freedom-fighter · 9 months
The end of funwuls... T_T
To my dearest beloved wife as of this letter,
Please bear with me. Tonight is the 1st night of Rejab as I pen this letter as much as I want us to survive this ordeal together as a family. This would probably my last letter to you as your husband. I tried my best but it wasn’t enough. Allah knows best what is best for us and Aisha.
In our 5 years of marriage, I have always prayed Allah swt made us spouses as a blessing and not a trial for each other, mawaddah, sakinah and rahmah, 5x daily my lips uttered for you.
Just to let you know, not that it would be matter but if our roles were swopped, I’ll take some time to forgive, forget & let go to move on for the sake of Aisha and the state of the ad-dunya where we are living in the end of times. Of course this is said easier than done but fisabilillah. I love you for the sake of Allah despite my flaws and shortcomings. The case of grass is greener over the other side is but a fallacy imo. Nevertheless, I hope in time, I can forgive you and I pray that Aish gets a father who is better than me.
In retrospect, as much as I was a trial for you as a spouse, I hate to admit but to an extent, you were as well for me. I got plenty more to say but I guess you wouldn’t care and you would call BS. I honestly think you are making a huge mistake as we both know you tend to make impulsive decision, your purchases, investments etc etc confidently without sufficient groundwork or analysis.
Come to think about it, we never really had a proper conversation, why/or what happen because you already made up your mind/heart. On the same note, as much as you blame me for this marriage breaking down, I feel the same way towards you as marriage is a unit and not just a one sided affair. I felt neglected and taken for granted for many dark lonely nights.
Barakallahu Fiik for giving me honorable opportunity to be your husband and supporting me in your own ways, just like my own Khadija to our dear prophet. I wish you nothing but the best.
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
If you ever feel low, just remember that Allah سبحانه و تعالى saw value in you and chose you to be among His believing slaves over many others
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
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وَوَجَدَكَ ضَالًّا فَهَدَى - أي: وجدك لا تدري ما الكتاب ولا الإيمان، فعلمك ما لم تكن تعلم، ووفقك لأحسن الأعمال والأخلاق.
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
I felt relaxed heading to jb with Wuls, knowing it was going to be a slow day and we could do whatever we wanted as we had all the time we wanted. Really nice to just chill and take a breather from work and the ability to do so.
With that said, I really need work on my fitness and focus on my building my business and myself. Bismillah. GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME.
It also kinda felt easier to talk to Wuls today for some reason. I hope our rs gets better so I can be a better spouse to her and not make her worry every month in all aspects.
I must say, the tender loving care and doing in with Wuls really perks me up and reminds me why I need to WORK.
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
159 days 25th July - 31 December 2023.
One day or day 1 - You decide.
I am so happy, so grateful, blessed and so in love with:
59) Time spent in Jaybee ytd, our time and Wuls was really sweet. Holding my arm, feeding me and TLC. huhuhu
58) Our bandung trip with family and all the activities we did together. Alll was good except for the lao sai
57) GFE from wifey and affectionate love and how our r/s has grown for the past 4 years.
56) learning how to spend time alone and will pick up a hobby again!
55) Gym with shad moving forward
54) Recent b2b closings in April back in the game and need to ramp up!
53) Our 2nd shot. :(((((
52) A reasonable run of ramadhan !
51) Clarity, peace and tranquility of mind and soul today
50) For the sale of rvr to complete smoothly
49) Doing the Eid prayers solo
48) BIRTHDAY MONTH on turning 34 !!!!
47) For having resilience and never give up attitude despite everything
46) For the ups and downs that I face and that the Al-Mighty chose me to go through this trial.Alhamdulilah Ala kuli Hal
45) Slowly going back into the routine of 2x of workouts and sustaining over 6 months
44) To have good sleep and going subur at masjid once a weekly for now
43) Planning & execution of having a sustainable work routine for 2023 innshaaAllah yet having time for family.
42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abundance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings and duas for us.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Focus to run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll constantly prospect and enjoy my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC and tough love haha.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go !!!
0 notes
freedom-fighter · 1 year
Bismillah. Deen over Dunya.
