This is cute. I love how Jenna feels she has to show him that the card says “I love you”...and not her. LOL She’s adorable and they seem good together.
New video of Jenna Coleman and Aiden Turner playing “Articulate” to promote the Lemons play!
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Today is November 23rd and I’d like to wish a very “Happy Birthday” to all of the Clara’s.
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OH MY GOSH! I had forgotten just how much I have missed Peter Capaldi. After watching the first episode of this very creepy mini-series I remembered how great an actor Peter Capaldi is (and what a great voice he has). Though he does only voice-overs throughout the episode and then one brief scene at the end, it was enough to make me want to watch more. Chilling.
And, as good as Jessica Raine is in the lead role, I can only wish that Jenna Coleman had somehow been cast as Lucy. It seems to have been a perfect role for her and we could have seen a reunion of the greatest Time Lord and his companion. It would have been a kind of demonic Doctor Who episode. Hahaha.
Oh, well. I guess I’ll just enjoy the remaining episodes and not think too much about what might have been.
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Thanks for posting this video. I’m always pleasantly surprised to see how animated Jenna gets when she’s asked questions about her time with Peter Capaldi. Her story of Peter & Steven Moffet trying to get her to stay on as Clara for another series was a hoot. I had heard and seen Peter’s version of what happened, but to hear Jenna tell it from her point of view was terrific. Who knew Steven fell asleep during such an important sales pitch. Hahaha.  I just wish the video didn’t cut off at the end.
A video of Jenna Coleman's "From Clara to Constantine" panel at Fan Expo Dallas yesterday
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That’s a lot of Java, Jenna - I have been told by @anotheruserwithnoname​ that people who love their coffee have two opportunities to celebrate this week. Today is National Coffee Day in the U.S. and then Saturday is International Coffee Day. Judging from the number of pics I have of Jenna Coleman with her ever-present coffee cup, she is probably pretty stoked by the news. So here are a few nice pics of Jenna feeding her caffeine habit.
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I think Twelve was giving both coffee cups to Clara in that middle pic. Hahaha
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Apparently, today (Sept. 29) is National Coffee Day. This Saturday, Oct. 1, is apparently International Coffee Day.
Oh well, as the Impossible Girl once said:
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Happy anniversary, Oswin and Jenna!
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The moment many of us fell in love. It’s hard to believe how successful Steven Moffat and his cast and crew were in keeping Jenna’s appearance in Asylum of the Daleks secret a decade ago. She filmed her role around March, so they went through the entire spring and summer without so much as a peep. As far as we knew, Jenna Coleman was going to debut as the new companion in the 2012 Christmas special. That was it.
The 7th season was being promoted as the anniversary season, so we knew there would be callbacks to past villains and the like - and the fact the season was going to open with the Daleks was well known. Imagine the surprise many of us felt. Not only that, but Jenna immediately made Oswin likeable, funny, sexy (her choice of word, remember), flirty. She even managed to outshine Amy and Rory a bit.
Her death at the end of the episode was tragic, and probably would have generated huge blowback if not for … the Impossible Girl.
The only major complaint I have ever had about Jenna’s unique time on Doctor Who is that they never really allowed her to play Clara the way she played Oswin. She was allowed to channel some of this personality into Clara Oswin Oswald in the Snowman, and maybe a couple times during Crimson Horror (which I think was filmed around the same time as Snowman?), but the Clara who went on to become soulmate to both the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors was never the type to tell someone “pop your shirt off … does there have to be a reason?” Well, at least not on screen.
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Happy 10th Anniversary to “The Impossible Girl” - Ten years ago today (9/1/2012) Jenna-Louise Coleman stole our hearts as Oswin Oswald in Asylum of the Daleks.
She is still greatly missed. Doctor Who just hasn’t been the same since she left.
Edit: I made this post with these pictures 5 years ago today and have discovered that Jenna is STILL the one and only Impossible Girl. It’s impossible that she doesn’t seem to have aged at all. LOL
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Everyone go and vote for Clara Oswald!
