freeddead · 34 minutes
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▸   @bughoused   ⟶   ❛  i'm adjusted. i eat four food groups and look both ways when crossing the street.  ❜   ╱   (  lilo & stitch , accepting .  )
   “Not to be the bearer of bad news, but different species of animal do not count as different food groups.”  Renfield probably also ate regular food—or at least, Gerry would hope so—but he hadn’t seen it yet.
   “I don’t really have the time or energy to argue about the definition of ‘adjusted,’ though, so you know what?  Fine, I’ll let you have this one.”
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freeddead · 12 hours
How long do we have?
You remember when I told you that one day we’d have that big adventure?
Go wait in the car.
Where are we going?
Pain only makes you stronger, remember?
Don’t touch (pronoun)!
You’re gonna take care of each other.
You’re embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate.
I lived a lot of lives before I met you.
What did I do?
You’re in my bed.
I’m actually better on my own.
People who have friends don’t call me.
What’s all this junk?
I’m a better shot when I’m pissed off.
I know you’re out there.
Are we gonna talk like grown-ups?
I came here because I thought you wouldn’t.
We’re not really talking right now.
And you checked the body? Confirmed the kill?
I’ve got you.
Where are my keys?
Okay, any time now, please.
I love the part where I almost bled to death.
The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details.
Where did you think I was all this time?
I was trying to be more than just a trained killer.
You’re fully conscious, but you don’t know what part is you.
Is that all there is left?
What is your story?
You’re going to give me some big hero speech, I can feel it.
I’ve never had control over my own life before, and now I do.
I’ll make it up to you.
Just don’t make a scene.
Get me closer.
This would be a cool way to die.
You cannot kill a fox that swift.
So. Are we there yet?
Let’s have a drink.
If you got soft, it wasn’t on my watch.
I didn’t say anything. That’s not fair.
We played our roles to perfection.
The best part of my life was fake and you never told me.
I came in here because I didn’t want to talk.
It’s best not to look into the past.
Why are you doing this?
Tell me, how did you keep your heart?
I thought I was being brave.
I only have one ear-piece set.
Is the safety on?
You seem desperate to impress me.
We need to go back.
I know you’re still in there, and I’m not gonna leave you.
Don’t do it.
This was fun.
It was real to me, too.
I am clearly injured.
Go on, say it. I want to hear it.
You’re not supposed to be bothering me on my holiday time.
I’ve got your next target.
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freeddead · 2 days
mr. robot.
dialogue prompts from season 3, episodes 5-8 of usa's mr. robot.
i'm just on autopilot, running my routine.
a runtime error: sometimes, corrupted memory can lead to one.
when people talk like this, they're either insecure, or they're full of shame. which one do you think it is?
is this gonna end up being a beautiful accident?
help me figure this out. do not leave me. stay focused.
why can't i remember?
blend in. look bored, broken.
i wish i could see myself through your eyes. don't you wish you could see yourself through mine?
sometimes i get a lot like you.
what should i do? what would you do?
how did you get in here?
is there something you want to tell me?
i know it's scary, but i also know that you can do it.
did i say something i shouldn't have?
i want to spend what time i have left with my friends and family.
it's okay. you can say it.
you know this isn't goodbye, right?
there's another world out there for both of us, and we'll see each other again.
will you believe with me?
don't think for a second that i don't know you're keeping something from me.
i don't want to be a burden.
the whole world's going to hell in a hand basket.
i did my job. i'd do it again, if given the opportunity.
you can lie to yourself all you want, but when you're alone at night, this shit will haunt you.
does everybody know something i don't?
just breathe. whenever you're ready, we can talk.
i don't know if i can say it.
you still don't believe me.
you need to get anything off your chest?
no matter what happens now, everything will be fine.
this is funny. this is a joke with a bad punchline.
what in god's name do you hope to gain?
this is where we say our goodbyes.
i'm getting worried about you.
i'm not trying to scare you.
i need to find my own way to cope with this.
i feel like you're giving up.
just let me stay with you. that'll make me feel better.
since when did we start following the rules?
you don't strike me as a dummy with a death wish.
i don't need a babysitter.
i don't know how to go home.
are you sure this is a shortcut?
you know, you talk about yourself a lot.
you had the keys this whole time?
wait. what's your name?
can i see you again?
come on, open up. let's talk. i'm worried about you.
i wish i could say something that would snap you out of this.
no matter what happens, we'll be okay.
that's the thing about deletion. it's not always permanent.
maybe there are still things left for me to do.