[4:57 pm, 08/05/2023] Wuls Baby Syg Wifey ❣️😍✨🌈: i learned an ultimate life lesson from ustad just now that involving in interest for wealth accumulation is the result of impatient in human in enjoying the process of life, because if it meant for us Allah for sure will give it to us, similarly if it doesnt meant for us then it wont happen despite of anything we do. now if we meant to have multiple properties in singapore, we will. so long we are patient and keep optimistic, doing in right way and it will happen. [5:00 pm, 08/05/2023] Wuls Baby Syg Wifey ❣️😍✨🌈: when human do it incorrectly - they took extra action, taking riba, etc. hence it happens faster
now if we want to achieve our dream faster in correct way - we also should do extra action in correct way
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
day 14
I am so happy, so grateful, blessed and so in love with:
57) GFE from wifey and affectionate love and how our r/s has grown for the past 4 years.
56) learning how to spend time alone and will pick up a hobby again!
55) Gym with shad moving forward
54) Recent b2b closings in April back in the game and need to ramp up!
53) Our 2nd shot. :(((((
52) A reasonable run of ramadhan !
51) Clarity, peace and tranquility of mind and soul today
50) For the sale of rvr to complete smoothly
49) Doing the Eid prayers solo
48) BIRTHDAY MONTH on turning 34 !!!!
47) For having resilience and never give up attitude despite everything
46) For the ups and downs that I face and that the Al-Mighty chose me to go through this trial.
45) Slowly going back into the routine of 3-4x of workouts !
44) To have good sleep and going subur at masjid once a weekly for now
43) Planning & execution of having a sustainable work routine for 2023 innshaaAllah yet having time for family.
42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abudance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Focus to run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go!!!
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
day 0 - First ever solo Eid Mubarak 1444
I am so Happy, so Grateful, blessed and so in Love with: 52) A reasonable run of ramadhan ! 51) Clarity, peace and tranquility of mind and soul today
50) For the sale of rvr to complete smoothly 49) Doing the Eid prayers solo
48) BIRTHDAY MONTH on turning 34 !!!!
47) For having resilience and never give up attitude despite everything
46) For the ups and downs that I face and that the Al-Mighty chose me to go through this trial.
45) Slowly going back into the routine of 3-4x of workouts !
44) To have good sleep and going subur at masjid once a weekly for now
43) Planning & execution of having a sustainable work routine for 2023 innshaaAllah yet having time for family.
42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abudance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go!!!
8 notes
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
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#ThePeoplesChamp 2022 was great. Let's make 2033 better ‼️😁💙✨🔥 My heart is full and grateful to our family/friends and clients whom made it possible. #IrfaanThianproperty #IrfaanThian #PNG #Salihindididivision #sghdb #singaporepropertyagent #singaporeproperty #propertysingapore #sgproperty #propertysingapore #houseforsale #homeforsale #hdb #condo #sgcondo #property #singapore #sgpropertyagent #sgproperty #sellbuyrent #realestate #realtor #sgrealestate #sgproperty #property #singapore #justsold #justsoldit #soldrealestate #sellinghomes #realestatesg #sghome #hdbupgrading #realestate #realtor #realestateagent (at Star Vista Mall @ Bouna Vista) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2Jg5VLO0K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
day 115 - 1st march 2023
I am so Happy, so Grateful, blessed and so in Love with:
48) BIRTHDAY MONTH on turning 34 !!!!
47) For having resilience and never give up attitude despite everything
46) For the ups and downs that I face and that the Al-Mighty chose me to go through this trial.
45) Slowly going back into the routine of 3-4x of workouts !
44) To have good sleep and going subur at masjid once a weekly for now
43) Planning & execution of having a sustainable work routine for 2023 innshaaAllah yet having time for family.
42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abudance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go!!!
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
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#ThePeoplesChamp Recently, @amrinamin shared in his socials. We went to say hello and the generous uncle fed us full with loads of free makan‼️🥵😍🤩 #Supportlocal (at Blk 20 Toa Payoh Lor 7 咖啡店) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coq5OpcBHwu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
day 69 - 18th Jan 2023
I am so Happy, so Grateful and so in Love with: 45) Slowly going back into the routine of 3-4x of workouts ! 44) To have good sleep and going subur at masjid once a weekly for now 43) Planning & execution of having a sustainable work routine for 2023 innshaaAllah yet having time for family. 42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abudance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go!!!
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
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