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Congratulations to Jenna Colman being a part of the cast of the #1 trending show in America.
It’s also nice to see that the clip used to promote the series is Jenna as Constantine performing an exorcism! Way to go, Jenna!
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Yet another Jenna interview, this time for ET Canada! She describes her character in a bit of detail here.
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Great episode and a great actor. But I will always remember him best as “Jack the Ripper” from Time after Time with Malcolm McDowell & Mary Steenbergen. A great movie! RIP, Mr. Warner.
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David Warner, an iconic actor who played so many great villains from Tron to Titanic, but also had quite a connection with Doctor Who (including playing the Doctor himself for Big Finish) passed away over the weekend. One of my favourite appearances of his was as Ultravox-loving Prof. Grisenko in the Series 7 Doctor Who episode Cold War. Here are some of his best bits from the episode, including a very cute moment with Clara. Basically, Warner is playing a riff on what the Doctor might have been like if he’d played him on TV, and the chemistry between Warner and Jenna shows that her later warmth with John Hurt and (of course) Peter Capaldi wasn’t really a fluke…
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GREAT cover !!!
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Throwback Thursday to October 2016 (2016!!!!!) when Jenna appeared on the cover of Glamour UK, which still ranks as one of her most iconic covers ever. I’m posting this because, while I love seeing new photoshoots by Jenna, I’m disappointed they have so frequently been for publications that are, shall we say, limited in availability outside the UK, or sometimes just in general. Sure, if you want to pay through the nose, you can order her latest Amazing Magazine online or hope that you find a magazine shop willing to stock it (at a time when they’re an endangered species along with comic shops). My efforts to obtain her appearances in Rollacoaster, The Laterals and Great British Brands (to name 3 at random) here in Canada were unsuccessful, and of course even though it’s possible to find TV listings magazines for sale in Calgary imported from Eastern Europe (yes, really), Radio Times is impossible to get.
Of course, in all these cases, I eventually got the images online. Some of the Rollacoaster images were uploaded in such high resolution you can almost see the pores on her skin. FOMO is not a thing, thanks to the resources and scanners of my fellow Jenna fans! But it’s not the same as physical copies and they’re always just one hard drive crash from oblivion. I speak from experience, having had a Mac die in early 2021, taking with it my scans of the Glamour magazine article.
But I remember buying this issue of Glamour UK at a Wal-Mart in Calgary. Two copies in fact. And so I don’t have to go hunting to replace the lost images…
Aside from personal convenience, when thinking of her obscure magazine appearances, I’m also reminded of a recent discussion I read about how Jenna, nothwithstanding niche fandoms like Doctor Who, remains lesser known outside the UK than, say, Karen Gillan. Karen of course hitched her wagon to the MCU train while Jenna has chosen smaller-profile projects like Victoria and The Cry and most recently Wilderness (which is why her Sandman role was so unexpected - such a high-profile genre show feels almost out of character for her these days). One has to wonder what impact a cover story in People magazine or a US Vogue or Cosmo cover might have for her visibility over here. Although a UK production, The Sandman is the biggest international project Jenna has done since Doctor Who (even out-scoping Victoria), and could be her biggest success if it captures the Game of Thrones-style audience or becomes a cult favourite like, say, American Horror Story (and assuming she didn’t just film a glorified cameo for it). Maybe we will start seeing her over here in magazines that don’t require jumping through hoops to get, or settling for other people’s scans?
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Even nicer.
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She will also have an interview with the magazine, for promoting The Sandman, which we might be able to see in the coming days or weeks.
She looks so beautiful!
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Jenna Coleman wearing a Moschino dress in the shape of a door, for Amazing Magazine. This is presumably a photoshoot that will be shown as part of an interview relating to the release of The Sandman.
So expect to see more pictures of Jenna Coleman dressed as a door in the coming days/weeks!
Jenna was styled by Toni Blaze, and photographed by Guy Lowndes.
