader.
Work count: 1,584
Warning: None
There was a rhythm to your work, a sense of timing and flow that you have gotten down very well. A secret beat to the day that you follow vigorously. It works perfectly for you, and you aren't keen on breaking it or having others try to interrupt you as you go about your day. Even now as you head to the newest mess you move with stiff purpose and strong determination to just get it done. Keeping to the walls as you walk by the loud busy crowd of excited, screaming children with their parents. Atop your head you wore chunky black headphone, listening to whatever music that you liked and drowned out the sounds around you. You wheeled your cart of cleaning supplies with one arm, your other busy with a forearm crutch to keep you up right. It was a learning curve to use the one as this job was rather demanding and your bosses aren't exactly the most caring of people.
But you make do.
You headed to one of the few private party rooms. Only getting a quick rundown of the mess as you popped open the door, using your cart to keep it open before you pushed out the cleaning bots that were in there. Sure, they got the floor clean but as you looked around the room you saw that they missed the chairs and a good bit table. Ruined strawberry cake, cupcakes and vanilla ice-cream scattered almost to the ceiling. When kids get upset there is no place that won't be hit by their mess.
With a deep breath you turned up your music and got to work.
What annoyed you the most was how the bots had folded the still messy chairs. So, you had to wrestle those chairs back open and then clean them and get all the food gunk out of their joints and crevasses. Whatever this cake was made out of it took some real elbow grease to get it out. Hell, there was so much of it that you had to pause to get more clean water to use. Your handy-dandy spray bottle almost ran out! All you could do was mumble as you dumped the dirty water and refilled. Not at all paying attention to the world around you.
After this mess is your break time and you had packed yourself a pretty good lunch and you don't plan on missing that. Not only will you be hungry, but it will throw off your rhythm. So, keep your head down and keep working and everything will be done in time.
Should you count yourself lucky that cleaning those chairs allowed you to sit? Probably not. Those chairs were hard and after a few minutes they made your butt hurt. But at least they were clean; Now folded and put away as you turned your focus to the table. With large rubber gloves and a trash bag you started to throw away the larger chunks of food. Getting into the beat of the motions and music. Almost lost in the action before a large orange hand gently tapped your shoulder. Almost shyly getting your attention. You stopped your efforts to clean, sighing as you pulled your headphone down. About to ask what they wanted as you looked up.
And up,
And up.
Meeting the towering figure of the one and only Freddy Fazbear had you jump back, almost scrambling to get away. Your legs nearly giving out from under you as you just about pressed yourself against the wall as you watched the bear take a surprised step back. A look of soft guilt on his robotic features. He was almost lowering himself to match your height as you two just stared at each other. His ears tilted downward. With how fast you moved there was now a whole table between the two of you, yet he still took a few steps back, the mere act causing loud thumbs of his metal feet. Each movement he seemed to flinch at, like he was afraid to scare you again. That had the smallest part of you feel guilty about how suddenly you were frightened but you can't help it as you stare at the bear wide eyed as he offers you a lopsided but kind smile. "The family wanted to know if there was anything to save." He started, his voice was kind and soft even with that gravel it seemed to have. He spoke like a kind father, but it did nothing to soothe you.
You shook your head no, there was nothing to save. Not waiting him to finish his sentence. "I-I know. But the parents were rather insistent." You've seen how pushy some parents can be. You know how Freddy, even Chica gave in to their demands in an effort to keep the peace.
You've seen Roxy get into a verbal fight with a pair of mothers, you know the daytime attendant stands their ground no matter what, and you've heard rumors about Monty. Nothing that you want to conform.
No parent talks to you.
You're just part of the cleaning crew.
The crew that was just you.
Freddy sighed but gave an apology, "I did not mean to frighten you." He sounded sincere as he stood up straight. Giving a small wave as he stepped out of the room. Carefully to move around your cart. For a big huck of metal he knew how to move carefully. It was scary. Once he was a few steps out you saw how a few children flocked to him. One even jumped into his arms. His movements of catching and lifting the child were effortless and smooth as he beamed brightly and joyfully greeted each child by name. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, sliding down the wall as your legs shook. They shook too much to hold you up for much longer.
