freezingcutie · 28 days
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"At least from what I've seen of him. Or he's just really good at hiding any struggles."
"Ah wait, just because I'm not treat-motivated doesn't mean I don't like them at alllll." The quickness in which she said so was not helping her beat these allegations.
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"You really think so?" She hadn't thought much about it beyond him being her older brother and knowing he worked hard. Then again, she'd been hearing a lot of admiration for both of them since they left Veloria. "Anyway, if you're not that treat-motivated, I guess I don't have to bring you for boba, then."
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freezingcutie · 28 days
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"Heeeeyyyyy. I can't be so easily swayed!" A lie. She absolutely could. "No offense, but your brother isn't normal. Total outlier and should not be looked to as an example. He could make anything look easy."
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"I'm probably not as treat-motivated as you, but I'll keep that in mind for when I need you to do something for me in the future." She was mostly joking. Mostly. "I watched Tempera practice with his sword all the time growing up but he always made it look easy."
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freezingcutie · 28 days
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"It was a little tiring at first, but I just visualize myself looking so cool showing off my new moves that it motivates me to keep going." It probably helped that she was already used to training with her bow. "Just think about how you wanna be ready for the wardance. Or promise yourself a little treat for finishing a certain number of stances."
@freezingcutie gets Cadenza
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"I don't know how you've been doing this every day, March. Swordplay is exhausting." Cady had only ever trained in magic, so the martial arts were a little lost on her.
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freezingcutie · 2 months
"Well I've been learning a lot in a very small time, but I think I'm doing pretty darn good if I do say so myself." She was not above boasting about her progress.
"Both my masters seem to think I'll perform well in the Wardance, but I won't stop training yet. Gonna go go go all the way until the day of!"
”I would think my disposition would have nothing to do with fighting, Miss March. But that also won’t change my lack of desire to participate.” A smile and a shrug. “How has your training been going, then?”
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freezingcutie · 2 months
"A little sad you aren't joining, but at least now I don't have to worry about fighting you too." A pause before adding. "Not that I would be scared to fight you or anything. You're just so nice it feels kinda wrong to swing a weapon at you."
“Excellent. Dual wielding swords takes quite a bit of talent,” he said with a nod. “I’ll be looking forward to seeing you participate in the tournament. I myself don’t actually plan to, so I’ll be in the stands for the most part.”
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freezingcutie · 2 months
"Awesome! Because that's exactly what I'm training for so you'll get to see my super cool new moves in action." March did not want to admit that she didn't actually know how to meditate. "You're not interrupting much. I've probably been sitting here long enough any way."
She hopped up, pulling out one of her blades to show him. "Check it out! And-" With her other hand, she revealed the other sword. "I've got twooooo. Double the danger to all enemies now!"
”Yes, Cadenza and I both decided to visit when word of the Wardance reached us,” he said. “So we’ll be around for a while. Your friends told me you had decided to take up the sword so I thought I’d come and see. Don’t let me interrupt your meditation, though. I understand how important it is.”
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freezingcutie · 2 months
Sitting crisscross, palms on her knees, eyes closed, March wasn't sure how to actually meditate so she was just humming a random tune. This was about as much as she was able to gather from immersias. At the sound of her name however, she paused and opened one of her eyes.
"Oh hey Tempera! I didn't know you decided to come here too! Gonna stick around to watch the Wardance or just stopping by?"
While Tempera and Cadenza hadn't gone to the Luofu with the Astral Express, Tempera was aware that they were there. Since there was so much time until the Wardance, he'd been just taking in the sights and relaxing on the Luofu. He'd been here before, but Cadenza hadn't, so it was almost like seeing things through fresh eyes again.
By the time he ran into March, they'd already been there a few days. He'd heard through the grapevine what she was up to, and he'd become curious. When he approached, she seemed to be taking a break.
"Having fun, Miss March?" he asked with a smile as he approached.