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freeddead · 2 days
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freeddead · 3 days
   Gerry had met a few guys like this in the past, seemingly clean-cut and civilized but with a streak for ruthlessness.  A lot of avatars do their best to blend in with polite society as that gives them better access to their victims.
   He isn’t sure what to make of Alexsander yet.  Gerry can’t tell which Entity, if any, is attached to the guy, but there’s definitely something off about him that makes Gerry’s skin bristle.
   “I guess so,” he says.  He hasn’t touched much of his tea yet, and it is getting cold.  “I’m not the kind of guy who likes to drag things out, though, so if I have a choice in it, I wanna get shit done as soon as possible.”
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@freeddead sent a sentence starter: "You can't have fun with an unloaded gun. Or so I've heard, anyway."
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
{!!} – ❝Oh – well, I don’t know about that!❞ Alexsander challenged the statement sedately whilst stirring his afternoon tea with the languid inattention of somebody preoccupied in contemplation, seemingly of the various black & white printed news clippings that scattered the tabletop. ❝You can achieve a rather satisfying thump from pistol-whipping your opponent upside the head with a revolver.❞ A knowing smile, barely there, preceded his mimicry of the words, ❝Or so I’ve heard, anyway.❞
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freeddead · 3 days
   Speculation about how you are going to die is seen as horrible to most, but for a being who cannot be killed by conventional means, it just makes sense.  It would have to be some pretty wild shit, something others wouldn’t normally think about.
   “Yeah, I kind of wonder that myself,” Gerry says with a grin.  “Whenever I do stupid stuff, Jon gets on me for potentially undoing all of his hard work, but it’d be really funny if I died that way… one of those ways.  But as long as I stay dead the second time, I’m not too picky about how it happens.”
"I know, 'm just saying that someone shootin' me with a gun isn't going to do it immediately." Much like Gerry, Ava had her own bizarre little relationship with death. She didn't fear it either, it would come for her eventually, Ava knew that cheating death was generally taken as a challenge.
Which Gerry does also confirm a few moments later, bringing the smile back as he ruffles her hair. "Trust me, 'm well aware of how pissed I probably made death by being just out of its reach. Does kinda make me wonder what'll eventually do me in, though."
Ava does hope that it'll be mundane, something like passing from old age, but she doubts she'd ever get that lucky.
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freeddead · 3 days
Quiet and Withdrawn
"You never talk to me any more."
"I haven't heard you speak in days."
"Why are you being so quiet?"
"I'm worried about you."
"Is there anything you need to tell me?"
"I just ... want to help you?"
"Is there something wrong?"
"You should tell someone, even if it's not me."
"We can just sit together if you want."
"Do you want me to come cook dinner and play video games?"
"I just don't want to talk about it."
"I want a few days away, that's all."
"What does it matter?"
"I just don't have anything to say."
"Nobody cared. So I stopped talking."
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freeddead · 4 days
mr. robot.
dialogue prompts from 3x9-4x4 of usa's mr. robot.
i lost everything because of you.
time to grow up. there are no gods.
didn't mean to interrupt.
it's weird being here again. we're coming full circle.
we can protect you. we'll make things right.
i'm sorry i was such a pain in the ass.
maybe i'm not as cool and collected as i put on.
haven't you learned my social game isn't my strong suit?
you have to get out. right now. trust me.
i thought you were on my side.
it's not that i'm out of moves. it's that you're not worth one.
why don't you tell me how i should be thinking?