Guess you'll just have to have your lunch here. You laid your crutch next to you. Sure, you don't have your lunch with you, but it wasn't a problem. Using your Fazwatch (something that all employees carried) you sent a mini message out to a friend to bring you your lunch.
Only needing to wait a few short minutes before you heard that telltale sound of their little beeps. You know those robotic floor signs? Well, a while ago you found one that was sent to be replaced and repurposed. You kind...of...stole them and fixed them up at home. They little things are too cute to be destroyed! You just had to fix them!
The little floor sign rolled over to you, a lunch pail on their head as they found you sitting on the floor. Spotting you the little thing spun around in what you hoped was joy as you took your lunch. With a pat you thanked them and just got to eating. You don't want to say that Freddy ruined your rhythm of the day. He didn't really do anything wrong. So long as this lunch goes without another interruption everything will still go smoothly for you and that was all you need right now. So, there you stayed for a few minutes. Chunky headphones back on as you kept an eye on the time as your little floor sign stood at the door. When anyone got to close you could hear it beep loudly, almost like the bark of a little dog as it kept people away from your work area.
If you weren't mistaken, you could have sworn you even heard them chase someone away. I swear, they were like that before you fixed them up!
You leaned back against the wall, tossing your trash away. Sighing as you looked around the still messy room. Guess you'll just have you double down and work double time! This room needs to be cleaned before the next scheduled party! So, with a breath you pulled yourself up and with a new playlist you just right to work. It took some great struggle to the splatters on the ceiling, but you managed! Pulling out a clean table cover and decorations from your cart you set the room up as if it was as good as new. A few sprits of air freshener and Boom! All clean!
A wore out smile as you pulled your cart out of the doorway and let the door close. Your little bot rolling circles around you as you headed to one of your closets to bump the dirty and used supplies to grab some new ones. Walking but the rooms of the Animatronics.
Allowing yourself only moments to glance into them.
You see Chica dancing with the children she was with, some of them play dress up and eating so much pizza. It was like a large slumber party in there.
Roxy had a loud movie playing as she playfully chasing some kids around as others jumped on the couch and had their hair braided or made to look similar to her hair.
Monty was closed again and even with your headphone you could hear the wreck he was making the room.
Freddy's room was the post packed. It was impossible to figure out what was going on but seemed to be manageable. But you didn't stick around to try and see what was going on.
You just headed right for your closest and swapped things out.
Turning your music up on your journey.
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Jealous Jealous
Montgomery Gator/Reader
I am just spitting this out, I have no ideas and no plans. Just expect bad writing and a jealous 7ft reptile animatronic.
Word count: 526
This was just his luck huh? Well, at this point it was more the unended lack of luck. Things always go bad, never going his way, never letting him have a chance. It was like the cold endless void was mocking him every chance it got. Every time a good thing comes his way it gets ripped from him, leaving just the idea a bloody mess with the red on his claws. Angry loud thoughts raced, raced and raced through his head as he watched from above. Leaning against the railing with his arms crossed. Claws digging into the metal casing that covered his wires and endoskeleton.
Jealousy and hot hatred swam through him, flooding all the corners and cracks that his body and mind had to offer. Making the world painted in a deep red. This would be a nightmare if he wasn’t so pissed off. Below him, chatting away so carelessly and freely was you. The one person he thought he had. A friend for once that was his own. But no, like all things you were never going to be anything else other than a face, another worker who will leave at some point. Leave him at least. Damn it he was stupid for getting his hopes up, for thinking that you were different. But no, you aren’t. You laughed, the sound dancing in the air but it only made him grit his teeth, steam exiting his nose in a huff as his reddened gaze watched. Unable to tear his eyes away from the scene below.
And what was he watching?
You, one of the servers for the many side shops in the mega Pizzaplex, were having a very pleasant conversation with a very decent fella. Smiling and happily chatting along as you were escorted to your next shift. The fellow? Why the one and only Freddy Fazbear. Again. This wasn’t the first time, in fact it became a regular thing. It was kinda cute how Freddy would even look for you just to walk you to your next shift. Always smiles and joyful conversation. You’ll have to admit, it was intimidating at first, having such a large animatronic walk close by but it didn’t take long for you to be taken by him. Freddy was soft, charming, and very understanding and helpful. How could you not be a little starstruck by him?