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freezingcutie · 3 months
i won’t say anything weird anymore i prommy (different way of saying promise)
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freezingcutie · 3 months
[txt] My beautiful plans dashed once again T_T
[txt] I just figured I could learn some things from them since we keep finding so many horror scenarios for realsies
(text) Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's knowing when you need to do something despite being afraid. (text) In other words, we don't need you being 'fearless.' Fearless is pretty much the equivalent of stupid in our line of work.
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freezingcutie · 3 months
[txt] woah I didn't even notice what time it was :0 [txt] This movie was way longer than I thought it was, i started it at like 8. Guess I can finish it tomorrow.
[txt] You gotta watch horror at night for the right vibes [txt] before you know it, you won't even hear a peep from me because I will be conditioned to all the scares
[txt] then I'll be fearless no matter what we run into out there
(text) Just keep it down (text) And stop jumpscaring yourself at 11:30 at night. (text) At least when I hear Tomiko's stuff at night it's just magical girls or something.
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freezingcutie · 3 months
[txt] Sooorrrryyyyy
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[txt] How can I make it up to you? [txt] I could sing you a lullaby [txt] or go get you a nice sleepytime tea?
(text) And then I'll still be hearing you screaming the next time you watch a horror movie
(text) I was actually getting to sleep for once
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freezingcutie · 3 months
[txt] 👉👈
[txt] This one doesn't have any ghosts or monsters [txt] ....just an axe murderer
[txt] V_V i'll just go visit someone else's room instead so u won't be able to complain
A sigh.
(text) March, if I have to endure one more night of you coming to sleep in the Archives because you think your room is haunted or has a monster under your bed, I'm getting Pom Pom to ban horror movies from the train.
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freezingcutie · 3 months
[txt] whoopsies [txt] I had to turn it up higher to hear from under the pillows
[txt] New horror movie someone recommended, Camp Scream on Murder Lake
[txt] Really living up to the name
(text) What in the world are you watching
(text) I can hear screaming through the walls
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freezingcutie · 3 months
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freezingcutie · 3 months
"You know considering my life, I guess that would make sense. I'm still not giving up though. I have to at least beat someone's score." Because currently hers was at the very bottom.
"Oooo yes link pretty please~" She grinned, clasping her hands together. "That way I can start downloading one to listen to later. Wifi is pretty sweet here right now."
”I do indeed! If you’d like, I can make it simpler by sending you a link.” He did have the contact information for the entire Express crew, though Stelle was the only one he’d been keeping up a conversation with.
He glanced at the arcade machines again. “A possibility, I suppose, though I feel in this case the IPC cares little about who wins as long as they have testers. It could be you are simply very unlucky, Miss March.”
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freezingcutie · 3 months
"Woah no way a podcast!? Oh I have to find that like immediately." He had such a pleasant voice it would be nice to have playing in the background when she was crafting or editing photos.
"Playing anything against mr. gambling man would probably be pointless. Could be these machines are rigged too somehow. The winner being decided by some overseer."
”Despite my general aesthetic, I’m actually quite versed in technology! For instance, I have my own podcast.” Where he mostly spent the time talking to people and complimenting them. A simple premise, but it really seemed to be a hit.
“Indeed it is. Games that are mostly about luck of the draw often are. There are those who have an unfathomable amount of luck who always seem to win. If, for instance, the blond IPC executive were here, I have my doubts any of us would be winning.”
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freezingcutie · 3 months
"So even a knight of beauty plays phone games." She supposed his whole aesthetic just made it hard to picture him using technology at all. "It's nice to have you here even if it's just a little while. For once, no immediate or looming emergencies either."
"That birdie game can be pretty tough. Everyone keeps getting so many more points than me, I don't know how they're getting all those matches!" Over and over she had to watch Stelle pummel her little bird when they played.
”Indeed I am! I was assisting Boothill with an investigation and so opted to request the hotel extend my room by a few days. However, it ended quite sooner than we expected, so I find myself with some free time before I must continue on my journey.”
He turned to one of the arcade machines. “To be truthful, ‘gaming’ has never been something I experienced in great quantities. But I am not entirely without knowledge. This is quite similar to one I have on my phone and occasionally play to wile away the long hours of space travel.”
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