freshbabygators · 12 years
The Mothership Collective Breakdown Series Revealed (somewhat anyway)!
In the teaching of Supreme Mathematics the number "1" represents the "Knowledge". Knowledge meaning the sustained ability to be up on thangs. And if you are up on thangs you might have come across in your perverted travels a 6"x 9" manila envelope containing a nondescript cd-r handed to you by one of two very descript individuals from the Mothership Collective. This envelope represents a single link in a chain of FUNKTECH Transmissions sent to the people of Earth from the fabled Mothership herself. 
The Mothership
While some Earthlings have yet to realize that our physical existence on this planet is but a mere fraction of our complete composition, others have long been in touch and communicated freely using their astral projection receptors and cosmic signaling capabilities. The ancestors use these methods to communicate to open souls messages of science, mathematics, and culture. These messages are sent via the full spectrum of transmitted vibration. That brings us to the concept of the Mothership, a time traveling vessel used as a sort of satellite to bridge the connection between the phenomenon of past, present, future.
In short, The Mothership is the vessel most frequently used to convey highly concentrated doses of tribal teaching. By utilizing the conductive properties of sonic vibration, the people of Earth are constant contact with the Futuristic Unadulterated Nebular Knowledge (F.U.N.K.).
The Mothership has navigated this journey since before the age of time. It has visited in many forms, from the trial drum beat, through the rhythm of jazz improvisation, to the guitar licks and keyboard wizardry of modern day Funk. Enter the Mothership Collective and the introduction of the FUNKTECH sound. A concoction of all the elements of Funk that have proceeded it along with the new language of recently revealed ideas of thought.
These FUNKTECH transmissions are disseminated weekly from Studio 118, a satellite station of the Mothership herself. With technician Luke Cage behind the controls, and J.Swift on deck for communications the Funk'n Lesseons as they have come to be known provide listeners with a journey through the cosmic realm. 
These transmissions are only available via hand to hand, so make sure your hands are in the right place. With a little bit of luck, and a desire for truth in your soul, you shall be rewarded with your very own copy of the Mothership Collective Breakdown Series. As of time of this entry, Transmission #83 is available on the streets of Los Angeles and beyond.
Big ups to Mothership Sergent at Arms, Big Bricks, and other collaborators such as DJ Yuji, The Koreatown Oddity, Robin Lassiter, Longevity, A$H Hudson, Pedro Balugo, Mear One, Doxxology, ABF, Ravage Beats, Dirt Raid, AC the Program Director, Basicali, Sugar Sara and 1111 Agency, Big Sam and Pure Filth Sound, The Kone, Fat Albert Einstein, B-Bop Dubstep, Sound Orb Squad, Ben Rose, Ashley Dominique, Jah Orah, Goodlife Roots, Live Injection Sound, Bradsco Brown, and the rest of you Funky Ass Motherfuckers out there pumping the sound!
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freshbabygators · 13 years
January 9, 2012 issue #1
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...aka the "Scribbalations of J.Swift". My "OFFICIAL" entry into the realm of Blog Journalism. Finally made available to the digi-public society of life long friends, ex-lovers, current haters, perfect strangers, and generally remarkable people that have come along, and will come along in this life of mine.  And this life of mine, although totally unremarkable... is at the same time totally remarkable. 
It is my duty to share, cause that's what I do.
What do I do?
A question that tempts the minds of my closets associates and chance encounterers alike. I STAY FRESH! I relish in a unique mix of cultures that I have been interested, invested, educated, and delegated to act as embassador of ALL THINGS FRESH!!!
Hailing from the Crossroads of America, by definition I was born to know the way to, thru and around the different parts of the town. Born and raised in Naptown, the Funk and Blues section of America that has brought to the world great influencers like James Witcomb Riley, Madame CJ Walker, Kurt Vonnegut, Oscar Robertson, Wes Montgomery, David Letterman, Freddy Hubbard, and "dat nigguh DayDay" Mike Epps... the long and short of it is... we mixes it up.
So to pick up from there (you know after growing up in a single mother home, in the midst of the never quite achieved Black Middle Class, struggling thru a state wide cultural tug-o-war between Hoosier histories of creating one of Americas longest lasting terrorist organiztions: The Ku Klux Klan, and the idolization of, and religous devotion to all things Basketball) and move to Los Angeles, I was destined to find first hand... the portal to next level DOPENESS!
There is a certain brand of Negro that arises from that mix of influences. One that has a unique insight and point of view in this society.  I am cut from that cloth, and as 'your cousin who needs no introduction' I feel a certain duty to add into the overall conversation.  A perspective with Ghetto Training and University Explaining that is on a quest to provide readers of FRESHBABYGATORS.COM a quick dip thru the hood.. where the style is ahead by miles.. where we vibe on a completely different wavelength.
Stewed and brewed in that good ol' Midwest Funk and Blues (No thanks on the Chitlin's Aunt Nikki, I will continue to pass on that) now in the wind on some ol' Fresh Coast West Coast steeze, trust that FRESHBABYGATORS.COM will keep your interest well satiated.
Ride along on my journey thru the Undercircuit of Cultural Los Angeles. It's a ride that frequently leaves me in wonder and amazement at the insane levels of creativity, influence, and pure DOPE FLAVOR that this world has to offer.
Peace and Respect, J.Swift.
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