if you're a leader, then where are your followers?
you can't force an agenda. you have to inspire one.
believe it or not, i'm actually a real person.
you're not talking your way out of this.
what would you do if you had your way?
what? are you scared of me now?
anything you can remember? any detail?
i brought this on myself. this is on me.
the sick part is, i actually missed you.
the only reason we've not been talking is i haven't let myself.
i've been scared of myself. of the part of me that is you.
your naïveté is adorable.
you don't care about anyone but yourself.
how am i going to keep you honest?
know that i will find you.
find a way to live with what you did.
you are a terrible person. don't ever convince yourself of anything else.
all you deserve for the rest of your life is pure and utter agony.
you've taken everything from me. my whole life is ruined because of you.
stay indoors and stay off the streets.
i'm here to remember for you.
do you really believe undoing this is going to fix anything?
i can't live with what i did anymore.
whatever happens after this, i want us to keep talking.
you talk like this, and i cannot protect you. you have to relent.
you're panicking right now.
how much did you do, a little or a lot?
you have been following me, haven't you?
i've hurt so many people.
my anger won't die with me.
i thought we were goners.
don't you feel a little relieved?
why should i feel like a dick for being happy?
maybe you should take a minute and deal with what's happening.
you need to stop and take it in, or else it'll eat away at you. like everything else you're holding in.
how do you do it? how do you just move on like that?
i'm in. whether you like it or not.
why aren't you getting ready?
why don't you go without me?
we can finally be our true selves.
i don't know how much longer i can go on like this.
if someone asks for your patience, they're asking for your surrender.
they say once you pull that trigger, it changes you.
i don't feel safe around you.
what's happening to you?
nothing's ever gonna change with you, is it?
what do you call someone who's lost everyone? a survivor, or a walking time bomb?
you gotta be more detailed. the devil is in that shit.
i know what it's like. hating yourself.
you know, you can't scare me.
there's a lot more crazy where that came from.
letting people in doesn't have to hurt.
i don't want to say i hate you, but i hate you.
do i know you? you look awfully familiar.
do you really want to deal with the hassle of calling the cops?
wouldn't hurt you to learn some manners.
have you ever considered leaving?
it sounds pathetic to say aloud, but i actually care. that's why i'm a failure.
goodbye is short and final.
i know it might not be my place, but i want to help you.
i don't want you to hurt yourself.
did you ever care about me? be honest. i can take it.
i think you're the only person i know who actually likes me.
i'm just gonna go for a walk.
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freeddead · 5 days
     closed starter for   ⟶   @hearthtales
   Gerry looks incredibly out of place here, definitely a product of a large city, rather than a local of this remote forest area.  It must seem accidental that he stumbled upon the place at all, but in reality, he deliberately sought it out.  There had been rumors of hauntings in the building, and he had to investigate them for himself.
   He strode straight up to the counter, not taking the time to look around, making no effort to conceal that he was on a mission.  “Hello,” he greeted the woman behind the counter, his voice much gentler than expected, given his creased brow and set jaw.  “I’d like a room for a few nights.  I don’t know exactly how long yet.  Would it be possible to pay as I go?”
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freeddead · 6 days
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freeddead · 7 days
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▸   @lxvingdeadgxrl   ⟶   ❛  i don’t care if it’s red weather warning outside, if you try and warm your icy little feet on me one more time i’m kicking you out.  ❜   ╱   (  storm , accepting .  )
   Gerry gave her a sheepish smile, knowing that she was only joking.  Wynter was too good of a person to make him sleep outside in this weather—the couch, maybe, but not outside.
   “Sorry,” he said, not looking it as much as he could. Already, he was tempted to push his luck just to see how she would react, but he curled up a little tighter instead, pulling the blanket up to his chin.
   “It’s just that you’re so warm.”  He tried to make his eyes really wide and innocent, angling his eyebrows up.  “Plus, I can’t remember where I put my good socks, and I’m too comfortable to go look for them.”
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freeddead · 7 days
Heartbreaking Moments
"There's something wrong with me."