But that was the problem.
Everyone is taken by Freddy. He was the star, he was genuinely a kindhearted goody two-shoes. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Unlike the known trouble-maker reptile who bore a heavy gaze of jealousy at the bear. Watching the scene between the two of you. You and Freddy, Freddy and you. It wasn’t fair! It was never fair! Everyone preferred the bear while he, the gator for Gator Gulf, was the most disliked and he blamed almost all of it on Freddy. That orange walked goody-goody always got what he wanted. Monty never did, and this time it hurt more. All he wanted was you, but he couldn’t even have that could he? Just a chance meeting with the bear and just like that, you’re gone.
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General headcanons for the Glamrock Bots!
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Roxanne Wolf -She is incredibly competitive and loves to be the center of attention. Perhaps a bit of a show when she needs her ego boosted. -Very much a rough houser. -Loves to have her hair brushed -Great with kids -Has a bit of an attitude and isn’t afraid to swear at parents or bullies. -Incredibly protective but also a little insecure (Not that she will ever admit that to anyone alive or dead.) -Her tail can wag and does so when she is extremely happy or excited - I headcanon her as asexual but she has had a few boy/girl/themfriends -Resting bitch face -6ft tall
Chica -Barbie girl girly girl -Disgustingly flexible. She can bend in ways she should not be able to.  -Jazzercise for moms -Can play multiple instruments very well. -Loves to play with kids and pamper them to no end. She gives out so many gifts that she has gotten into trouble for causing there to be some money lost because she just loves to give away gifts. She has a lot of love to give, okay!?!?! -Lesbian -Aside from Freddy himself, she has the most requests and largest parties. Helps make most the food herself. -Yoga -6’10ft tall
Montgomery Gator -Smokes -Has anger issues and has gotten into fights -Actually, feels most emotions very strongly but struggles to properly express them. -Hates Freddy. Doesn’t mind the rest of his bandmates. (Mostly just jealous of all the attention that the bear gets.) -Is actually really good at gulf but will fumble a game to let a kid win. -Mostly teens hang with him though. Apparently, a few parents think that he is “Too scary” for little kids. (Roxy stands up for him the most during these complaints) -The second strongest animatronic (Not counting Music man) -Bisexual -Has afternoon naps -Tall wags on rare feelings of happiness and contentment -7ft
Music Man -Has the best sense of humor and uses music to prove such points. -Loves his mini musicmen -Beeps to communicate -Knows more than he lets on. Always plays stupid -He and Chica jam out every friday -Is so lovable and playful with kids. Letting them play hide and seek around him or climb over him while he naps -Will help a child hide to get them out of trouble -Is the type to blast music when pouting or upset -F*ck you ft tall
Freddy Fazbear -The one, the only Freddy Fazbear! The main mascot and true star of the show! -He is the most popular, has the biggest parties, and is the best with kids and even a few teenagers. -Ears wiggle for various emotions -Has gotten love letters and will get more -Is actually a little shy -Is the strongest animatronic but no one knows this. They all think it’s Monty. (Not counting Music man. Size is not being counted here!) -Hums/sings to himself as he thinks -Has a bad habit to just stare -The best with kids! -Will apologize to the wall if he bumped into it -Seems to never grow angry or even tired. He has gone whole days of party after party yet never stops smiling. -Tail wags when really happy or excited -Sings like a damn angel -7’4ft
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Hello hello! I am an in my fnaf phase so here I am going to dump headcanons, fics, and oneshots! Expect mostly reader-inserts because I am such a SUCKER for that type of fic!
Now, to who I will be writing for!
The Glamrocks: Freddy Monty Roxy Chica
Music Man
William Afton
Micheal Afton
Funtime Freddy
And maybe a few more!
Please be aware that there will be some dark themes such as kidnapping, murder, other forms of death, and maybe a yandere plot or too.
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