freonsen01 · 1 month
Microsoft Copilot Upgrade: AI Chatbot to Auto-Complete and Rewrite Your Commands
Struggling to craft the perfect prompt? Microsoft's AI assistant is getting smarter, saving you the hassle.
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Microsoft's Copilot chatbot is poised to transform workplace efficiency with a suite of new AI-powered features. Soon, crafting the perfect prompt will be effortless thanks to the new auto-complete and rewrite tools. These upgrades promise to empower users who grapple with prompt writing, helping them achieve their desired results with speed and precision.
The announcement follows Microsoft's recent study, conducted with LinkedIn, highlighting the transformative impact of AI on the workplace. The study spotlights AI's role in job creation, as well as its influence on upskilling and career transitions. Microsoft's blog post specifically targets users facing the "blank page" syndrome when trying to articulate their Copilot prompts.
The new auto-complete feature acts like a helpful assistant, offering suggestions to finish your thoughts. Begin with a word like "summarize," and Copilot will anticipate your needs with options tailored to recent tasks. This eliminates guesswork and accelerates your workflow.
For those who need to refine their results, the rewrite tool streamlines the process. No more tedious revisions – a simple click prompts Copilot to modify your initial description, adding the necessary detail and context to guide the AI's response.
Finally, the new catch-up feature offers a personalized chat interface with insights and recommendations based on your activity. Prepare for important meetings by having Copilot nudge you to review key notes. Think of it as your own AI-powered productivity coach.
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freonsen01 · 1 month
Google Chrome Set to Supercharge Search and Reading with New AI Features
Chrome's Engineering Director hints at powerful AI upgrades for streamlined browsing.
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Google Chrome is poised for a major AI-powered boost, according to recent hints from Engineering Director Adriana Porter Felt. While Google's popular browser already rolled out a suite of AI tools for customization and writing this year, Porter Felt has her sights set on revolutionizing the core web experiences of search and reading.
"We want to harness AI to make everyday browsing tasks – searching, reading, filling out forms – significantly smoother," asserts Porter Felt. Her comments suggest Google Chrome is gearing up for cutting-edge upgrades that promise to make users' lives easier.
Search, in particular, could see an AI overhaul. Google's existing "Search Generative Experience" (SGE) technology lays the groundwork for direct browser integration, potentially leading to more targeted and informative search results. But the possibilities don't stop there. Imagine AI-powered filters that intelligently categorize search results, putting ice cream shops, reviews, and related YouTube videos all a click away.
Equally exciting is the prospect of AI streamlining webpage reading. Tools like Microsoft Copilot and Samsung Galaxy AI already summarize articles, and Chrome could soon offer similar functionality. This would be a boon for users, allowing them to grasp the essence of lengthy web content in a fraction of the time.
Of course, these potential features remain within the realm of informed speculation. Google's development team may have entirely different surprises planned. The tech world eagerly awaits an official announcement to reveal the true extent of Chrome's upcoming AI evolution.
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