"Don't make me say it. Not again."
"What's the fucking point? Of any of it?"
"I don't know why I'm here."
"It's fine. I'm used to it."
"I let you down. I let everyone down."
"Why did you ever expect anything of me?"
"I'm a fucking failure."
"I'm not welcome here."
"God, of course I never loved you."
"Love isn't for me."
"They always look at me like that. Like I'm a freak."
"I'm so tired. I'm just so, so tired."
"When will you be back?"
"Are you coming back?"
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freeddead · 8 days
send 🌹 or [rose] to see how my muse(s) would react to receiving a rose from your muse. add ↩️ or [reverse] for my muse(s) to give yours one!
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freeddead · 9 days
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freeddead · 9 days
   Gerry loves Halloween; it’s easily his second favorite holiday.  He knows the people at the Institute don’t like it because Elias makes them work, and it’s always their busiest night of the year, full of statements that are mostly fake.  But that’s what Gerry loves about it, that there’s a ninety-percent chance that the spooks are fake.  It’s such a cozy, simple day for him, one of the few times when he can properly relax.
   He laughs when Ava brings up the corpse flower.  “Yeah, somehow I don’t think the trick-or-treaters would like that very much.”  He dumps a cardboard box on the ground, followed by the plastic bags he was holding in the crook of his elbow.
   “Not that what I got is much better for the little ones.”  He nudges the box with his foot.  Inside is a zombified specter thing, remote controlled so that the user can decide when it shakes its chains at people.
   “I also got a couple spiders,” he says, bending over to reach in the bags, revealing cheap, fuzzy, googly-eyed critters.  “But I had to make sure they were sufficiently silly, or Jon would probably break up with me.”
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@freeddead said: [FESTIVE] For our muses to decorate the garden for (Halloween / Christmas / Easter / a party) (FOR HAWWOWEEN OR CHWISTMAS) GREEN THUMB PROMPTS
Ava has already been out in the garden for a while now, her head only poking up every now and again to grab a tool she needs or another bag of potting soil, just trying to get the last of the flowers and assorted plants she wants in the beds before Gerry arrives.
Before he can so much as announce his presence, Peony has appeared from the pot she had been hiding in to start zipping around his head, alerting Ava in the process. She sits up, patting her hands off on her jeans as she flashes a smile at him. "Didja get everything you wanted?" Dusting herself off as she now stands up, Ava makes her way over, liberating any bags or boxes he has to start sifting through them.
"I'm still sad I couldn't get my hands on that one flower that smells like a dead person... It looks so cool! Probably would turn people away, but y'know..." Glancing back over at her beds, she squints at a couple of them. "Is there anything you wanna start with?"
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freeddead · 10 days
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▸   @necrolightguitar   ⟶   ❛  It isn’t any use. Somebody’s gotta lose.  ❜   ╱   (  how big, how blue, how beautiful , accepting .  )
   It’s hard to argue with that.  Gerry knows that—anything involving the Entities will end in tragedy.  You can’t go up against gods and expect to win, but you can mitigate their effects a bit.
   “Yeah,” Gerry says, “but it doesn’t have to be us.  Not yet, anyway.”  Maybe he is experiencing sunk cost fallacy.  He’s spent so long dealing with this shit that he doesn’t know how to let it go anymore, but whatever.  Just because he is a little bit crazy doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any points about it.
   “Come on, kid.  If you lie down and give up, then it’s a guaranteed win for them.  And maybe you still lose in the end, but you can keep yourself in the race a little longer if you keep moving forward.”
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freeddead · 10 days
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       ❝𝖨 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝗏𝗂𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖾,
     𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨?​​❞
a canon & oc multi-muse horror roleplay blog ft. JOHN WARD from "FAITH: THE UNHOLY TRINITY". 18+ and mutuals only due to dark content ahead such as: heavy religious themes, demonic possession, gore, death MORTIS, and more. penned possessed by toastie. (credits to calisources)
personals & non-roleplay blogs dni
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