free-alicia · 10 years
Oh cool! Got anything to eat? I don't think I've eaten in three days!
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I seem to forget..
The quite around here really has made me a bit thankful
Not the slightest idea.. I haven’t really seen any one in several days. Been hiding in the TBA bus for ages.
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free-alicia · 10 years
I'm way too stoned to shout right now! Where is everyone?
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The quite around here really has made me a bit thankful
Oh well make some noise Alicia!
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free-alicia · 10 years
Oh I don't like it! It's eery!
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The quite around here really has made me a bit thankful
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free-alicia · 11 years
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free-alicia · 11 years
Texas? Groovy! I've heard all about it, it should be amazing. I wish I had a hotel room so I could throw a party, but seriously, if it's still all gloomy when we get there, we'll have to do something! Yeah.. your boyfriend is one, but it's totally cool, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. 
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Oh wow, he's done a full 180 then? I don't know, sometimes people like to reinvent themselves, keeps them interesting, it's cool. Hmm.. not really, I mean, I haven't really had the chance to really spend enough time with anyone to know. Everyone's gorgeous, but it's not all about looks. Ah, well I'm sure you two will patch things up, you seem like such great friends!
I found a pool!
I think we’re gonna be in Texas soon, and who can be upset when you’re surrounded by so many cool cowboys? Hopefully a few dorky country songs can cheer everyone up for a bit. If anything, we can throw a party! They say that like it’s a bad thing, but we need someone with your optimism  around here.
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Yeah, trust me, when we first started this tour, he couldn’t even pick up when someone was flirting with him, and now it’s… this. Well, is there anyone on this tour you dig? You  know, think they’re cute and all that? Well, damn, you girls really are Free! Oh, I don’t know, he surprised me with something nice on my birthday and I assumed it was just because he wanted to have sex, and he’s not too fond of Liam, so it’s kind of hard.
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free-alicia · 11 years
Good, maybe it'll kick in sometime soon! We need a party around here, and nobody throws a party when they're mad! Pfft, I can almost guarantee that if I walked up to one of them, they'd just call me a "hippie" and then turn around.
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It's new? Well, if he's enjoying himself, it's all good! Whatever makes him happy. Oh yeah, we don't mind things like that, once we know we're not serious, it's cool. Oh no, why's he mad? How could he be mad at your adorable face?
I found a pool!
Yeah, it’s really great! I’m doing my best to spread the happiness, especially since I don’t think I’ve seen many smiles around these days. I’m not being ridiculous, it’s absolutely true and you know it!
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Oh, right, yeah, of course… he has been with a lot of people. I don’t mean that as an insult, it’s just something new I’ve noticed. Your sister, too? Wow, you guys are really cool about these things, huh? That’s really awesome. Yeah, he’s my best friend, even if he’s been kind of mad at me lately.
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free-alicia · 11 years
I'm so happy you're happy! I love when people are happy, it just rubs off on everyone else, right? Oh come on, Fern! Don't be ridiculous!
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Are us two what? Having sex? Sure. But he's with lots of people, including my sister, it's just for fun. He's a nice friend too though, so honestly I've just been wondering where he's been hiding. You two are good friends, right?
I found a pool!
Yeah, it’s a bit much sometimes, but all things aside, I’m really happy with him, so that’s the most important part, I’d reckon. Oh, come on, you could go up to any rock star you wanted and have him!
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Exactly - more people need your outlook, seriously. Adam? I talked to him for a bit on the bus yesterday, but that’s it. Wait, are you two…?
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free-alicia · 11 years
I don't think I could ever handle having a boyfriend, all that drama is just not for me! But constant sex, I could totally handle that now!
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People need to lighten up and just enjoy life! Hey, you haven't seen Adam around, have you? He's disappeared too!
I found a pool!
Oh, it’s… I mean, I’m dating one of the musicians, it doesn’t really give me much peace of mind when it comes to the girls in the audience throwing themselves at him, you know? So, there are definitely pros and cons. The sex is a big pro, though.
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See, you know it’s bad when people aren’t willing to have sex because they’re so mad!
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free-alicia · 11 years
I'm so totally jealous of you, you know that right? I don't think I've ever had a boyfriend, maybe when I was like twelve, but that's it!
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Oh I don't know, not everyone's up for it these days, with the hiding away in the rooms and stuff. 
I found a pool!
See, there’s the upside about having a boyfriend on tour, especially one as perpetually horny as Liam!
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C’mon, you’re gorgeous and you’re fun, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to get laid around here.
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free-alicia · 11 years
Everyone seems to be hiding away in their rooms and all I want to do is party! 
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And have sex, but you know, neither of those are happening right now. It's a tragedy!
I found a pool!
I’m sorry, I’ve been extra swamped lately - everyone’s kind of moody and not really talking to each other, so I’ve been the messenger of sorts. You know, Ben wants me to tell Jack this, and Jack wants me to tell Bobby that, and I just want someone to pour me a drink. But I’m free now, hi!
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free-alicia · 11 years
Fernie! Where have you been hiding?
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I've been so lonely!
I found a pool!
God, finally, somewhere to cool off!
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free-alicia · 11 years
I found a pool!
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It feels so good!
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free-alicia · 11 years
I think it's a lovely town, really. The people here are so friendly, but I like everywhere we've been so far! I'm sure he isn't as miserable as he lets on, who could be so grumpy while travelling the whole of the US? 
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I left where I was living when I was around fifteen, my sisters and I found a new home in a "hippy commune" as people like to call it. Anyway, there's no nightclubs around there so..
I got all dressed up with nowhere to go..
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free-alicia · 11 years
Really? This is so exciting! 
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You're my new favourite person!
I got all dressed up with nowhere to go..
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free-alicia · 11 years
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free-alicia · 11 years
Oh once I get to dance and leave this shade of lipstick on somebody else's lips, I don't care where we go!
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I got all dressed up with nowhere to go..
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free-alicia · 11 years
I got all dressed up with nowhere to go..
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What shall we do?
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