Even more thing.
After slamming the door I leaned against it, and I broke down in tears. I sat there with my head in my hands and blubbered. I love Rancis with all my heart and soul and body and everything I have, but Swizzle has been there for me since forever. I had to break up with him but I know I won’t be able to bring myself to do it. The longer it takes, the longer I’m a cheater
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Yay more thing, I don't know where this ship came from.
Swizzle. Swizzle. Swizzle. His name rung in my head. I'm with Swizzle, me and Swizzle are a couple. I. Am. A. Cheater. IM A CHEATER. A CHEATER. CHEATER. I shot up, got dressed and began putting my shoes on, "What the hell, Mint?" Said Rancis, still laying there. "That never happened." I said firmly, "What why I thought that-" "That never happened!" I raised my voice a little, "But it did happen, that was so great I'm not gonna forget it. I wanted us to lay here, and fall asleep together. I love you Minty I-" "I'M NOT A CHEATER, RANCIS." I shouted, my eyes watering. "A cheater? H-how, what?!" "I'm with Swizzle." "Oh.. Oh yeah. So? Just break up with him, we love each other. I know so." "I'm not a cheater." I got my bag, and walked out shutting the door behind me.
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I carried on a thing.
It pleasures me to say that I’ve spent enough time with him to know he is the one, and on that night when all the gamers had gone home, when we sat in his room together talking about today’s races, I fell in love. I fell slowly, questioning his charming personality, but once he took my hand and said something I’d never forget, I hit hard.
Those crystal blue eyes searched around my face, analysing me, as he licked his thin lips. I let myself go into a trance, staring at his freckled face, “I would trade, my popularity, my racing stats or my perfect for you, Minty. You don’t understand how much you mean to me.” His sexy neutral tone sent shivers down my spine. I felt myself welling up with emotion, so I hugged him.
I hugged him with all the love I could possibly give, and he knew that was in queue. Like every book or movie, this is where they kiss you. So he did, our lips collided and he pulled me through a sugary yet passionate wave of love and pure emotion, his lips tasted sweet, like cinnamon. The rush of emotion was flowing through me and all around me and I felt pleasant tingles all over my body. I knew this was right.
My body began to tense up and I gripped his back, passionately and intensely kissing him, emotion flowing out of me with each lip or tongue movement, my hand moved up, through his hair and knocked his PB Cup hat off his head. I could feel him gripping me with the same passion, sparks of true love were sizzling and popping all around us.
I got on to my knees and wrapped my legs around his waste, “You’re okay with this, right?” He whispered, “Hell yeah.” I replied as I began to slide his jacket off his shoulders and lift off his shirt. He gazed at me as I threw his shirt across to room, I leaned in and began to kiss his neck. I could feel him sliding my jacked from my shoulders and I then gave him a hand and lifted my shirt off myself.
We stared at each other, lovingly. Ready to remove each others bottom half, “Ladies first.” I said playfully, tugging at his trousers, I pulled them to his knees and he began to kick them off, then he pulled off his socks. He pulled down my skirt, along with my leggings and leg warmers and threw the bunch across the room.
I moved myself so my head was in the direction of the pillow, and I leaned back and he crawled towards me like a tigers, he ran his hands up my body and undid my bra, flung it across the room, then the rest. We were both there, naked. It was clearly time for us to make love but we just lay on the bed on top of each other. I shuffled up the bed, pulled the covers up, and put myself under them, letting him get on top.
So, that’s what he did, he got on top and once he put on a condom, it was in. It felt like I was on top of the world, like the universe and everything that ever existed evaporated into nothingness and it was just me and him. Me and Rancis. Thrusting into each other. The immense pleasure ran right through me and I felt as if the passion was running through my veins into my blood stream.
He pressed himself against me as he thrusted, a struggling look on his face. But it didn’t worry me because I knew that it was a good struggle. It was so intense. I began to feel amazing, I gripped his back and leaning forward pressed my chest against his face, swinging my head back and moaning, sweat dripping. Twitching with delight, I repeated his name over and over again and he began to get faster and faster.
It lasted for a solid hour. Once we had finished lay, our head on each pillow looking at each other, glistening with sweat. I reached my hand out, and he rested his hand upon mine. Nothing mattered, not even Swizzle.
Oh wait, I’m still with Swizzle.
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A Thing
We've known each other for a while, his crystal blue eyes always manage to find me whenever we're racing. He either looks at me through the car mirror or he'd just turn around, taking his eye off the road and wasting one of his lives. He knows that I'm with Swizzle, but he never stops flirting. It is in his code, but he just goes too far with me. I've known him since I was a merely a fragment of code, so It's hard for me to feel awkward when he flirts. His blonde curl is so heavily sprayed with hairspray that when he comes close, I begin to cough at the smell. I've always had quite sensitive lungs, if there's a gas problem with my kart and sugar dust gets everywhere, I always end up having an asthma attack. He sits in the nurse's room with me, staring at my red face. He'd drive me home and when he got back to his place, we'd Skype for hours. I don't know whether he's really interesting or whether he's just charming. He's extremely skinny, when he hugs me I can feel his bony arms digging in to my chubby figure. It's quite pleasurable, as is his company. I don't know where to go from here,
Please help me.
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'A Sweet Pair' Chapter 1: Where is he? (Minty's POV)
I held little Swizzmint close to my chest. Her small hand searched for my bosom but I was much too tired to feed her, I searched for her pacifier in the small bag I was holding but I couldn’t find it, so I had to deal with her wailing. I walked around the outside of Swizzle’s house for a while, he promised he’d be here by 7pm, but it was already 8. The sky got browner, I knew there was going to be a chocolate milk storm any minute, but I didn’t have the key to get in Swizzle’s house. I decided to walk home.
Once I reached my peppermint cottage I opened the door and placed Swizzmint in her cot, feeding her a bottle of warm milk and then placing a pacifier in her mouth, letting her sleep. I turned the TV on and sat watching Vanellope make a speech. Then the phone began to ring, I pulled myself off the sofa and went over to answer it, it was Swizzle. ”What?” I said in a flat tone, I waited for a minute for him to answer. ”Sorry I- couldn’t be there I-” He stuttered, a frown grew on my face ”I don’t want your excuses Mr. Malarkey! Your own DAUGHTER was screaming for you, and you weren’t here!” I shouted down the phone, trying not to awaken the baby. ”I don’t need to interrupting me Mrs. Malarkey!” As he said that, it then snapped back to me that I was married to Swizzle, all I wanted was a happy family and I was there starting fights.
”I got mugged by your wretched cousins.” He said angrily, my stomach sunk, ”Torvald and Sticky mugged you?!” I felt like running to him and hugging him over the phone, ”Where are you?!” I shouted. ”Outside my house, I can’t come to your place I twisted my ankle trying to run from them..” Just as he said that I put down the phone quickly and slipped on my boots and coat, grabbing the sleeping baby Swizzmint, almost awakening her. I slammed the door behind me as I ran out of the house and ran all the way over to Swizzle’s, we didn’t have enough money to buy a house together, so we usually swapped nights at each others houses.
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