frenreyhlvrai · 8 hours
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treat while I steadily work on getting chapter 6 out, I’m really sorry for this taking so long, very very busy week I’ve had.
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frenreyhlvrai · 14 hours
i love finding poetry in the mundane, and yesterday i stumbled upon something that just hits that spot
So, my partner has an old phone- It served them for many years now, but it has one issue: Charging it is hard. Their current charger is hanging on by a thread (literally), and can barely do its job. The phone and the charger came together: They've never used another charger for said phone.
Now, they've tried to replace the charging cord several times. But it doesn't matter how much they've searched what damned specific charger the phone uses, none of them work. They finally decided to bring it to a phone shop and ask what should they use.
The guy at the shop looked at the phone for a bit, and explained: "The port itself is broken. The charger you have works with this phone because they've mutually broken each other into the same shape, in a way that no other charger is shaped. The port itself has corroded in a way that only accepts the charger that shaped it like that in the first place."
And while this is of course a frustrating situation for my partner, I feel like there's a metaphor here. I could write a goddamn story about this. These two half-broken old things have been together for so long they've destroyed each other in a way that keeps them from working with anything else. They've hurt each other in a way that barely keeps them functioning together, and have been rendered useless with literally anything else.
This too is toxic yuri to me-
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frenreyhlvrai · 19 hours
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frenreyhlvrai · 19 hours
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frenreyhlvrai · 19 hours
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THE HOWLING HOWFF is here! Are you confused about turning inside out once a month? well have no fear! The Howling Howff, run by werewolves, for werewolves, has released a 52 page support book aimed at helping the new werewolf (you) navigate the ups and downs If you'd like to see this werewolf project funded then please share with your fellow werewolves! KICKSTARTER
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frenreyhlvrai · 19 hours
One of my favorite things with TMA fanart is when people draw Elias with eye paraphernalia or motifs because it makes pre entity discovery tma so much funnier
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frenreyhlvrai · 19 hours
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For my partner Bram
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frenreyhlvrai · 24 hours
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Jonathan Sims is like a shit wizard with googly eyes stuck to his head claiming he’s the prophet
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frenreyhlvrai · 24 hours
a little late but happy pride month. i gave you queerness. use it well
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frenreyhlvrai · 24 hours
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day 163
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frenreyhlvrai · 24 hours
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reminder to stand with palestine and do everything you can!!
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frenreyhlvrai · 24 hours
Jonathan Sims?!? More like [Sounds of choking on a mouthful of dirt] [Sounds of squelching bugs] [Whatever the fuck a black hole sounds like] [Sounds of a cracking fire] [Sounds of fucking dying] [Sounds of a camera zooming in] [More squelching sounds, this time meat] [Sounds of an animal howl] [Sounds of being a lonely loser] [Sounds of violent pipe murder] [Sounds of what if feels like to try and remember the difference between the 5 different characters named Michael] [Sounds of getting fucking GOT by a bunch of clowns] [Sounds of BigTM] [Almost forgot spiders]
The podcast ever
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frenreyhlvrai · 24 hours
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THE HOWLING HOWFF is here! Are you confused about turning inside out once a month? well have no fear! The Howling Howff, run by werewolves, for werewolves, has released a 52 page support book aimed at helping the new werewolf (you) navigate the ups and downs If you'd like to see this werewolf project funded then please share with your fellow werewolves! KICKSTARTER
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frenreyhlvrai · 3 days
Thanks human...
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frenreyhlvrai · 3 days
Was wishing there was a positivity post for original fiction writers since I see so many about how fanfic writers are doing so much for their communities even when they're not actively writing, and then I thought:
Be the change you want to see in the world.
So this is a positivity post for the writers out here who are working very hard on stories with no established community. Who can't talk about their blorbos and plot lines and brainstorming to anyone and expect them to know what any of it means. Who don't have much to share publicly, but are hoping they will one day.
You're doing a lot of hard work, and I recognize and appreciate what you're putting into the world, even when you're resting.
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frenreyhlvrai · 3 days
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double post (i’m feeling nice)
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frenreyhlvrai · 3 days
collect my passports
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