freelanceroh · 10 years
My roommate from the Officers Academy was killed in action a few days ago and I've been granted three days of shore leave to go to her service. I'll be back on Monday. If anything happens with Wash, let me know as soon as you can.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
ooc: i'm gonna write this fic if it kills me
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freelanceroh · 10 years
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whosthemonsternow replied to your post:how would she even know whats going on did oklahoma tell her?
//Excuse me anon, pls go fuck yourself. Jfc, no fun allowed, anon says no. If they get too bad hon, turn off anon? We had to do a group-wide thing of turning it off a couple months back cause they got horrible//
ooc: i got another one last night that wasn't bad, i'm just wondering why i've gotten two in such a short span of time? idk. if it does get bad i'll turn anon off.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
how would she even know whats going on did oklahoma tell her?
It's not like this situation is being kept quiet, first of all. I don't know exact details but I know enough, plus the atmosphere on the ship is pretty telling. Second, Oak told me what he does for the Freelancers, what his job is, and I assumed he was involved somehow.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
why wouldn't the top team in the project be the best to save captured soldiers?
Mostly because in my experience, when you’re attached to someone, any mission that involves them gets messy.
I don’t doubt the others’ skills, just their ability to stay objective.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
ooc: so since tomorrow is going to be all day packing and getting ready for rtx on friday, i think i'm gonna put amber on a super short hiatus for a few days. i'll get to any replies i get tonight but i won't be posting much of anything new until monday!!
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freelanceroh · 10 years
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moiconnecticut answered your question:ooc: also can someone give me a rundown of what...
Innies lured Wash out with a Recovery Beacon and captured him (who else were u wondering about?)
ooc. i thought i saw something about wash and like, arizona and nevada getting captured along w/ wash ?? idk it was a thread of yours, maybe i misread it.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
ooc: also can someone give me a rundown of what happened to wash and co. earlier??
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freelanceroh · 10 years
Amber let out an awkward laugh. "That was quite an introduction, again I'm sorry, it was my fault. Let me introduce myself properly, I'm Amber, Agent Ohio. I'm new around here and I didn't see you earlier, so I'm going to assume you're either new as well." She glanced around, noticing the direction the other girl had been going.
"Are you going to the training room? I could show you the way, if you'd like. It can get pretty confusing once you get down in those hallways."
Jersey was also rather distracted as she walked, half planning out choreography to the catchy song playing in her ear and half concentrating on remembering the right path to the training floor. Crashing into Amber and falling over came as a surprise. She paused her music with a practiced hand before reaching up to take the offered one.
"Yes, I’m okay. My apologies, I should have been watching where I was going." The agent nodded her head briefly in confirmation, releasing Amber’s hand once on her feet.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
The thunk of the knife hitting its target made Amber jump slightly.
"I think I understand what you're saying, but it sounds like this is something that you learn practically, not theoretically. Stand back, I can't guarantee that when I throw this, it won't bounce off and come back towards us." She reached down to sift through the pile for another knife like the one Del used, picking it up by the handle and being careful not to brush any others with her fingertips. She gripped the knife tightly, testing the balance.
It's just a knife. It's just a knife. She repeated to herself as she brought her arm back and flung the knife forwards. On the bright side, she managed to hit something, and the knife hadn't spun too much and bounced off. On the dark side, she had missed the target, thrown with just a little too much strength and now the knife was stuck firmly in the drywall between the target's head and shoulder.
"How you hold it actually depends on the number of spins you need to hit the target. If it’s a half-spin, hold it by the blade. If it’s a full spin, hold it by the handle. This target is about one and a half spins away from me, right? So I’m holding it by the blade." Del holds up the blade so Amber can see. "Got it?" She throws the blade, still looking at Amber. It hits the target in the forehead.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
Amber hadn't been paying attention as she walked through the corridors, still preoccupied by the message she'd received from her brother the night before. She didn't see the person in front of her until it was too late, walking right into her and knocking the other girl into the floor.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry, I wasn't even thinking about where I was going. Are you okay?" She reached out a hand to help her up.
New Jersey couldn’t help but notice how similar to high school life on the Mother of Invention was. Everyone had their own groups of friends and she was the newbie doing things on her own. The lack of homework she always had to make up was a nice change. It wasn’t that she disliked being on the outside of groups; it was pleasantly quiet and around competition season it was actually helpful. The agent guessed she should try to talk to some of the Freelancers, being part of the Project seemed like a pretty permanent situation.
Shrugging, she decided to make her way down to the training room. Maybe it would be pretty quiet and she could approach one of the agents. Or she could practice and get more accustomed to her new armor if there were too many people. Her skills were still average in most areas. Well, low or below average now that she had joined the Freelancers. Bumping up the volume of her music a few notches, Jersey inserted one earbud - only one, that was her rule for listening to music around people - and started walking.
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freelanceroh · 10 years
ooc: sorry i've been nonexistent the last 24 hours or so, i started on here right as my sleeping schedule reached the highest point of being royally FUCKED so i ended up napping for 5+ hours when i meant to get on and catch up. gonna do my best to reply to people and maybe start something else
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freelanceroh · 10 years
ooc: the way i usually work my ocs is just a few details at a time so i'm probably going to end up doing headcanon posts now and then for her
amber's tall, like 5'9", 5'10" tall, a trait she gets from her 6'4" dad
she dyes her hair a semi-dark shade of red, similar to lindsay jones' and usually if not always wears it in a tight bun on the back of her head. undone, it comes down between her bra and the top of her pants
she doesn't have even her ears pierced, wears only a simple silver necklace with a bright green stone (possibly an emerald) set among other small red stones (possibly rubies but most likely amethysts) which was given to her by her mother before she left, keeps her nails short and plain and does minimal makeup
she has burn scars on the palms of her hands (backstory for that soon) and a splotchy birthmark on her left shoulder. she also has a tattoo similar to this design across the back of her neck (backstory soon for it as well)
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freelanceroh · 10 years
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agentwash replied to your post:ooc: getting ideas that only work when a level 4...
aggressively befriends these two losers together
ooc: BBBBB)))))))
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freelanceroh · 10 years
ooc: getting ideas that only work when a level 4 friendship has been achieved suCKS
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freelanceroh · 10 years
"Combat sim it is, then." Amber tapped a few more keys and the floor lit up, holographic targets coming to life around the center of the room. "I was down here for some target practice myself. I didn't quite feel like making an idiot of myself in front of some of the best shooters in the UNSC. Turns out I'm not bad with a sniper rifle, who knew?" She shrugged her shoulders.
She stood back and leaned against the wall to get a good look at the technology around her. "Anyways I guess I'll let you get back to your practice. Wouldn't want to impede any of your skills by giving you an audience."
Maryland chuckled. “What gave it away? No, I certainly do not. Signs can only do so much for a poor sucker like myself, I’m afraid.” 
He gazed up at the hologram in wonder, noting that this must be the first time he’s ever seen such high tech training equipment. This place was fancy. He cleared his throat, turning to Amber. “I haven’t been in a close quarters combat situation in a while, I suppose I should make sure I”m not getting rusty. That was my forte, I can always work on my shooting accuracy later.”
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freelanceroh · 10 years
Yep, I've got four brothers, two older and two younger. I practically raised the younger two, after my older brothers enlisted and my parents had to take on more work to put them through their training. I haven't seen them in over four years though...
You seem like you've got a good enough rapport around here, I'm sure people like you.
[oh no her eyes, i hope they come back from the war one day] you have family? really? that’s neat, i’ve always wanted a family. not your family i mean. just y’know. people. that i like and kind of like me.
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