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P.S. I am re-blogging an old post of mine to tie in with the good news from @anotheruserwithnoname that there are novelizations of several Twelfth Doctor and Clara stories available for purchase that delve deeper into their backstories. Having read Peter’s DW Companion series I knew that Jamie Mathieson was forced to cut out lots of material from his FLATLINE script (due to TV time constraints, etc.) so to have them reinserted by him in book form would be terrific I eagerly await news of even more nuggets to be uncovered.
Here is the link to what books are available: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/anotheruserwithnoname/687584689446354945?source=share
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Breathing life into ‘FLATLINE’ -  Like using a defibrillator on a flatlining patient, the creators of “Doctor Who Companion: The Twelfth Doctor” have revived the series 8 episode Flatline. In volume #3 of the magazine dedicated to Peter Capaldi’s first season as the Time Lord, DWC provides some insight and deleted dialogue that may be of interest to many whouffaldi fans. Let’s take a look:
1) Clara’s hats - In the second draft of Flatline, after the opening credits, a bored Doctor watches Clara try on hats in the TARDIS wardrobe. It seems an Octopod had caused Clara to drop hers into a black hole and she blamed the Doctor for the loss of her favorite hat.
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In order to pacify his Impossible Girl, the Doctor sets the TARDIS coordinates to get Clara some replacement headgear. As the TARDIS reaches it’s destination we see an earlier Clara - Clara 2 - struggling with the Octopod and losing her trilby. But, this time, the Doctor swoops in and catches her hat and returns it to its owner. Ah!
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2) “That’s my girl” - Knowing that the gruffy, old Twelfth Doctor still considers Clara to be “his” girl is cute given that Danny Pink was still very much in the picture at the time.
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3) The missed kiss - The fact that Clara kissed the “siege-mode” TARDIS before implementing her plan is adorable. The final version showed Clara patting the top of the box but this version would have been so much better.
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4) Another hug - It seems that we missed out on another hug. Maybe Peter really is as reluctant as Twelve when it comes to hugging. Who knows?
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5) “An owl fighting with a whippet”- Other highlights from the magazine include the multiple versions of Danny Pink’s phone call to Clara and how mundane they sound compared to Clara’s adventure with the Doctor. In early versions, Danny is seen in a kitchen making chilli and calling Clara to ask if they have any kidney beans. In another, he is sitting in the park watching the old people and the ducks and the overflowing trash bins. All the while Clara is fighting for her life in a bubble chair with Rigsy. In still another draft, Danny asks Clara outright, “So you’re not late for any other reason. Like, say, someone of our mutual acquaintance who looks a bit like an owl fighting with a whippet?”. To which Clara continued to lie to both Danny and the Doctor.
All in all, it was nice to see what was kept in and what was left out and all the changes a script like FLATLINE goes through before the final version airs. Thanks to DW Magazine for taking us behind the scenes…
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Wow. I would love to read novelizations of those teleplays (especially Mummy & Raven). Plus, I’m sure the pictures would be terrific.
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I only just discovered the existence of these and other Twelfth Doctor novelizations that came out in 2018. They are apparently photo-filled novelizations based on the episodes, intended to help people learn to read English.
According to the TARDIS Data Core wiki, at least 6 of these books were published based on Twelve-Clara episodes:
* Robot of Sherwood
* Mummy on the Orient Express
* Flatline
* The Girl Who Died
* The Woman Who Lived
* Face the Raven
I don’t know if they’re still in print but at least one (Mummy) is still available, albeit expensive, through Amazon and they also appear to be still available through UK-based Book Depository for about $10 less.
Audio CD versions of the books are also available.
Now, I’m not expecting any of these to massively flesh out the stories or give us added Whouffaldi content (they’re only 64 pages long), but in lieu of any of these episodes getting the full Target Books treatment (to date only Twice Upon a Time from Twelve’s era has been properly novelized), plus having photos, they may be worth checking out, if only for that great photo of Jenna on the cover of Flatline.
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